i was just thinking, most of my day today hasnt bery productive - i was meant to be working, but found myself bored at home on my own.......so i tuned into the tv........one comedy programme after the hour..was glued in for 2 hours and returened in the evening for 2 hours of football
normally i dont sit at the tv for long unless sports are on.............but today i wasted a lot of time there.......sumat i thought i had stamped out
got me thinkin.....
some of us here dont have tvs........intentionally
some of us come to the forum so we spend less time on tv
and some still watch a lot
i wanna knw more as to why people dont watch or try to watch less
whats the effects? besides the obvious!
and do you think having a tv in the house is good, bad, or jus needs control
and how much do you plan on allowing your kids to watch tv?
my cousin moved his family to yemen..........came here for a bit, i asked him if his 5 year old wanted to play playstation...........he said 'hes not been introduced to games and tv - dont want to introduce him niether'
personally i thought that was great, but couldnt see myself doing that
discuss anything about TV, except whats coming on!!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
However when feeling lazier than normal, its an easy option to tune out to.
But normally the internet kills way more time.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I agree. Too many programmes have characters who are traitors.
/Looks at Fresh's sig...
One thing though, children's Tv is far too laced in the wrong kind of education. It is brainwashing kids to some extent.
Why do programmes aimed at 4 year olds involve topics such as dating? (well age may be exageration, but when watching kids tv, asyou do, I see it far too laced in modern world poisons. The poisons are aimed at those most vulnerable. The kids.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i agree......i get worried by what appears on kids tv nowadays :?
i know trouble is a teen channel, but a lot of kids watch it (As is with MTV)....and some of the new channels aere..........should be 18 rated!! :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Back in my mums house i restricted how much TV i watched, but i still watched a bit, and often ended up watching nonsense. Once i got married i had no TV at all, and i didn't think it was right to ask my husband for one, since he has been without one for years. It was a bit difficult at first, but now i've got used to it. When i go to my mums now, i find my attention span for tv is maybe 15 mins before i get completely bored out of my brains- it doesn't stimulate me anymore.
Initially I used to get sooo bored without the TV. But recently i've started doing more activities outside the house. I force myself to visit my mother twice a week, and friends at least once a week. This gives me time to get a good walk coz they're like 20-30 mins walk away, and have a bit of a social, otherwise i get really lonely and depressed in my house. I;ve started reading novels again, i was once an avid reader. So i'm in the library once a week for a new assortment of books. I admit i used to follow Oprah's book club..don't tease me please, and i'm thinking of joining again lol.
I've also got a class i attend once a week, and i'm joining a ladies gym in the summer. I'm basically forcing myself to do activities to fill the time i would otherwise waste in front of the tv or even internet. I have to admit i feel all the better for it.
I used to be good at art, and i remember finding it so relaxing. So i'm thinking of maybe doing a short course in art, or even a part time A level i know i'll ace it lol. I'll enjoy it and gain something by the end. I was particularly good at doing pencil and charcoal portraits. I duno if this is allowed Islamically tis a shame really coz that's what i'm really good at.
Although it's often said you can watch tv as long as you restrict how much you watch, and what you watch. If i'm honest i restricted the amount i watched but when you flick the channels and there's nothing but trash on, sometimes you end up watching the trash just to pass time. I believe almost everyone does this. So this idea about restricting tv doesn't really work practically not in my view anyway.
Even so i don't think all TV content is bad. There's the good the bad and the downright filthy. Knowing how to decipher between the good and the bad can be really difficult sometimes, especially if you've been glued to the thing for hours on end. (i.e i used to be a fan of Rickie Lake, yep i was there saying go Ricky... :oops: i hope my sister never brings it up to embarrass me.)
Submitted by Allahuakbar on 6 April, 2006 - 11:20 #7
"Fresh Prince" wrote:
normally i dont sit at the tv for long unless sports are on....
I love watching sport. Life without sport would be boring lol. Regarding the TV, yes people can find themselves watching too much. This is why I dont have a TV at uni, and also why when I come home I usually get no revision done. Family, TV etc. I could take a TV to uni, Im sure I could only watch it when I need to (news etc) but I dont wanna risk it. When Im at uni its just me and the books.
