How organised are you? Are you into diaries, planners, to do lists, intentions before you go and do something?
I mean are you the type that always plans ahead? Do you always iron your clothes for work/Uni the night before?
Do you always have essays/articles typed up well before the deadline? Do you spend days/weeks/months studying for exams/interviews?
Are you the type whose mobile /electric toothbrush etc never goes dead because you always charge when the battery is half?
If you had to go somewhere special would you have decided what you’re going to wear days before the occasion?
Do you go as far as planning your life? For e.g you know where you’d be/should be in a year’s time?
I’m a sad perfectionist like that…planning and organising in advance is so important for me….every night before I sleep I usually quickly go over what I need to do the next day….if I have to do a lot, I sometimes write a list.
Do you think that planning is a waste of time? Are you the type that leave’s everything to Allah (swt) and always hopes for the best?
Do you have a focus/intention and sense of direction in most things in life? Or are you the time that just muddles through life and deals with things as they come?
Does planning ahead manifest lack of trust in Allah (swt)?
Any advantages/disadvantages of being OTT organised or spontaneous?
never plan
got a exam 2moro and i dont evn as of yet know the room number or the time it starts
hardly ever i used to leave all my essays to the last minute and then when i used to get them bak i used to think gosh if i spent more time on it i would have got a better grade, i take afta my dad he leaves evrything to the last minute aswell. then i began makin revision timetables and guess what i never stuck to them.
i never used to revise for exams until the day before and then i'll be up early in the morning praying and askin Allah to help me then i would say to my self i better prepare well in advance befor my next exam and the same thing would happen crampin everything the night before.
im the sort of person that deals with things as they come and whatever happens, happens for the best.
I leave everything (coursework, homework, you name it) all at the last minute. I stayed awake all night on the day the coursework is supposed to be handed in and I got my results yesterday....I got a C which is brilliant considering the time I spent. Tip for everyone, don't leave anything at the last minute coz it really stresses you out and you get wierd dreams and loads of spots.....not that I have any :roll:
I can so relate to that Muslim Bro, the worse thing is you never learn your lesson, instead of it being the nite b4 deadline it becomes on the day of the deadline!
Aside from education, other things i plan and others i just go with the flow.
You said that right, I have exams coming up in a few weeks and I haven't started revising yet, pray for me that I pass....actually pray for me that I start revising soon
i'm a last-minute type of person too. :oops: not a good thing, wouldnt recommend it.
Will do. My first exam is on Weds, I have made notes for 2 essays kinda and workin on my third one but i havent actualy revised anythin. I so need to go into uni 2mro so i can be in a very quiet environment!
Lol Aasiyah, agree with you, last min. is very very bad!
Angel read that you're in your final year at uni, good on you girl. I'm doing my last year of A-levels and inshaallah will be going uni next year (this september). I'm only doing it because I'll get a nice wife :roll: (only kidding)....that's what my mate says anyway.
By the way how hard are the assignments in your final year coz I HATE doing courseworks and am ok with exams.
They aint hard it's just you really gota do a lot of reading, my coursework was mainly essays and some reports here and there. I personally prefer work where I do my own research and find out stuff for myself i.e research projects. I only doing my 3rd year to get a degree aint gona bother with honours with means i dont do a dissertation, phew!
Just work hard and don't do last min. studying (coming from someone who has done, it aint good stressing yourself like that!)
Thanks for the info but last minute work is like a bad habit for me, just like smoking is a bad habit. I need a kick or a slap....anyone want to volunteer
It's very easy to go over the top on that - some people take it to such lengths they do nothing at all.
There was this priest who was in a town that was rapidly flooding, everybody in the town was evacuating in boats or any way they could get out, but he just stood in the street and patiently waited. So the water comes up to his knees and a boat comes by and they say "Hey you, priest! Do you need a lift?" and the priest said "no no, I'll be okay God will take care of me," so the boat floats off. A little while later the water is up to his waist and another boat comes by, once more they offer him a lift and he responds "no, really I'm fine, you go ahead, God will take care of me" and so they sail off as well. Finally the water is up to his neck - but he's perfectly calm. A third boat comes and they try to grab him and pull him in the boat - but he resists and tells them "please don't, I will be okay God will take care of me" the occupants look astonished and say "but it's really no trouble and the water is quickly rising" but the priest cannot be reasoned with.
So he drowns.
He goes to heaven and walks straight up to God and say "Hey! Why did you let me drown? I thought you were going to save me!" and God said back to the priest "What are you talking about!? I sent you THREE boats and you didn't take them!"
It's possible to be too fatalistic - or to expect divine intervention where you have to do nothing but simply let things run their course; When God very often gives us opportunities rather than answers.
lol some people really over-do it, Islamically you are supposed to actually try your best and then leave it to Allah (swt).
Lazy buggers who don't even try don't get anywhere in life!
