my summer will be a snoozif i can be bothered i might enrol into a sewing class and learn how to sew
I never thought u'd be the sewing type.... this must be the side of you we never see. The quite shy girl.. ahahhahahaha
this post confirms that I am a misunderstood girl
in this thread i want everyone to state 5-10 random facts about you
I'll start
1-I DO NOT HATE MEN. I only hate sexist, backwards, arrogant, misogynist, dirty, cavemen type men
2-yes i AM very domesticated and creative. I like to draw and like to keep my room/wardrobe spotless and want to learn how to cook/sew in the near future
3-i'm not ambitious-i'm only studying in higher education cos dad made me. i love kids and just want to spend the rest of my life devoted to my five kids
4-i am VERY VERY shy in real life but just as blunt online/offline.
5-i have a very not-bothered attitude to nearly everything in life
6-i have very little pride-in a fight with loved ones-I am ALWAYS the first to bend and apologise-even if I aint in the wrong
7-most of the religious stuff i do is out of obligation-not want
8-i'm too carefree with money-i spend my monthly pocket monet buying presents for my self n my sisters in the first week and am poor for the rest of the month
9-if anyone upsets close family-i am their enemy for life
i'll add to this later
1. I hate uni, was my own idea to go further with education, hate the course i am doin, hate the uni i attend just stickin it out since this is my last yr at uni inshallah.
2. I am very lazy (can happily sleep for over 12 hrs :oops: )
3. Get easily distracted (exception of number 4)
4. If i am determined to do something then I will do it.
5. Shy but very open with family/friends whom i am very close with.
6. Hate doing public talking (get too nervous)
7. Do uni work last minute ALWAYS even though I have a month to do the assigment!
Random Facts about me:
1. Im not at all shy or quiet in real life (not sure how i come across online... but regardless).
2. Somehow turned from crazy-loose canon doss about into the responisble-organised-son... how that happend i have no idea.
3. When i was younger iIn the family I was voted most likely to run-away and get married... mom even made me promise i wouldnt get married without her they're eating their words.
4. Ive been known to confuse people... even make them temporarily insane.
5. I have selective hearing (i hear what i want to hear... and it usually doesnt make sense e.g. my old manager told me to "get on the matt" as he was activating the alarm... what i thought he said was "get that rat"... so i was like "what rat?.. theres a rat?? where?"... to which my manager replied: "what the hells wrong with you?").
6. Too much sugar makes me hyper... too little sugar makes me reeally mellow.
Back in BLACK
So let me get this straight....if you don't like caveman type men, does this mean you like men who are skinny, hairless and can't provide for thier families?
i think thats an obvious yes. 
Back in BLACK
u were banned because of me last time
if u dont wish to have the same fate
i suggest u dont EVER refer/quote/reply to ANY of my posts
in turn-i too will ignore u
MuslimSis I joined yesterday and I don't know what you're talking about when you say you banned me as I'm new here.
I didn't mean to cause you any offense when I said what I said....Sorry if I have hurt your feelings.