Allah (swt) has said “Verily in the remembrance of Allah (swt) do hearts peace”.
Dhikr means remembrance….we are told to remember Allah (swt) sitting down, lying down, walking or standing…
Those who enter paradise will not be sorry for anything they did in this life, except the moments they spent without the remembrance of Allah (swt).
The difference between the one who does Dhikr and the one who doesn’t is like the difference between the living and the dead.
Our pious predecessors used to do Dhikr so much that they used to place pebbles in their mouth to prevent them from doing Dhikr when they went to the bathroom…
Dhikr, softens and purifies the heart and makes such a person loved by others….I know a group of people who are part of the Nakshbandi group…..their manners and gentleness are to die for.
Obviously, I don’t know every Sufi or group that focuses on Dhikr….but those who I do personally know, have left a lasting impression on me.
It is a well established fact, that he who loves something mentions it much…in other words, the amount of Dhikr we do gives us a strong insight into our relationship with our Creator.
SO…in this thread please post any relevant hadith or ayats that focuses on the virtues of Dhikr.
Does peace and a sense of security/well being wash over you after you’ve done Dhikr?
And what’s YOUR favourite type of Dhikr? Is it reading Salaah, Qur’an? Or do you benefit more from collective Dhikr or by putting some time aside in the day and contemplating the beautiful names of Allah (swt)?
Do you prefer loud Dhikr or silent Dhikr?
And guys do NOT use this thread to insult those who may not do Dhikr according to your own acceptable way of doing Dhikr.
Do Dhikr your own way and let others do dhikr in the way they feel is best for them…
Share your thoughts please...
I normally prefer to do silent dhikr but sometimes i'll have a mood change and do loud dhikr. But i prefer to be isolated when i do my dhikr as in read quran or namaz.
When im out and about or doing some house work i remind my-self to keep my tongue busy in dhikr, sometimes i will forget but when remember try to engage in it as much as i can.
Dhikr gives me inner peace and i feel proud of myself after doing so and feel proper times i really cant describe the feeling i get...akward.
I really cant say what my favourite type of dhikr is....reading quran, namaz tasbih and other formulas are all one that give me peace and relieve me of stress.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur'an “Ask the people of Dhikr what you do not know…"
Dhikr is to remember, mention, and meditate.
It is said that we only use one third of our brain.
When Dhikr is practiced one continuously repeats a name of Allah (swt) many times, and reflects on the meaning. During the repetition of Dhikr, certain regions of the brain are engaged and become active. As a result this overflows and new sets neurons are put to work and some other regions of the inactive brain become active.
As a result, the brain begins to bring out new meanings, perspective and commentaries….
In other words the people of Dhikr automatically possess knowledge-which is why we are told to “ask them if we do not know….”
Also, our beloved Prophet
said that there are special angels that roam the Earth, looking for gatherings of dhikr. When they find a group they call one another and encompass the gathering in layers until the first heaven.
Which is why, we should transform ourselves into people whom the blessed angels of Allah (swt) come seeking.
Most people stay up all night in the auspicious night of laila tul Qadr, just so that they may be blessed with a meeting with Allah (swt) angels.
However if we transform ourselves into individuals who are always present in gathering of dhikr; the angels of Allah (swt) would come in search for us.
Furthermore, the tranquillity and mercy of Allah (swt) descend on the one who remember Him.
The Awliya’s (friends of Allah), had devoted their entire attention to the love of Allah (swt) nothing could divert their attention from His dhikr
The Awliya’s were never inattentive to the thought of their beloved.
Hadrat Belol (ra) once said “Any moment not spent in the remembrance of the Beloved is a moment wasted”.
Man’s devout worship of Allah (swt) and submission to His will is more commendable than that of the Angels; this is because man does so on account of his faith in the unseen which in comparison is actually seen by the angels.
The Holy Qur’an states "How would man have not worshipped if he had actually seen Paradise and Hell." It is for this reason alone that Almighty Allah praises the noble deeds of those that worship and glorify Him without seeing.
Allah says, 'I treat my slave (man) according to his expectations from Me, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart; if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a better and nobler gathering (i.e. of angels).
What can be better than to be acknowledged in the Divine presence of Almighty Allah..?