[size=18][b][color=green]Islamic Vocabulary [/color][/b][/size]
[b]adab[/b] (n) Islamic manners and behavior
[b]'aqidah:[/b] (n) belief or creed
[b]'ad[/b]l (n) 1). Justice; 2). righteous conduct
[b]ahad[/b] singular; a hadith whose narrators do not reach anywhere near the number for the mutawatir(continuous) hadith.
[b]Ahkâm[/b] : "Orders". According to Islamic Law, there are five kinds of orders : 1. Compulsory (Wajib) 2. Order without obligation (Mustahab) 3. Forbidden (Muharram) 4. Disliked but not forbidden (Makruh) 5. Legal and allowed (Halâl)
[b]Al – Quthum[/b] Allah’s Messenger (saas), the best of creation, one who has all good virtues and characteristics gathered together in him
[b]Akhirah[/b] the Hereafter; the life beyond this transitory one
[b]Bid'ah[/b]: Innovation in the creed or in acts of worship
[b]Dabt[/b]: (n) strong retentive memory; a necessary characteristic of the transmitters of Traditions
[b]Da’if[/b] weak; a characterization of hadith in which there is some defect either in the chain of transmission or in perfect agreement with beliefs and practices
[b]Fitnah[/b]: (n) temptation, discord, civil war, trial
[b]Fitra[/b]: nature of humans as created by humans as created by Allah(swt)
[b]Hadith[/b] (pl: ahadith): the recorded teachings, sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (saas) which explain and interpret the Qur’anic verses and Message of Islam
[b]Hadiyyah[/b]: (n) gift
[b]Hajj[/b]: (n) the pilgrimmage to Makkah; one of the Five Pillars of Islam
[b]Hasan[/b] the Good; a categorization of hadith similar to sahih except that some of its narrators are found to have defective memories in comparison to sahih narrators
[b]Hasad[/b]: envy
[b]Haya[/b]: an attitude and behavior in which all indecency is avoided, therefore acting as a preventive measure against numberous sins; as such it serves to strengthen faith
[b]Hijrah[/b]: (n) emigration; the hijrah to Madinah from Makkah took place in 622 a.d.
[b]Hikmah[/b] (n) 1). Wisdom; 2). The Wisdom, the Qur’anic term for the Sunnah of Rasullah (saas)
[b]Hilm[/b]: Self- restraint
[b]Hukm/ahkam[/b] (n) a legal judgement, an ordinance, a decree; a verdict
[b]Ibadat[/b]: (n) acts of workship; a comprehensive word comprising deeds and words that Allah loves and is pleased with whether manifested or hidden; There are two conditions of Ibadah: 1. Sincerity to Allah, 2. Submission to Allah's Messenger i.e. to act according to his Sunnah. Some types of Ibadah are the prayers, the obligatory charity,fasting, the pilgrimage, fear of Allah, hope in His Mercy, Seeking His aid. and other acts of worship which Allah has commanded and enjoined.
[b]Ihsân [/b]: The highest level of deeds and worship, (perfection i.e. when you worship Allah or do deeds, consider yourself as if you see Him and if you cannot achieve this feeling or attitude, then you must bear in mind that He sees you).
[b]Ijtihad[/b]: Intellectual effort of Muslim jurists to reach independent religio- legal decisions, a key feature of modern Islamic reform; one who exercises ijtihad is a mujtahid
[b]Ikhlas[/b]: extreme sincerity
[b]‘Ilm[/b]: Knowledge
[b]Isnad[/b]: (n) the chain of transmitter through whom the hadith was transmitted
[b]Isharat[/b]: signs of the Last Day
[b]Jami’[/b]: (n) a comprehensive and inclusive reference book of hadith
[b]Jihad[/b]: (n) striving in the way Allah (swt) 'We are a people of Jihad. Struggling for the cause of Allah (SWT) to bring down barriers of injustice that deprives humanity from realizing their true potential which is to be slaves to Allah (SWT).
