What is it with designer labels? What’s wrong with wearing something that doesn’t have a designer label on it?
How fussy are you regarding the brand of your clothes/shoes/make up?
When I was about 14 I needed some trainers so I kicked up a fuss for some expensive Nike trainers.
Why? Cos in school the cool kids wore Nike/Reebok or addidas and those who didn’t were laughed at…
Mobile phones had just came out when I was in high school…I always felt left out cos I never had one straight away.
People who shopped at “cheap” shops were always ridiculed….
The pressure to conform to the norm in high school is incredibly strong.
Now that I’m older (and kinda wiser) designer stuff is a non issue for me. If I really, really love something and I can afford it I’ll buy it-be it £5 or £50…
Do you know of people who ONLY wear designer garms and will never shop at…TKmax, Peacocks, Lidl, Aldi etc or any shops that have a “cheap” label attached to them?
And when one goes out of their way to be decked out in designer garms 24/7…who is it that they’re trying to impress? Their own ego? Members of the opposite sex or just the general public?
And what makes you buys something…is it, the price? Label? Style? Quality? Media? Or your mum?
And aren’t some plain designer garms so ridiculously over priced? And isn’t it true that boys are more obsessed with labels then girls are?
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Whilst readin your post, the main thing that came to mind was my lil bro and i do think boys are more into designer wear than girls are. My bro doesnt wear anythin that is not designer, it HAS to be designer and i get annoyed with mum/dad for buyin them for him!
I used to back in school wear quite a bit of desinger stuff but i think for girls its easier to get away with cuz u can get so much nice stuff from high st. shops that looks good. I just buy anythin that i love, which looks nice/fits properly/decent price but in regards to price depends how much i like it, if i am in love then i am willing to pay more.
Why do teenages do that? cuz it looks cool and they wana wear what their mates are wearin so they dont feel left out.
There is a time and place for everything some guys obsess over designer labels largely to impress girls and make them think they are wealthy/well bred or something.
Assalamu Alaikum,
When I was younger I was dazzled by the latest fashions. I didn't always want designer goods as such, but quality goods that were hip and unique. I didn't want to look like every other girl walking down the streets, strictly adhering to what magazines dictated as cute for the week, I was after things that were in season but made a unique statement. I was very happy to mix a designer top with unbranded high street trousers. I didn't go around telling all my girly mates this top is made by so n' so.
Rather than going for the well known designers such as Chanel, Armani, Versace etc I was more into the equally famous designers who were known in the fashion industry but not to dizty teens. So i used to like going into little boutiques, stores away from the high street, for one off pieces. That way i knew no one else would have anything like it.
Shopping ethically never came into this small brain of mine, I was a young woman image was very important to me. Society had led me to believe I had to be a certain way, I did feel pressured to keep up with the latest trends. I didn't want to feel left out amongst my friends, who does? Course my friends wouldn't have thrown me out of their circle if i didn't wear pink coz it was in that season :roll:. But certain friends would rub it in my face when they knew i was short of cash, they'd let me know about the lastet coat or shoes they had purchased, that really vexed me.
As i've grown up my attitudes have changed a lot. I do try and shop ethically. I'm very aware that many of these major designer companies exploit workers in 3rd world countries. As one who proclaims to be a believer I can't ignore my involvement in the industry. After all if I pay 200 quid for a designer jumper, i know very well that company will pocket most of the profit, and give a small fraction to those who actually produced it. I can't live with that sort of guilt anymore. I try and avoid those companies, and would never intentionally buy from them.
Designer labels have now hit the asian markets. You can get designer saris, lenghas, trouser suits, mens suits, shoes you name it, it's designer. Sisters in particular will pa ridiculous prices just to keep up with the trends. The same disease that began in the west has now well and truly poisoned the minds of asian youth.
It can definately give you a false sense of superiority. You can think you are better than your mates. That you look better. That you have higher standards, that you make more of an effort, and you do end up showing it off, even if you won't admit it.
Also God warns us against wastefulness right, how could i deny that?l. Yes I may be able to afford it, but honestly do i need to buy item x for 50 pounds when i could get a decent one for 30 pounds What are my real intentions for buying it for more is it really the quality or just the name?
