The Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam is without doubt the most beautiful and most noble way. There can be no believer who doubts on this. It is indeed one of the miracles of Islaam that every single act and habit of Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam has been recorded, transmitted and meticulously transmitted for the Ummah by the Most Noble Companions first and foremost, and then later by the Ulama of Islaam.
It can be seen that great kings and emperors and consquerors of the world who through arrogance and force and power tried to impress themselves upon the earth held temporal power for a time. They were obeyed and respected for a time but once their designated time came to an end - they were confined to the history books and dusty tomes which sit gathering dust on the shelves of academics and are remembered by none save a few. Despite these arrogant rulers' most strenuous efforts at impressing their legacies on the earth their lives have not been documented in even a tenth of the detail in which our Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam's life has been documented and preserved.
ALHAMDULILLAH, it is from the grace of ALLAH Most High that throughout the earth the numerous practices of the Orphan son of Abdul Muttalib salallahu alayhi wa sallam are today alive and breathing. From the east to the west, north to the south you will find people who are lovers of the Master of Madinah salallahu alayhi wa sallam who try emulate and imitate Him in every deed.
In light of this, people are invited to share details of the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hope that we fulfill our obligation of [i]Promoting Virtue[/i] and inshaALLAH those with courage may Prevent Vice to the best of their abilities.
It is intended that this thread should be used for those Practices which are NOT deemed obligations or compulsions - eg beard, isbaal etc - as these are clear. Rather the intention is to highlight those Practices which are of the Mustahhab category and/or those which were the personal preference of Sayyidina Rasulullahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
[size=15][color=green]I begin in the Name of ALLAH.
The Fruits eaten by Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam.[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue][size=13]Abdullah ibn Ja'far radhiyallahu anh says: Rasulullahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam ate cucumber with dates.[/size][/color]
Cucumber has a cold effect and dates a hot one. By combining the two it becomes mild. From this hadeeth we gather that it is recommended that the effect of things eaten be taken into consideration. Cucumber is insipid and tasteless, and dates are sweet which results in the cucumber also tasting sweet.[/color]
Shamaa'il Tirmidhi
Commentary by Shaykh ul Hadeeth Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhelwi
May ALLAH Most High guide us to the Blessed Sunnah.ameen
Good topic Adil.
[color=blue]The Description Of The Eating Of Rasulullah [i]sallalahu alahi wasallam[/i][/color]
Hadhrat Ka'ab bin Malik (r.a) says: "It was the noble habit of Rasulullah [i]sallalahu alahi wasallam[/i] to use three fingers whilst eating and he also licked them." (Shamaa'il Tirmizi)
The three fingers referred to here are the index,thumb and middle finger.Thus to use these fingers will be regarded as sunnah. However if the food is such that one needs to use more than three fingers it shall be permissable.
The licking of the fingers is also sunnah. Thus, one should practise on this sunnah without feeling shy or ashamed as it was the practise of our noble master Rasulullah sallalahu alahi wasallam. The middle finger should be licked first, then the index and lastly the thumb.
Very interesting thread,
What is the word you use for things which are recommended but not required?
Nafil as compared to Fardh? Somebody gave me a great breakdown of this once from Fardh to Haram - there were five categories I think - was it Yashmaki?
Also what is an example of such a thing as you are talking about?
These good things which are not required
[size=15][color=green]Chapter on the Kohl/Surma of the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam[/color][/size]
[size=13][color=blue]Hadith Number 1
Ibn 'Abbaas Radiyallahu 'Anhu says:
"Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam said: 'Use kuhl made of ithmid on the eye; it brightens the eyesight, and strengthens and increases the growth of the eye lashes'. (Sayyidina Ibn'Abbaas Radiyallahu'Anhu also used to say) 'Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallarn had a small container for keeping kuhl, from which he applied kuhl in each eye three times every night"'. [/color][/size]
Ithmid is a special type of kuhl which is reddish black in colour. It is obtained in the Eastern countries. Some of the learned say it is the Isfahaani kuhl, and other say it is the Totiya. Some 'ulama say, it means those who have good eyesight and it should be used by those with whose eyesight it agrees, otherwise a sick person's eyes will pain more by its use. It is more beneficial to apply kuhl at the time of sleeping as it will remain longer in the eyes, and will penetrate more into the pores. There are different narrations on the number of times it should be applied in each eye. In a few it is stated that it should be applied three times in each eye, as mentioned above. In other narrations it is stated that it should be put three times in the right eye and two times in the left eye. It is supposed that the variations are because of the different times of the narrations. At a certain time, Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi Wasallam applied it in one manner and at another time in the other manner. Haafiz Ibn Hajar, Mulla 'Ali Qaari and other 'ulama have preferred the first method (as given in the hadith under discussion). the first method has been narrated many times from Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu' Alayhi Wasallam, as will be seen in the narration that follow[/color].