[b]Karam[/b]: Generousity
[b]Kibar/kibr[/b]: (n) false pride
[b]Kitab[/b]: (n) 1). Book; 2). The Book of Allah (swt) (Al- Quran)
[b]Khutbah[/b]: (n) sermon
[b]Khalifah[/b]: (n) caliph
[b]Kufr[/b]: (n) denial of the Truth of Allah (swt) disbelief
[b]Manaqib[/b]: (n) virtues, outstanding traits; feats, exploits
[b]Mujahid[/b]: (n) warrior; one who strives through jihad
[b]Matn[/b]: (n) the text and content of hadith
[b]Mawdu[/b]: fabricated; an untue hadith which has been fabricated Muhajir (pl muhajirun): (n) 1). Emigrant 2). One who gives up what Allah has prohibited (Bukhari)
[b]Muhrim[/b] One who assumes the state of Ihram for the purpose of performing the Hajj or 'Umra.
[b]Mursal[/b]: a hadith in which a tabi’I (successor) transmits from Rasullah (saas) directly
[b]Musnad[/b]: (n) collection in which Traditions are arranged according to the names of the Sahabah
[b]Muntaq’I[/b]: a hadith going back to the successor only
[b]Mu’ dal[/b] a hadith in which two continuous links are missing in one or more places from the isnad
[b]Mu’ allaq[/b] a hadith collection, which includes Traditions neglected by earlier compilers
[b]Mustakhraj[/b]: (n) a work in which later scholars revise works of the early major scholars and add to them additional commentaries.
[b]Muttafaqun ‘ alai-hi[/b] agreed upon; any hadith which is tranmitted by Bukahri and Muslim
[b]Mutawtir[/b]: continuous; a hadith reported by a large number of people in different times, to make it impossible for any falsehood to enter it. It is reported by a large number of narrators whose agreement upon a lie is inconceivable. This condition must be met in the entire chaing from origin of the report to the end.
[b]Mu’jam[/b] (n) a type of collection sometimes arranged according to alphabetical order
[b]Qadar[/b] believe that everything — good or bad — happens or takes place according to what Allah has ordained for it. He has created everything in due proportion
[b]Qudsi tradition[/b]: a hadith directly inspired by Allah (swt)
[b]Rahmah[/b]: Mercy for Humans and Animals
[b]Rifq[/b]: kindness
[b]Sabr[/b]: (n) to exercise self-control; will power; control over animal desires; patience; constancy
[b]Sadaqah[/b]: (n) spending voluntarily in the cause of Allah (swt)
[b]Sadaqah jariyah[/b] (n) recurring charity
[b]Sakina[/b]: a divine tranquility that is believed to descend when the Qur’an is recited
[b]Sunnah [/b] (n) 1). A practice, a way, a rule, a precedent; a manner of life; 2). Traditions and practices of the Prophet used as a complement to the Qur’an in understanding the laws of Allah
[b]Sahih[/b]: the name given to the absolutely correct hadith in which there is no weakness and all the transmitters are proven to have possessed both ‘adl and dabt
[b]Sawm[/b]: (n) fasting
[b]Sirah/siyar[/b]: (n) conduct, deportment, behavior, way of actiing
[b]Shahid[/b]: (n) martyr
[b]Shirk[/b]: Allah in His acts i.e. ascribing partners or setting up rivals to Allah in His rights.There are three types of polytheism: 1). The greater polytheism (Shirk Akbar). 2). The lesser polytheism (Shirk Asghar). 3). The inconspicuous polytheism (Shirk Khafi).
[b]Shirk Akbar[/b] devote any form of worship to other than Allah. Allah will never forgive one who dies upon Shirk,nor accept his good deeds, and he would be cast out from the folds of Islam.There are four types of greater polytheism: 1). The polytheism in invocation i.e. involving supplications to other than Allah. 2). The polytheism in intentions i.e. purpose and intentions not for the sake of Allah but directed towards other deities. 3). The polytheism in obedience i.e. rendering obedience to any authority against the Order of Allah. 4). The potytheism in love i.e showing love to others which is due to Allah Alone.
[b]Shirk Asghar[/b] The lesser polytheism is that means the acts of worship done to gain praise or fame rather than to please Allah, this type of polytheism, however, does not cast the person committing it out of the fold of Islam.