Anyway, if ur at uni (like me) u can get all the info u need off internet. Altho I do find myself going to students union to watch Champions League football
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Yeh I suppose when you get older you start to watch less and less TV
cause you end up having alot of responsibilties
eg Homework,Coursework deadlines, Cooking, Cleaning, Going places, etc
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Back in my mums house i restricted how much TV i watched, but i still watched a bit, and often ended up watching nonsense. Once i got married i had no TV at all, and i didn't think it was right to ask my husband for one, since he has been without one for years. It was a bit difficult at first, but now i've got used to it. When i go to my mums now, i find my attention span for tv is maybe 15 mins before i get completely bored out of my brains- it doesn't stimulate me anymore.
Initially I used to get sooo bored without the TV. But recently i've started doing more activities outside the house. I force myself to visit my mother twice a week, and friends at least once a week. This gives me time to get a good walk coz they're like 20-30 mins walk away, and have a bit of a social, otherwise i get really lonely and depressed in my house. I;ve started reading novels again, i was once an avid reader. So i'm in the library once a week for a new assortment of books. I admit i used to follow Oprah's book club..don't tease me please, and i'm thinking of joining again lol.
I've also got a class i attend once a week, and i'm joining a ladies gym in the summer. I'm basically forcing myself to do activities to fill the time i would otherwise waste in front of the tv or even internet. I have to admit i feel all the better for it.
I used to be good at art, and i remember finding it so relaxing. So i'm thinking of maybe doing a short course in art, or even a part time A level i know i'll ace it lol. I'll enjoy it and gain something by the end. I was particularly good at doing pencil and charcoal portraits. I duno if this is allowed Islamically tis a shame really coz that's what i'm really good at.
Although it's often said you can watch tv as long as you restrict how much you watch, and what you watch. If i'm honest i restricted the amount i watched but when you flick the channels and there's nothing but trash on, sometimes you end up watching the trash just to pass time. I believe almost everyone does this. So this idea about restricting tv doesn't really work practically not in my view anyway.
Even so i don't think all TV content is bad. There's the good the bad and the downright filthy. Knowing how to decipher between the good and the bad can be really difficult sometimes, especially if you've been glued to the thing for hours on end. (i.e i used to be a fan of Rickie Lake, yep i was there saying go Ricky... :oops: i hope my sister never brings it up to embarrass me.)
i think sis Yashmaki made some very good points there
nowdays we becoming a tv/games/music/fashion etc obssessed nation
no1 takes part in outdoor activities anymore! no kid reads books nowadays either...kinda worrying to say the least :?
ive gone from books to tv/internet over time :oops: ....and need to be more active
makes me think i wnot have a tv when i grow up........but, sumtymz u do need it
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
When i was in school i dint watch much TV, used to read loadsa book, horrible histories n the teen horror series of book. The babysitter 1, 2, 3 and 4 are still favorites (they horror books not girly book like the name suggests).
Then towards the end of school n college i started watchin loadsa TV, sports, comedy, trouble tv wateva.
Now, I cut down to an extent where i watch sky news during breakfast, and only football, thas champions league, and any Man Utd match. And then, i watch Lost and Prison Break.
Other than that i find myself watching QTV a bit lately, they hav sum good programs, naats etc. its good stuff. Although i only watch that at bout 8 to mayb 10ish max while im chillin with family.
but last 2 days TV's been broken.
The internet is takin over the TV tho in time wasting, but atleast your have to read summin, n its always informative stuff. Like this forum :twisted:
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
this is one of the main reasons my parents decided not to have a TV in the house. when my parents got married they were not yet practising Islam (what they call their 'jahiliyyah days') and so it wasnt so much about it being Islamically wrong. they just wanted their kids to have a good education and not be unnecessarily distracted.
when we were kids, living in America, we had a TV. but my mom would get fed up with it because everyone would be busy at school/work in the day, and then come back and flop in front of the TV in the evening. she felt none of us were bonding like a good family should do. also, american news channels were pretty patriotic and biased and she did not like being starved of international news.
so when we moved to the UK she persuaded my dad to no longer have a TV in the house. my mom always says that not having a TV meant that we all read more, played together more, we socialised together and bonded as a family.
ofcourse as my parents became practising they realised that Islamically-speaking they had also made the right decision.
in contrast to american TV though we do get some good documentaries here, and most of them are available on the net, so we watch em on the computer. this way we really can select what we want to watch and not get unnecessarily distracted by whatever rubbish there is on the telly.
the TV really isn't a necessity in any house. the internet is the real connection to the outside world nowadays, u can get your international news and everything from it. or even a radio is enough to find out the news. families who have had the TV for years may not be able to imagine life without it, and i find this sad because you should be in charge of it, not the other way around. and some of my friends have convinced their parents into getting rid of it and they are doing just fine.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
true. but u get softwares or summat which are like 'child-lock' so you can make some things unaccessible.
i forgot to mention in my last post that we do have a telly, but without the cable attached i.e. we have it for game consoles alone. my parents were really hesitant to get us a console the first time we asked, but in the end they used it as a bargaining chip for my brother - if he passed his exam to get into grammar school then they'd get it. that was Playstation, we had almost 100 games for it and used to play some evenings but again my mom would keep a close eye on how long we spent on it - after our hour was up we'd have to get on with other stuff, lol. then we got the X-box... and nowadays dont play as much.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I used to be good at art, and i remember finding it so relaxing. So i'm thinking of maybe doing a short course in art, or even a part time A level i know i'll ace it lol. I'll enjoy it and gain something by the end. I was particularly good at doing pencil and charcoal portraits. I duno if this is allowed Islamically tis a shame really coz that's what i'm really good at.
Uh huh, thats me too.
However, I stopped learning art at school after year 9 and went on a slightly more academic orientated route, but I think That was Allah SWT minimising the spirituality of these things so that when Islam came along, I would recognise the spirituality in it and go for it.
Now as a Muslim, I do want to start to start up the Art thing again and writing and making stuff and cooking.
After year 9 sometimes when I had 15 minutes to kill would find myself drawing patterns and be so engrosed, that it would be like a meditation and I would be totally zoned out for what what felt like a moment or two but was about 15-20 minutes.
AnyWho the topic at hand. I stopped watching T.V. ever since Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri made took an oath (durring the Imam Mahdi AS Lectures) that anyone who had a T.V. in their house that recieved T.V. channels (i.e. so not exclusively for watching Islmaic Videos and DVD's etc) could not fully be a part of the MQI mission. (okay last part of the sentence may be wrong because I've forgotten exact wording.)
However, when my Dad is round, we stick the T.V. on for him and after he goes I sometimes find myself still watching it. :oops: (Good ole Ricky Gavais)
Having said that I do occasionally stick it on to watch CNN or BBC news, but thats it. I've been out of the news loop since I finished politics a year ago so everything is always fresh on thos channels.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by Exquisite on 6 April, 2006 - 15:47 #15
[color=indigo]iv given up tv apart from the occasional news, sport, prison break and documentaries, i used to be a proper tv addict before after skool i used to start my soap marathon, wot was it neighbours, home and away, hollyoaks and eastenders and mayb a bit of corrie if i was really bored,n come the skool holidays wake up and watch all these makeover shows and property shows but now iv reassessed my life and realised how useless all of this is. last year when i was doing my gcses i used to do all that, now that i fink about im suprised i passed all my exams but it made me realise that how i could spend more time doing other stuff, like completing the Quran more often, so me n my friends decided to cut tv out of our lifestyle and concentrate on whats important and where we actually want to get in life, i fink cuz me n my m8s made this sort of pact it worked, we all had the will power and we also became very occupied with A levels that we dont have time for tv.[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
i think its good you not only did it for youresle, but as a group as well!
[b]unfortunately tho....i cant find a group of friends that strong in their deen and imaan [/b]:?
Son of a...... :o :x
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
I read a LOT, I’m out a lot, I lead two/three classes a week, attend different weekly meetings and I’m involved in a lot of other stuff and will be back in full time education and part time employment in a few weeks time…
I often feel burnt out and being in front of the TV is the only time that I relax and sit with the family. I feel that I need to switch my brain off sometimes and I do that by either watching a bit of telly every couple of days or reading some shallow magazine.
I never miss the weekly episode of America’s Next Top Model and sometimes watch Simpsons….there’s this programme that comes on MTV called “Boiling Point” where people try to wind up members of the public by doing annoying stuff…and if random members of the public manage not to lose their temper for 8-10 minutes then they win $100….and I do love watching scary movies with my sisters.
A good alternative to TV for relaxation is Maraqabah.
Ya Diggy Digg
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
i have kinda stopped watching TV too mostly news and documentaries odd sport, mum fills me in with dramas lol
but like alot of peeps internet fills it place.
my dad has always hated us kids watching english soaps, was always saying load of trash and he was ryte.
i remeber in primary school there was a girl in the class who didnt have a TV and we wud be sat there discussing the latest show (wind in the willows lol) and we'd get her to join in and shed be like i dont have a TV i was like whoa shock lol she wud tell me that her and her siblings wud spend time reading or making up games like sitting in the window and counting how many cars are going past what colour they are and what shape etc and then cant remeber what they did with the info but trust me she was good at maths lol
i think Shaykh Ul Islam said that he strongly reccommends that people dont waste time with tv, and stay away from cable/sky - that truly is corrupting
ma sis was also sayin sumat along the lines of what you said, the true missionary people dont watch tv! :oops:
Submitted by equanimity on 12 April, 2006 - 17:11 #27
T.V. has tremendous power its viewed by millions and does influence inividuals, societys and countries.
A study showed that in Fiji before tv was introduced fat people were seen as attractive but when TV was introduced they discovered that the first cases of anorexia bulimia where being discovered and depression rapidly increased in the following years.
Whereas in india TV was worshipped and put in specail shrines when it was first discovered roll
your right kids tv and tv in general does send subliminary messages out.
look at kids programmes or dolls e.g. barbie. also programmes like simpsons where its seen as cool for kids to behave unruly.
However TV isnt all bad look at what it can teach us i have sky an am glued to national geographic, discovery channel, animal planet , history channel that you can learn alot.
a studies do show children who wacthed more tv were more clever than children who do not watch tv.
Also theres channels like islamic channel and Qtv , ary digital that are very islamic and teach you alot about islam
Submitted by yashmaki on 12 April, 2006 - 17:36 #28
yeah but thing with learning from Tv. There's an overload of information and it comes so rapidly. Just watch the news on tv, tell me how many important things you can remember? They're just snippets. Small soundbites, what's of importance. I bet you can only recall the "headlines" and no detailed facts.
As for national geographic, history channel etc my brother watches that all the time. No offence to him but he's not more better off for it. I think ppl retain more info from reading than they ever could from watching a 1 hour tv programme. Educational programmes on tv are perhaps good as a supplement to reading materials but not as a primary tool for learning.
with the arival of the internet, is TV needed at all?
I understand the concept of watching some shows... news... documentaries.... but that is available online, and much more immediately.
However I still watch some TV. especially when I do not want to think. just turn the tv on, and moronically switch channels every few minutes.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i was just thinking, most of my day today hasnt bery productive - i was meant to be working, but found myself bored at home on my own.......so i tuned into the tv........one comedy programme after the hour..was glued in for 2 hours and returened in the evening for 2 hours of football
normally i dont sit at the tv for long unless sports are on.............but today i wasted a lot of time there.......sumat i thought i had stamped out
got me thinkin.....
some of us here dont have tvs........intentionally
some of us come to the forum so we spend less time on tv
and some still watch a lot
i wanna knw more as to why people dont watch or try to watch less
whats the effects? besides the obvious!
and do you think having a tv in the house is good, bad, or jus needs control
and how much do you plan on allowing your kids to watch tv?
my cousin moved his family to yemen..........came here for a bit, i asked him if his 5 year old wanted to play playstation...........he said 'hes not been introduced to games and tv - dont want to introduce him niether'
personally i thought that was great, but couldnt see myself doing that
discuss anything about TV, except whats coming on!!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I do not watch too much tv nowadays.
However when feeling lazier than normal, its an easy option to tune out to.
But normally the internet kills way more time.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
thats true
u can choose on the interbnet wat u wanna do
but isnt wasting time dangerous?
and tv teaches so many bad things and u dont realise it
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I agree. Too many programmes have characters who are traitors.
/Looks at Fresh's sig...
One thing though, children's Tv is far too laced in the wrong kind of education. It is brainwashing kids to some extent.
Why do programmes aimed at 4 year olds involve topics such as dating? (well age may be exageration, but when watching kids tv, asyou do, I see it far too laced in modern world poisons. The poisons are aimed at those most vulnerable. The kids.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
on the ISOC forum my sig has the revival in it!!
i agree......i get worried by what appears on kids tv nowadays :?
i know trouble is a teen channel, but a lot of kids watch it (As is with MTV)....and some of the new channels aere..........should be 18 rated!! :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Back in my mums house i restricted how much TV i watched, but i still watched a bit, and often ended up watching nonsense. Once i got married i had no TV at all, and i didn't think it was right to ask my husband for one, since he has been without one for years. It was a bit difficult at first, but now i've got used to it. When i go to my mums now, i find my attention span for tv is maybe 15 mins before i get completely bored out of my brains- it doesn't stimulate me anymore.
Initially I used to get sooo bored without the TV. But recently i've started doing more activities outside the house. I force myself to visit my mother twice a week, and friends at least once a week. This gives me time to get a good walk coz they're like 20-30 mins walk away, and have a bit of a social, otherwise i get really lonely and depressed in my house. I;ve started reading novels again, i was once an avid reader. So i'm in the library once a week for a new assortment of books. I admit i used to follow Oprah's book club..don't tease me please, and i'm thinking of joining again lol.
I've also got a class i attend once a week, and i'm joining a ladies gym in the summer. I'm basically forcing myself to do activities to fill the time i would otherwise waste in front of the tv or even internet. I have to admit i feel all the better for it.
I used to be good at art, and i remember finding it so relaxing. So i'm thinking of maybe doing a short course in art, or even a part time A level i know i'll ace it lol. I'll enjoy it and gain something by the end. I was particularly good at doing pencil and charcoal portraits. I duno if this is allowed Islamically tis a shame really coz that's what i'm really good at.
Although it's often said you can watch tv as long as you restrict how much you watch, and what you watch. If i'm honest i restricted the amount i watched but when you flick the channels and there's nothing but trash on, sometimes you end up watching the trash just to pass time. I believe almost everyone does this. So this idea about restricting tv doesn't really work practically not in my view anyway.
Even so i don't think all TV content is bad. There's the good the bad and the downright filthy. Knowing how to decipher between the good and the bad can be really difficult sometimes, especially if you've been glued to the thing for hours on end. (i.e i used to be a fan of Rickie Lake, yep i was there saying go Ricky... :oops: i hope my sister never brings it up to embarrass me.)
I love watching sport. Life without sport would be boring lol. Regarding the TV, yes people can find themselves watching too much. This is why I dont have a TV at uni, and also why when I come home I usually get no revision done. Family, TV etc. I could take a TV to uni, Im sure I could only watch it when I need to (news etc) but I dont wanna risk it. When Im at uni its just me and the books.
Anyway, if ur at uni (like me) u can get all the info u need off internet. Altho I do find myself going to students union to watch Champions League football
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Yeh I suppose when you get older you start to watch less and less TV
cause you end up having alot of responsibilties
eg Homework,Coursework deadlines, Cooking, Cleaning, Going places, etc
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
i think sis Yashmaki made some very good points there
nowdays we becoming a tv/games/music/fashion etc obssessed nation
no1 takes part in outdoor activities anymore! no kid reads books nowadays either...kinda worrying to say the least :?
ive gone from books to tv/internet over time :oops: ....and need to be more active
makes me think i wnot have a tv when i grow up........but, sumtymz u do need it
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
When i was in school i dint watch much TV, used to read loadsa book, horrible histories n the teen horror series of book. The babysitter 1, 2, 3 and 4 are still favorites (they horror books not girly book like the name suggests).
Then towards the end of school n college i started watchin loadsa TV, sports, comedy, trouble tv wateva.
Now, I cut down to an extent where i watch sky news during breakfast, and only football, thas champions league, and any Man Utd match. And then, i watch Lost and Prison Break.
