happy in love

People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying. There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.
Love is good for your health. List all the pro's and cons of being single and being in a relationship.

"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying.

You are always quick to say that "everyone" has to agree with the statements you make otherwise they must be lying! To put it frank that is a very ignorant view and you have to learn that not everyone is the same hence diff. views!

"Angel" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying.

You are always quick to say that "everyone" has to agree with the statements you make otherwise they must be lying! To put it frank that is a very ignorant view and you have to learn that not everyone is the same hence diff. views!

no no, lets not rush angel.

this could be fun.

Pro's and Cons...

Being Single
- Do whatever you want, whenever you want without having to think of some1 else.
- More time to hang with you friends.
- More time to do things YOU want to do.
- You save a whole lot of money.
- Allows you to have an objective view of the world.
- Everything you make you keep.
- Mood is not dependant on anyone in particular.
- Parents wont stop hassling you to get hitched.
- Can give into childish habbits.
- Not expected to set an example.

In a Relationship(im assuming married)
- You get to share... stuff.
- She gets half of everything.
- You're generally in a lovey dovy mood... till it wears off.
- Parents are generally more happy now that your married.
- Guys get the chance to hit on their wives (coz its a sure thing).
- You're views and outlook on things change.
- Kids... till they grow out of that cute age... into the ugly little monster age.

Back in BLACK

"Ramz" wrote:

[1.] Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying.

[2.] There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.

[1.] It is possible to love being single, and then love being married.

[2.] I have often thought about living in the jungle/ wilderness. No society, no one looking down ergo no lack of advantages?

I believe there are advantages in being married and single.

Just for you matchmakers:

Sad + Cray 2 = Biggrin + Dirol

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

"Angel" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying.

You are always quick to say that "everyone" has to agree with the statements you make otherwise they must be lying! To put it frank that is a very ignorant view and you have to learn that not everyone is the same hence diff. views!

A man and woman is incomplete unless they are with a partner. This is why those who claim that they are happy and single are lying.

If someone has been in an abusive marriage then single life probably seems a lot better.

Assalamu Alaikum,

I agree with brother Dawud, there are advantages in being single or married. But Ramz has a point, human beings are inherently social creatures and companionship as in marriage or living with a spouse is something all humans desire at some point in their life. For some it's in their early teens for others it's in their mid thirties or beyond. I don't think God designed us to live alone for the rest of our days. We have a strong urge to not only procreate but also to share our life with someone special.

I think it's good to be single for a while as long as you can restrain yourself and not get involved in sexual relationships outside marriage. Being alone helps you get to know yourself. To realise what it is you want in life. To learn just how hard it is to support yourself. To know what it means to earn money, to manage finances. It helps to develop you into a strong mature well rounded adult, with some life experience. This can be good preparation for marriage and beyond.


Like Latifah pointed out it depends on the situation.

If one is lucky enough to find a compatible partner who supports and encourages them to become a better Muslim and fills in their weakness’s then being in a relationship is better then being single.

However, if one ends up with an oppressive partner who makes their life hell then it is better to be single.

Ramz, you need to understand that just because someone does not agree with you they’re not “lying”, many people are more than happy being single, I know that I couldn’t do half of what I’m doing today if I was in a relationship…being in a relationship is not the be all and end all.


"Ramz" wrote:
This is why those who claim that they are happy and single are lying.

just cos YOUR depressed n single

dont measure us all by your pathetic standards

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

just cos YOUR depressed n single

dont measure us all by your pathetic standards

Don't you think you're killing it a bit on the offensive front.

Yeah okay, I think her comment 'loving being single, is a self-lie' is limited to herself and people like her...but repeatedly insulting people, not nice.

Just because YOU don't have feelings- Joke!

But forreal you should lay off the Ramz bashing, its marginally more sadistic than the man-hating and incorrect view on 'how to mold boys into men' view you like to articulate.

I meant that last comment in a good way...but then I'm a guy so feel free to bash.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying. There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.
Love is good for your health. List all the pro's and cons of being single and being in a relationship.

I prefer to be single then being married coz atleast I won't have the missus winging and nagging me all the time :roll:

"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying. There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.
Love is good for your health. List all the pro's and cons of being single and being in a relationship.

Love iz a headache...

Half the time its the usual Love Triangle situations...

Love makes you do thingz which are out of boundaries...

And Love will happen when it has to.. so no point in going wild n searching 4 ur man or gal coz it aint gona work..

You just gota wait until the time your lover comes in your life like its written in your destiny..

Allah knows best... therefore the one whom The Almighty has put in our destiny iz obviously the right one and will come at the right time....

Do you understand that Ramz or you gona ask ur MSN shyt wat it thinks...

Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..

"RuBz" wrote:

And Love will happen when it has to.. so no point in going wild n searching 4 ur man or gal coz it aint gona work..

You just gota wait until the time your lover comes in your life like its written in your destiny..

Allah knows best... therefore the one whom The Almighty has put in our destiny iz obviously the right one and will come at the right time....

Woh :shock:

Rubz... thats the most sense you've made since ... well... since i can remember reading your posts. Bravo.

Ramz take heed, do not chase love, thats asking for trouble instead let it come to you. Dont worry it will come, until then sit tight and nit a few jumpers.

Back in BLACK

"Dawud" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

just cos YOUR depressed n single

dont measure us all by your pathetic standards

Don't you think you're killing it a bit on the offensive front.

Yeah okay, I think her comment 'loving being single, is a self-lie' is limited to herself and people like her...but repeatedly insulting people, not nice.

Just because YOU don't have feelings- Joke!

But forreal you should lay off the Ramz bashing, its marginally more sadistic than the man-hating and incorrect view on 'how to mold boys into men' view you like to articulate.

