Islam is a wicked and vicious faith- nick griffin!


last week Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP , stated that Islam is a wicked and vicious faith....

did anyone defend these comments?
should we?

should BNP be ignored or tackled?

how should one defend these accusations infront of a BNP symnpathiser?

Griffin argues that Islam allows Muslim men to rape non Muslim women!!!!!
He has made many other ridiculous comments like that?

Do ordinary non racist nonmuslims also believe islam is wicked, backward, vicious?


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
Griffin argues that Islam allows Muslim men to rape non Muslim women!!!!!

I have heard a Muslim, in all seriousness, say this and say that this was how Islam was spread. Seriously. I couldn't believe my ears.

However, re: Griffin.

His views on Islam are [i]generally [/i]shared by certain people in the media. Not least Mark Steyn, Boris Johnson, Charles Moore, Melanie Philips. And there's a few blogs out there too.

They, and a large number of average Brits and Europeans, have this idea that because Muslim populations are growing so fast Europe will become a Muslim continent in a few decades time. The Muslim majority will then institute Sharia law with beheadings and stonings and all the rest of it. Everyone who is not a Muslim will be persecuted and taxed to the eyeballs. The extent to which this is the result of al-Muhajiroon dawah work, I don't know.

Muslims have already taken over the BBC and the Guardian newspaper. It won't be long before they have the Élysée Palace too.

These views need to be tackled before too many people start to believe them and we take the place of Jews as the evil rulers of the world.

But, having a big all-out public debate on this is not a good idea. This would give the impression that the haters are making a legitimate point. Instead, as you say Ed, we need to be walking talking adverts for Islam (the advertising guidelines would have to be followed very strictly in this regard).


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP , stated that Islam is a wicked

Thats exactly what we have been banging on about for the last 1400 years.

We should simply go and ask Nick why he doesn't become a muslim if he thinks Islam is wicked.


"Omrow" wrote:

Thats exactly what we have been banging on about for the last 1400 years.

We should simply go and ask Nick why he doesn't become a muslim if he thinks Islam is wicked.


lol! in wif the yoof!

The thing is he never said that recently. That is what the police had recorded him saying, and they presented it as evidence against him in his trial saying he was preaching hatred or something...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


He is not spreading hatred.

Old Nick is simply telling people about Islam. Which is a good thing to do.

He should go door to door.


"Beast" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
Griffin argues that Islam allows Muslim men to rape non Muslim women!!!!!

I have heard a Muslim, in all seriousness, say this and say that this was how Islam was spread. Seriously. I couldn't believe my ears.

:roll: i hope u managed to set him right...


you know what...i hate that guy!! how can he get up there...speak wrong against pakis and then dis the muslims deen?!?!? i say he be jailed for seven years!! but you know thats how i feel...and i DO NOT AND NEVER WILL say or believe that my deen is wicked or vicious (?!?) :?

~Become who you were born to be~

This is the kind of thing you could be discussing at the New Speakers' Corner event I was telling you about.

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

Well if justice is served he should be imprisoned for inciting racial hatred, ... I think Belmarsh will be ideal,... i hear a fearless gang known as "The Muslim Boys" rule Britains most notorious prison...
Im sure he'll get to know the meaning of the word oppression under a religiously discriminatory society..
But i doubt that happens, there's countless injustices in the western world, the punishment never fits the crime.. a white man will almost certainly be given the benefit of doubt whereas a muslim will have the book thrown at him..
Having said this, we muslims should know better and should never end up in front of the judge for sanctioning..
We should use our beautiful religion as an example to mankind and use its divine wisdom ... do dawa work extensively so people know the real Islam...
So Griffin's statements have no effect except on ignorant minds..


Where there is a will there is a way..

"LION" wrote:
the punishment never fits the crime

Never? Nonsense. And you a lawyer.
"LION" wrote:
a white man will almost certainly be given the benefit of doubt whereas a muslim will have the book thrown at him

Maybe. Taking as a given that there exists prejudice, examples of this are inevitable. But it has taken long enough to get even Hamza into court and there are many more like him, who have not had the book thrown at them. Did you know BNP members are now barred from the police and important civil service positions? There is nothing comparable with that. Anyway I personally think Griffin will wind up in jail although this probably isn't his ticket, it doesn't look like a clear enough example of incitement, much as I would like such BNP rhetoric to be recognised as incitement. I hope you notice here, that I am objecting to a response which wanders off and slams society at large. The call to disillusionment with justice is a call to inaction and smugness or even subversion and hostility. It is a subtler incitement.

"LION" wrote:
Having said this, we muslims should know better and should never end up in front of the judge for sanctioning..