Shamaa'il Tirmidhi.
Alhamdulillah, the application of kohl/surma is indeed a great virtue. The menfolk should try to act on this sunnah and apply it to their eyes. It is sad that those things which are deemed acceptable in non-muslim culture are readily accepted by muslims. For example the article [url=] Male Grooming[/url] illustrates how male imitation of women is becoming more and more common and some of our brothers in faith will fall into this modern trend because it is acceptable to alien nations; but the blessed sunnah of applying surma/kohl to the eyes is seen as feminine and a bit weird - ma'aadhallah - because it is not accepted in mainstream society.
Alhamdulillah symbols of masculinity are as deemed by Islaam - not fashion. Brothers who make effort to imitate women by shaving etc should ponder and make effort to imitate the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and apply the beautiful kohl to the eyes.
Fardh - Must do
Waajib - Must do, but not as strong as fardh
Sunnah Muakkadah - The Prophet did regularly, without miss. Must do
Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah - The prophet did, should do.
Nafl - should do. good thing
Mubah - permissible.
Makrooh Tanzeehi - lightly disliked
Isa'ah - more disliked
Makrooh Tehreemi - extremely disliked
Haraam - Forbidden
Off the top of my head after a long day... I am sure if there are mistakes others will correct...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Nafl - optional
also a few more:
mustahabb - encouraged
mandoob - recommended
Dave, all these terms apply to Islamic Legal rulings used by scholars, its difficult to pinpoint an example for each one...
[size=15][color=green]The Sunnah acts of Wudu[/color][/size]
[color=indigo]1. To wash both hands upto and including the wrists reciting basmalah.
2. Rinsing the inner mouth.
3. Washing the inner part of the nose.
4. Making khilaal of the beard.
5. Passing wet hands over the whole head and around the ears.
6. Passing of fingers between the fingers of hand and of feet.
7. Using miswaak.
8. Washing each limb thrice.[/color]
For completion: The Wajibaat of Wudu
1. washing face once
2. washing both arms including elbows once
3. performing masah of the onefourth of the head.
4. washing both feet including ankles.
[color=blue]Sitting Of Rasulullah [i]Sallalahu alahi wasallam[/i][/color]
Hadhrat Qalayh bint Madhramah r.a reports: "I saw Rasulullah [i]sallalahu alahi wasallam [/i]in the masjid (in a humble posture) sitting in the 'Qarfasaa'
posture. Due to his awe inspiring personality i began shivering." (shamaail Tirmizi)
Although there is a difference of opinion regarding the explanation of 'Qarfasaa' the most common explanation is that whilst sitting on the ground to lift both thighs in an upright position and fold both arms around the legs. Sometimes instead of the arms, a cloth or turban tied around the back, both thighs and legs.
After Fajar Salaah, generally Rasulullah [i]Sallalahu Alahi Wasallam [/i]sat cross legged till 'Ishraq' in the Masjid. Thus it is permissable to sit in either of the two positions.Similarly to sit in the 'At-tahiyaat' posture has also been proven from narrations. All are permissable. However during the Jumah Khutbah one should not sit in the 'Qarfasaa' position.
Some easy to act upon sunnahs.
It is a sunnah to sleep on the floor. From time to time we should make intention of fulfilling this sunnah and spending the night with bedding or without on the floor.
It is a sunnah to eat food with the fingers. We should try and emulate this practice. Indeed the taste of food is increased when eaten using the fingers and this is also more conducive to humility and gratefulness to ALLAH for the sustenance.
Eating whilst seated on the floor in the attahiyyat position or with one leg up and the body resting on the other is also a sunnah. From time to time we should act on this.
Should a morsel of food fall onto the floor the sunnah is to pick it up, clean it and eat it.
[color=green][size=16]Clothing Sunnahs for men.[/size][/color]
[color=darkblue][size=14]1. Wearing white clothing.
2. Wearing a lunghi/dhoti
3. Wearing khuffayn/leather socks
4. Wearing a turban of either black, white, or green.
5. Wearing of a shawl/chador in cold weather
6. Constantly wearing a kufi/topi/hat.
7. Having open as opposed to cuffed sleeves are sunnah
8. Men should be aware that Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam never did the topic button/fastener of His upper garment[/size]
also from the Sahaabah Karaam alayhim ridhwaan it is established the wearing of shalwar kameez as the Sahaabah Karaam who did jihad and tabligh in afghanistan and baluchistan wore this type of clothing.[/color]
i have been told that this is in fact not a sunnah, but an indopak invention... :? there are no ahadith to confirm that the prophet (s.a.w) kept his head covered at all times, and the turban he wore sometimes, often as a sign of respect to someone he was going to meet, on official business etc.