I meant that last comment in a last way...but then I'm a guy so feel free to bash.

i find Ramz "whoever does agree with my comments is a liar" attutide infuruating

being called a liar is not very nice

i also HATE the fact that she copy pasts secret posts from the girls only thread and puts them in this public fourm

i also have an issue with such comments

"Ramz" wrote:

Yeah that post of yours is very respectful. Your double standards is pathetic.
, so don't you dare put words in my mouth.


Ramz be careful about language. Very fine line there that should not be crossed...

"Ramz" wrote:

So your responsible for making your sister think the way she does.?

"Ramz" wrote:
If you say so MS. Any girl who says that is a liar, just like every girl who stuffs her face and still claims to be a dress size 8 and every girl who spends hours slapping on the foundation and claims that she's just got out of bed.

but then again-what do i know

i hate men :roll: :roll:

MuslimBro that's what most brothers say until they fall in luuurve Lol I hope Allah blesses you with a beautiful, pious wife I'm sure you'll soon change your mind.

I think it's coz my parents argue all the time so guess it's childhood experiences and I have also promised myself never to fall in love....again :roll: But then again it's a promise which is easy to break....

"Muslim Bro" wrote:


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:


nosy :twisted:

"Admin" wrote:
"Muslim Bro" wrote:


Let's just say you learn from your mistake....if you consider it to be a mistake.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:


Let's just say you learn from your mistake....if you consider it to be a mistake.

That would be the 'logical' thing to do.

But the thing with lurve is its anything but logical.

You can try as much as you want but at the end lurve gonna get you good.
It will hunt your a$$ down eventually and get u gooode.

Then comeback and talk about it here... i enjoy these little chats.

Back in BLACK

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
This is why those who claim that they are happy and single are lying.

just cos YOUR depressed n single

dont measure us all by your pathetic standards

Keep on kidding yourself. Every singleton suffers from depression.
Thats why girls spend so much time on their apperance and men spend so much time building an image in society.

"Ramz" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

just cos YOUR depressed n single

dont measure us all by your pathetic standards

Keep on kidding yourself. Every singleton suffers from depression.
Thats why girls spend so much time on their apperance and men spend so much time building an image in society.

So by you're logic, being in a relationship makes you invulnerable to depression?? What do you mix prozac in with your food when you're married coz they certainly dont make it like that at my house.

Suffering from depression doesnt depend on wether you're in a relationship or not. But more from a feeling of helplessness.

Back in BLACK

What do you make of the saints RA who traded love of this world for Divine love. A love greater thanb any this world ahs to offer.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying. There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.
Love is good for your health. List all the pro's and cons of being single and being in a relationship.

Well... I have some continuity between before and after I got married since I've never actually been "Single" - but I will say that I wasn't prepared for the little surprises of living with somebody... you have two of everything, they live on a different schedule than you and you have to work around their various ideosyncrasies.

That said - no complaints and I agree with the study completely. I'm obsessed with my wife though... always have been, she's my home. So it's not terribly surprising I would be happy. It's not really something you can describe but you never want it to go away.

"† Don Karnage" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
People in a relationship are more happy than those people who are single. Studies show that single people are more likely to be depressed because of loneliness. Every person who says that they're single and loving it are clearly lying. There are no advantages to being single because then people look down at you in society.
Love is good for your health. List all the pro's and cons of being single and being in a relationship.

Well... I have some continuity between before and after I got married since I've never actually been "Single" - but I will say that I wasn't prepared for the little surprises of living with somebody... you have two of everything, they live on a different schedule than you and you have to work around their various ideosyncrasies.

That said - no complaints and I agree with the study completely. I'm obsessed with my wife though... always have been, she's my home. So it's not terribly surprising I would be happy. It's not really something you can describe but you never want it to go away.

I see you're still in the lovey dovey newly-wed phase of your marriage.... cherish it while you have it.... for such things are not meant to last.

Back in BLACK

"Ramz" wrote:
There are no advantages to [b]being single[/b] because then [b]people look down at you in society[/b].

Asalaamu alaikum,

Care to expand on what you mean by the above?

I have never felt that people look down on me just because I've never been in a relationship.

I believe that if you respect yourself, others will respect you. The respect someone gets is not dependent on whether or not he/she is in a relationship.

So, how and why would these people look down on those who are single?

lol Seraphim you kill joy! It won't ever be the same as the first days of marriage. But some couples manage to keep the same sort of spark in their relationship years down the line.

I think me and my husband are getting on incredibly well considering we've been married just over a year.Sure we have our little disagreements, but nothing major. His work colleagues still ask ain't you been married a year already, why are you still smiling Lol

So Dave pay no attention to him, talk about putting a damper on things lol.

lol dont mean to put a damper on things {i originally read thats as 'putting a diaper on things' lol}.

No i just meant seen it before with my cousin bro got married... it was cute seeing them like that. When my best friend got engaged he was like that too... till months down the line and he's back to himself again.

Dave... you keep doing your own thing... dont let her change you. Take the xbox and a TV to the back shed and hook up a power lead... then enjoy.

Back in BLACK

I love my wife - always have, and I'm not going to stop being affectionate just because we've passed some arbitrary mark in our marriage. And how could I not, especially now that we're married? She's given me second chances with God at life and now for a new family. That's never going to slip my mind, even when I'm furious at her I don't forget everything she's given me.

I think most people marry for companionship or love - but it's not just about attraction or being "meant" for each other and the usual stuff; annette is the fulfillment of a promise maybe even God's half of the bargain but my point is that unless you grew up the way I did or somehow lived my life there is now way I can explain to you why this is not the same as any of your other friends' marriages.
