Submitted by MastKuri on 16 January, 2006 - 16:00 #121
"Seraphim" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
[size=18][b]Q.[/b][/size] If a husband disappears for years on end, no word, no nothing... doesnt even ring home to check on his wife and kid. Does he have any rights to them if and when he returns?
Islamicly speaking does she hav the right to divorce him?
my nan was watching a bollywood film based on this story line last night
it had ashwaria in nit
did u watch the same film?
lol seriously... theres a film on this??
[size=5]and ashwariya's in it?[/size]
no we were having a discussion about this with my cousin who was asking... got the feeling she knew some1 who maybe in that situation.
yeah the films called kuch na kaho right???
aishwarya rai
abishek bachan
salman khans brother arbaaz are in it
Actions speak louder than words!
Submitted by star on 16 January, 2006 - 16:05 #122
Submitted by Omrow on 16 January, 2006 - 16:08 #123
A few of my posts on different topics have been disappearing.
Admin has been deleting them without warning.
Therefore, its not that I have not been posting. Its just that you people are not being given a chance to read them.
Submitted by Angel on 16 January, 2006 - 16:10 #124
"Omrow" wrote:
A few of my posts on different topics have been disappearing.
Admin has been deleting them without warning.
Therefore, its not that I have not been posting. Its just that you people are not being given a chance to read them.
It depends what you been postin, lay off the abusive mode then maybe your posts wont get deleted....
Submitted by Omrow on 16 January, 2006 - 16:23 #125
I was not complaining. I was informing you guys.
I don't mind my posts being deleted.
If Admin judges my posts are to be too nasty, then he has right to delete them. He is the Big Boss.
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 January, 2006 - 17:06 #126
"MastKuri" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
[size=18][b]Q.[/b][/size] If a husband disappears for years on end, no word, no nothing... doesnt even ring home to check on his wife and kid. Does he have any rights to them if and when he returns?
Islamicly speaking does she hav the right to divorce him?
my nan was watching a bollywood film based on this story line last night
Submitted by Omrow on 16 January, 2006 - 17:11 #128
Muslim boys often try to copy from heros of Indian films.
Both are shameless idiots.
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 January, 2006 - 17:48 #129
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Are you seeking answers from a bollywood film?
nooo .... that would be silly to the point of being idiotic.
Just curious how it ended.
Bollywood heros are soooo fake it would be very stupid of anyone to try and copy. Theres a BIG difference between what happens in films and the real world.
[size=5]I realised that when i first watched Superman... and tried to fly... [/size]:oops:
According to nan who watched the entire film the other night.
She dumped the husband who abandoned her when he returned and demanded his rights back...and went off with some other guy.
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 January, 2006 - 17:55 #131
"MuslimSister" wrote:
According to nan who watched the entire film the other night.
She dumped the husband who abandoned her when he returned and demanded his rights back...and went off with some other guy.
that dont make sense...
Sooo the guy returns demands his right to his wife and kid, she says no... dumps her husband and then he takes off with some other guy???
that dont make sense...
Sooo the guy returns demands his right to his wife and kid, she says no... dumps her husband and then he takes off with some other guy???
was he gay? Is that why he left her?
Makes sense to me.
A man can't go off when he feels like it and return when he feels like it. And expect to find everything just the way he left it
Lol-I meant she went off with some other guy. Someone who was there for her in time of need...thats bollywood for you.
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 January, 2006 - 18:13 #133
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:
that dont make sense...
Sooo the guy returns demands his right to his wife and kid, she says no... dumps her husband and then he takes off with some other guy???
was he gay? Is that why he left her?
Makes sense to me.
A man can't go off when he feels like it and return when he feels like it. And expect to find everything just the way he left it
Lol-I meant she went off with some other guy. Someone who was there for her in time of need...thats bollywood for you.
If Admin judges my posts are to be too nasty, then he has right to delete them. He is the Big Boss.
erm... you ASKED for the posts to be totally deleted by the mods if there was a need for even the smallest of edits!
