Stop Or my GrandMa Will Shoot!!

"" wrote:
An 81-year-old woman accused of murdering her granddaughter's ex-husband, who she believed to be a pedophile, was denied bail Tuesday as a judge postponed her arraignment until next month.

Jeane Ellen Allen was contention that Reyes had molested his 18-month-old son, calling it a "self-serving statement." Allen's attorney, was not present in court, but he told the Orange County Register that Allen had a responsibility to protect the child. "What would you do if you thought a child was going to be molested?" he asked. "What would anyone do? They'd stop it.

"I'm saying that anyone who believes a child is about to be molested has a moral responsibility to do something about it," Barnett said. "We all have a responsibility to protect our children."

...[url=]Full Story Here[/url]

Did she actually do wrong here, by shoot a pedophile? Even though its not yet been proven he was infact a pedophile.

By shooting him she took the law into her own hand, but would any of us have done anything less in that situation?

Just how sevear should the punishment be for pedos?

Should pedophiles be given a second chance?

Is there retribution for such people?

[i]Allah guards the justice loving government, even if it is the government of non-Muslims, and destroys the tyrant government, even if it is the government of Muslims.
- Ibn Taymiyyah[/i]

anyone who has had their child molested would never say they deserve a second chance. I wouldn't give these sick ppl a second chance. Second chance for what reoffending? It's a fact many child molesters go on to commit the crime again and again. Very few actually stop altogether. Most still have these perverted thoughts in their head, and spend time looking at children from afar. Why do you think they're monitored so closely once they are released from prison.

The problem with this case is, it's not been proven he was a paedophile. But supposing there was evidence he definately was, I couldn't blame her for shooting him. Coz the cops would just wait until he attacked the child and then go in. What's the point then it's too late?

every pedophiles should be automatically castrated after being found guilty, then should serve a minimum 10 years have severe psychological counciling and then given a second chance.

If not lock em up and throw away the key