The general stupudity of some people never ceases to amaze me and with technology becoming more available to average joe, they just find more and more ways of doing something stupid.
I have MSN messenger on my computer that i use to check if i have new mail or if a friends online to chat to (one or two of them live pretty far hardly ever get to catch up). But a few days ago someone added my email to their friends list and there4 showed up on my msn messenger aswell. Ofcourse i accepted... i wanted to see who it was.
Anywayz i came online today just to check on my emails as normal to find this guys online too. Next thing i know he's chatting to me like he knows me (he seems to think im some girl he knows called Maria) not that i corrected him. Gave vague answers to some of his questions trying not to be specific. Meanwhile he's coming on like some love sick perp whilst im laughing my a$$ off at this guy.
Before he can shoot more questions at me i told him i had to go and logged off.
Leading me to ponder a few things:
Firstly: is this a joke someones playing? and how did he get my email?
Secondly: is it morally correct to not correct him.. if rather funny.
thirdly: is this how guys talk to girls??? kinda sickening... if amateurish.
Lastly: if there is some relationship between them...supposedly... i have a choice of giving their relationship any ending i choose.
So people what do you think about the above situation?
Is not correcting someone the same as lieing to them?
Do you have any stories to tell about MSN hook ups?
Share your thoughts.
its deception,..
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
MSN really caught on when I was at school couple of years back…but for some reason I’ve never been hooked on the MSN fever.
If I wanted to speak to a friend I’d phone them up or link up with them.
You do get weirdo’s adding you on sometimes…but if I don’t know someone, I never chat to them…I don’t have the patience or time to do stuff like that, also one can never be sure who they are and what they want, so why waste time figuring out someone who most prob isn’t genuine anyway.
However, I do keep in contact with one of two people on MSN who are from this forum…but I kinda know them anyway.
MSN is a bit of a time waste. I don't log on reg....And 99% of my contacts are blocked…
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
LOL, the infamous MSN messenger, it can either be Fitna-City, or a great place to chat to ya mates, n family in my case. I can never be btohered ringing family members although i have loadsa free minutes, so I catch em on msn n catch up a lil.
Also, if u wanna get a lil message to a couple of friends, more than likely they r online on MSN.
I rarely add people who i dunt know personally, infact I think theres only one on my list at the moment, n thas sum1 from the forum.
MSN messenger can b a dangerous place, its like a private meeting place, lil teenagers can get together, meet alone, altho not physically, n get up2 no good. Heard many stories of this hapnin, n they all lead to Mummy n Daddy havin to take off the slippers, havin to force sum discipline in
Ya Digg!! "ouch, wat was that for mum, this isnt MSN, this is Islamic, i swear" :oops:
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
lol, evil has a new face and its MSN Messenger.
The potential to mis-use this technology is stagering.
I only use it coz im too lazy to log on using a browser and messenger tells me quickly if theres any new mail that and if any friends are online. I only really chat to maybe 3/4 friends.
I think i'll play him for a fool and see how far i can take it b4 he catches on.
And razor, why do you always add: 'Ya Digg!!' to every post?? Is that part of your job... digging??
Back in BLACK
I reckon you pretend to want to meet him sumwher far, make him turn up then next time u see him on MSN, ask y he dint turn up, n break up:lol:
Digg-ing is a science, not for the simple of mind, so i jus merely explain it, for simple minds, to mean, Ya digg = u understand?
Simpler that way, instead of going into the science of it, and explaining the true essence. One must strive to understand the Essence, for without essence, the science is incomplete.
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I never EVER use messenger-and i aint even lying
i have mates who i reg link up with-so why waste time chatting online with them?
the sad ppl who have over fifty contacts on their msn list-most of whom they dont know need to get a life
:? u guys are well evil. just coz someone's doing something wrong doesn't mean u have the license to embarass him. like he's going to learn from that. :roll:
My bad. Sorry Seraph.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
lol razor, i like where your heads at. Im gonna try that
Dawud chill... your apologising to the wrong person.
Aaysiah: i resent that. We're not evil, ive gotta be cruel to be kind but you gotta let me have my fun first.
Back in BLACK
Let him down gently Seraph.
Don't break his heart.
After u dun with him, email him a link to this thread :twisted: MUAWHAHAHAHAHA
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
it (was) 'Aasiyah' and 'having your fun' at the expense of another person is just evil. :?
its evil and sad
but then again-I have pretended to be a guy and winded up my mates via email n txt
its always the sad girls who get flattered and fall for it
'A book holds a house of gold'
I remembered a story, My female cousin created an email address to mess bout on MSN with my male cuzn from london. With her wit, n my evil ideas, we kinda made an imaginary date, sent him to the other side of london, to an address which we made up by lookin at online maps
Then a few days later, on msn agen, he sed he went to the house we made up, n no1 was in. We kinda made another imaginary date, got him to send us a picture of himself on msn, n sed we'd meet him in bridgewater hall shoppin centre. Told him a place n a tym, n told him to wear a pink shirt n a tie.
He came to Oldham to visit about a week later, me n ma cuzn printed off all the msn convo's n the gay picture he sent us too, shows ma cuzns n uncles n had a right laff at his expense.
Dam, i used to be evil, Yet Funny
Ya DIGG :twisted:
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
LOL ur well tyt!!
'A book holds a house of gold'
razor thats well funny! i shud do that.
Ive chatted to him once or twice since then. He still under the de-lusion im some girl called Maria and its an asian guy (u can tell) the guy goes on and on about such a such a time when we were both togeather blah blah blah and did it mean as much to me as it did to him... im like yuk! so i replied... 'it wasnt all that' lol
i think im gonna end up breaking this guy and then i'll tell him im not who he thinks i am. Remember its not evil its the diet coke of evil, its the margerine of evil, its one calorie not evil enough.
Back in BLACK
:? :roll:
theres something peculiar and wierd about a guy getting enjoyment from chatting to a guy who thinks his a girl who chats him up like his a girl :?
but whatever floats your boat, enjoy, have fun :roll:
Its called pranking someone Nas, try it... you might like it.
Yes Nas... turn to the darkside :twisted:
Back in BLACK
man MSN its a laff with the ryte people!!
i have soooo many freshies adding me its unbeliveable :evil: the stuff they come out with is hilarious. how they only want to talk to me coz my name sounds decent!! well what makes u think then am gonna talk to U!!!! freaks but its annoying sum of them dont get the hint i enjoy debating their concept of modernising Islam to the extent that it is now acceptable to be flirty with fellow muslims online aslong as its not in person :roll: when will they learn!!??!
With MSN and yahoo etc, I think its always best to appear offline til someone you actually want to talk to appears online.
Otherwise in these days of broadband noone lets you get anything done!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol. guilty. :oops: