Just Blame Islam


Often, when someone who is religious minded or active in Islam, gets into disputes or disagreements or does something wrong….people are quick to retaliate by saying “is this what your books/teacher or mosque teaches you”

Why is that?

There are 101 reasons why people argue or make mistakes in life…it could be cos of external influences such as society, media, friends or even their own selves, so why blame Islam first?

Is this because secretly some people hold a grudge or hostility against Islam, which they’d never admit out loud?

OR is there truth in their statement? DO some people, mess up in life or become bad mannered etc because of their teachers and/or understanding of Islam?

And since religious minded or active Muslims are more so in the spotlight, should or shouldn’t they be careful of their actions discrediting their teachers?

And is it really fair to ascribe the wrong activities of students to their teachers?

And why don’t some people learn to take responsibility for their own actions?

Once I overhead a mum yelling at a mosque teacher because her own daughter doesn’t cover her head…apparently this was the fault of the teacher.

On the other hand…I have a cousin, who was one of my best mates too…ever since she’s got in with the “religious lot” she’s gone, well a bit weird…in such cases I feel its valid to ascribe her beliefs and actions to her company.

This post isn’t very concise…but yeh, share your thoughts please.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
And since religious minded or active Muslims are more so in the spotlight, should or shouldn’t they be careful of their actions discrediting their teachers?

maybe thats a good reason to have many teachers as opposed to one - blame cant be ascribed to any one person, except yourself.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
ever since she’s got in with the “religious lot” she’s gone, well a bit weird

how do you mean? have u spoken to her about it?

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"MuslimSister" wrote:

Often, when someone who is religious minded or active in Islam, gets into disputes or disagreements or does something wrong….people are quick to retaliate by saying “is this what your books/teacher or mosque teaches you”

Why is that?

Personally I think people say it out of ignorance or like u mentioned it may be due to a grudge or even trying to put a person down.

I think its the most stupidest thing to come out with, a teacher is there to teach you and show you the right path they can't physically like anyone else MAKE you do something. We're all humans trying to reach our goals we're bound to make mistakes and trip here and there, if we all were perfect there would be no point to this life. (so to speak as it is a test).

It's wrong to pinpoint the mistakes of a person that is following a certain teacher to the teacher because everyone is responsible for their own actions, you do get students who are like a reflection of their teachers whilst others aren't maybe because they are still trying to reach that status and are taking a little longer than others in doing so.

people are responsible for their own actions and definately should not blame islam. and parents should teach their own kids not rely on teachers and imams. Seriously, people just love to blame others...

smile and be happy!!!

"*DUST*" wrote:

"MuslimSister" wrote:
ever since she’s got in with the “religious lot” she’s gone, well a bit weird

how do you mean? have u spoken to her about it?

She's just very, very self rightous and quick to condemn others and her parents in every breathe...if she disagree's with something in an Islamic book she's rip it up (even if the book is not here's)...I have spoken to her a LOT about this.

Her "religious" friends are like this too...she was a much nicer person before she got involved with them.

I think what it is is that most people do not have a good understanding of what islam is all about. so people with prejudices blame the religion which shows just how ignorant they are. When a person doesnt understand thats when they begin to look for excuses. Islam is not to blame if a bad event occurs...the people who have commited the crime or what not should be blamed. Teachers dont get as much credit as they deserve. Without teachers where would we be today? People are definitly not taking responsibility for there actions...thats the problem.

"RoSeAnGeL" wrote:
I think what it is is that most people do not have a good understanding of what islam is all about. so people with prejudices blame the religion which shows just how ignorant they are. When a person doesnt understand thats when they begin to look for excuses. Islam is not to blame if a bad event occurs...the people who have commited the crime or what not should be blamed. Teachers dont get as much credit as they deserve. Without teachers where would we be today? People are definitly not taking responsibility for there actions...thats the problem.

This is an excellent point

This is especially true of forced marriages , i have read many times in articles and newspapers where a girl was forcibly marriaged with out her will then she got divorced, ran away from home, and then became anti islamic and blamed islam.

This is also true for some non-muslims who blame every bad thing a muslim does, on the fact he is muslim :x