Submitted by equanimity on 14 February, 2006 - 19:02 #31
"naj" wrote:
It is also said that when one rejects help and companionship from ALLAH,
ALLAH also rejects this persons friendship, thus his friends will become temptation and shaitaan....
As a result he will be neglected of ALLAHS help and guardianship.
p.s raf why arent your quotes working ?
i dont know :?
guest no one can inspire you to read namaz but yourself
the question should be why dont we pray , guest it is as though you have resigned yourself to thinking we only pray because were told, you are blinded to see all the benefits of praying, i sincerely hope you give it a go and reap the rewards of prayer
have you ever seen hajj or been to a big mosque on eid , there is nothing more beautiful to see 1000s of muslims praying toghether as one to allah
Submitted by star on 14 February, 2006 - 19:40 #32
"raf786" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
p.s raf why arent your quotes working ?
i dont know :?
guest no one can inspire you to read namaz but yourself
Well can you kinda quote propa pls, it gets confuddled up... U obviously doing it by purpose... :x
Raf surely she could get inspired/ motivated .....she just needs to see he sheikh or someone on her level who could help.
Submitted by Dawud on 14 February, 2006 - 19:44 #33
"As-Salaatu Mehrajul Mo'mineen"
Apologies if splet means [u]Salaah[/u] is the [u]Mehraj[/u] of the [u]Believer[/u].
Guess when Salaah was [i]given[/i] to us.
The Holy Prophet SAW was raised to The Station of "Two Bows Length or less" before Allah SWT.
The Lord bequeathed Salaam unto His Favoured Prophet SAW and The Holy Prophet SAW gave a beautiful reply. He SAW did not omit us from the blessings of this Beautiful Meeting, Nay, The Holy Prophet SAW was thinking also about His (SAW) Ummah.
Not just Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA or Hadhrat 'Ali RA...but people like me and YOU, Guest (if that is your real name!).
This Mehraj, this Holy Blessing, this is when Salaah was made obligatory upon us, my dear Guest. It was even reduced from fifty prayers to make it easier upon you or us.
and [color=green]The Holy Prophet SAW[/color] has [color=green]said[/color] " Prayer is the Me'raj of the Momineen."
Not for a joke, when you stand for Salaah, you are in the direct prescence of Allah SWT. Allah SWT elevates you into The Divine Court.
It is said in The [color=green]Ahadith[/color]: "The Angels say 'if you [one who is in Salaah] could see The One who is in front of you, you would not say Salaam [i.e. end the Prayer] untill The Day of Judgement."
Now some stuff from 'those emails' that float around:
The shortest distance between a problem and its solution, is the distance between their their knees and the floor. Whe a person prostrates before Allah SWT he can stand before the world.
When a regular in their Salaah, the Shaytaan is [size=24][b]scared[/b][/size] of him.
The most beautiful and pleasurable, & the quickest, result of prayer is that the one who prays knows that there is One, Who has Absolute Power over everything, Who hears him, has pity on him, & provides a remedy for his pains. He is not alone in this world, rather there is an All-Munificent One Who looks after him & provides him with companionship. He imagines himself to be in the actual presence of a Being' Who is able to satisfy all his needs & overcome all his enemies, &, [u][b][color=cyan]feeling relief as if a heavy burden were removed from him, he says, ‘All praise be to the Lord of the Worlds’.[/color][/b][/u] Subhana allah!
[b]and finally The Salaah of Hadhrat Rabia Basri RA:[/b]
"Hadhrat Rabia Basri would spend a lot of the night in performing Prayer. Her purpose wasn't that she might recieve anything of the goodness of it, though that might have been an added Blessing.
Her Intention was that on the Day of Judgement, Our Holy Prophet SAW would be able to say proudly infront of The other Ambiya AS "This is the prayer, of one of my descendants""
Similarly we could have such intentions as the Ummati Muhammed SAW.
May Allah SWT Inspire us all, with sweetest Inspiration. Aameen thum'aameen.
Do Salah brother, let your forehead boast it was amongst those who kissed the ground only for the sake of Allah SWT. And let the ground weep for longing of such a kiss again.
Salaam brother, I sincerely hope you are among those who experience the Mi'rajul Mu'mineen.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by star on 14 February, 2006 - 19:55 #34
"Dawud" wrote:
Do Salah brother, let your forehead boast it was amongst those who kissed the ground only for the sake of Allah SWT. And let the ground weep for longing of such a kiss again.
Salaam brother, I sincerely hope you are among those who experience the Mi'rajul Mu'mineen.
im sure shes a sister :?
Q. what good advise can you give to one who head bangs in sajdah....i know people who pray namaz like their having a race, their sajdah is so quick like the place the forhead touches is on fire, my 17 year old bro does that. ?
Submitted by Dawud on 14 February, 2006 - 20:11 #35
"naj" wrote:
Q. what good advise can you give to one who head bangs in sajdah....i know people who pray namaz like their having a race, their sajdah is so quick like the place the forhead touches is on fire, my 17 year old bro does that. ?
First of all:
okay, now I have seen people doing this and to me it resembles aerobics more than Salaah. If you are going to pray, then pray. If you want to work those turkey arms around outside, [size=9]through the streets of Philadelphia, up the steps of that building.[/size]
Its not the etiquette of conversation..with Allah SWT to...well , bang your head in Salaah. Just..don't do it. Slow it down a little.
I suggest the person asks themselves why they are even doing Salah, btw blessings are constantly descending upon a person while they are in Salah.
Also imagine doing salah on the concrete drive way...
Doctor1: What was the cause of death?"
Doctor2: Salah
Doctor1: He died in Salah Masha Allah. so why is his head littered all over the driveway like a jigsaw puzzle...
No offense but it can't be healthy doing Sadjah that fast.
Wa Salam.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by iRazor on 14 February, 2006 - 21:33 #36
"Dawud" wrote:
Doctor1: What was the cause of death?"
Doctor2: Salah
Doctor1: He died in Salah Masha Allah. so why is his head littered all over the driveway like a jigsaw puzzle...
Wa Salam.
That was funny.
Wher u been hiding Dude, you got reading week?
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
Submitted by star on 14 February, 2006 - 22:06 #37
Some of the replies to your questions, guest, have made me smile...Other have made me frown.....
When dealing with others, let us not be quick to quash the embers of enquiry that can lead to flames of longing for the divine truth...
I don't know why, perhaps it's the late hour but I suddenly feel poetic.....maybe your curiosity can be soothed through a poetic reply.....