I told the mods to follow your request. You can change your request if you like.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Ramz on 18 January, 2006 - 15:43 #135
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
Best husband is one who cater to your every demand.
I'm not sure if a woman can respect such a man.
You mean you wouldnt want your husband to listen to you? :?:
Do you consider yourself inferior to men?
Submitted by Seraphim on 18 January, 2006 - 15:52 #136
"Ramz" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Ramz" wrote:
Best husband is one who cater to your every demand.
You mean you wouldnt want your husband to listen to you? :?:
Do you consider yourself inferior to men?
Catering to your every demand makes him sound like a slave.
Im sorry but thats not how marriage works. Its give-and-take, compromise etc.
Its like marrying someone who agrees with everything you say... or likes exactly what you like... and will... need i go on.... it'll just be boring.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Ramz on 18 January, 2006 - 15:56 #137
That doesnt make him a slave. It just proves that he loves his wife and takes her demands seriously instead of ignoring her and considering her the slave as was the practise of our traditional desi parents.
Submitted by Seraphim on 18 January, 2006 - 15:59 #138
"Ramz" wrote:
That doesnt make him a slave. It just proves that he loves his wife and takes her demands seriously instead of ignoring her and considering her the slave as was the practise of our traditional desi parents.
Just coz desi parents did such or such doesnt mean he's gonna follow...
Ramz... it dont prove he loves his wife it proves he doesnt hav much of a will of his own. Men hav "other" ways of proving their love... haha all-rite.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by *DUST* on 18 January, 2006 - 16:02 #139
"Ramz" wrote:
That doesnt make him a slave. It just proves that he loves his wife and takes her demands seriously instead of ignoring her and considering her the slave as was the practise of our traditional desi parents.
i can say with certainty that MuslimSis DOES NOT consider herself inferior to men!!
just because your culture makes women 'cater to every demand' of the man, it doesnt mean the better relationship has the man catering for every demand of the woman - these are both extremes, Islam does not allow extremes.
a healthy relationship is one of compromise - as seraph pointed out, it should be about give and take, not take and take. where's the fun in marrying someone who does everything u ask, agrees with everything u say - after a while ud just get bored of him.
That doesnt make him a slave. It just proves that he loves his wife and takes her demands seriously instead of ignoring her and considering her the slave as was the practise of our traditional desi parents.
i can say with certainty that MuslimSis DOES NOT consider herself inferior to men!!
like her feminist wannabe sister would let her do that
Submitted by Seraphim on 18 January, 2006 - 18:16 #142
"Ramz" wrote:
Listening to your wife and doing as she says doesnt prove that he loves loves? :?: What would you know. Your not a woman.
Listening to what your wife says is a basic skill and i would assume a basic right in any marriage. It doesnt necessarily signify his love for her. Its just manners.
But if she's asking for something that the guy dont agree with then pointing this out to her and saying 'no bcoz of .....' shows he cares enough to say no in the first place and since he's said no that pretty much means he was listening and hes taking the time to explain to you why he disagrees.
You mean you wouldnt want your husband to listen to you? :?:
Do you consider yourself inferior to men?
Lol-Ramz….don’t be silly.
Of course I would want my partner to listen to me…but within reason…but I just can’t respect someone who listens to absolutely everything I say without ever challenging me.
I’m only human I can’t be right all the time.
That doesn’t mean that I expect him to ignore me and never take my opinion or feelings into consideration.
Submitted by Omrow on 18 January, 2006 - 21:36 #144
"MuslimSister" wrote:
I just can’t respect someone who listens to absolutely everything I say...
After that, who can now claim to undertand women.
First, they demand that you listen to them. And when you give them full attention, they insist that you ignore them.
First, they demand that you listen to them. And when you give them full attention, they insist that you ignore them.
There's a time and place to listen and there's a time and place to ignore.
A real man would know when to listen and when to ignore.
Submitted by *DUST* on 18 January, 2006 - 21:53 #146
"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Omrow" wrote:
First, they demand that you listen to them. And when you give them full attention, they insist that you ignore them.
There's a time and place to listen and there's a time and place to ignore.
