I am gonna review all the rules, break them into subsections, and make them rules instead of aspriations.
Feel free to comment here.
The following rules must be adhered to whilst using these forums:[b]Personal Conduct[/b]
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[b]Private conduct[/b]
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[b]Topics / Posting[/b]
Keep the Title relevant to the actual messages.
Posts that use Innuendo, or are seen as romancing other members will be edited or deleted.
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We request you to always choose a topic for your message, and take care that it is not obscene, provocative or insolent.
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[b]Possible additions:[/b]
We don't allow impersonation of other participants or such accounts will be removed.
what should be changed?
I expected more input here...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
We give passive approval.
I do not need approval, but Ideas.
I have just added a bit to the moderators section...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The rules are fine
the question is are these rules applied fairly to everyone
or are some people targeted and more likely to have the comments checked than others
I have been posting here for a while, there is a select few who post the majority of comments , they have the support of the admin , they then team up against anyone has an alternative view
this is not a popularisation contest, it is not a freind making forum, it is an islamic forum for debate,
maybe you should call it , agree with me and make freinds forum
many are so afraid of being seen anti-democratic, extremist that they do not share there real views
others here do not want to be isolated in their views or ganged up against that they become no brainer yes people who just agree with the majority
this forum is a farce
it is not generalisable to the general population, the forum is narrowminded, bias and one-sided
This forum is just an msn message service for a group of freinds who do not let an opposite opinion exist
in turn this forum has become dull and boring , it is a waste of time
there are better things, more useful and benefical things one can do with there time
wa salaam
As I said before the rules were not rules. They were more like aspirations. Something to aim for, but not achieved.
Now these will be rules.
So anything that cannot be consistently applied must be stripped out, or changed so that it can be consistently applied.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't understand Raf's concerns.
You agree with some and disagree with others.
Thats no big deal.
Is it not possible to disagree with someone and yet still like them?
So what, if people agree with some people more then others. I seriously doubt it's because they have the support of "Admin" or its due to popularity reasons.
No one should take disagreements personally.
And Admin, I totally agree with your rules.
Adding to the above, I think any post with innuendos and/or trying it on with another member should be deleted by a Mod ASAP.
Raf, why don't you give us an example of where you were ganged up on because other members disagreed with your opinion?
[size=5]hehehe... [/size]
I don't like the above list. It is arbitrary, and, therefore, open to abuse.
Those "aspirations" are can be given so many interpretations.
I think that, to show this point, an example is in order:
I mean, what the hell does this mean.
According to that, I would not be able to say that Saudi King Fahd was a stupid puppet of Washington who deserves to burn in hell for 6.7 million years.
It most certianly fits the description of being "defamatory", "abusive", "insulting", and "violent" !!!
I can give, if and when required, further illustrations of these ill-thought rules.
erm... instead of giving example where the rules can easily be broken, why not suggest fixes?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I had given my suggestions before. I don't remember on which topic they were posted. Its been quite a while.
However, I will try to give whatever I can for now. Perhaps more later.
1. Obvious abuses such as spamming and obscene ID names should not be allowed.
2. Posts that are really off the topic should be removed to the "No Topic" thread.
3. We should be able to call thief a thief and spade a spade.
4. Posts with shamelessly explicit words should be deleted.
5. Members should be notified in PM when their posts is altered or deleted.
6. PM: These should be not universily be banned except to the member who has complained. Otherwise anyone would be able to lie and get an innocent person banned.
7. Under the ID gender should be displayed, to prevent girls becoming Tomboys, and men becoming sissys.
8. Links to shameless websites should not be allowed. Kids come on these forums. They must be protected from lewdness.
9. Member should not be allowed to create 70 new thread whenever they join and then disappear. They should be allowed 1 a week. Only regular known members be allowed to create more threads. They often dont do that anyway.
10. I am tired and going to sleep now. Can't think straight when sleepy. Will talk more later. Good night everyone. Sweet dreams.
No. 7 is very important.
so you can decide who to 'hit' on?
I do not think we should have that.
Number 2 is not possible. You can split topics, but not join them.
Number 3 is debatable. Not everyone can decide wether it is a shovel or a spade...
Number 5 is too much work for a mod who is here out of their choice to take part in discussions. moderating is a side 'duty'.
Number 6, whilst good is not possible atm. Its all or nothing.
Number 9 is pointless.
The rest are good.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hey, I was kidding.
I was just isolating this particular point in order to highlight Omrow's idiocy.
[size=7]BTW When online, it's called 'macking', apparently...
[size=6]nope, its american slang for 'flirting and beyond' - in real life as well as online...[/size] [img][/img]
so thats what mack daddy means
im likin the new rules
and raf, you needa flex up bro....u is paranoid
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
poor raf feels isolated and ganged up against
even his so called friend doesnt stick up for him
no wonder he is not happy here-frm now on I'LL agree with Raf on whatever he says
just so he stops feeling alone :twisted:
What if he says summin u disagree with.
Like, if he says LilSis shoudle be banned, then u will have to agree cuz umade a sacred pact, then u will be banned, then u wunt b able to come online anymore, then there will be no more lilsis, then u will get bored sitting round at home, then u will have to find new hobbies, n ur mum will suggest u learn to cook, then u will be forced to cook and clean all the tym, then u will get bored n start tearing ur hair out.
Im lost now :roll:
_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________
Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight
... then she will get married. :twisted:
We can't ban the little furbal. We won't have anything to step on.
Thats just plain mean.
[size=5]Even if it is LilSis[/size]
Back in BLACK
Its my B'day today
everyone has to be nice to me

Happy Birthday.
regarding my so-called freind you heard the quote 'love your enemies and hate your freinds' because we know where we stand with our enemies but friends can change and we can never know where we stand with them wink
i hope that wasnt refering to me
because judging by your comments the only thing that deserves being stepped on is your brain as it clearly doesnt work
Omrow calls lilsis fur-ball to annoy her.
I see Admin changed the word fur-ball to 'Lilsis'