Other than that i find myself watching QTV a bit lately, they hav sum good programs, naats etc. its good stuff. Although i only watch that at bout 8 to mayb 10ish max while im chillin with family.
but last 2 days TV's been broken.
The internet is takin over the TV tho in time wasting, but atleast your have to read summin, n its always informative stuff. Like this forum :twisted:
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
this is one of the main reasons my parents decided not to have a TV in the house. when my parents got married they were not yet practising Islam (what they call their 'jahiliyyah days') and so it wasnt so much about it being Islamically wrong. they just wanted their kids to have a good education and not be unnecessarily distracted.
when we were kids, living in America, we had a TV. but my mom would get fed up with it because everyone would be busy at school/work in the day, and then come back and flop in front of the TV in the evening. she felt none of us were bonding like a good family should do. also, american news channels were pretty patriotic and biased and she did not like being starved of international news.
so when we moved to the UK she persuaded my dad to no longer have a TV in the house. my mom always says that not having a TV meant that we all read more, played together more, we socialised together and bonded as a family.
ofcourse as my parents became practising they realised that Islamically-speaking they had also made the right decision.
in contrast to american TV though we do get some good documentaries here, and most of them are available on the net, so we watch em on the computer. this way we really can select what we want to watch and not get unnecessarily distracted by whatever rubbish there is on the telly.
the TV really isn't a necessity in any house. the internet is the real connection to the outside world nowadays, u can get your international news and everything from it. or even a radio is enough to find out the news. families who have had the TV for years may not be able to imagine life without it, and i find this sad because you should be in charge of it, not the other way around. and some of my friends have convinced their parents into getting rid of it and they are doing just fine.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
makes perfect sense that does
i guess we still got it coz mum likes to watch paki channels!
i dont blame her....she works hard all day and night, is very active in the community and in deen....she needs a lil break
but with the internet
its dangerous as well :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
true. but u get softwares or summat which are like 'child-lock' so you can make some things unaccessible.
i forgot to mention in my last post that we do have a telly, but without the cable attached i.e. we have it for game consoles alone. my parents were really hesitant to get us a console the first time we asked, but in the end they used it as a bargaining chip for my brother - if he passed his exam to get into grammar school then they'd get it.
that was Playstation, we had almost 100 games for it and used to play some evenings but again my mom would keep a close eye on how long we spent on it - after our hour was up we'd have to get on with other stuff, lol. then we got the X-box... and nowadays dont play as much.
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
Uh huh, thats me too.
However, I stopped learning art at school after year 9 and went on a slightly more academic orientated route, but I think That was Allah SWT minimising the spirituality of these things so that when Islam came along, I would recognise the spirituality in it and go for it.
Now as a Muslim, I do want to start to start up the Art thing again and writing and making stuff and cooking.
After year 9 sometimes when I had 15 minutes to kill would find myself drawing patterns and be so engrosed, that it would be like a meditation and I would be totally zoned out for what what felt like a moment or two but was about 15-20 minutes.
AnyWho the topic at hand. I stopped watching T.V. ever since Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri made took an oath (durring the Imam Mahdi AS Lectures) that anyone who had a T.V. in their house that recieved T.V. channels (i.e. so not exclusively for watching Islmaic Videos and DVD's etc) could not fully be a part of the MQI mission. (okay last part of the sentence may be wrong because I've forgotten exact wording.)
However, when my Dad is round, we stick the T.V. on for him and after he goes I sometimes find myself still watching it. :oops: (Good ole Ricky Gavais)
Having said that I do occasionally stick it on to watch CNN or BBC news, but thats it. I've been out of the news loop since I finished politics a year ago so everything is always fresh on thos channels.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
[color=indigo]iv given up tv apart from the occasional news, sport, prison break and documentaries, i used to be a proper tv addict before after skool i used to start my soap marathon, wot was it neighbours, home and away, hollyoaks and eastenders and mayb a bit of corrie if i was really bored,n come the skool holidays wake up and watch all these makeover shows and property shows but now iv reassessed my life and realised how useless all of this is. last year when i was doing my gcses i used to do all that, now that i fink about im suprised i passed all my exams but it made me realise that how i could spend more time doing other stuff, like completing the Quran more often, so me n my friends decided to cut tv out of our lifestyle and concentrate on whats important and where we actually want to get in life, i fink cuz me n my m8s made this sort of pact it worked, we all had the will power and we also became very occupied with A levels that we dont have time for tv.[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
i think its good you not only did it for youresle, but as a group as well!
unfortunately tho....i cant find a group of friends that strong in their deen and imaan :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Son of a...... :o :x
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
GROUP - more than 1
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I do watch TV and I know I shouldn’t….
