My dad’s been away for the last three weeks. He came home yesterday….and only when he walked through the door I realised I REALLY missed him.
This thread will be a sort of fathers appreciation thread (linking in with the last “mother’s appreciation” thread).
Anyone can be a father…but it takes a special kind of guy to be a daddy.
In my house, my brother doesn’t really have that much of a good relationship with dad…he’s closer to mum. That’s because my dad has a tight leash on him. Dad happens to be closer to his daughters.
I never used to be close to dad as a child/teenager…my perception of him changed as I grew older and so did he.
And for some reason…overall people don’t have that much of a good relationship with their father as they do with their mother. How come?
And how come men change in their old age? Isn’t it correct to say that they become a LOT more soft and sweet?
To be a protector/ maintainer and be responsible for everyone under your roof can NOT be an easy task I’m sure….
Hadrat Fatima (ra) relationship with her beloved father is so incredibly touching….feel free to post up any incidences from their lives.
What’s so great about YOUR dad? What does Islam say about fathers? If you’re a guy would you like to be like your dad when you become a father?
What makes a good dad? What’s YOUR relationship like with your father? Is your dad closer to his daughters then his sons (or vice versa)?
Share your thoughts…
i'm a daddy's gal
he brought me BARE pretty clothes from pakistan yesterday
well classy
yesterday baby sis asked daddy on the dinner table if he prefers "london or Pakiland"
he said sumin mushy like "whichever country my babies are in-thats the country I prefer"
I nearly choked on my drink
how mushy
It does seem that the role of the Father has been kind of reduced to just providing for the family financially. It seem this is the only element that has been stress of late. I was watching a under 12 football team which was made up of majority of muslims kids, infact 12 of teh 11 were muslims, they were playing Home, but u wouldn't have guess it from looking at who came to watch the match, only one parent came for the majority muslim team and yes it was the italian kid dad, the away team had loads of parent there cheering and supporting their kids. This too me is what is wrong with parenting within the muslims community today. '
Fathers should give support and encourage their kids in all aspect, rarely do I ever seen any of the men who come to the mosque ever bring their kids with them for prayer, I think some parent think that by simply sending their kids too school and Mosque they would naturally become decent members of the community. At time it does seem as they handing the responsibilty of teh kids upbringing to others.
The main problem i see with this generation of parent was, they were too busy trying to give their kids what they didn't have that they forgot to give them the things that they did. That why we have a really spoilt generation of kids ahead of us. It seem that because the parent are so busy they try making up for their absense by giving them material object rather then giving them the spiritual and mental upbringing they needed, there isn't much disclipine or barriers for this generation of kids and i can see that even though it only been 10-15 years sionce i was a kid myself.
There is a really good article by Suhaib Webb on the role of the father and he laids out 5 steps. It indentitfy and give the solution to the current problem, it well worth a read.
[url=]5 steps to being a better Dad[/url]
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Assalamu alaikum,
When i was a very small child i had good memories of my dad. He used to spoil his children especially his daughters, even though we had very little money. But from primary through to my teens i've not had a great relationship with my father, not due to me being rebellious or anything, other details that i'd rather not discuss. But since i've gotten married maybe i've turned a new leaf. I try and disregard all the bad things he's done in the past and present. I always tell myself no matter how badly my parents treat me they're still my parents and i should show them respect, especially in their old age. Ironically my father is on better terms with me now. He goes out of his way to do things for me, which he would never have done before. He has gone softer in his old age, for sure, so I'm making the most of it coz who knows how long it may last?
BTW brother Yuit i love that article, jazak'Allah.
The relationship i had with my dad developed more when i was in my teen years than my childhood
That was because like yuit mentioned that when we wee younger my dad tried so hard to give us things he never got that we didnt see much of him but later that changed when my dad became self-employed
I was much more closer to my dad than mum, i think it was a cultural and language thing coz with my dad we only spoke english wheras with mum it would have to be a bit of both, mainly punjabi
Dad understood us better than mum because my dad was brought up in england unlike mum
I have freinds who are not close with their dad at all, some even have a lot of hatred for their dad but maybe that depends on the person?
I have a cold relationship with my father. He's still got that naval discipline and he's just a generally cold individual.
We go hunting and riding and other such activities but i'd never talk to him about personal problems or something... it's understood you deal with that by yourself and keep it to yourself.
My girlfriend is always going on about her "daddy" but I always got the impression he was like mine... maybe that type of personality reacts to daughters differently than sons.
I dont talk alot to my dad.......for some reason we can be very quiet and same goes for the rest of the kids in the some sense we are close but not like the way ALL 5 kids are with their mum.
I think coldness kinda has been passed down in my dads generation...and believe me my dads relationship with my grandma is far worse than us kids with him. My grandma came the other day to see my dad and she hardly exchanged a few words, how cold of her.
However my dad being ill has made him ever so times it can be so hard to start of a convo bacause i dont wanna say something wrong (sounds stupid but ...)... but i like my dad more than my mum as shes the one who shouts and my dad tends to stick up for us.
How is his recovery coming along?