You should know. You should go out and spread this important message with the Hamzas and Muja Heads before proving to the non-Muslim through Dawah what a "beautiful religion" "the real Islam" is. Otherwise you do nothing to make this "beautiful religion" "real", and Griffin's statement, ugly though he is, will strike a chord.

Incidentally you might want to reconsider the racist dichotomy you cited: "Muslim", "white man".

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

"100man" wrote:
Incidentally you might want to reconsider the racist dichotomy you cited: "Muslim", "white man".

Thanks for pointing out what I was gonna point out.

And people have to see Mr Griffin IS being punished. He is being dragged through the courts for the hatred he espouses.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"*DUST*" wrote:
"Beast" wrote:

I have heard a Muslim, in all seriousness, say this and say that this was how Islam was spread. Seriously. I couldn't believe my ears.

:roll: i hope u managed to set him right...

beast i was present when this freind said this but i think he was slightly confused

he meant that in the days of the muslim empire , when islam took over a non-muslim country , they would be allowed to marry into the non-muslim population and therefore the children would be muslims and slowly the population of the country would be muslim. many armies of the past did rape the women of the country they captured e.g. mongols and romans but muslims never raped or prosecuted their inhabitants they were fair just rulers.

did he say that in 1st year of college, lol- long time ago he has since changed some of his views last time i spoke to him

RAF, everything you think and say is designed around a complicated world trapped in a war only you understand, and demonstrating that you are on the side of the angels, and that Muslims should carry only love for their own and hate for others, except inasmuch as you have your own perfect criteria for judging Muslims. You're a real nasty, in my eyes. I don't know about whether other Muslims appreciate your hatred or not, but I do, it gives me somewhere to focus my own hatred should it ever come up.

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

100 stop the complaining, u always seem to be complaining of the action of someone esle on this forum and it normally when it doesn't fit into your limited view on life. If anything u seem the one who lack tolerance of other, always complaining about muslims acting up (which i can understand) but at the same time taking a blind eye to how Israel and certain element of the west are up too and how they play the victim as much as anyone. Can people not bring up their concern without u accusing them of hatred. No one here has accuse you of it but if they were to use ur guideline, maybe we should.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

"100man" wrote:
RAF, everything you think and say is designed around a complicated world trapped in a war only you understand, and demonstrating that you are on the side of the angels, and that Muslims should carry only love for their own and hate for others, except inasmuch as you have your own perfect criteria for judging Muslims. You're a real nasty, in my eyes. I don't know about whether other Muslims appreciate your hatred or not, but I do, it gives me somewhere to focus my own hatred should it ever come up.

how you come up with such conclusions and assumptions astonishes me , i cannot be bothered to waste time on you, i dont care what you think you are irrelevant to me

"yuit" wrote:
100 stop the complaining, u always seem to be complaining of the action of someone esle on this forum and it normally when it doesn't fit into your limited view on life. If anything u seem the one who lack tolerance of other, always complaining about muslims acting up (which i can understand) but at the same time taking a blind eye to how Israel and certain element of the west are up too and how they play the victim as much as anyone. Can people not bring up their concern without u accusing them of hatred. No one here has accuse you of it but if they were to use ur guideline, maybe we should.

yuit, I am taking issue with RAF. In the last 24 hours I also took issue with some comments by LION, and by Yashmaki. These are not complaints, in each case I have stated a view. I find your objection remarkably useless, and simply take it as a general show of support for each of the positions I countered. RAF is the only case out of those three in which I am absolutely committed to the view that he purposefully spreads hatred. He has lied to this forum, to my certain knowledge, in claiming not to know I am non-Muslim. It is all pretty shameless, and I guess you are a member of that same club, or you would not make your point in that way.

RAF, that is fine, in fact I would love it if any time I accuse you of vileness you do not respond. You could, though, consider it not as an accusation but as a description from the outside of your behaviour, and then more fool you if you ignore it.

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

Maybe you are trying your upmost best to villanise me

and its not working for you

try harder

"100man" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
100 stop the complaining, u always seem to be complaining of the action of someone esle on this forum and it normally when it doesn't fit into your limited view on life. If anything u seem the one who lack tolerance of other, always complaining about muslims acting up (which i can understand) but at the same time taking a blind eye to how Israel and certain element of the west are up too and how they play the victim as much as anyone. Can people not bring up their concern without u accusing them of hatred. No one here has accuse you of it but if they were to use ur guideline, maybe we should.

yuit, I am taking issue with RAF. In the last 24 hours I also took issue with some comments by LION, and by Yashmaki. These are not complaints, in each case I have stated a view. I find your objection remarkably useless, and simply take it as a general show of support for each of the positions I countered. RAF is the only case out of those three in which I am absolutely committed to the view that he purposefully spreads hatred. He has lied to this forum, to my certain knowledge, in claiming not to know I am non-Muslim. It is all pretty shameless, and I guess you are a member of that same club, or you would not make your point in that way.