Let us begin...
No-one has whole-heartedly done anything by being told 'Do it or else!'.
Don't get me wrong, people can still achieve things this way, (but they only commit to these tasks half-heartedly...)
and as a poet [size=2](me)[/size] once said:
"With Half-heartedness you cannot achieve majesty in this world, So how can you then think, Half-heartedness will elevate you to the eternal majesty of your Lord?"
Similarly, if we do not want to pray then we are giving in to our desires and who can rise and attain the heavenly splendour of their Lord, if they are chained down to worldly wants...
Hmmm, this mock 'poetic' form of writing isn't getting me anywhere fast...time to get back to hard facts...
Ahem (this isn’t going to be quick or easy amd it might sound disjointed but here we go...).
So let us begin again, but this time, let's forget about prayer, and its importance, for a moment...
Instead let us look at the world around us and our lives...
In fact, it is of a proof of The Almighty’s great kindness that any life can exist at all...
If our planet Earth were a little further from the sun, or a little closer, it would be uninhabitable - due to either extreme heat or cold.
If the sun’s rays were of a slightly different composition, then they would be lethal.
If our planet were a little bit smaller, it could not retain the atmosphere which is necessary to preserve life. If it were bigger, the force of gravity would ensure that the atmosphere would include not only oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, but also heavier, poisonous gases, like ammonia. It is the small size of the planet that allows these gases to escape…
Out of His astonishing mercy, He keeps vital oxygen in the air, and fresh water in the rivers, so that the earth supports six billion people, and comparatively few starve…
Each day our body’s fight thousands of bacteria without us even knowing, life-giving blood courses through our veins without us telling it to…
Wait…I could go on telling you about the precise balances in the cosmos and within our bodies, that are vital for our well-being yet we cannot control, but I’m sure you get the idea…
Basically our Lord is generous to us!
But as we utilise more and more of the blessings of life (which makes human life possible), and reflect less on their Source, then this generosity is being abused by us…
For we have forgotten that all this exists on a condition…
The creation is well-maintained by the Creator on condition that the creation (you and me) pays the bill…
And the only bill that our generous Creator asks for is that we acknowledge and thank Him…
And He only asks us for this for our own benefit. For He is al-Nafi‘ and al-Darr, (The Source of Benefit and of Harm); we can neither benefit nor harm Him for He is al-Ghani: (The Independent).
Let us make no mistake...
We’ve got a very good deal here, but how could we expect anything else from the Merciful Lord of all the Worlds? All we have to do is to thank Him; and we have a formal way of doing this five times a day.
When we fail to do this, our hearts are dirtied, our souls are in a state of imbalance, and we open ourselves up to the calamities of the created world – because we then become vulnerable to breakdowns in the system of protection which He has built into the cosmos.
The principle which underlies all this is ‘If we forget Allah, He will forget us’: ‘forget us’ in the sense of not protecting us from misfortune.
The world, where it is not held in order by the kindness of The Almighty, is pure chaos; and in such chaos human beings cannot survive for an instant. They are suddenly overwhelmed by suffering, plagues, earthquakes, floods and the like. Calamities befall us and we then wonder why our Lord is not being generous...
Yet as Muslims we should know that there is something deeper at work.
For example,
Recently in Pakistan we witnessed a calamity. Tens of thousand died. Others are still dying, from the miserable weather which has followed the quake…
Nothing occurs in the world, not even a leaf dropping from a tree, that The Almighty is not fully aware of, and that He has not decreed. And His decrees have meaning – beyond what we can hope to understand...
Let me repeat what I’ve been saying. It’s too crude a view to regard a tragedy such as this earthquake as a straightforward type of divine punishment. The Islamic view is more subtle...
We believe that the overwhelming forces of nature are only kept in check by The Almighty. Without His Kindness, our pathetic bodies would not survive for one instant amid the massive powers of the universe.
But when we forget Him, we become vulnerable...
And we are all vulnerable. Particularly, in these times. This is an age of forgetfulness and sadness:
The modern world claims to progress but we see antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Seroxat have never been more widely prescribed. We work longer hours than ever before; and our home lives have never been under such pressure.
We have turned away from the Source of all that is good, and we are sad. We are hungry. We know that we need what all human beings have always needed: the remembrance of our Lord. And yet the modern world tells us that that is nowhere on the list of life priorities…
When we forget Him, so radically as dictated by our modern lifestyles, the protection begins to be withdrawn, and we are at the mercy of the material world, which we now trust and love more than we trust and love Our Lord.
And the people of Pakistan have learnt how much the material world, can help us, when we forget to acknowledge its divine source - And when we forget to give thanks for it.
In Surah al-Mulk we are told, patiently:
‘Are you confident that He who is in heaven will not cause the earth to cave in beneath you and to be swallowed up by it as it shakes?'
So the conclusion is inescapable. We who are not paying the bill and now we are in heavy debt! And the bailiffs will soon be coming... We appear doomed, being the weak (both weak of will and body) creatures that we are, how could we ever re-pay the debt that we accumulate...
But, let us not forget The Creator is not only generous, He is also merciful.
His mercy is expressed, despite our disobedience, in so many ways. There is the hadith, for instance, that states that whoever dies, under fallen masonry, becomes a martyr. So those who have died in Pakistan can be considered so...
Our Lord is ever Forgiving of those who turn to Him.
Faced with the evidence of His overpowering might, and of His power to remove His protection - from the inherent violence of nature; our hearts should tremble...
And in this, lies our hope...
For Our Lord himself says, in a Hadith Qudsi:
"Son of Adam! So long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. Son of Adam! were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. Son of Adam! Were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness like unto it." (Tirmidhi)
We need to turn to our Lord, and prayer offers us an audience with him five times a day; so that we may find shelter in His Divine protection by showing we are thankful to him...
May He forgive us for our weaknesses, our faults (both open and secret), and our continual laziness in serving Him.....Even though, for every moment of our lives, He tirelessly serves us.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Submitted by Allahuakbar on 15 February, 2006 - 09:41 #39
Mashallah, well said bro.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Submitted by equanimity on 15 February, 2006 - 16:26 #40
"The Dark Paladin" wrote:
Some of the replies to your questions, guest, have made me smile...Other have made me frown.....
When dealing with others, let us not be quick to quash the embers of enquiry that can lead to flames of longing for the divine truth...
I don't know why, perhaps it's the late hour but I suddenly feel poetic.....maybe your curiosity can be soothed through a poetic reply.....