I still have a distaste for mass manufactured goods. I would still prefer one off pieces be it in clothing or otherwise, coz I like unique things, there is nothing sinful in that. However moderation in everything is important. i didn't particularly like the person I was before. In some ways i was shallow and let society dictate who i should be, how i should spend etc etc.
Now I just want things which are of good quality, beauty would be a bonus, and value for money. I'm no saint i may buy certain goods that i shouldn't but i don't intentionally seek them out anymore. I've learned to abstain from lavish spending the hard way. As a result I feel happier with myself. The constant guilt about overspending no longer haunts me. I still look fashionable, but modest with it. God gave me a unique design i don't need the labels to prove that anymore.
P.S boys are more into designer labels? don't know how true that is. Boys brag about it more. "bruv this top is from Armani, but yours looks like it's from the kids section in woolworths get a new one bruv! :roll:
Girls don't brag but that's usually because they don't want their girly mates to go out and buy the same top, shoes or lipstick, yes they're sooo bitchy, am i allowed to say that?
I feel guilty when I squander money on my materialistic desires which brings no benefit to me
- we must know we will be held to account on how we spend our wealth.
Spend in Allah cause.
"And give to the near of kin his due and (to) the needy and the wayfarer, and do not squander (your wealth) wastefully. Surely the squanderers are the fellows of the Shaitans and the Shaitan is ever ungrateful to his Lord." (Al-Qur'an 17:26-7)
"Allah hates you for wasting the wealth." (Riyyadh us Saleheen)
[b]We are expected to give full account of our life.[/b]
Death is not the end of our life, but a beginning. Whatever we do in this world is being recorded and will be shown to us in the life after death, God warned us. We can have a better understanding of this phenomenon at present, since we are familiar with tape-recording and video-recording. Prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam reminded us that on the day of judgement, no slave (of God) will be allowed to put a step forward until he is asked about these five things:
1. How did you earn your wealth?
2. How did you spend your wealth?
3. For what did you use your knowledge?
4. How did you spend your youth?
5. For what did you die?
In short, we will have to give a full account of our life in this world before God. Quran says "He who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it. And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it." (Q. 99:6-8)
salam, 1 reason i used to is because the quality is better.
e.g. sum1 could buy 1 pair of real trainers for 50quid and it would last alot longer than the ones with no make on it for 25 or 30 (no pound sign sry)
so not always disdvantages... i DO see where your coming from so dont think im in the wromng
designer tags......sumat thats hard to explain!
one feels the need to look good just to please oneself, just from time to time
however it is not a point of major concern, nor am i over obsessed with ensuring i have the latest and most expensive gear.....anymore
but yes i do spend a lil OTT from now to then, no big deal IMO
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Labels, haha you joker.
I always went for stuff that didn't have labels.
my mum is always having a go at me for not throwing old clothes away. They might be in decent condityion, butshe doesn't like them being too old.
You kids man, tucking your trackies into your white woolen socks, with your blue [color=blue][size=18]NIKE[/size][/color] hoodies. Buy an ice cream, dance with wolves.
Labels itch, get over it.
However i have a thing for sleek clothes[size=7]...and some small labels. plus Nike and addidas have goodish quality.[/size]
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Quality is also a matter
[i]most[/i] of the time, the more u pay...that lil more u feel reassured
im gettin over clothes now slowly anyway....but i cant see it totally dying down, yet
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I’m like that too…
If I was to fork out £50 for something….it’d only be because I need it/really like it and after visiting every shop in town I didn’t see it in any shop for a cheaper price.
But I’m not label obsessed. The design and quality means a lot more to me....but London has always been ridiculously over priced.
But I do think boys are crazy when it comes to over priced designer labels.
On a side note, I’m terrible with my money. I come from a family that doesn’t save money…in fact mum often says to me that in Islam you’re not supposed to save for a rainy day.
When dad gets his wages he blows it all on bills/family needs. If he has to buy something big in the near future, like a car or holiday….then a few months prior to that he may save.
In the same way (much to my elders disgust). When I get my wages….(which isn’t all that since I only work when I feel like it). After I put aside some money for charity and bills/needs....I blow the rest in a matter of days on myself and family/friends. I don't see the point of saving.
