No stay!!! You explain things far better than I do - i'm just confusing the poor girl!(You know Talespin?!)
That's very kind of you to offer, but two's company and three's a crowd - especially where tuition is concerned...
As for Talespin - I used to watch it every week when I got back from school! I think Disney went through a golden age during that time; Duck Tales, Talespin, Chip and Dale... Yes they may not be great by todays standards but I really enjoyed them, and I suppose I still do
May peace be blessed upon you my friend.
[b]EDIT: Split from 'Educating MuslimSister'. This is not the kind educating she needs --------------- Modnster [/b]
I couldn't agree more! TaleSpin Ducktales Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck were all classic - I actually became a pilot because of TaleSpin!
lol though I could never figure out what nationality Karnage was... either french or south american of some sort
Are you from the US or UK? I didn't think it played over there?
Goodness, I'd almost forgotten about Darkwing Duck... I suppose he inspired me to become a Batman fan (not quite up to your pilot anecdote, but hey).
Karnage was really funny and the voice actor (Jim Cummings) did a great job.
I've always lived in the UK and they sure did play those cartoons, mostly early on Saturday mornings - starting with 'Gummi Bears' and then progressing onto the others. However 'Talespin' was shown on weekday afternoons...
Ooops, I think we had better stop our occupation of MuslimSister's thread and leave it for her and her questions...
Thanks for the trip down memory lane...
By the way, have you seen this page (you can watch the intro to 'Talespin' - just click [b]Play Intro 1[/b]), located about halfway down the page):
I discovered this site just the other month - I'm such a geek
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Are you guys talking about cartoons? :?
Okay...never heard of it though.
Oh dear...
Comments like this make me feel old...
What cartoons (if any) do you remember watching? Or were you always too busy studying
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
lol I feel your pain Paladin
...usually in my lower back in the morning
lol - i remember Talespin (and the other cartoons u guys mentioned)!! [size=7](does that make me old?! :shock: :() [/size]:P
lol you remember TaleSpin?!!
Do you remember my hero Karnage?!
That's great news! Glad to hear Don and I are not alone.
But we're not old, we're...erm...errr....
Mature...That's right...We're mature and experienced.
My goodness, I've just remembered reading an X-men comic with your character (Dust) in it - she had the ability to create/become a sand storm or something like that. She was portrayed in a sensitive manner and she wasn't a baddie either
So a really good choice for your Avatar!
Anyway, lets crank up the stakes here...
Does anyone remember [b]'The Mysterious Cities of Gold'[/b]?
This had to be one of my all time favourite cartoons - however I watched an episode recently and it was pants...I suppose it took less to impress me when I was young.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Ohh man this is stretching back but that was the one with the guy from the really old race in south america, the girl and Esteban right?
He had like a gold medallion...
That show was already in reruns by the time I started watching - nick I think - I don't remember much of it
Tom and Jerry. Flinstone. The Jetsons. Pop eye.
But..I was never watched that much telly as a child.
But I'm the same age as Dust and Dave.
I still don't know what you guys are talking about.
those are all english cartoons. the ones we are chatting bout are american, they used to come on in the morning, around 8am onwards if i remember correctly. i only remember em coz wen we moved to England we were living with an uncle who had a telly in his living room, and us kids all used to sleep there so we'd wake up and switch on the telly... :roll:
u might remember [url=]Duck Tales[/url] atleast?
My goodness that is so amazing! I've hardly ever met anyone else who remembers that show!!
You've made my day Don, I never knew that it was aired in the US.
You see, in the UK it was only ever aired once (I think) on the BBC and then it disappeared...forever...
Still that's the great thing about the retrojunk website - any show that you remember from your childhood is there and it's amazing how many memories come flooding back from just watching the opening sequences.
Anway, you're a top guy in my book Don! If you don't mind me asking, which part of the US are you from?
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
lol well here is a really good show with explanations of everything and everyone (notice anyone familiar)
And here is a link to the [url=]Theme Song[/url] quite possibly the most awesome theme song in cartoon history!
The show was so good it won 4 emmys I think - and it was a kids cartoon show!
lol well you've made my day! This screen name is pointless if you don't know how outrageously hilariously conceited don Karnage was!
I am from Charleston South Carolina and Boston Mass - whereabouts in the States did you hail from?
lol oh man I could never decide which I loved more - Duck Tales or TaleSpin
It's still Sophies Choice to this day - anybody know where you can get DVDs of these old shows?
I'd love to get DuckTales TaleSpin and The Mysterious Cities of Gold esp since I haven't seen them in centuries.
have you seen the nonsense on TV now?! Spongebob squarepants and the like?
No..but I remember Count Duckula.
Hayder said the same thing...
Never saw that show...
hahah but it does remind me of the dr jekyl and mr mcduck episode of ducktales - where he starts giving away all his money because of a cologne
Hey, my brother likes the Boston Celtics - He's really into his basketball. He couldn't believe it when Dennis Rodnam entered the Big Brother...Oh wait, you wouldn't have that show in the US, sorry.
As for me I've always lived in the UK and, unfortunately, have never been to the US, but the company that I work for is based in Racine, Wisconsin.
Well, it was a pleasure to be of serviceMay peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
lol wow you fooled me! I dunno why I thought these shows were only in the states because if memory serves me I downloaded an episode of DuckTales in German once!
Never been to wisconsin - all I know is that Green Bay has got nothing on the Pats hehhehheh.
I'm still furious at that Denver game.
I love the Celtics - used to have season tickets with the firm when I was younger, although I could never stand Rodman - too much of a weirdo, lol although from what I hear of Galloways antics on the show, Rodman fits right in.
The Cat and the Drag Queen
lol likewise
I remember Count Duckula..
Annoyingly, retrojunk doesn't have the opening sequence for the show :?
I see where you're coming from though-->Duck Tales...Ducks...Count Duckula.
Having seen them both, I have to say that 'Duck Tales' was the far better show, sorry if I'm upsetting anyone
I think Count Duckula was made by the same people who made 'The Dreamstone' which was a really enjoyable show...
Oh dear, I'm not doing my street cred any good, on this discussion board. So before I can reveal the desperate depths of my inner geek, I think I'll stop. But please feel free to direct any kids TV show related trivia questions in my direction.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
And my last good forum deed of the day, before I retire to bed, is for you Don:
Here's a 3 DVD set of 'Ducktales', from Amazon:
Hmmm...Talespin is more difficult to find and is only available on VHS from Amazon...
So you may want to add your name to this petition:
They need 500 signatures to release 'Talespin' onto DVD and they currently have...erm...let me count......
11 :?.
Anyhow, I hope this helps.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Thank you!!!!
I cannot believe they exist i've looked for them everywhere!
You are most Welcome Don.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
anylinks to Super Ted?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Does anybody remember Johnny Quest or the New Adventures of Johnny Quest?
I [b]AM[/b] Johnny Quest.
If I ever get over my Karnage fixation i'll definitely change my avatar to something from JQ
'Superted'!...Wow that takes me back...
I was in 'first school' when I used to watch that, along with 'Bananaman' and 'Battle of the Planets'...
Anyway, here are some links for some DVDs you might like:
If you can't wait for the DVD to arrive then you can view the opening sequence of 'Superted' here (under the 'Show Intro' section):
I hope this is of some use.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
That bear is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved SUPERTED, so Darth V-Hayder is a cool guy in my books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Seek and you shall find."