A real man would know when to listen and when to ignore.
um, but Ramz used the word 'listen' in terms of 'do what she says/asks' as opposed to the literal meaning of 'listen'. so ignoring doesnt really come into it.
and i gotta disagree with ur above comment MuslimSis (unles i misunderstood u) - noone should ignore another person when being spoken to, thats just rude. and if a man did it to his wife, it'd be all the worse. he should [b]listen[/b] to her when she's speaking, whether or not he agrees with what she says is another matter.
What I meant by "ignoring" is that he shouldnt always cater to his wifes demands, if they're unresonable...
Lol-I didnt mean totally ignoring and not listening to what she has to say...
Sorry, I got side tracked by Omrow's silly comment.
Submitted by Seraphim on 18 January, 2006 - 22:00 #148
I think the guy should have the right to ignore his wife... under certain circumstances.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Medarris on 18 January, 2006 - 22:09 #149
"Seraphim" wrote:
I think the guy should have the right to ignore his wife... under certain circumstances.
say it how it is bruv.
Personally I think if both behave as they are meant to marriage works.
The husband should be a man. He should know what he wants, should not give in to every single demand of his mrs and just be running after her all the time. That man is in punjabi called ranmureed, and in urdu zan mureed - wife's disciple. The husband should and does have an authority over the wife. But at the same time it shouldnt be a dictatorship with husband telling her how every single thing must be.
Give and take.
The wife should listen and obey her husband when he commands her to do something, even more so when it is shariah command. She should be aware of his mood, cheer him up when he is sad; make sure he is not troubled when he comes home from work. She should be his support. Any man who is a man will value such a woman.
The man should have authority but his responsibility to his wife is immense also. He must be there to keep her happy, cheer her up, pay attention to her. Women get more emotional more often, the man should be there to comfort and console her. When she is sad, the first person she should complain to is her husband; if she is stressed the husband should be the one who says two words to her and takes all her stress and tension away.
In Surah Baqarah:
"They are your garments, and you are their garments".
The duties are equal and complementary.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Omrow on 19 January, 2006 - 01:14 #150
"Ramz" wrote:
Listening to your wife and doing as she says doesnt prove that he loves loves? What would you know. Your not a woman.
yeah the films called kuch na kaho right???
aishwarya rai
abishek bachan
salman khans brother arbaaz are in it
Actions speak louder than words!
A few of my posts on different topics have been disappearing.
Admin has been deleting them without warning.
Therefore, its not that I have not been posting. Its just that you people are not being given a chance to read them.
It depends what you been postin, lay off the abusive mode then maybe your posts wont get deleted....
I was not complaining. I was informing you guys.
I don't mind my posts being deleted.
If Admin judges my posts are to be too nasty, then he has right to delete them. He is the Big Boss.
lol, does anyone know what happens in the end?
If and how its resolved?
Back in BLACK
Are you seeking answers from a bollywood film?
Muslim boys often try to copy from heros of Indian films.
Both are shameless idiots.
nooo .... that would be silly to the point of being idiotic.
Just curious how it ended.
Bollywood heros are soooo fake it would be very stupid of anyone to try and copy. Theres a BIG difference between what happens in films and the real world.
[size=5]I realised that when i first watched Superman... and tried to fly... [/size]:oops:
Back in BLACK
According to nan who watched the entire film the other night.
She dumped the husband who abandoned her when he returned and demanded his rights back...and went off with some other guy.
that dont make sense...
Sooo the guy returns demands his right to his wife and kid, she says no... dumps her husband and then he takes off with some other guy???
was he gay? Is that why he left her?
Back in BLACK
Makes sense to me.
A man can't go off when he feels like it and return when he feels like it. And expect to find everything just the way he left it
Lol-I meant she went off with some other guy. Someone who was there for her in time of need...thats bollywood for you.
right okay
thnx 4 that
Back in BLACK
erm... you ASKED for the posts to be totally deleted by the mods if there was a need for even the smallest of edits!
I told the mods to follow your request. You can change your request if you like.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You mean you wouldnt want your husband to listen to you? :?:
Do you consider yourself inferior to men?