Let us begin...
No-one has whole-heartedly done anything by being told 'Do it or else!'.
Don't get me wrong, people can still achieve things this way, (but they only commit to these tasks half-heartedly...)
and as a poet [size=2](me)[/size] once said:
"With Half-heartedness you cannot achieve majesty in this world, So how can you then think, Half-heartedness will elevate you to the eternal majesty of your Lord?"
Similarly, if we do not want to pray then we are giving in to our desires and who can rise and attain the heavenly splendour of their Lord, if they are chained down to worldly wants...
Hmmm, this mock 'poetic' form of writing isn't getting me anywhere fast...time to get back to hard facts...
Ahem (this isn’t going to be quick or easy amd it might sound disjointed but here we go...).
So let us begin again, but this time, let's forget about prayer, and its importance, for a moment...
Instead let us look at the world around us and our lives...
In fact, it is of a proof of The Almighty’s great kindness that any life can exist at all...
If our planet Earth were a little further from the sun, or a little closer, it would be uninhabitable - due to either extreme heat or cold.
If the sun’s rays were of a slightly different composition, then they would be lethal.
If our planet were a little bit smaller, it could not retain the atmosphere which is necessary to preserve life. If it were bigger, the force of gravity would ensure that the atmosphere would include not only oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, but also heavier, poisonous gases, like ammonia. It is the small size of the planet that allows these gases to escape…
Out of His astonishing mercy, He keeps vital oxygen in the air, and fresh water in the rivers, so that the earth supports six billion people, and comparatively few starve…
Each day our body’s fight thousands of bacteria without us even knowing, life-giving blood courses through our veins without us telling it to…
Wait…I could go on telling you about the precise balances in the cosmos and within our bodies, that are vital for our well-being yet we cannot control, but I’m sure you get the idea…
Basically our Lord is generous to us!
But as we utilise more and more of the blessings of life (which makes human life possible), and reflect less on their Source, then this generosity is being abused by us…
For we have forgotten that all this exists on a condition…
The creation is well-maintained by the Creator on condition that the creation (you and me) pays the bill…
And the only bill that our generous Creator asks for is that we acknowledge and thank Him…
And He only asks us for this for our own benefit. For He is al-Nafi‘ and al-Darr, (The Source of Benefit and of Harm); we can neither benefit nor harm Him for He is al-Ghani: (The Independent).
Let us make no mistake...
We’ve got a very good deal here, but how could we expect anything else from the Merciful Lord of all the Worlds? All we have to do is to thank Him; and we have a formal way of doing this five times a day.
When we fail to do this, our hearts are dirtied, our souls are in a state of imbalance, and we open ourselves up to the calamities of the created world – because we then become vulnerable to breakdowns in the system of protection which He has built into the cosmos.
The principle which underlies all this is ‘If we forget Allah, He will forget us’: ‘forget us’ in the sense of not protecting us from misfortune.
The world, where it is not held in order by the kindness of The Almighty, is pure chaos; and in such chaos human beings cannot survive for an instant. They are suddenly overwhelmed by suffering, plagues, earthquakes, floods and the like. Calamities befall us and we then wonder why our Lord is not being generous...
Yet as Muslims we should know that there is something deeper at work.
For example,
Recently in Pakistan we witnessed a calamity. Tens of thousand died. Others are still dying, from the miserable weather which has followed the quake…
Nothing occurs in the world, not even a leaf dropping from a tree, that The Almighty is not fully aware of, and that He has not decreed. And His decrees have meaning – beyond what we can hope to understand...
Let me repeat what I’ve been saying. It’s too crude a view to regard a tragedy such as this earthquake as a straightforward type of divine punishment. The Islamic view is more subtle...
We believe that the overwhelming forces of nature are only kept in check by The Almighty. Without His Kindness, our pathetic bodies would not survive for one instant amid the massive powers of the universe.
But when we forget Him, we become vulnerable...
And we are all vulnerable. Particularly, in these times. This is an age of forgetfulness and sadness:
The modern world claims to progress but we see antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Seroxat have never been more widely prescribed. We work longer hours than ever before; and our home lives have never been under such pressure.
We have turned away from the Source of all that is good, and we are sad. We are hungry. We know that we need what all human beings have always needed: the remembrance of our Lord. And yet the modern world tells us that that is nowhere on the list of life priorities…
When we forget Him, so radically as dictated by our modern lifestyles, the protection begins to be withdrawn, and we are at the mercy of the material world, which we now trust and love more than we trust and love Our Lord.
And the people of Pakistan have learnt how much the material world, can help us, when we forget to acknowledge its divine source - And when we forget to give thanks for it.
In Surah al-Mulk we are told, patiently:
‘Are you confident that He who is in heaven will not cause the earth to cave in beneath you and to be swallowed up by it as it shakes?'
So the conclusion is inescapable. We who are not paying the bill and now we are in heavy debt! And the bailiffs will soon be coming... We appear doomed, being the weak (both weak of will and body) creatures that we are, how could we ever re-pay the debt that we accumulate...
But, let us not forget The Creator is not only generous, He is also merciful.
His mercy is expressed, despite our disobedience, in so many ways. There is the hadith, for instance, that states that whoever dies, under fallen masonry, becomes a martyr. So those who have died in Pakistan can be considered so...
Our Lord is ever Forgiving of those who turn to Him.
Faced with the evidence of His overpowering might, and of His power to remove His protection - from the inherent violence of nature; our hearts should tremble...
And in this, lies our hope...
For Our Lord himself says, in a Hadith Qudsi:
"Son of Adam! So long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. Son of Adam! were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. Son of Adam! Were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness like unto it." (Tirmidhi)
We need to turn to our Lord, and prayer offers us an audience with him five times a day; so that we may find shelter in His Divine protection by showing we are thankful to him...
May He forgive us for our weaknesses, our faults (both open and secret), and our continual laziness in serving Him.....Even though, for every moment of our lives, He tirelessly serves us.
May peace be blessed upon you.
excellent post bro , one of the best posts ive read on this forum , its a model answer to guests question
indeed we should be greatful
guest read this post by paladin:!: its excellent
Submitted by Guest on 16 February, 2006 - 16:52 #41
"The Dark Paladin" wrote:
Some of the replies to your questions, guest, have made me smile...Other have made me frown.....
When dealing with others, let us not be quick to quash the embers of enquiry that can lead to flames of longing for the divine truth...
