Why does society prefer light skin? Why do guys go for lighter girls? My family told me to use fair and lovely skin bleaching cream once so that I'd have fairer skin. It worked but I had to stop using it because it made my face break out in spots. When I was younger my mum always told me to keep out of the sun.
My grandmother says that purity is linked to a lighter colour. Even the quran says that the hoors will be white.

Whats wrong with being dark and why do rishte's always prefer their future wife to be fair? I've been rejected for not being "light enough"
Whats wrong with the guy being lighter then his wife?

State your skin colour preference and reason.

i've got a feeling we've been here before... Wink

it has no basis in the Quran. my siblings and i have fought tooth and nail with our grandparents and other elders to make them let go of this silly obsession with 'fair' skin. :roll:

in fact i would reject a rishta if they were judging me on my skin tone coz it only shows how backwards they are. u shud tell these ppl that this concept has no basis in Islam, borders on racism, etc.

these ppl even have bad taste - they dont seem to care about the features as long as the girl has 'gorra' skin she's amazingly beautiful. :roll: i have some very pretty black friends. beauty can never be based on one's skin colour.

btw search for this topic - i'm sure we've covered it b4?

edit: oh, and dont bother with those creams, they mess up ur skin. its a lose lose situation with some things. :?

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust(link is external), X-Men[/url]

I can't find an existing thread. By the way you didnt state your own preference.

"Ramz" wrote:
I can't find an existing thread. By the way you didnt state your own preference.

i'll have a look, it might have been in some other girlie thread. [b]edit:[/b] we spoke of it a little here:

lol i thought i'd made it quite obvious - i dont have a preference. Wink Allah created us all of different tribes, races, colours, and there is beauty to be found in each and every one.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust(link is external), X-Men[/url]


Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..

yep we've discussed this before...

who says light skinned girls are automatically pretty? I've seen gals that are below average beauty physically, yet you'll here the aunty jees waxing lyrical about how gorgeous these girls are. I have to look thrice in disbelief. Ask them what's so pretty about the girl, ah she has such a nice voice, such nice hands, she has all her fingers and toesin tact (u don't say), andshe has such fair skin masha'Allah she's beautiful! :roll: So there you go it's all about the skin colour nowt else. How shallow can you get??!Unfortunately many girls in my generation are growing up wrongly believing light skin=beauty, dark skin=ugliness. They are taking these ideas and regurgitating it to their own kids, forgetting how much they hated it when their parents harked on about it.

I don't think skin colour dictates physical beauty. I've seen beautiful black ppl and beautiful white ppl, and equally not so gorgeous ppl from the same races. Our preferences for fair skin as beautiful comes from years of social conditioning. We need to change this now. If you look at studies into the American African black community you'll see how the problem is reflected there. It's not just an issue for asians. Back in my early days i was crazy about ricky lake..don't tease me. It was a nice tea time chill out session Lol Anyways i remember this African lady harking on about how ugly her cousin was coz she was dark skinned, and how gorg she was coz she had lighter skin. Ironic considering she herself was an african woman??

The same disease is amongst asians. You get bengalis and pakistanis who diss white ppl, yet in all honestly want white skin like those goras they mock :x You get white women going onto sunbeds during their lunch breaks for brown skin, it's sickening.

I don’t think any shade of colour is “prettier” than another…clear, healthy skin is what’s usually the prettiest and this can be achieved by drinking plenty of water and eating fruit and veg.

From what I’ve seen this fixation with the lighter skin is mainly amongst the elder generation.

Dark skin and light skin can both look attractive…

Like Dust mentioned, I too would want nothing to do with a guy who rejected or even accepted me on the basis of my skin colour…a girl can do without such a loser.

none of the guys have commented yet, be honest tell us what you think

Everyone is beautiful in their own special way.

i know a sis who insisted that her hubby to be was light skinned. If you asked her her priorities, she would mention religion, character etc. But it seemed as if, if he didn't have fair skin she wouldn't consider him. He must be a very light skinned asian or even white so her kids come out the same . Dark brothers no matter how handsome physically and intellectually would never be considered :?

I can understand ppl having preferences for certain races based on attraction levels. But that's different from wanting someone with fair skin for nothing but aesthetic reasons isn't it :?

i never thght about the skin colour of my husband prior to marrying him. I was concerned about if i'd like him physically, if he was practising, if he could provide for me, his character things like that. His being light or dark never entered my mind. Nowadays it seems to be given a lot of importance even by girls who were born in the west. I don't think it's a problem that's limited to our parents generation, it's passed on to us but we're not willing to admit our prejudices.