[b]Shirk Khafi[/b] The inconspicuous polytheism implies being dissatisfied with the conditions ordained by Allah.The proof of the above Shirk is the saying of the Prophet “The inconspicuous polytheism is more hidden among this nation than the track of a black ant over a black stone on a dark night” (Musnad Ahmad)
[b]Sirât[/b]: originally means 'a road'; it also means the bridge that will be laid across Hell-Fire for the people to pass over on the Day of Judgement. It is described as sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair. It will have hooks over it to snatch the people
[b]Suffah[/b]: (n) the first Islamic University, established in the mosque of the Prophet
[b]Tafsir[/b] (n) exegesis or explanation into a subject (such as the Qur’an)
[b]Tabi’I[/b] (n) one who follows; those who succeeded the Sahabah
[b]Taghut[/b] Everything that is worshipped or followed or obeyed other than Allah is Taghut. They are many but their leaders are Five: 1). Satan, may Allah curse him, 2). Anyone who is worshipped with his consent. 3). A person who calls the people to be worshipped instead of Allah. 4). A person who claims the knowledge of Ghaib (unseen, hidden, invisible, absent etc). 5). The ruler who rules by laws other than the law sent down by Allah.
[b]Tarbiyah[/b]: cultivation and education
[b]Tasfiyah[/b]: cleansing and purification
[b]Tauhid[/b] declaring Allah to be the only God who deserves to be worshipped in truth and confirming all attributes with which He has qualified Himself or that are attributed to Him by His Messenger . There are three aspects of Tauhid: 1- Tauhid-ar-Rububiyah. 2- Tauhid-al-Uluhiyah, 3-Tauhid-al-Asma was-Sifat.
[b]Tauhid-ar-Rububiyah[/b] It is declaring Allah to be One and Unique in His work, Iike creation, sustenance, bringing to life and causing death etc.
[b]Tauhid-al-Uluhiyah[/b] It is declaring Allah as the Only God to whom all acts worship must be dedicated such salat (prayers), Zakat, Sawm(fasting), supplications vowing etc.
[b]Tauhid-al-Asma was-Sifat[/b] It is an affirmation of all the Given Names and Attributes of Allah in a manner that suits His Majesty, as mentioned in the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
[b]Taqlid[/b]: Adoption and imitation of traditional legal decisions. Criticized by reform-minded legal thinkers as blind imitation – opposite of ijitihad
[b]Tawadu’ [/b] humility
[b]Tawakkul[/b]: Trust in Allah (swt)
[b]Tilawa[/b]: Ritual recitation of the Qur’an
[b]Ulama’[/b] (sing‘alim) (n) those learned in Islam
[b]Ummah[/b] (n) the Muslim community
[b]Wudu’ [/b] (n) ablution; a special ritual of washing which precedes the Islamic prayers
[b]Zakah[/b]: (n) the mandatory giving of alms or charity to the poor; it is calculated as two and a half percent of the one’s annual savings; one of the Five Pillars of Islam
it says forbidden is 'muharram' .... Is that pronounced as haraam, or is that the word it derives frm?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar.
l knw, but read the 5th word, Ahkam...
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I didnt understand your question,
Muharram: Is the first month of the Islamic Calendar.
The meaning of the word:- The word "Muharram" means "Forbidden." Even before Islam, this month was always known as a scared month in which all unlawful acts were forbidden, prominently the shedding of blood.
That where it derives from.
ur confusing again![Lol](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/lol.gif)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
What didn't u understand freshie :twisted: I think he explained it pretty well apart from a spelling mistake
Thank you Angel- :roll:
Are u being sarcy :roll: ( i just pointed it out - it looked silly)
NO sister, You pointed out a spelling mistake and I edited it. :oops:
Awrite cool, its just this smiley " :roll: " made me think you were but you weren't sorry!