I don't know why, perhaps it's the late hour but I suddenly feel poetic.....maybe your curiosity can be soothed through a poetic reply.....
Let us begin...
No-one has whole-heartedly done anything by being told 'Do it or else!'.
Don't get me wrong, people can still achieve things this way, (but they only commit to these tasks half-heartedly...)
and as a poet [size=2](me)[/size] once said:
"With Half-heartedness you cannot achieve majesty in this world, So how can you then think, Half-heartedness will elevate you to the eternal majesty of your Lord?"
Similarly, if we do not want to pray then we are giving in to our desires and who can rise and attain the heavenly splendour of their Lord, if they are chained down to worldly wants...
Hmmm, this mock 'poetic' form of writing isn't getting me anywhere fast...time to get back to hard facts...
Ahem (this isn’t going to be quick or easy amd it might sound disjointed but here we go...).
So let us begin again, but this time, let's forget about prayer, and its importance, for a moment...
Instead let us look at the world around us and our lives...
In fact, it is of a proof of The Almighty’s great kindness that any life can exist at all...
If our planet Earth were a little further from the sun, or a little closer, it would be uninhabitable - due to either extreme heat or cold.
If the sun’s rays were of a slightly different composition, then they would be lethal.
If our planet were a little bit smaller, it could not retain the atmosphere which is necessary to preserve life. If it were bigger, the force of gravity would ensure that the atmosphere would include not only oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, but also heavier, poisonous gases, like ammonia. It is the small size of the planet that allows these gases to escape…
Out of His astonishing mercy, He keeps vital oxygen in the air, and fresh water in the rivers, so that the earth supports six billion people, and comparatively few starve…
Each day our body’s fight thousands of bacteria without us even knowing, life-giving blood courses through our veins without us telling it to…
Wait…I could go on telling you about the precise balances in the cosmos and within our bodies, that are vital for our well-being yet we cannot control, but I’m sure you get the idea…
Basically our Lord is generous to us!
But as we utilise more and more of the blessings of life (which makes human life possible), and reflect less on their Source, then this generosity is being abused by us…
For we have forgotten that all this exists on a condition…
The creation is well-maintained by the Creator on condition that the creation (you and me) pays the bill…
And the only bill that our generous Creator asks for is that we acknowledge and thank Him…
And He only asks us for this for our own benefit. For He is al-Nafi‘ and al-Darr, (The Source of Benefit and of Harm); we can neither benefit nor harm Him for He is al-Ghani: (The Independent).
Let us make no mistake...
We’ve got a very good deal here, but how could we expect anything else from the Merciful Lord of all the Worlds? All we have to do is to thank Him; and we have a formal way of doing this five times a day.
When we fail to do this, our hearts are dirtied, our souls are in a state of imbalance, and we open ourselves up to the calamities of the created world – because we then become vulnerable to breakdowns in the system of protection which He has built into the cosmos.
The principle which underlies all this is ‘If we forget Allah, He will forget us’: ‘forget us’ in the sense of not protecting us from misfortune.
The world, where it is not held in order by the kindness of The Almighty, is pure chaos; and in such chaos human beings cannot survive for an instant. They are suddenly overwhelmed by suffering, plagues, earthquakes, floods and the like. Calamities befall us and we then wonder why our Lord is not being generous...
Yet as Muslims we should know that there is something deeper at work.
For example,
Recently in Pakistan we witnessed a calamity. Tens of thousand died. Others are still dying, from the miserable weather which has followed the quake…
Nothing occurs in the world, not even a leaf dropping from a tree, that The Almighty is not fully aware of, and that He has not decreed. And His decrees have meaning – beyond what we can hope to understand...
Let me repeat what I’ve been saying. It’s too crude a view to regard a tragedy such as this earthquake as a straightforward type of divine punishment. The Islamic view is more subtle...
We believe that the overwhelming forces of nature are only kept in check by The Almighty. Without His Kindness, our pathetic bodies would not survive for one instant amid the massive powers of the universe.
But when we forget Him, we become vulnerable...
And we are all vulnerable. Particularly, in these times. This is an age of forgetfulness and sadness:
The modern world claims to progress but we see antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Seroxat have never been more widely prescribed. We work longer hours than ever before; and our home lives have never been under such pressure.
We have turned away from the Source of all that is good, and we are sad. We are hungry. We know that we need what all human beings have always needed: the remembrance of our Lord. And yet the modern world tells us that that is nowhere on the list of life priorities…
When we forget Him, so radically as dictated by our modern lifestyles, the protection begins to be withdrawn, and we are at the mercy of the material world, which we now trust and love more than we trust and love Our Lord.
And the people of Pakistan have learnt how much the material world, can help us, when we forget to acknowledge its divine source - And when we forget to give thanks for it.
In Surah al-Mulk we are told, patiently:
‘Are you confident that He who is in heaven will not cause the earth to cave in beneath you and to be swallowed up by it as it shakes?'
So the conclusion is inescapable. We who are not paying the bill and now we are in heavy debt! And the bailiffs will soon be coming... We appear doomed, being the weak (both weak of will and body) creatures that we are, how could we ever re-pay the debt that we accumulate...
But, let us not forget The Creator is not only generous, He is also merciful.
His mercy is expressed, despite our disobedience, in so many ways. There is the hadith, for instance, that states that whoever dies, under fallen masonry, becomes a martyr. So those who have died in Pakistan can be considered so...
Our Lord is ever Forgiving of those who turn to Him.
Faced with the evidence of His overpowering might, and of His power to remove His protection - from the inherent violence of nature; our hearts should tremble...
And in this, lies our hope...
For Our Lord himself says, in a Hadith Qudsi:
"Son of Adam! So long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. Son of Adam! were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. Son of Adam! Were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness like unto it." (Tirmidhi)
We need to turn to our Lord, and prayer offers us an audience with him five times a day; so that we may find shelter in His Divine protection by showing we are thankful to him...
May He forgive us for our weaknesses, our faults (both open and secret), and our continual laziness in serving Him.....Even though, for every moment of our lives, He tirelessly serves us.
May peace be blessed upon you.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :!:
"Seek and you shall find."
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 February, 2006 - 16:12 #42
Assalamu Alaikum,
Did you lot hear the discussion on asian network. Now i seriously don't listen to the music so don't go there ain't my thing. But there's a breakfast show by Sonia which usually gets good heated debates. Lately they've been discussing Islam and Muslims a lot.