When you get asian girls bleaching their skin in asian beauty parlours not for lighter hair, but lighter skin. Cashing in on creams and ointments with the hope of being "fair and lovely" it begs the question is it mummy's fault you ended up like this? Do you have a will of your own. Is anyone forcing you to bleach your skin? Society may be calling you but who says you have to answer that call?

"Beast" wrote:
Everyone is beautiful in their own special way.

awww beast is so sweet Wink

but I don't think beasts are beautiful they look like beasts :twisted:

ppl are pretty cos of their features, or eye shape/colour or size-not cos of skin colour

Fair skin?....



How fair are we talking here?

Fair as in fair witha hint of brown, fair fair, or Michael Jackson fair(if u can call that fair)?
hhmm id say either of the first two. Fair with a hint of brown or fair fair as a preference... altho im not gonna limit my options to just the girls skin tone.

As for why???? Well i dont really have a reason really. Just the way it is, but like i said skin tone aint the only deciding factor.

Back in BLACK

[Malcolm X] Skin tone duznt really determine the beauty of a person, it is something the white man has made us beleive, the white man wants us to beleive we are ugly, so we'd go crawl up into a corner, and take the abuse they hurl at us, but I say NO!, dunt let em tell u ur ugly, your beautiful, cuz you have colour, white gets dirty too quickly cuz its got no colour, so colour paints inself onto white, have you ever seen a coloured peice of clothing get white stain, NO i didnt think so, but how many white clothes get colours attracted to them, all of them. We are dominant, our skin tone tells a story [/Malcolm X]

As the great Malcolm X puts it ( Lol ) colour dunt determine the beauty.

personally ive beena funny character colour wise, when i was young I was dark skinned, as I grew up I kinda became lightish skinned, dunno how im jus weird like that.

But regarding colour, people like similar people. So if I was to get married, id look for someone on my level. (obviously I shoulnt expect someone to be as good as me, dunt thinks its possible).

In a similar way people look for someone who is a similar skin tone, which normally means similar ethnicity or similar country of origin.

A pakistani wants a pakistani (not in all cases tho Lol ) a bengali wants a bengali. An Japanese wants a japanese, a ugandese wants a ugandanese.

Now pakistanis come in 3 shades, light mid or dark
Bengalis r either light or dark
Japanese are always light
Ugandanese are always dark

so normaly ppl wna b wid ppl from similar culture or country, which means similar colour, unless your south african, they come either really dark or really light, think its cuzve the french guys leaving their people in the land after they "liberated" the africans, Va va voom?

And, then english wer very light until the slave trade, then the indo-pak invasion, i mean til the indians and pakistanis started comin over.

you reckon the south east asians r taking revenge by taking over england, the way they took over india, we've already secured Bradford, its under our control, parts of birmingham and most of blackburn r also almost taken over.

I dunt think i got the messgae bout a takeover, is it true?

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

I think preference is one thing…prejudice is another.

Personally, when it comes to Asian guys I think that they suit the darker shade of brown….having said that, I wouldn’t discriminate against a guy if he happened to have lighter skin colour.

Razor is it really a big deal if one or the other is darker/lighter then the other?


"Ramz" wrote:
Whats wrong with being dark and why do rishte's always prefer their future wife to be fair?

Because makeup does not look as good on black skin.

It is designed for white skins only.


That’s a harsh incorrect point Omrow…you can get make up for black people and they can look good with it too..

I'm sorry but they don't. Makeup is for white women only.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I think preference is one thing…prejudice is another.

Personally, when it comes to Asian guys I think that they suit the darker shade of brown….having said that, I wouldn’t discriminate against a guy if he happened to have lighter skin colour.

[b]Razor is it really a big deal if one or the other is darker/lighter then the other?[/b]

Ofcourse not, i think you misunderstood darlin, what i was trying to do was giv a reason as to why a prejudice occurs, i think its more a case of a person wanting a partner who is similar, and the first similarity anyone can make, is an external similarity, and so if i was looking for a "similar" partner, id look for a person who was a lighter shade of hmmm, i duno, am I brown? ill look in a mirror much closer nex tym not sure im even brown.

But it boils down to similaries or preferences.

Personally im not a fan of completely light skinned females, a female, needs some sort of essence, but then again not a fan of really dark skinned females, im a guy all about moderation.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"razor" wrote:

Ofcourse not, i think you misunderstood darlin, what i was trying to do was giv a reason as to why a prejudice occurs, i think its more a case of a person wanting a partner who is similar, and the first similarity anyone can make, is an external similarity, and so if i was looking for a "similar" partner, id look for a person who was a lighter shade of hmmm, i duno, am I brown? ill look in a mirror much closer nex tym not sure im even brown.

But it boils down to similaries or preferences.