[url]http://www.freewebs.com/zikr/Arbic.htm[/url] Arbic![Smile](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Speaking of Arabic, the following glossary is one that is most often employed by the Salafis:
Shirk = Saying God does not have a chair
Shirk = Loving the Prophet 365 days a year
Bidah = Calling on the Prophet for help
Haram = Having a portrait painted of your dad
Bidah = Using knife and fork in meals
Haram = Looking at a girl for more than 3.67 seconds
Bidah = Obeying a Sufi; actually this supposed to be Shirk
Haram = Celebrating Prophet's Birthday
Bidah = Wearing a bandanna in Prayer
Shirk = Saying Prophet is alive
Bidah = Buying a Kit Kat before Friday prayers
Some of you might not have noticed, these people only repeat three terms in their glossary.
LOL ya joker where did you get that from?
(however u shudnt be cussing salafi's)
lol.......that was wrong Omrow
but KITKATS![Lol](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/lol.gif)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
thats a long time to look at a girl, i think anything under 1 second is just by accident but longer than that well thats just asking for it
not funny omrow :roll:
[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]
I agree- he's now writing his own translation, this brother get more bizarre daily
omrow bro are you a wahabi? no offense to them but thats all they say. i mean they are destroying everything left in Makkah and Madina. if you go to Jannat-Ul-Bakki its all been destroyed because it is 'biddah' and now they want to destroy the cave? i mean what the..
get a grip where have these new rules come out from? everything that is sunnat they are turning to biddah , its disgusting really
something needs to be done.. visit [url]www.savethehijaz.org[/url]
The Salafi brothers I know respect everyone and how they are portrayed on the internet and forums especially doesn’t reflect an ounce of truth-
I’ll post a video of a Salafi Masjid (Soon Insha'Allah)- and who says that Masjid needs reform!
[size=18][b]And this thread was suppose to be for the muslim and non muslim alike to learn Islamic Vocabulary, not for Mr. Omrow to make more senseless wisecracks. [/b][/size]
ok so tell me is it right to destroy the sights we have left at Makkah shariff and Madina? also make some of them into Toilets??
u seen the slide show too?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
if your talking to me about the slideshow i saw then yes lol. why what slideshow did you watch and who did it??
The salafis of Saudi Arabia are erroneously called "wahabis" by their detractors, especially neocon slimebags and extremist shia who profit from making them out to be these big bad fundamentalists out to take over the world.
If the Salafis viewed everyone else as "infidels" they wouldnt allow anyone else to enter their country, or even perform the hajj now would they.
One can be against certain excesses of some salafis without falling into the trap of the criminals who seek to destablize the entire region with their wars of conquest.
Nobody here is defending the corrupt Saudi government, but one knows the difference between a corrupt government and smearing the entire country and its people as "wahabi this wahabi that.
lol I don't think you understand the point of Omrow.
I started a thread on the topic of Omrow once, every thread is supposed to be for Omrow to make senseless wisecracks.
Good thread though, I often get lost in a flurry of Shukrans Afwans Salaams Salafis and Mushriks.
There should be a dictionary somewhere or something.
Thanks I’m glad this may be beneficial to you, if I remember correctly you wanted to learn Arabic?
There’s no point in asking your Arab/American friends, you’ll only learn swear words
lol ahh so you've met my friends.
I tried to impress a Saudi with my vast knowledge of arabic from one of my roommates.
...that was embarassing.
Is that Pimsleur series any good?
do shahid and sahib come from a similar grouping of words?
I wouldn’t know how to evaluate the “Pimsleur series” on it’s effectiveness, because I haven’t tested it, if you like- would be better suited asking someone who has used Pimsleur series to learn Arabic.
Personally I think that if you travel to a country and spend some time there. Then you’re more likely to pick up and learn the language of that country.
lol i fail to see the difference between the two. If one is calling one a "wahabi" and the other is calling one "slimebags and extremist shia"....
I agree with your last comment how the Saudi Govt. is corrupt not the people themselves.
lol yes, unfortunately nothing can make up for travel.
And what is equally unfortunate I doubt I will be doing so for a number of years.
Other than Disney World.
For some reason i've always been able to pick up languages quickly through books and tapes, I was actually conversational well before I went to Italy.
Ah well...
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