See there u go with that paranoid rubbish again. Because i said something against you, it must mean i sticking up for my muslims brother, and so u don't have to take responsibility for it. That cool, play the victim again, doesn't concern me. But rest assure it got nothing to do with that, it ur own insecurity which was evident even when u used to discuss with Ging Ging a non muslim. You intolerant of certain people and you stereotype them too quick IMO. Got nothing against you, have appreciated some of ur views in the apst and i respect the fact that as a jew you find it comfortable to come on a muslims forum. But they no need for teh attitude IMO

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

100man i have just looked through all my comments on past threads to see if maybe i have engaged in a discussion with you in forum and thats why you think i should know your non-muslim and maybe i just forgot, but the fact is i have never interacted with you, replied to your comments or engaged in a debate with you

so how the heck was i to know you were non-muslim

you have unjustifiable accused me of being a bold lier repeatedly with no proof

shame on you , you are indeed the lier

admin i would appreciated it if 100mans comments in which he unjustifably and with no proof just baseless accusations called me a lyer, be removed

No, Yuit, you have accused me of intolerance. The only way you can do that is to say, look at this guy taking issue with everyone. You ought to read my initial posts, and you will see in each case a clear point. Some things, though, I do not tolerate. Maybe you don't like me making it cut-and-dried, but that is how it is. Most bullies don't think they're bullies, it seems really harsh to tell them how they're coming over and not to hear their sob stories, but I really don't care. You have said similar things to me before, Yuit, and in each case it would be to demonstrate that I was fundamentally wrong, paranoid or picking on someone. It is possible, but I am not buying it. I'm not paranoid, Yuit, when I refer to a 'club' I am referring to a frame of mind. But you are defensive in the extreme and I find it strange. What would have been useful is if you [i]did[/i] defend your brother, and then I could say, I take this back, or I stand by this, and we would not be talking psych at all.

"RAF786" wrote:
100man i have just looked through all my comments on past threads to see if maybe i have engaged in a discussion with you in forum and thats why you think i should know your non-muslim and maybe i just forgot, but the fact is i have never interacted with you, replied to your comments or engaged in a debate with you

so how the heck was i to know you were non-muslim

you have unjustifiable accused me of being a bold lier repeatedly with no proof

shame on you , you are indeed the lier

admin i would appreciated it if 100mans comments in which he unjustifably and with no proof just baseless accusations called me a lyer, be removed

Maybe you are getting the threads confused.

Admin, I don't see why this disagreement which has taken place shouldn't stay. It looks like a two- or three-way thing, I am happy for my remarks to stand, but I trust your judgement.

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]


I have my views whatever they may be as do u... I have had many roles over the years and am alhumdulillah well travelled so i have strong moral reasons obviously biased towards the "HAQ" which means the truth and ISLAM being the religion of the truth , perfect in everyway, no discrepancies, unchanged eternally as its divinine so yes i may come across a bit harsh but so what.... have u ever looked at the real world issues in history asto the sufferings and massacres that muslims have endured and are enduring... well it'll make the holocaust look like a tea party... the numbers alone run in milions of innocent deaths SO YES I have my views and NO i dont live in the past but as we all know Islamaphobia is ripe and fuelled by the world media and politics etc..

[b]EDIT: For a lawyer, you don't choose your words carefully. :roll: Show some respect. ------------- Modnster[/b]

I have deleted the firsst line. I really think the full post should be deleted though... What has the holocoast got to do with anything?

Where there is a will there is a way..




[b]EDIT [/b]

Where there is a will there is a way..

Yes, you're right.

The Revival moderators are curbing your right of freedom of speech because you are Muslim. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are being rude and seem to be incapable of making a point in a civil manner.

Lawyer my arse...

This is a dictatorship here.

We do not have freedom of speech on these forums.

I allow what I want, and remove what I want. I call these 'wants' rules.

Obey them.

Afterall you would expect visitors to your house to adhere to some pronciples, and have some manners.

Otherwise you would kick the guest out.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

OK OK I see... its ur way or the highway!!!! Dicktastersap...edit my stuff...

ahhhh... what u guys got planned for valentines... LOL

[b]EDIT: How Childish Of You Grow Up ------------ ''Secret Mod''[/b]

Where there is a will there is a way..