I agree with your second point but not your first...I'm sure that most people do not look in the mirror and wish to find someone who is a similar skin colour to them, I def don't...

And generally speaking...most Asian/black guys happen to be a darker skin colour then most Asian/black girls.

"Omrow" wrote:
I'm sorry but they don't. Makeup is for white women only.

Omro you aint a women so u dont know, i dont know what black girls you have seen with make-up but black girls suit make-up when applied right same applies for white women and asian women.

"Omrow" wrote:
I'm sorry but they don't. Makeup is for white women only.

Make-up was designed to giv white females colour, its true purpose is to add colour right?

but if a coloured woman uses it, then she is jus modifyin her original colour, whereas if a white female uses it, she is adding colour, so difference is in the purpose of use

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight


"Angel" wrote:
Omro you aint a women so u dont know...

I might not be a woman. And I thank God for that.

But I do know where makeup looks good and where it doesn't.


"razor" wrote:
"Omrow" wrote:
I'm sorry but they don't. Makeup is for white women only.

Make-up was designed to giv white females colour, its true purpose is to add colour right?

but if a coloured woman uses it, then she is jus modifyin her original colour, whereas if a white female uses it, she is adding colour, so difference is in the purpose of use

Make up is to enhance and add colour to white and coloured women.

No one's lips are naturally dark red, or have eyelids that are blue/brown/pink (or whatever eye shadow women choose to wear), nor is anyone's eyes naturally outlined with black eyeliner/khol pencil etc

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"razor" wrote:

Ofcourse not, i think you misunderstood darlin, what i was trying to do was giv a reason as to why a prejudice occurs, i think its more a case of a person wanting a partner who is similar, and the first similarity anyone can make, is an external similarity, and so if i was looking for a "similar" partner, id look for a person who was a lighter shade of hmmm, i duno, am I brown? ill look in a mirror much closer nex tym not sure im even brown.

But it boils down to similaries or preferences.


I agree with your second point but not your first...I'm sure that most people do not look in the mirror and wish to find someone who is a similar skin colour to them, I def don't...

[b]And generally speaking...most Asian/black guys happen to be a darker skin colour then most Asian/black girls[/b].

Why is that? something i dunt understand, My mums lighter than my dad, sisters lightere than me n my brother. its true for other families aswell now I think about it.

Anyone got any idea why?

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"razor" wrote:
"Omrow" wrote:
I'm sorry but they don't. Makeup is for white women only.

Make-up was designed to giv white females colour, its true purpose is to add colour right?

Ok and here i was thinkin it was to beautify yourself!?

Omro you know nothing bout make-up!

I am not a woman. I dont wear makeup. Sissy men do that.

"MuslimSister" wrote:

"razor" wrote:

I agree with your second point but not your first...I'm sure that most people do not look in the mirror and wish to find someone who is a similar skin colour to them, I def don't...

[b]And generally speaking...most Asian/black guys happen to be a darker skin colour then most Asian/black girls[/b].

Why is that? something i dunt understand, My mums lighter than my dad, sisters lightere than me n my brother. its true for other families aswell now I think about it.

Anyone got any idea why?

Same here...all the women in my entire family are either very white or the lighter shade of brown whilst all the men are either brown or the darker shade of brown.

Thats what I meant when I said, that its not realistic to expect someone the same skin colour as you...

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:

Why is that? something i dunt understand, My mums lighter than my dad, sisters lightere than me n my brother. its true for other families aswell now I think about it.

Anyone got any idea why?

Same here...all the women in my entire family are either very white or the lighter shade of brown whilst all the men are either brown or the darker shade of brown.

Thats what I meant when I said, that its not realistic to expect someone the same skin colour as you...

point taken.

I think women wash their face better Smile

Men dunt put enuff effort into washing there faces i guess

wats the secret technique ladies, step by step pleez

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

Its all about health.

Radiant skin looks healthy.

Now that can be dark or light. But either way it can look good or bad.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
Now that can be dark or light. But either way it can look good or bad.

exactly. someone can have really fair skin AND spots at the same time, does that make them beautiful? :? healthy, radiant skin is what brings out the beauty in a person. (so eat up your tomatoes everyone!) Wink

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust(link is external), X-Men[/url]

"razor" wrote:

wats the secret technique ladies, step by step pleez

There's no secret really, different stuff works for different people, some religiously cleanse, tone and moisturise every night and exfoliate every few weeks…others just rely on soap and water.

But nothing can make your skin colour lighter…but the sun can tan you, so no playing footie in the mid morning extreme heat of the summer if you don’t wish to become darker.

And just drink plenty of water/milk and eat lots of fruit and veg to have nice looking skin.
