The British on the whole are very reserved people. We can walk past someone in town centre making a fool of themselves and yet would just carry on with our business as if nothing has happened.
This of course, is not a good thing. The fact that we keep to ourselves so much shows that we only look think about ourselves and/or those who are close to us.
How often do we go out of our way to make someone else’s life easier? How often do we do favours for others without expecting anything in return?
True Islam consists of our actions and the way we interact with others…its about being there for others in times of need…its about keeping to your word….and making life easier for others.
The word “EHSAN” (favour) is derived from the word HUSN (beauty). In other words doing favours to one another is considered beautiful in the eyes of Allah (swt).
Allah (swt) states in Surah Younis ‘For those who have done favours their reward is heaven where they will receive even more. Neither darkness nor dust nor any disgrace will cover their faces. They are the dwellers of Paradise, they will abide there forever’.
In Islam, those who do favours to one another without have an extremely high status in Islam.
Apparently, those people who do favours to one another will also be given the right of intercession for their Muslim brothers and sisters on the day of judgment….In addition such people will also be blessed with the opportunity of seeing Allah (swt) in the hereafter.
Also, those who take care of the needs of others, Allah (swt) takes care of their needs….also doing good to others without expecting any reward from them in return brings peace and happiness to the giver.
The Awliya’s (friends of Allah) NEVER used to sit next to people, who were selfish and lacked mercy and compassion for others.
How good are in this department? I mean, we can spend all our life doing our ibadah (worship) but if we’ve not been there for people in time of need then all our efforts will be in vain.
When you’re in the middle of doing something important and the phone rings, do you drop everything and listen to your friends problems?
If you’re on your way out and someone knocks on your door stressed of due to something, do you give them time?
Do you keep in touch with everyone you know, and know at all times what problems they’re going through before they even tell you?
Do you ALWAYS visit/inquire the sick? Do you miss funerals? Do you fulfil all the rights of your Muslim brother/sisters?
Are you generally a do-gooder? You know, the type that offers to do the washing up in other people’s home, helps to clean up after programmes/sets the chairs out and offers to do donkey work in all situations? Do you keep to your word?
Such people are rare but one can help but feel strongly inclined towards such individuals.
And is it me, but are the French on the whole much better then this then the British are?
Share your thoughts…
This was an excellent film.
The acting by Jim Carrey was great.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Was it a film? I got the saying from an old Beyounce's song. :oops:
I place great importance on my close friends and family.
I know at all times whats going on with them and if they need a pick'me up.
I remember all their birthdays and even if they wont accept a gift im sure to call them that day to wish them well.
I also know whats going on with certain family members who we dont speak to anymore. Even if they dont know that i know... ill still try and help them out via someone else.
But there are times when you question yourself as to why your doing this, even if you know your not going to get anything back from them. But i realise its within my nature and whatever i deserve i will get... even if its not within my life time but in the after life.
I will always fulfill my promises. Its why i dont make many.
PS: The Jim Carey Movie was called: Me, Myself and Irene.
Back in BLACK
That was a really raunchy movie...
With hillarious consequences.
Wa Salaam
p.s. I try to do good, so here's one for the team>>>

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I read this quote the other day and i think it best describe the situation.
'You have not lived today successfully unless you have done something for someone who can never repay you"
The ablility to help other is very important IMO. But to do it for the right reason it even better. As soon as you have done a form of charity, you always get the urge to tell people. Now when you start doing these actions and you don't care if other find out it I think you on the right track.
Because i think it easy for a millionaire to give money to charity, but i would think more of them if they gave their time instead. Basically to go that extra yard.
But it sad, but today you can't even help a old lady carry her shopping, because they scared you will run off with it. Which shows you what type of mentality people have today.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
man you just bought back some old memory. So embarressing.
I once heard Sheikh Hamza speak about the "Ana complex". You know, Ana, Ana, Ana. ( Me, Me, Me). Whatever makes ME happy…and allow everyone else.
There was a well respected Sheikh who once mistakenly said “‘where’s MY chadar (coat)?’ since that day the high esteem that his followers felt for him declined. This is because we should never consider anything ours. Everything we own belongs to Allah (swt) and we are obliged to share our knowledge, our wealth, and our health etc, with everyone.
A pious man named Hadrat Imam Hassan Mustafa, used to spend all his time helping others. Once a man came to him and asked for 400 dirhams so that he could pay of some debts.
Hadrat Imam Hassan Mustafa gave the man the money and then started crying. The people around him were astonished to see such a generous hearted man cry after giving some money to a man in need. When he was asked why he was crying, he replied ‘I’ am crying because I’ am feeling guilty cos I failed to enquire about my brothers…I’m ashamed that I never inquired about him and he had to come knocking on my door to ask me for money”.
The true believers are those who anticipate the needs of others….they are there for others, before they are even asked.
very interesting topic, cuz on friday somethng happened to me n my friend. this old woman needed help in the streets she wanted us to help her push her shopping trolley, n me n my friend r lyk sure why not, but the thng was the trolley was soooooooooooo heavy and we weren't able to push it, there were these guys in the opposite pavement saw us clearly struggling and walked off, then some other guys come look at us laugh and point and they walk off, eventually we managed to push the trolley after all the struggle. n the thng was the lady was white and we were asians and if you saw it you would thnk we were harassing the lady or robbing her but even still ppl wouldn't care.
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
I think i come across Old People Freindly coz i always get approached by elderly people who need help when im shopping
Once i was in a shop and an old lady was at the till and she couldnt put her money back in her purse, the shopkeeper offered to do it but the old lady wouldnt let her. The old lady came down the long queue and told me to do it for her
One old lady was in Beales and was shopping for a jumper for her son and couldnt read the sizes properly so i helped her shop and evntually found her something in Debenhams
And once i was in Sainsbury an old man wanted me to help him found jars of food that were made only in Sri Lanka, its was well funny
BUt i agree nowadays people think twice before asking someone for help, i rember once when i was younger and me and my mum had some troublw with a cash machine and we asked the guy behind us to help, he helped us but nowadays i wouldnt dream of asking for help from a stranger on a high street
lol.... Y dream of asking a STRANGER for help ?
:oops: ive corrected it now lol
i too hate the idea of asking anyone for anything-other then my close family I'd never ask anyone for help or stuff
I'd rather go without then do that-once I walked over a mile home cos I was 20p short for the bus and neevr wanted to ask my mate to lend me
Asking Strangers is diff.....i personally wouldnt mind asking my friends for help, money or anything....just for a lend, and i wouldnt mind helping them either...
Asking someone i dont know i would then hesitate, and probably do without the help
nah I dont like asking mates either
just sumin thats been drummed into as a kid
just that u should never ask others-always rely on family
and I do look down at my mates who always borrow money or clothes of me 24/7
yesterday i was wearing my new bling bling watch and my mate wanted to borrow it AND she wanted my coat- :roll:
tis freezing down here-what shud I wear if she jacks my coat for a few days?
I dont like to do same thing that I hate in others
lol.............see where you coming from- note the always, i get ya.