Today it was about a bunch of muslim students at Newcastle University, who can't pray Jumuah salat, because their lectures always coincide with it. Anyways they asked their uni if it was possible to reschedule the lecture a bit earlier or later so they can make Jumuah prayers. If it was not possible fair enough they would accept that. No harm in asking politely is there?
Judging by most of the callers to the asian network it is a problem, because apparently Muslims are being aggressive, merely for making a request which may or may not be met.
Brother Jamal was one of the main guests, a student from a London University. Masha'Allah he did great in representing the cause. He remained calm and collected throughout, even though he was unfairly insulted. He also communicated his points very well, without letting his emotions get the better of him.
Some muslim kids like 12 years old managed to defend the cause, made me smile, may Allah bless their efforts. One child said you can make qada so there's no need to ask the uni to change lecture times. Another 12 yr old counterattacked that saying, actually you're supposed to pray within the prayer times, praying after doesn't have the same rewards and is actually sinful without a very good reason.
The biggest blunder was made by an older brother, who suggested Jamal, and those students merely asking to be accomodated for friday prayers were being aggressive and going against the peacful concept of Islam. He said we need to sit down and read the Quran, too many muslims don't read it properly. There's nothing in the Quran saying we must perform the friday prayer. Brother Jamal replied, brother there's an entire chapter called al jumuah in the Quran, so we do have to observe it.
Since then it's been announced the Uni has been able to reschedule the lectures without any problems. So the muslim students have been granted permission to make their friday prayers, alhamdulilah. I personally don't see what the fuss was about on this radio programme. I don't think the students were making a fuss they made a simple request and they were fully aware it could be rejected. No one was about to hit the streets with plackards in protest against it :roll:
What incensed me the most was this guy named Jay who said once again Muslims are trying to impose their beliefs on us. He thght we had no right to even ask to be accomodated. He said he was dicriminated against coz he was brown, and hindu. And sikhs were mistaken for muslim insurgents and the taliban. All the asians are being attacked coz of the muslims. He also said we were ignorant.
Brother jamal replied for someone to attack the entire muslim population with ignorance, is ignorance in itself. Jay went on to counterattack with yeah but i'm discriminated against coz of muslims and coz im brown, what are you are, you brown! Jamal replied actually I'm white, and muslims come from all sorts of backgrounds they're not just asian. Jay went silent, i'll say no more.
I have no sympathy for ppl like Jay. I can understand he's upset with the backlash. But I;m a muslim, i consider myself peace loving. I go about my own business and i don't encourage others towards violence. Why should i be looked down upon and abused just coz i look muslim via my skin colour, or my dress? Why should i be termed a member of the taliban any more than a person like Jay :x
Anyways do you guys think it's important to make your prayers on time. Considering the five daily prayers are obligatory, what lengths would you go to, to ensure you can pray at work, school, uni etc?
I was always lucky at work, my manager was very understanding. She let me sneak away for all my prayers. The other staff members knew about it, and they never felt like i was being given special treatment, coz a lot of them were major skivers, i'd always cover for their extra long breaks :roll: Not to blow my own trumpet but i'm a hard worker what ever i do i'm a bit of a perfectionist. So i guess that helped me to stay on good terms with my boss who knows.
If i wasn't allowed to pray I would simply have packed in the job, go somewhere i was accomodated for.
Submitted by Adil on 17 February, 2006 - 16:29 #43
"yashmaki" wrote:
The biggest blunder was made by an older brother, who suggested Jamal, and those students merely asking to be accomodated for friday prayers were being aggressive and going against the peacful concept of Islam. He said we need to sit down and read the Quran, too many muslims don't read it properly. There's nothing in the Quran saying we must perform the friday prayer. [b]Brother Jamal replied, brother there's an entire chapter called al jumuah in the Quran, so we do have to observe it.[/b]
mashaALLAH, that made me laff. Especially if the "older brother" had just been advising people "to sit down and read the Quran".
Deen comes first. If the salah time is upon your head - lectures/lessons/work are no reason to make the Salah Qadha.
We should remember - our work and education lives revolve around our religion - NOT the other way around. The ulama have also mentioned that a job which makes it impossible to pray the Salah on time is a haraam job and alternative employment should be sought.
Alhamdulillah - university is laid back. People can walk out of lectures as and when they please so even if permission is not granted then follow the deen and ALLAH will put barakah in your work or learning inshaALLAH.
Submitted by yashmaki on 17 February, 2006 - 16:45 #44
i wasn't practising in my uni years, i started just towards the end of my studies. But yes it's very casual. Although it's better to attend the lecture if you can't then get a friend to make notes for you, or give them something to record the lecture on, then you don't miss out.
my lecturers used to post all their lectures on their website. So students could never make excuses for missing material and not doing homework. So there are ways around the problem, it's quite flexible.
Submitted by Angel on 25 February, 2006 - 16:35 #45
I found a really good book on "Material Benefits of Prayer" by Muhammad Rafique.
Guest what do u want out of prayer? you must ask yourself that.
I heard a lecture from Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri which made start readin my prayers with utmost love basicaly what Shaykh-ul-Islam said was when the Holy Prophet went to Miraj Sharif (when he ascended to the heavens to meet Allah (swt) he didnt forget his Ummah, you would think at that time you would forget everything and anyone but no the Holy Prophet brought back a present for us - what was this present? Prayer.
Now when we receive presents from our loved ones we keep them safe and appreciate them, the greatest of creations the Holy Prophet has brought this present for his Ummah and we should take this gift and treat it with most love as this will bring a lot of happiness to the Holy Prophet and this way we gain closeness with out Lord Allah (swt). Also it is said our prayer is our Miraj....
Some benefits of prayer - taken from the book mentioned above.
1 - During prayer turning to Kaba creates harmony, oneness and uniformity among the Muslims
2- The devil constantly haunts the human beings to enslave them. The prayer on the other hand continously reminds that we are the slaves of Allah alone.
3- It generates love for piety and truth promotes fear of Allah in the man.
Cant type the countless benefits, it also mentions benefits of keepin fit/active etc - a good book if u want to knw the benfits of prayer.
LOL, good thing Revival is here to allow people to ask Qs in that way ^!
I think 'Guest' liked reply no.38
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bilan on 22 January, 2011 - 21:14 #47
lol, cnt blame him/ was a good reply masha allah.
butte...i gotta say...never came across a question like tht before!
i thing Guest probably did know why prayer was important or the purpose behind it, but if he/she does not feel tht to be sufficient...then there is not much others can do about tht...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Well during this discussion the person said the normal Qs of it being necessary etc did not motivate him/her to read.
