So What Phobia Do YOU have?

Check out the list in [url=,8599,103754,00.html]THIS[/url](link is external) link and state ur phobia's

I know Dave has a lurgy phobia and Mr Admin has a fear of human contact :twisted:

So I want every one else to do some soul searching, and choose the proper technical term of ur phobia from this Times Online link, state ur phobia and we'll all chip in and try to offer cures

and I promise not to laugh at ur problem :twisted:

feel free to state the phobia in others

[color=darkred]coimetrophobia: ... cemeteries

entomophobia: ... insects

hadephobia: ... hell

homophobia: ... homosexuality

lockiophobia: ... childbirth

musophobia: ... mice

necrophobia: ... death

antlophobia: ... floods

acrophobia: ... heights

coulrophobia: ... clowns[/color]

To name a few lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

i can totally understand all of the above

but why do u have a "fear" of homosexuality? :?:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i can totally understand all of the above

but why do u have a "fear" of homosexuality? :?:

I just feel totally uneasy when discussing them....

Its scary to be near one..... erm i dont think anyone will understand.

Have never been near one though.

"naj" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i can totally understand all of the above

but why do u have a "fear" of homosexuality? :?:

I just feel totally uneasy when discussing them....

Its scary to be near one..... erm i dont think anyone will understand.

Have never been near one though.

Yea I get uncomfortable talking to them too... I think it's just weird because you expect a man to act like a man... and when they are overtly gay they don't act that way so it throws you off.

Saying that i'm decently comfortable around my girlfriends gay friends now...

It's pretty well unavoidable in this rather pathetic world

lol I like floods though - dunno why

"naj" wrote:
[color=darkred]coimetrophobia ... cemeteries

entomophobia ... insects

hadephobia ... hell

homophobia ... homosexuality

lockiophobia ... childbirth

musophobia ... mice

necrophobia ... death

antlophobia ... floods

acrophobia ... heights

coulrophobia ... clowns[/color]

To name a few lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


i can totally understand all of the above

i cant lol

first of all how can women have a phobia of childbirth o maybe its the pain your scared of and therefore have a phobia of pain

Naj im sure a psychologyst could make a lot of money treating you lol

the reason someone is phobic with something is mainly due to them associating it with something undesirable or maybe due to genetic, to cure phobia there are a range of therapies hypnotherapy, aversion therapy, systematic desentisisation , cognitive therapy are the main ones

Naj maybe if you list all the reasons why you fear something e.g.mice,insects,clowns,childbirth, then logically work out how it can harm you, next step confront your fear then overcome your fear.
you fear hell- alhumdullah - so should we all
fear of height tends to be genetic and the hardest to cure
fear of death and floods are sensible fear as long as you dont excessively fear them
homophobia- is also understandable since its unnatural and disgusting

has anyone heard of omrowphobia when you fear all things stupid lol

I have aversions and complexes but I couldn't pick a phobia from the Time (ftr) list.

For a laugh I want to answer something like proctophobia but I guess it's pretty big and not to be sniffed at. Wink

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

"Omrow" wrote:


That's just wrong.

Why u fear wahhabis?

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight


[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
Mr Admin has a fear of human contact

I agree.

I get irritated when there are loads of people closeby.

And also if they touch me. keep your distance.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"naj" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i can totally understand all of the above

but why do u have a "fear" of homosexuality? :?:

I just feel totally uneasy when discussing them....

Its scary to be near one..... erm i dont think anyone will understand.

Have never been near one though.

I understand, im not homophobic but just the idea of homosexuality used to annoy me

But whilst at university i had a freind who i was quite close to, and i didnt mind teaming up with her to do projects and the final year she told me she was lesbian and introduced me to her didnt bother me at all and i still worked with her like before

I have a phobia of growing old


The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Lol-they have a name for everything.

I have a touch of gamophobia…and occasionally extreme glossophobia.

I definitely have atychiphobia…and I’m sure every girl has lockiophobia.

"Omrow" wrote:

I didnt really understand why you bang on about de time

But some days back i jus realised why...

So your phobia is understandable.

"raf786" wrote:
i cant Lol

Naj im sure a psychologyst could make a lot of money treating you Lol :

Im not the only one.......i know people that have got bare phobias than me,on telly they showed a lady with a orange phobia lol

"raf786" wrote:
the reason someone is phobic with something is mainly due to them associating it with something undesirable or maybe due to genetic, to cure phobia there are a range of therapies hypnotherapy, aversion therapy, systematic desentisisation , cognitive therapy are the main ones

Raf i dont need therapy thank you.

hypnotherapy, aversion therapy, systematic desentisisation , cognitive therapy :? im not with you

I dont really wanna work around my fears as its impossible and am working to live by them.., its not as though i have to face them on a day to day basis anyway but i cant possibly think of overcoming the fear of mice and insects esp..

childbirth like muslimsis said i think is a phobia every lady carrys....and my fear of heights aint genetic.

"raf786" wrote:
iNaj maybe if you list all the reasons why you fear something e.g.mice,insects,clowns,childbirth, then logically work out how it can harm you, next step confront your fear then overcome your fear.:

btw that is some good piece of info ^^^

Phobiaphobia Wink

"Seek and you shall find."

It good to see so much people suffer from phobias

which means a psychologyst could make alot of money treating you twisted

'phobias start in the mind and can be defeated in the mind'

there was a study carried out by albert bandura in 1966
in which he used a baby and every time the baby touched a white cotton wool , bandura would bang a drum really loud next to the baby therefore making the baby scared- this was done a number of times

The baby would get scared and cry when seeing the wool, also the baby had a fear of mice, paper and rabbits as they were all white

Bandura had created a phobia in the baby of white , as the baby had associated white objects with the loud noise. Therefore proving phobias are all psychological and due to association

Although this study was valuable in learning about phobias it proved to be unethical as the babys phobia of white objects carried on to their later life

i have no phobia

I have a tiny fear of creepy crawlies and horror movies

but no phobia

what about having a phobia of God?

would that be a bad thing ? would never miss namaz

"raf786" wrote:
maybe it is better to fear god than love him :?:

no way. ur actions wud be so much more meaningful if u did them out of love for God as opposed to fear of Him...


"naj" wrote:
acrophobia: ... heights

coulrophobia: ... clowns[/color]

Just the above two.

Back in BLACK

"*DUST*" wrote:
"raf786" wrote:
maybe it is better to fear god than love him :?:

no way. ur actions wud be so much more meaningful if u did them out of love for God as opposed to fear of Him...

i totally agree

"*DUST*" wrote:
"Seraphim" wrote:

Just the above two.

y clowns? Fool

Its not soo much that i fear them ... its just that i dont want them to exist anymore.

I just plain dont like them.

Back in BLACK

"Seraphim" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:

y clowns? Fool

Its not soo much that i fear them ... its just that i dont want them to exist anymore.

I just plain dont like them.

Yea you aswell.....and i thought i was the only one,
i dont like them either, they scary.....know one personally lol

Yeh after watching the Movie 'IT' by Stephen King! :twisted:

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