Alhamdulillah......he is recovering Dave
he had a fever for a long long time and its just got better. They soon to refer him to some kidney hospital in Manchester and gonna do some TB course or something...
he gets out of breath very easily like he'll get up from one place and he'll quickely have to sit again , hes lost loads of weight and its pretty scary...but alhamdulillah since last year hes kinda improved and his kidneys working fine so theres a plus point.
hmm... well it sounds good - the kidneys were everything, people are always incredibly drained after such a physical assault - but that will all pick up!
hope your dad is ok naj!
on the same planet did we land?
my father, i didnt understand
yet how i much i love him, words can not express
his shop is.....simply the besssst!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
My Daddy is the BESTEST in the whole, wide, WORLD. [size=7](so there)[/size]

u wanna bet? :roll:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
:shock: its haraam to bet. :shock:
Heyder got Owned!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
even on my lollypop?
two strawberry TEN PENCE lolly's, that my daddy is better than yours!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I expected you to say 'My Precioussssssss'
Dunno why.
Don are you evil? (and no I have not seen LOTR... I watched abit of one of them... (I think first patr of the third one...) and that is about it. Just found it strange...)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yes, only on Tuesdays.
Yuit - that article you posted was awesome. God willing i'll put it to use soon, really fantastic - I read it twice.
lol. u dont know wot u missed Admin!!
and Dave i'm not a Princess, my daddy is equally great to his sons!
Yea that was a really good series of movies... I wonder if they will do the Silmarilion stories or the Hobbit.
Doubtful - they hinted at Numenor though.
i'm sure they said they're gonna do the Hobbit?!
I hope they don't change any of the actors, Ian Mckellen and Ian Holm were fabulous
i'm crazy about daddy
and he loves his girls
for some reason he's always had a soft spot for me-he often laughs at my blunt remarks
men do become "less strict" in their old age
i remember my dad ALWAYS telling my sister to "tie up ur hair, change ur clothes, take ur make up off, speak in urdu" when she was a teenager
he NEVER lectured me about this stuff-he loosened up as he got older
he stays awake at night when baby sis is ill-whilst mum sleeps
he call us all his "baby's" :roll:
pretty embarassing when ur almost 19
and the mushy talk he does with my baby sis cracks me up big time
"i've been thinking about u all day n work today" "i had a rubbish time when I went abroad cos i was missing u too much"
princess-this and baby that
baby sis wants to "marry him"
but at the same time-however soft he is
we all know not to cross the line with him
he's hard on my bro though-I guess he jus wants to make a MAN out of him
so that he doesnt end up like all the other low life bums in the street
If by 'man' you emotionaly mal-adaptive reclusive individual, then way to go.
I'm not digging you or your Dad, I just happen to be against the view that "be tough on your boy kids to make them into men" or "The man should be manly" so basically some of your comments on men annoy me, I can understand sort of where you're coming from seeing as you're a woman.
I don't advocate campness, let the boy be with other boys and he will Insha Allah T'ala grow up 'manly' enough for everyone. Try and make him tough and you make him less efficient.
[size=9]I was trying to be nice in that post and tone it down, oh and I was talking from past experience.[/size]
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
my dads the best!!!!
love daddy
think we appreciate parents more as we get older
chill dood wala :roll:
all i meant was-dad dont let my bro get away with anything bad
report card is scrutinised-gets the third degree when he comes homes late-gets told off when he goes OTT with the lines on his face
and it makes sense to bring up gals diff to boys
i doubt my bro would appreciate being called "a darling/baby/princess" or called "pwetty" when he gets dressed up
its important to keep a firm eye on boys-cos they get in involved with street crap too quickly if u dont
if it wasnt for my dad my bro wouldnt be in college atm and would come home late every night
My Dad... has taught me the best things in life...
How to appreciate my mother... the most patient woman I know... cause for a start she's put up with my Dad's laziness for this long...
Taught me that women are equal to men... he expects as much of his daughters as he does of his sons... and that woman as well as men can tell when the ball is in the offside position...
His very simple... there’s nothing more to the agenda with my Dad... he does good and in return he reaps Allah’s rewards and tries harder when faced with difficulties...
My Dad gave me his faith... enough of a reason to think my Dad's great.
The father daughter relationship between Hadrat Fatima (ra) and the Holy Prophet
is incredibly touching…
When Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was joined in holy matrimony with Hadrat Ali (ra); The Holy Prophet
told Hadrat Ali (ra) to build a house for himself and his wife..
Hadrat Ali (ra) obeyed the command of the Holy Prophet (saw), and built a house that was relatively near because Medina was a small city. However, when the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw), moved away He missed her and could not stand the distance.
So when the Holy Prophet
could not stand the heart ache any longer he asked his daughter to purchase a house that was nearer to his own; unfortunately there were no houses available.
Hadrat Fatimah (raa) asked her father if He could ask one of his companions if they could swap their house with hers, so that she could be nearer to him.
Her father told her that He was too embarrassed to make such a request. This dialogue was overheard by someone, and word reached back to the companion whose house they were referring to. As soon as the Sahaba (companion) heard about this matter he immediately went to visit the Holy Prophet (saw).
He said to the Holy Prophet
‘0 Prophet of Allah, I understand you want a house for your daughter closer to your residence. All of my houses are at your disposal. Please send for Hadrat Fatimah (raa) to live in any of them. May my life and property be sacrificed for the sake of Allah's Messenger. By Allah, if you take a thing from me, it will be far better if it is with you than may be with me’
Thus the houses were swapped and the most beloved daughter of the Holy prophet (saw), moved nearer to her father.
A window was also placed in the house so that He could frequently gaze at his beloved daughter, and grandchildren.
And whenever she used to visit her father He
would stand up to welcome her, kiss her forehead and make her sit in his place…
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i love my parents man...dont know where i would be without em...
admin...say mashallah sounds better
~Become who you were born to be~