Catering to your every demand makes him sound like a slave.
Im sorry but thats not how marriage works. Its give-and-take, compromise etc.
Its like marrying someone who agrees with everything you say... or likes exactly what you like... and will... need i go on.... it'll just be boring.
Back in BLACK
That doesnt make him a slave. It just proves that he loves his wife and takes her demands seriously instead of ignoring her and considering her the slave as was the practise of our traditional desi parents.
Just coz desi parents did such or such doesnt mean he's gonna follow...
Ramz... it dont prove he loves his wife it proves he doesnt hav much of a will of his own. Men hav "other" ways of proving their love... haha all-rite.
Back in BLACK
i can say with certainty that MuslimSis DOES NOT consider herself inferior to men!!
just because your culture makes women 'cater to every demand' of the man, it doesnt mean the better relationship has the man catering for every demand of the woman - these are both extremes, Islam does not allow extremes.
a healthy relationship is one of compromise - as seraph pointed out, it should be about give and take, not take and take. where's the fun in marrying someone who does everything u ask, agrees with everything u say - after a while ud just get bored of him.
Listening to your wife and doing as she says doesnt prove that he loves loves? :?: What would you know. Your not a woman.
like her feminist wannabe sister would let her do that
Listening to what your wife says is a basic skill and i would assume a basic right in any marriage. It doesnt necessarily signify his love for her. Its just manners.
But if she's asking for something that the guy dont agree with then pointing this out to her and saying 'no bcoz of .....' shows he cares enough to say no in the first place and since he's said no that pretty much means he was listening and hes taking the time to explain to you why he disagrees.
And yes im a guy ... thank you for noticing.
Back in BLACK
Lol-Ramz….don’t be silly.
Of course I would want my partner to listen to me…but within reason…but I just can’t respect someone who listens to absolutely everything I say without ever challenging me.
I’m only human I can’t be right all the time.
That doesn’t mean that I expect him to ignore me and never take my opinion or feelings into consideration.
After that, who can now claim to undertand women.
First, they demand that you listen to them. And when you give them full attention, they insist that you ignore them.
Vanity is thy name woman !
There's a time and place to listen and there's a time and place to ignore.
A real man would know when to listen and when to ignore.
um, but Ramz used the word 'listen' in terms of 'do what she says/asks' as opposed to the literal meaning of 'listen'. so ignoring doesnt really come into it.
and i gotta disagree with ur above comment MuslimSis (unles i misunderstood u) - noone should ignore another person when being spoken to, thats just rude. and if a man did it to his wife, it'd be all the worse. he should [b]listen[/b] to her when she's speaking, whether or not he agrees with what she says is another matter.
What I meant by "ignoring" is that he shouldnt always cater to his wifes demands, if they're unresonable...
Lol-I didnt mean totally ignoring and not listening to what she has to say...
Sorry, I got side tracked by Omrow's silly comment.
I think the guy should have the right to ignore his wife... under certain circumstances.
Back in BLACK
say it how it is bruv.
Personally I think if both behave as they are meant to marriage works.
The husband should be a man. He should know what he wants, should not give in to every single demand of his mrs and just be running after her all the time. That man is in punjabi called ranmureed, and in urdu zan mureed - wife's disciple. The husband should and does have an authority over the wife. But at the same time it shouldnt be a dictatorship with husband telling her how every single thing must be.
Give and take.
The wife should listen and obey her husband when he commands her to do something, even more so when it is shariah command. She should be aware of his mood, cheer him up when he is sad; make sure he is not troubled when he comes home from work. She should be his support. Any man who is a man will value such a woman.
The man should have authority but his responsibility to his wife is immense also. He must be there to keep her happy, cheer her up, pay attention to her. Women get more emotional more often, the man should be there to comfort and console her. When she is sad, the first person she should complain to is her husband; if she is stressed the husband should be the one who says two words to her and takes all her stress and tension away.
In Surah Baqarah:
"They are your garments, and you are their garments".
The duties are equal and complementary.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Neither are you; so stop dusting the dusty woman.