I like that story. I've heard teachers narrate it many times.
It's true that sometimes it seems that people want things to fall from the sky for them.That would be nice though.
I'm very, VERY organised and often plan well in advance for things that are important for me...
You're right, people have this attitude that in lieu of actually working to achieve something, they can just don an air of piety and mana will fall from heaven.
Organization and planning really are the keys to success, I plan obssessively for things but pretend I did not to keep people unsure what to expect from me.
Thing is there are many types of organisation.
I myself follow the style of anarchic organisation. Have a skeletion that you can flesh out when needed.
Some get the flesh of organisation, but leave out the skeleton.
I cannot for the life of me overplan things. I have to take my time plannign things out in my head. and then when I am ready, its time for action, and not planning.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the problem with best laid plans is that they almost always get screwed up bcoz of some unknowable x-factor.
So i rarely think beyond today. Live for the day, plan it as best you can, i know what i need to do... just time to get down to it.
Back in BLACK
You know when teachers always say plan before answering an essay question....does anybody do this?
I don't even know how to plan lol.
I was answering a 30 mark essay question today and it took me 3 hours and I still haven't finished answering it.
I don't plan the way the teachers say, intro, main body conclusion etc.
In an exam before starting essay I normally write down all the theories first or a word that will trigger my memory to rember one aspect of the essay. In an exam you're too stressed to right a plan, some people make mind maps - dunno how they do it (these type of people seem the most calm, lucky for them)
i have an exam 2moro and after i watch a film i'll begin my revision-i'll pull a all nighter
my sister on the other hand plans revision carefully and gives herslelf a good couple of weeks to revise for exams
and yet we've both nearly always experienced academic success
diff stuff works for diff ppl
that is not good. aren't you doing your A-levels? having atleast a very basic plan - couple of bullet points or a spider diagram - helps u be concise in your essay and cut out the waffle. always time yourself when you're writing essays , imagine if you were writing that essay for your actual exam, your time would probably be up before you got to the body of your argument.
And remember to give your self time for hand cramps.
Afterall that is at times the most you will write in one sitting.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yeah it's my last year of A-levels, it's just I have seen the past exam papers and the questions are so specific but the units we have learnt is so massive....I can't seem to fit all the info inside my little head lol.
When I'm writing essays I just write the first thing that comes into my head. I'm like thinking if I'm taking ages to write a 30 mark question what the hell am I going to do when I'm answering a 60 mark question.
By the way *dust* the pic underneath your username reminds me of a girl in my class who I'll never see again as college ends soon.....but I'll save this topic for another time.
Is she a mutant?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Cheeky Cheeky....might be as she's not going to tell me.
[color=blue][b]Walaykum salam!
Good topic..anyway..i personally dont plan ahead as anything can wrong at anytime, i just make the intention and if it happens,happens. Basically i leave everything to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
I have tried many times to write things down in the dairy even though i remember most of it but i end up checking my diary a month later :oops:
With exams i always end up revising the night before or not revising at all..tried revising many times but nothing stays one ear and out the i gave up
Essays/ high school id always made sure everything was done before hand..nowadays life is busier than ever so i suppose i do them on the last minute.
Being organised is good in a way but spending hours on it i think its a waste of it time...most of the things that i need to organise are done in my head whilst doing something else throughout the day and yes i always charge my phone
..every night before i go to bed.
A short message to end it...Good luck to all those that have got exams at the moment or exams coming up...May Allah the Almighty through the waseela of His Beloved Salallahu alayhi wa'sallam help you and give you the tofeeq to pass..AMEEN!"
Ma'Salaam wal Ikram[/b][/color]
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
I got a B for AS Psychology and that's the subject I'm taking so long to answer as I haven't revised....yet and I'm always looking at my notes and textbooks when answering an essay question....I know, it's really bad.
The 60 mark essay question is for politics....the only reason I chose that subject is because I like arguing with people
I don't plan but I think the structure of an essay question is supposed to be: intro, description, evaluation and I right?
Hehe yeah she's a did you know lol. Anyway I promised myself never to fall in love....again....
[color=DeepPink]Muslim Bro i know exactly wht you mean abt politics and psychology theyve got too many topics, for my psychology, theres like 12 essays but only 4 come up, so i hva to revise 12 essays plus all the other stuff n politics iv got 3 hours to answer 12 essay questions as well as 5, 5 mark qustions its a race against time and often you dont hav time to plan the essay out during the exam, but at the moment for the 12 possible essays that may come up for psychology im using spider diagrams n bright colours n four five word for each paragraph. biology n chemistry are so much simpler.[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
essay structure depends on what the question is asking, usaully your asked to 'analyse' 'to what extent' 'critically evaluate' something in which case the answer needs to look at different views of the subject area, so do an intro, give an opinion-describe it -then evaluate it -paragraph 1 , do another couple of paragraphs like this and then do an conclusion