And yes it was a good answer - that was my way of making people look at it
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by cidpusa on 23 January, 2011 - 05:47 #49
Allah made everything in the Universe and Allah tells us to tell him about all our problems and desires. We need to pray to Allah for everything we need.
Allah is the only one who can provide what we need.
Submitted by Bilan on 23 January, 2011 - 15:40 #50
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Well during this discussion the person said the normal Qs of it being necessary etc did not motivate him/her to read.
And yes it was a good answer - that was my way of making people look at it
now theres a sly one! lol
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by The Lamp on 27 January, 2011 - 11:58 #51
Guest wrote:
Hey, loads of people say that I should pray and that its good but why should I pray???????????????????
What do you get out of prayer???????????????????????
Right back to what Guest was saying (we don't want to forget him/her)!
The best benefit of prayng WITH YOUR HEART as well as body and mind is peace, direction and clamness. It is an opportunity to repent, ask or pray for anything you want.
If Obama invited you to have dinner with him, would you go? Ofcourse! I know I would! The King of Kings is INVITING you to contat him 5 times a day; but you can start off comfortably and move up to 5 at your own pace.
Don't see it as an obligation, see it as an HONOUR because it is, and you don't know when you're going to die. Isn't a smart person prepared for that by being grateful to Allah?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
i dont know :?
guest no one can inspire you to read namaz but yourself
the question should be why dont we pray , guest it is as though you have resigned yourself to thinking we only pray because were told, you are blinded to see all the benefits of praying, i sincerely hope you give it a go and reap the rewards of prayer
have you ever seen hajj or been to a big mosque on eid , there is nothing more beautiful to see 1000s of muslims praying toghether as one to allah
Well can you kinda quote propa pls, it gets confuddled up... U obviously doing it by purpose... :x
Raf surely she could get inspired/ motivated .....she just needs to see he sheikh or someone on her level who could help.
"As-Salaatu Mehrajul Mo'mineen"
Apologies if splet means [u]Salaah[/u] is the [u]Mehraj[/u] of the [u]Believer[/u].
Guess when Salaah was [i]given[/i] to us.
The Holy Prophet SAW was raised to The Station of "Two Bows Length or less" before Allah SWT.
The Lord bequeathed Salaam unto His Favoured Prophet SAW and The Holy Prophet SAW gave a beautiful reply. He SAW did not omit us from the blessings of this Beautiful Meeting, Nay, The Holy Prophet SAW was thinking also about His (SAW) Ummah.
Not just Hadhrat Abu Bakr RA or Hadhrat 'Ali RA...but people like me and YOU, Guest (if that is your real name!).
This Mehraj, this Holy Blessing, this is when Salaah was made obligatory upon us, my dear Guest. It was even reduced from fifty prayers to make it easier upon you or us.
and [color=green]The Holy Prophet SAW[/color] has [color=green]said[/color] " Prayer is the Me'raj of the Momineen."
Not for a joke, when you stand for Salaah, you are in the direct prescence of Allah SWT. Allah SWT elevates you into The Divine Court.
It is said in The [color=green]Ahadith[/color]: "The Angels say 'if you [one who is in Salaah] could see The One who is in front of you, you would not say Salaam [i.e. end the Prayer] untill The Day of Judgement."
Now some stuff from 'those emails' that float around:
The shortest distance between a problem and its solution, is the distance between their their knees and the floor. Whe a person prostrates before Allah SWT he can stand before the world.
When a regular in their Salaah, the Shaytaan is [size=24][b]scared[/b][/size] of him.
The most beautiful and pleasurable, & the quickest, result of prayer is that the one who prays knows that there is One, Who has Absolute Power over everything, Who hears him, has pity on him, & provides a remedy for his pains. He is not alone in this world, rather there is an All-Munificent One Who looks after him & provides him with companionship. He imagines himself to be in the actual presence of a Being' Who is able to satisfy all his needs & overcome all his enemies, &, [u][b][color=cyan]feeling relief as if a heavy burden were removed from him, he says, ‘All praise be to the Lord of the Worlds’.[/color][/b][/u]
Subhana allah!
[b]and finally The Salaah of Hadhrat Rabia Basri RA:[/b]
"Hadhrat Rabia Basri would spend a lot of the night in performing Prayer. Her purpose wasn't that she might recieve anything of the goodness of it, though that might have been an added Blessing.
Her Intention was that on the Day of Judgement, Our Holy Prophet SAW would be able to say proudly infront of The other Ambiya AS "This is the prayer, of one of my descendants""
Similarly we could have such intentions as the Ummati Muhammed SAW.
May Allah SWT Inspire us all, with sweetest Inspiration. Aameen thum'aameen.
Salaam brother, I sincerely hope you are among those who experience the Mi'rajul Mu'mineen.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
im sure shes a sister :?
Q. what good advise can you give to one who head bangs in sajdah....i know people who pray namaz like their having a race, their sajdah is so quick like the place the forhead touches is on fire, my 17 year old bro does that. ?
First of all:
okay, now I have seen people doing this and to me it resembles aerobics more than Salaah. If you are going to pray, then pray. If you want to work those turkey arms around outside, [size=9]through the streets of Philadelphia, up the steps of that building.[/size]
Its not the etiquette of conversation..with Allah SWT to...well , bang your head in Salaah. Just..don't do it. Slow it down a little.
I suggest the person asks themselves why they are even doing Salah, btw blessings are constantly descending upon a person while they are in Salah.
Also imagine doing salah on the concrete drive way...
Doctor1: What was the cause of death?"
Doctor2: Salah
Doctor1: He died in Salah Masha Allah. so why is his head littered all over the driveway like a jigsaw puzzle...
No offense but it can't be healthy doing Sadjah that fast.
Wa Salam.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
That was funny.
Wher u been hiding Dude, you got reading week?
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
thanks Dawud Very humerous.
When dealing with others, let us not be quick to quash the embers of enquiry that can lead to flames of longing for the divine truth...
I don't know why, perhaps it's the late hour but I suddenly feel poetic.....maybe your curiosity can be soothed through a poetic reply.....
Let us begin...
No-one has whole-heartedly done anything by being told 'Do it or else!'.
Don't get me wrong, people can still achieve things this way, (but they only commit to these tasks half-heartedly...)
and as a poet [size=2](me)[/size] once said:
"With Half-heartedness you cannot achieve majesty in this world,
So how can you then think,
Half-heartedness will elevate you to the eternal majesty of your Lord?"