IMO its better to spend than hoard
lol you are destined for the middle class
I'm happy where I am
I dont believe in working like a donkey and then not enjoying ur earnings
saving for a rainy day is lame thinking-
I've always got what I want-and I've never saved my money ever
when you get married rich or poor you will need to budget, that will mean saving even if it's just monthly.
When you become a parent and you have kids to look after you will definately save. That's being wise, stocking up provisions for your kids.
right now you have few worries you're single, still living with parents so you can afford to spend spend spend, enjoy it while it lasts lol
My dad is the sole breadwinner in our house. He never saves (unless he has a holiday or something in the near future)…and we’ve never had to go without anything. Mum often condemns the act of hoarding money.
I guess I’ve learnt this bad habit from him.
Savings is extremely important, from a civic, financial and (I would say) moral stand point.
Private savings help fund future retirement rather than relying on state benefits. They also help keep interest rates down since generally speaking savings tends to equal investment, contributing to a healthy economy.
From a financial standpoint it's always wise to have a nest egg for unfortunate future happenings, also as I mentioned before savings tends to equal investment. Financial security is something that can only really be bought with savings.
From a moral standpoint it teaches you restraint and discipline. It also gives you a better position to use your money for charities and the like.
Like with everything moderation is the key, being stingy when there is no need is pointless asceticism, being too strict with savings for no other reason than amassing a lot of money is pointless.
I think the balance is finding a comfortable, but not unreasonable existence which reflects your real financial situation, setting aside some for future security and growth, and some for helping your community or people who could benefit from your generousity.
The alternatives, mindlessly spending everything you bring in or hiding it all under the mattress seem self defeating and selfish to me.
When you've reached over 20,000 in your saving account, at least you have something to show for it.
Show who?
You never seem to amaze me
- but taking financial advice form an American is less riskily then listening to an Nigerian 4-1-9 sales men.
I mean, I know people who have worked for 40 years and retired, they don’t have 40,000 thousand pound or 1 thousand pound saved for every year they’ve worked. They don’t even own their own home, he has nothing to show for it besides a nice car. Understand?
I kinda understand...but those who do save for their old age have no guarantee that they’ll live that long...if they die early, then their savings will go to waste since it certainly won’t benefit them in the hereafter.
That wasn’t the point I was making, if you have any Gujarati friends- ask them about the importance of saving.
People with no saving tend to take out loans when situation occurs, riba based loans are a trap in my opinion and the downward descendent and accumulating more debt is on the increase. If they had saved money then taking a loan out wouldn’t have been an option.
Personally I’m good with my money being from a poor family is one decisive lesson I’ve learnt.
I do not have any close Guji mates.
I suppose I've always felt that "saving for a rainy day" manifests lack of trust in Allah (swt).
Giving reg Zakah/sadqa is an insurance of any financial hardships that may come knocking on our door.
My family has seen relative poverty and now live in a comfortable standard of living…
We havent ever been in debt though...
Savings are not stressed unless something is on the cards for the near future.
i never save except for holiday etc
i never buy designer lables
i never want to be slave to fashion or money - i'm a slave to too many other things already
I too dont save unless i have to for example I have saved money cuz i knew i would be needing it for Pak.
I know some people who have money (this aint aimed as anyone) stashed away in their house/bank and they dont spend jack on their family - these people are nothing but stingy them its like they gona take their wealth to their graves but much to their shock it will be thrown in their face for not spending in the way of Allah (swt)
Spending money in the way of Allah by giving charity or for the betterment of Islam etc is what is going to benefit us not stashing it away.
I think its also nice to spend money on others ie parents and just to try and repay them for things they have done for us.
you're right Angel and dont let anyone or anything change you in this and all that you do.
Are you talking about the Dubai Pimps and fat Oil Sheikhs?
We know from the Quran mentions (paraphrase); rich people will be held more to account then the poor.
religious people would rather go without then take loans with interest out
Live within your means- Yes- Shazan agree's.....
MuslimsLiLsIs WROTE:
Hey stop, girls are just as crazy :roll: dont you think