Morocco women preachers appointed


Morocco has appointed 50 women as state preachers for the first time as part of the government's drive to promote a more tolerant version of Islam.

The Islamic guides, called Mourchidats, will be able to give basic religious instruction in mosques.

But they will not be able to lead Friday prayers, which will remain a male preserve.

Since suicide bombers struck Casablanca in 2003, there has been a crackdown on suspected Islamic militants.

The country has also been attempting to modernise its human rights, especially for women, while not alienating conservative Muslims.

full article here:

good thing?
what we were crying out for?
or just to please the West?
should that be happening here in UK aswell?


We already have sisters who give basic faith lessons to other sisters in some masjids, or within their homes. But it's still not widespread, so yeah it would be a good thing, assuming these female preachers are just preaching to other women not a mixed audience?

Why cant women preach to men? I have a presentation due in 1hours time in front of a mixed audience. Would I be sinning if I cared about passing my presentation?

Scholars do not study in my Univeristy. The scholars that I know don't even think that girls should study in University so I rather keep away from the desi mentality.

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

good thing?
what we were crying out for?
or just to please the West?
should that be happening here in UK aswell?


Very impressive..

I can count on one hand the number of charismatic women preachers I know...I've always wished there were more.