Similarly, if we do not want to pray then we are giving in to our desires and who can rise and attain the heavenly splendour of their Lord, if they are chained down to worldly wants...
Hmmm, this mock 'poetic' form of writing isn't getting me anywhere fast...time to get back to hard facts...
Ahem (this isn’t going to be quick or easy amd it might sound disjointed but here we go...).
So let us begin again, but this time, let's forget about prayer, and its importance, for a moment...
Instead let us look at the world around us and our lives...
In fact, it is of a proof of The Almighty’s great kindness that any life can exist at all...
If our planet Earth were a little further from the sun, or a little closer, it would be uninhabitable - due to either extreme heat or cold.
If the sun’s rays were of a slightly different composition, then they would be lethal.
If our planet were a little bit smaller, it could not retain the atmosphere which is necessary to preserve life. If it were bigger, the force of gravity would ensure that the atmosphere would include not only oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, but also heavier, poisonous gases, like ammonia. It is the small size of the planet that allows these gases to escape…
Out of His astonishing mercy, He keeps vital oxygen in the air, and fresh water in the rivers, so that the earth supports six billion people, and comparatively few starve…
Each day our body’s fight thousands of bacteria without us even knowing, life-giving blood courses through our veins without us telling it to…
Wait…I could go on telling you about the precise balances in the cosmos and within our bodies, that are vital for our well-being yet we cannot control, but I’m sure you get the idea…
Basically our Lord is generous to us!
But as we utilise more and more of the blessings of life (which makes human life possible), and reflect less on their Source, then this generosity is being abused by us…
For we have forgotten that all this exists on a condition…
The creation is well-maintained by the Creator on condition that the creation (you and me) pays the bill…
And the only bill that our generous Creator asks for is that we acknowledge and thank Him…
And He only asks us for this for our own benefit. For He is al-Nafi‘ and al-Darr, (The Source of Benefit and of Harm); we can neither benefit nor harm Him for He is al-Ghani: (The Independent).
Let us make no mistake...
We’ve got a very good deal here, but how could we expect anything else from the Merciful Lord of all the Worlds? All we have to do is to thank Him; and we have a formal way of doing this five times a day.
When we fail to do this, our hearts are dirtied, our souls are in a state of imbalance, and we open ourselves up to the calamities of the created world – because we then become vulnerable to breakdowns in the system of protection which He has built into the cosmos.
The principle which underlies all this is ‘If we forget Allah, He will forget us’: ‘forget us’ in the sense of not protecting us from misfortune.
The world, where it is not held in order by the kindness of The Almighty, is pure chaos; and in such chaos human beings cannot survive for an instant. They are suddenly overwhelmed by suffering, plagues, earthquakes, floods and the like. Calamities befall us and we then wonder why our Lord is not being generous...
Yet as Muslims we should know that there is something deeper at work.
For example,
Recently in Pakistan we witnessed a calamity. Tens of thousand died. Others are still dying, from the miserable weather which has followed the quake…
Nothing occurs in the world, not even a leaf dropping from a tree, that The Almighty is not fully aware of, and that He has not decreed. And His decrees have meaning – beyond what we can hope to understand...
Let me repeat what I’ve been saying. It’s too crude a view to regard a tragedy such as this earthquake as a straightforward type of divine punishment. The Islamic view is more subtle...
We believe that the overwhelming forces of nature are only kept in check by The Almighty. Without His Kindness, our pathetic bodies would not survive for one instant amid the massive powers of the universe.
But when we forget Him, we become vulnerable...
And we are all vulnerable. Particularly, in these times. This is an age of forgetfulness and sadness:
The modern world claims to progress but we see antidepressant drugs like Prozac and Seroxat have never been more widely prescribed. We work longer hours than ever before; and our home lives have never been under such pressure.
We have turned away from the Source of all that is good, and we are sad. We are hungry. We know that we need what all human beings have always needed: the remembrance of our Lord. And yet the modern world tells us that that is nowhere on the list of life priorities…
When we forget Him, so radically as dictated by our modern lifestyles, the protection begins to be withdrawn, and we are at the mercy of the material world, which we now trust and love more than we trust and love Our Lord.
And the people of Pakistan have learnt how much the material world, can help us, when we forget to acknowledge its divine source - And when we forget to give thanks for it.
In Surah al-Mulk we are told, patiently:
‘Are you confident that He who is in heaven will not cause the earth to cave in beneath you and to be swallowed up by it as it shakes?'
So the conclusion is inescapable. We who are not paying the bill and now we are in heavy debt! And the bailiffs will soon be coming... We appear doomed, being the weak (both weak of will and body) creatures that we are, how could we ever re-pay the debt that we accumulate...
But, let us not forget The Creator is not only generous, He is also merciful.
His mercy is expressed, despite our disobedience, in so many ways. There is the hadith, for instance, that states that whoever dies, under fallen masonry, becomes a martyr. So those who have died in Pakistan can be considered so...
Our Lord is ever Forgiving of those who turn to Him.
Faced with the evidence of His overpowering might, and of His power to remove His protection - from the inherent violence of nature; our hearts should tremble...
And in this, lies our hope...
For Our Lord himself says, in a Hadith Qudsi:
We need to turn to our Lord, and prayer offers us an audience with him five times a day; so that we may find shelter in His Divine protection by showing we are thankful to him...
May He forgive us for our weaknesses, our faults (both open and secret), and our continual laziness in serving Him.....Even though, for every moment of our lives, He tirelessly serves us.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Mashallah, well said bro.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
excellent post bro
, one of the best posts ive read on this forum
, its a model answer to guests question 
indeed we should be greatful
guest read this post by paladin:!: its excellent
:shock: :shock: :shock: :!:
"Seek and you shall find."
Assalamu Alaikum,
Did you lot hear the discussion on asian network. Now i seriously don't listen to the music so don't go there ain't my thing. But there's a breakfast show by Sonia which usually gets good heated debates. Lately they've been discussing Islam and Muslims a lot.
Today it was about a bunch of muslim students at Newcastle University, who can't pray Jumuah salat, because their lectures always coincide with it. Anyways they asked their uni if it was possible to reschedule the lecture a bit earlier or later so they can make Jumuah prayers. If it was not possible fair enough they would accept that. No harm in asking politely is there?
Judging by most of the callers to the asian network it is a problem, because apparently Muslims are being aggressive, merely for making a request which may or may not be met.