I read a LOT, I’m out a lot, I lead two/three classes a week, attend different weekly meetings and I’m involved in a lot of other stuff and will be back in full time education and part time employment in a few weeks time…
I often feel burnt out and being in front of the TV is the only time that I relax and sit with the family. I feel that I need to switch my brain off sometimes and I do that by either watching a bit of telly every couple of days or reading some shallow magazine.
I never miss the weekly episode of America’s Next Top Model and sometimes watch Simpsons….there’s this programme that comes on MTV called “Boiling Point” where people try to wind up members of the public by doing annoying stuff…and if random members of the public manage not to lose their temper for 8-10 minutes then they win $100….and I do love watching scary movies with my sisters.
Yeah, I know I shouldn’t watch telly.
A good alternative to TV for relaxation is Maraqabah.
Ya Diggy Digg
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
i have kinda stopped watching TV too mostly news and documentaries odd sport, mum fills me in with dramas lol
but like alot of peeps internet fills it place.
my dad has always hated us kids watching english soaps, was always saying load of trash and he was ryte.
i remeber in primary school there was a girl in the class who didnt have a TV and we wud be sat there discussing the latest show (wind in the willows lol) and we'd get her to join in and shed be like i dont have a TV i was like whoa shock lol she wud tell me that her and her siblings wud spend time reading or making up games like sitting in the window and counting how many cars are going past what colour they are and what shape etc and then cant remeber what they did with the info but trust me she was good at maths lol
yep definitely digg
i have to say i have stopped watching tv and a year ago i would have thought it was impossible!
Now its either naats or Islamic lectures etc - dont have time for anything else.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i used to do that :oops:
and get out an atlas....and then think of a country on the map (or island) and make my brothers find it!
best way to learn geography
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
and Dude
i think Shaykh Ul Islam said that he strongly reccommends that people dont waste time with tv, and stay away from cable/sky - that truly is corrupting
ma sis was also sayin sumat along the lines of what you said, the true missionary people dont watch tv! :oops:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
T.V. has tremendous power its viewed by millions and does influence inividuals, societys and countries.
A study showed that in Fiji before tv was introduced fat people were seen as attractive but when TV was introduced they discovered that the first cases of anorexia bulimia where being discovered and depression rapidly increased in the following years.
Whereas in india TV was worshipped and put in specail shrines when it was first discovered roll
your right kids tv and tv in general does send subliminary messages out.
look at kids programmes or dolls e.g. barbie. also programmes like simpsons where its seen as cool for kids to behave unruly.
However TV isnt all bad look at what it can teach us i have sky an am glued to national geographic, discovery channel, animal planet , history channel that you can learn alot.
a studies do show children who wacthed more tv were more clever than children who do not watch tv.
Also theres channels like islamic channel and Qtv , ary digital that are very islamic and teach you alot about islam
yeah but thing with learning from Tv. There's an overload of information and it comes so rapidly. Just watch the news on tv, tell me how many important things you can remember? They're just snippets. Small soundbites, what's of importance. I bet you can only recall the "headlines" and no detailed facts.
As for national geographic, history channel etc my brother watches that all the time. No offence to him but he's not more better off for it. I think ppl retain more info from reading than they ever could from watching a 1 hour tv programme. Educational programmes on tv are perhaps good as a supplement to reading materials but not as a primary tool for learning.
with the arival of the internet, is TV needed at all?
I understand the concept of watching some shows... news... documentaries.... but that is available online, and much more immediately.
However I still watch some TV. especially when I do not want to think. just turn the tv on, and moronically switch channels every few minutes.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yeh I do that too...its a perfect way to switch your brain off.