I do not have any references to hand but alhamdulillah according to my knowledge it was a constant practice of Nubuwwat salallahu alayhi wa sallam to wear a turban with a hat underneath.
Infact, according to the teaching that I have receieved, MOST of the time Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam wore a turban and occasionally would suffice with just the hat.
I am unaware that this is an indo-pak invention as the hat has no place in pre-islamic india. Covering of the head was introduced by the muslims who brought islaam to the subcontinent.
And ALLAH Most High knows best.
[color=blue]Sunnahs Upon Wakening[/color]
* Immediately upon wakening rub the face and eyes with both the palms in order to remove the effects of sleep. (shama'il tirmizi)
* When the eyes open in the morning recite this du'a:
[b][i]alhamdu-lillah hil ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhin nushur[/i][/b] (bukhari Abu-dawood muslim)
* When awakening from sleep cleanse the mouth with a miswaak (Musnad Ahmed Abu-dawood)
* When wearing ones trousers,first put on the right leg,then the left one. When putting on a kurta or shirt , first put on the right sleeve then the left. The same procedure should be followed when wearing a vest /shoe or any other garment. When removing any garment or shoe first remove the left then the right. This is the sunnah method when removing any garment of the body. (Bukhari, Tirmizi)
* Before immersing the hands in into any utensils, wash them thrice thoroughly. (Tirmizi)
frm where and when did wearing shalwar kameez orginate?
I am unsure. But a loose kurtah type of clothing was worn by the Sahaabah Karaam.
[color=green][size=16]Sunnahs connected with sleep[/size][/color]
[color=indigo][size=14]1. Sleeping on the floor.
2. Resting on the right hand side.
3. Sleeping with the right cheek resting on the palm of the right hand.
4. Taking a siesta is also established. This may be difficult to act upon daily but at the least perhaps in summer holidays when days are longer, we could make intention and take a half hour siesta. This will be most beneficial inshaALLAH.
Alhamdulillah, ALL praise is due to ALLAH who created us and sustains us and made us muslim.
The beauty of this religion is that even those acts which are necessary for us as humans to carry out can become means of our salvation if our intentions are straight and the method in which we behave is correct and inline with divine law.
It is undeniable truth that every human requires sleep, or food or clothing. We are indeed most fortunate that we have before us the beautiful example of the Sunnah of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam upon which to act. Even these most basic acts of survival become worship when we emulate and imitate the Noble Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
I encourage the brothers and believing ladies here to take note of the various sunnahs that are being mentioned and that we should ALL make intention that slowly but surely each and every action of ours will begin to take on the hue and colour of Islaam.
Again I am sure that there are a wealth of Noble Practices that have not yet been mentioned, I would appreciate if some people were to be so kind as to mention some of these. InshaALLLAH this will benefit everyone in this world and in the hereafter.
hindus have been wearing the 'pagri' for centuries too... :?
please provide a reference for ur claims.
The hindus started to wear the "pagri" during the rule of the Muslims. Those who refer to Hamza Yusuf should note that he mentioned in one of his speeches to this effect also.
[url=]Turban(link is external) of Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam[/url]
Alhamdulillah, just found an extremely relevant article on this issue and the above three quotes have been taken from this article.
[url=]The(link is external) Sunnah Clothes, Imaamah (turban), Kufi (cap), Izar (loincloth) and Thawb or Qamis (long shirt) in Light of the Quran and Hadith and in the Opinions of the Great Scholars
jazaakAllahu Khairan Katheeran, and i will get back to u on this if i hear anything further...
Narated By Al-Bara' bin 'Azib : Allah's Apostle ordered us to do seven (things): to visit the sick, to follow the funeral processions, to say Tashmit to a sneezer, to help the weak, to help the oppressed ones, to propagate As-Salam (greeting), and to help others to fulfill their oaths (if it is not sinful). He forbade us to drink from silver utensils, to wear gold rings, to ride on silken saddles, to wear silk clothes, Dibaj (thick silk cloth), Qassiy and Istabraq (two kinds of silk).
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
Beautiful Post.
Some more personal Sunnahs of Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam:
1. To bathe with the favourite wife from one utensil.
2. To recline the head on the lap of the wife.
3. To have a race with the wife.
4. To give the wife a loving nickname.
5. To marry more than once.
6. To take a concubine/s.
what does that mean ^^^
It means to have a slave-girl.
Sayyidatuna Maariyah Qibtiyyah radhiyallahu anha was the Mother of the youngest son of Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Blessed Child was called Ibraheem radhiyallahu anh. Sayyidatuna Maariyah was a gift to Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam from Muqawqis the governor of Alexandria and the Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam had relations with Her on the basis that She was His slave-girl/concubine.
There’s a difference of opinion regarding Hadrat Mariya (ra).
According to some scholars and biographers the Holy Prophet
married her before he had any relations with her.
There may well be a difference of opinion.
According to my knowledge -
Sayyidatuna Maariyah radhiyallahu anha was a slave-girl and there is a difference of opinion in regards to Sayyidatuna Rayhaana radhiyallahu anha. Some say She also was the Slave-girl of Nubuwwat salallahu alayhi wa sallam and others say that She was in the nikah of Nubuwwat salallahu alayi wa sallam.
Edit: Apparently Nubuwwat salallahu alayhi wa sallam had FOUR SLAVE-GIRLS radhiyallahu anhum ajmaeen. Please see my post further down.[/i]
yes most of the hanafi scholars tell us that Mariya (ra) was considered our prophet's
wife. I've done a bit of research about her life, and i believe this also.
I find it hard to believe our beloved prophet
would have relations with a woman who was not his wife. She was given the same rights as all his other wives. If she had been a concubine this wouldn't have been the case.
Umar (ra) continued to spend as lavishly on her as he did on the other wives of our Prophet (saw), on his passing away. If she had been a concubine there would have been a difference in the manner of his spending
She was given as a gift, but the message of Islam had already hit her heart, and she converted to Islam before meeting our prophet (saw).
Our prophet
honoured her by taking her as his wife and not concubine.
I don;t believe in this idea that you can take women as booty from war and have sexual relations with them. I've never been convinced it was a part of islam. This concept of taking female slaves and having sexual relationships with them was prevalent way before Islam existed, and continued after Islam was introduced.
Apart from the query of Mariya (ra), did our prophet
keep slave girls? To my mind he did not, he had wives enough and wasn't in need of them.
One last point Mariya Qibtiya (ra) was buried in Al Baqi with all the other wives of our prophet (saw). Had she been a servant girl would she be buried there?
Alhamdulillah, this is a clear and simple issue.
[url= is external)
I would humbly advise caution in having a personal opinion on this issue or - ma'aadhallah - to deny that that concubinage is expressly permitted in Islaam because this issue has been mentioned in clear words in the Infallible Quran.
I have hope that the above article will make the issue clear. The Legal Ownership of the slave-girl is equivalent broadly to the nikah.
And ALLAH azza wa jal knows best.
Regarding the treatment of Sayyidatuna Maariyah radhiyallahu anha there is nothing strange in this. She was Umm Walad - Mother of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam's son. We cannot imagine such an illustrious and blessed personality to be excluded from honour by the Noble Sahaabah Karaam. Indeed She was maintained by Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Sayyidina Umar radhiyallahu anhuma.
Just one section from the above link
brother i think what you posted is part of an article that i read not very long ago. Obviously they follow the view mariya (ra) was our prophets
slave girl. So they will use evidences to support that view and not the other.
I'm not denying any part of the Quran i'm merely saying I have difficulty in swallowing the idea, just as many sisters don't like the idea of polygamy. Those feelings are not sinful.
If Mariya (ra) was a concubine as you say then it could be said it was a sunnah, but since there's no clarity on the issue it's best not to say so isn't it?
Also your reply doesn't address all the other problems i mentioned if she was a slave girl would she be treated just like the other wives with regards to her rights? Also why was she buried in Al Baqi if she was a slave girl?
Im sorry if I offended you.
Im only putting up acts which I consider to be sunnah.
If I was to refrain from writing about things which have a difference of opinion or which have "no clarity" then I wouldnt have much to put up here. Even a most basic sunnah such as the turban is questioned by our brothers from the salafiyyah who say the imamah worn by the modern day hanafis of indo-pak is not a sunnah but rather the wearing of a scarf which is prevalent in saudia today is the meaning of imamah.
And ALLAH Most High knows best.
No offense taken. On hindsight maybe i shouldn't be too concerned as to whether she (ra) was a slave girl or wife, I don't have any real knowledge in the area, leave it to the scholars in case i err.
well i agree the imamah is a sunnah, i've got a bunch of articles on hijab for men, and there's lots on a muslim man's head dress, insha'Allah i'll try dig a few out.
Besides when the Imamah is done nicely, i think it looks amazing, my husband has always worn one, and I don't think he looks right without it. Apart from being a sunnah it facilitates humility, and makes others aware of a brothers muslim identity.
most true.
mashAllah thats cool.....i think the imaamah looks great on a man, makes them look 10 times better and it return tend to get more respect from people like mwah ( dont take me wrong ).