Brother Jamal was one of the main guests, a student from a London University. Masha'Allah he did great in representing the cause. He remained calm and collected throughout, even though he was unfairly insulted. He also communicated his points very well, without letting his emotions get the better of him.
Some muslim kids like 12 years old managed to defend the cause, made me smile, may Allah bless their efforts. One child said you can make qada so there's no need to ask the uni to change lecture times. Another 12 yr old counterattacked that saying, actually you're supposed to pray within the prayer times, praying after doesn't have the same rewards and is actually sinful without a very good reason.
The biggest blunder was made by an older brother, who suggested Jamal, and those students merely asking to be accomodated for friday prayers were being aggressive and going against the peacful concept of Islam. He said we need to sit down and read the Quran, too many muslims don't read it properly. There's nothing in the Quran saying we must perform the friday prayer. Brother Jamal replied, brother there's an entire chapter called al jumuah in the Quran, so we do have to observe it.
Since then it's been announced the Uni has been able to reschedule the lectures without any problems. So the muslim students have been granted permission to make their friday prayers, alhamdulilah. I personally don't see what the fuss was about on this radio programme. I don't think the students were making a fuss they made a simple request and they were fully aware it could be rejected. No one was about to hit the streets with plackards in protest against it :roll:
What incensed me the most was this guy named Jay who said once again Muslims are trying to impose their beliefs on us. He thght we had no right to even ask to be accomodated. He said he was dicriminated against coz he was brown, and hindu. And sikhs were mistaken for muslim insurgents and the taliban. All the asians are being attacked coz of the muslims. He also said we were ignorant.
Brother jamal replied for someone to attack the entire muslim population with ignorance, is ignorance in itself. Jay went on to counterattack with yeah but i'm discriminated against coz of muslims and coz im brown, what are you are, you brown! Jamal replied actually I'm white, and muslims come from all sorts of backgrounds they're not just asian. Jay went silent, i'll say no more.
I have no sympathy for ppl like Jay. I can understand he's upset with the backlash. But I;m a muslim, i consider myself peace loving. I go about my own business and i don't encourage others towards violence. Why should i be looked down upon and abused just coz i look muslim via my skin colour, or my dress? Why should i be termed a member of the taliban any more than a person like Jay :x
Anyways do you guys think it's important to make your prayers on time. Considering the five daily prayers are obligatory, what lengths would you go to, to ensure you can pray at work, school, uni etc?
I was always lucky at work, my manager was very understanding. She let me sneak away for all my prayers. The other staff members knew about it, and they never felt like i was being given special treatment, coz a lot of them were major skivers, i'd always cover for their extra long breaks :roll: Not to blow my own trumpet but i'm a hard worker what ever i do i'm a bit of a perfectionist. So i guess that helped me to stay on good terms with my boss who knows.
If i wasn't allowed to pray I would simply have packed in the job, go somewhere i was accomodated for.
mashaALLAH, that made me laff. Especially if the "older brother" had just been advising people "to sit down and read the Quran".
Deen comes first. If the salah time is upon your head - lectures/lessons/work are no reason to make the Salah Qadha.
We should remember - our work and education lives revolve around our religion - NOT the other way around. The ulama have also mentioned that a job which makes it impossible to pray the Salah on time is a haraam job and alternative employment should be sought.
Alhamdulillah - university is laid back. People can walk out of lectures as and when they please so even if permission is not granted then follow the deen and ALLAH will put barakah in your work or learning inshaALLAH.
i wasn't practising in my uni years, i started just towards the end of my studies. But yes it's very casual. Although it's better to attend the lecture if you can't then get a friend to make notes for you, or give them something to record the lecture on, then you don't miss out.
my lecturers used to post all their lectures on their website. So students could never make excuses for missing material and not doing homework. So there are ways around the problem, it's quite flexible.
I found a really good book on "Material Benefits of Prayer" by Muhammad Rafique.
Guest what do u want out of prayer? you must ask yourself that.
I heard a lecture from Prof. Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri which made start readin my prayers with utmost love basicaly what Shaykh-ul-Islam said was when the Holy Prophet
went to Miraj Sharif (when he ascended to the heavens to meet Allah (swt) he didnt forget his Ummah, you would think at that time you would forget everything and anyone but no the Holy Prophet
brought back a present for us - what was this present? Prayer.
Now when we receive presents from our loved ones we keep them safe and appreciate them, the greatest of creations the Holy Prophet
has brought this present for his Ummah and we should take this gift and treat it with most love as this will bring a lot of happiness to the Holy Prophet
and this way we gain closeness with out Lord Allah (swt). Also it is said our prayer is our Miraj....
Some benefits of prayer - taken from the book mentioned above.
1 - During prayer turning to Kaba creates harmony, oneness and uniformity among the Muslims
2- The devil constantly haunts the human beings to enslave them. The prayer on the other hand continously reminds that we are the slaves of Allah alone.
3- It generates love for piety and truth promotes fear of Allah in the man.
Cant type the countless benefits, it also mentions benefits of keepin fit/active etc - a good book if u want to knw the benfits of prayer.
LOL, good thing Revival is here to allow people to ask Qs in that way ^!
I think 'Guest' liked reply no.38

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
lol, cnt blame him/ was a good reply masha allah.
butte...i gotta say...never came across a question like tht before!
i thing Guest probably did know why prayer was important or the purpose behind it, but if he/she does not feel tht to be sufficient...then there is not much others can do about tht...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Well during this discussion the person said the normal Qs of it being necessary etc did not motivate him/her to read.
And yes it was a good answer - that was my way of making people look at it
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Allah made everything in the Universe and Allah tells us to tell him about all our problems and desires. We need to pray to Allah for everything we need.
Allah is the only one who can provide what we need.
now theres a sly one! lol
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Right back to what Guest was saying (we don't want to forget him/her)!
The best benefit of prayng WITH YOUR HEART as well as body and mind is peace, direction and clamness. It is an opportunity to repent, ask or pray for anything you want.
If Obama invited you to have dinner with him, would you go? Ofcourse! I know I would!
The King of Kings is INVITING you to contat him 5 times a day; but you can start off comfortably and move up to 5 at your own pace.
Don't see it as an obligation, see it as an HONOUR because it is, and you don't know when you're going to die. Isn't a smart person prepared for that by being grateful to Allah?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Why would you want to have dinner with Obama?
I like the "think of it as an honour" thing.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Because it's Obama, and if he invited me I would go. Wouldn't you?
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
There's nothing special about him!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi