Submitted by equanimity on 15 February, 2006 - 15:14 #61
I jsut want to add that we are expected to believe in Evolution throughout school,college and university. Even though i have questioned all my lecturers and teachers and non were able to give sufficcient answers to prove 100% that evolution exists. Although some elements of evolution may be correct the general thesis that species evolve from diffrent species is generally incorrect.
If we have evolved from monkeys , then where is the missing link now e.g. a half monkey / half man creature ?
why havent human beings evolved e.g. americans and australians are british , they are living in a climate that is not natural for many hundreds of years yet they are still as white and as blond as they were the day they arrived there, why?
why are there still monkeys on earth, surely they should have all evolved to humans , why did some evolve and some didnt?
Even if we did evolve from a diffrent species , something must have created that first origional species , surely it could not have just appeared out of thin air?.
there was a teacher at school that when i presented these questions he researched and came up with some answers , i then read a book by harun yahya about the theory of evolution in which my teacher was dumbfounded by. He then resorted to question me on religion
he said 'you have no proof of god yet you still believe in him'
i responded by saying that is why it is a test of faith
the point being evolution is an alternative to god , you can not totally disprove or prove one , its just a test for you to see which one you choose to follow, choose wisely !
Submitted by 100man on 15 February, 2006 - 15:19 #62
raf786, nobody suggests you worship evolution. It is a model for scientific research.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by equanimity on 15 February, 2006 - 15:26 #63
"100man" wrote:
raf786, nobody suggests you worship evolution. It is a model for scientific research.
I never suggested that people worshiped evolution.
It just that one who believes god was created by man as most religions believe cannot also believe man came from monkeys
Evolution is an alternative to religion
all those who dont follow a religion which i have met many of them being scientist , tend to follow evolution, big bang ect, especailly socialogists which find it hard that people can worship a god they cannot see
but if we could see god then obviously we would all worship god non-stop , but then there would be no test of faith
Submitted by khan on 15 February, 2006 - 15:29 #64
Science is the investigation of the material world we live in through observation and experiment. Accordingly, in conducting such investigation, science will lead to various conclusions based on the information collected through observation and experimentation.
In addition, however, every discipline of science also has certain norms that are simply taken for granted, or accepted without further verification. In scientific literature, this set of norms is called a "paradigm".
This initial outlook charts the "course" of all related scientific investigation. As is known, the first step in scientific investigation is the formulation of a "hypothesis".
To begin with, for their research topic, scientists must form a hypothesis. Then, this hypothesis is tested through scientific experimentation. If observations and experiments verify the hypothesis, the "hypothesis" is called an [b]"established principle or law"[/b]. If the hypothesis is disproved, then new hypotheses are tested, and the process continues.
The formulation of the hypothesis, which is the first step of the process, is often dependent on the scientists' basic viewpoint. For instance, scientists, if committed to an erroneous outlook, could base their work on a hypothesis that "matter has a tendency to self-organize without the involvement of a conscious agent". Then, they would conduct years of research to verify that hypothesis.
Yet, since matter has no such capability, all these efforts are bound to fail. Furthermore, if scientists are overly obstinate about their hypothesis, the research may well last for years, and even for generations. The end result, though, would be but a [b]huge waste of time and resources.[/b]
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by equanimity on 15 February, 2006 - 15:59 #65
khan good post about how scientists conduct experiments using hypothesis ect .
You seem knowledgable in science , but what is your view point regarding the hypothesis of evolution, are you suggesting that evolution is a [b]PARADIGM[/b], as it is accepted without further verification.
why is this then, i have known of studies about evolution about birds on the gallapo island , cant remember exactly but it proved that one species of bird adapted to its surrounding over a number of years, one developed long beaks as the main food source was worms and scrubs , whereas the other which was situated on another islands developed short, stubby , sharp beaks as the main food source was fruits and plants. However i have never known such studies proving that species evovle from other species?
so Khan is Evolution an [b]ESTABLISHED principle or law [/b]?
Submitted by khan on 15 February, 2006 - 17:31 #66
are you suggesting that evolution is a PARADIGM
In science's own terminology it would be a Paradigm or an non-verified assumption. In my own terminology, it is merely a myth.
Your examples about the birds. I wouldn't worry about it. It doesn't prove anything. As you have rightly said there is no evidence of transitional forms between the species. Back to my previous post, where we humans have found bare tyrannosauras rex fossils, but when it comes to transitional species in our recent history, there is none to be found.
I totally accept that species have been designed with their environment. Rather than giving credit to random mutations in the DNA, thanks should be given to our Almighty creator and sustainer.
I am not knowledgable at all,.. I wonder into Harun Yahya's work every now and then to keep up to date with developments on this subject. I personally don't believe you need to be a Genetic Engineer to have a view on the evolution joke. Common sense is more than enough inshAllah.
so Khan is Evolution an ESTABLISHED principle or law ?
No, its an assumption, a paradigm, a myth.
However, had the point of assumption been the idea that [b]"it is impossible for matter to self-organize without conscious planning"[/b], that scientific research would have followed a more expeditious and productive course.
This issue, that is, the issue of establishing a proper hypothesis, requires an entirely different source than mere scientific data. Correct identification of this source is critical, because, as we explained in the above example, an error in the identification of a source may cost the science-world years, decades, or even centuries.
[b]The source sought is God's revelation to mankind[/b]. God is the Creator of the universe, the world and of living things, and therefore, the most accurate and indisputable knowledge about these subjects derives from Him. In accordance, God has revealed to us important information about these matters in the Qur'an. The most fundamental of these are as follows:
1) God created the universe from nothing. Everything is created for a particular purpose. It follows that there is not a chaos of chance-happenings in nature or the universe, but a perfect order created with an intelligent design.
2) The material universe, and predominantly, the Earth we live in, is specially designed to allow for human life. There is a certain purpose in the movements of stars and planets, in geographical landmarks, and in the properties of water or the atmosphere, that makes human life possible.
3) God created all living things. Moreover, these creatures act through the inspiration of God, as quoted in the Qur'an in the example of the honeybees, with the verse that begins with, "Your Lord inspired the bees…" (Surat an-Nahl: 68 )
These are absolute truths communicated to us by God in the Qur'an. An approach to science based on these facts will inevitably lead to remarkable progress and serve humanity in the most beneficial manner. We find numerous examples of this in history.
It was only possible with the placement of science on proper a foothold that Muslim scientists, who were then helping to forge the greatest civilizations in the world, contributed to major achievements in the 9th and 10th centuries. In the West, the pioneers in all fields of science, from physics to chemistry, astronomy to biology and paleontology, were great men of science who believed in God, and who conducted research for the sake of exploring what He created.
Einstein also maintained that scientists must rely on religious sources when developing their objectives:
[i]Though religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion… I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith[/i]
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
He even told his follower to travel as far as China in the pursuit of knowledge.
how many times do i have to say this... :?
Omrow, that^ is a mawdoo' (fabricated) hadith!
you have corrected me many times on that!
At times higher intelligence means being more patient.
Do not worry. we will learn. Eventually...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by *DUST* on 16 February, 2006 - 09:04 #68
"Admin" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:
"Omrow" wrote:
He even told his follower to travel as far as China in the pursuit of knowledge.
how many times do i have to say this... :?
Omrow, that^ is a mawdoo' (fabricated) hadith!
you have corrected me many times on that!
At times higher intelligence means being more patient.
Do not worry. we will learn. Eventually...
'many times'?! :shock: i only told u that once, as far as i remember!!
but pretty sure i've told omrow more than once - [size=7]bet he just does it to bug me[/size]... :roll:
its just that we shouldn't spread fabricated ahadith... even if they are regarding 'good' things...
and its not about intelligence - u obviously have much more knowledge when it comes to techy stuff than the rest of us here... we all have our own lil' nuggets of info to share, alhumdulillah.
but sorry if it seemed like i lost my patience...
Submitted by Omrow on 16 February, 2006 - 11:59 #69
She doesn't know what she is talking about. Women in masks. Never trust them !!
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 16:17 #70
With respect to them both I would like to suggest the exchange just now between Raf786 and khan was pseudo and rubbish.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by equanimity on 16 February, 2006 - 16:30 #71
"100woman" wrote:
With respect to them both I would like to suggest the exchange just now between Raf786 and khan was pseudo and rubbish.
100women keep your suggestions to yourself
by saying the conversation is pseudo , you are suggesting it was fake and fabricated , without any justification and you just making yourself sound like a fool, which is nothing new.
100 women everything you seem to say is rubbish, i suggest you carry a tissue roll with you to wipe your mouth constantly to stop the rubbish coming out of it.
you seem to have too much time on your hands , maybe if you preoccupied yourself with something useful , or had more real freinds, you wont have time to insult others on a islamic forum.
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 16:33 #72
Raf786, Oops, my mistake. You should have mentioned all that sooner. You were having an intelligent conversation and everything you wrote made sense.
When you call me 100woman I get so mad! It totally enrages me like I wanna smash the computer up and scream at the top of my voice. I wish you wouldn't.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
When you call me 100woman I get so mad! It totally enrages me like I wanna smash the computer up and scream at the top of my voice. I wish you wouldn't.
if u want to feel better then i suggest u console ur self by washing ur hair and spending the evening in front of the telly watching a chick flick and eating chocoloate and ice cream
oh and u can paint ur toe nails and give u flat mate a manicure too
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 16:50 #74
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"100man" wrote:
When you call me 100woman I get so mad! It totally enrages me like I wanna smash the computer up and scream at the top of my voice. I wish you wouldn't.
if u want to feel better then i suggest u console ur self by washing ur hair and spending the evening in front of the telly watching a chick flick and eating chocoloate and ice cream
oh and u can paint ur toe nails and give u flat mate a manicure too
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 17:36 #75
[ Edit ] Should Jewish Scientist's use Evolution as a model for their scientific research?
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 17:47 #76
I should think Jewish anthropologicalists, geneticists and evolutionary biologists do, but that no doubt there is in those fields plenty of ongoing and experimental research which challenges that paradigm. Today there are freedoms, and it's wierd you see a scientific paradigm as a threat to your faith.
As for your edit, 'should', that is a matter for their convictions but I would say to verify or falsify a claim with scrutinous experimentation is meritorious for an honest scientist. The fact for the non-scientist is that the fruits of their research are functioning models, and whether the theoretical explanation is correct becomes a footnote.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 17:51 #77
they must be fake Jews then.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 17:59 #78
Why would that be? I'm quite well versed in Jewish approaches to science or was once so I'm sure I can resolve the concern.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 18:05 #79
no concern dude. if Jews believe they're ancestors we're apes so be it. Muslims do not see evolution as a threat, should tell you why.
Since I can't dispute your well versed intellect, all I say is that the Jewish Scientists must have time and money to burn.
I Hope someday they put their time & money to better use.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 18:09 #80
OK. Don't buy anything that required scientific research of any kind though, if you're that deep in denial/craving conflict.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 18:16 #81
Thats a very narrow minded view.
Your assumption that ALL scientific research uses evolution as a model is hilarious.
Don't really surprise me since you've already accepted an assumption by compromising core teachings of all Abrahamic faiths.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 18:21 #82
You're either being stupid or clever in defense of stupidity, because I didn't make or imply that assumption. I do think you misunderstood what science is all about at school.
But I like it. Why single out evolution vs. religion? Why not 2+2=4 vs. 10+10=100?
"khan" wrote:
Don't really surprise me since you've already accepted an assumption by compromising core teachings of all Abrahamic faiths.
That worldview gives you an amzing get-out, doesn't it? I'm not about to lay into Islam with arrogant epithets, I'll let you conclude.
[edit by admin]
I have deleted a word.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 18:25 #83
[line deleted by admin]
I think ur the one whos being stupid.
Read the topic of this thread.. its Intelligent Design verses Evolution.
Racist worldview.. wow.. thats gotta top the racist claims list..
Racism against all those from the Abrahamic faiths who believe in wasting time and money on research that uses a model for scientific research.
A hand of applaud to you 100 man.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
guys if you want to have a eround of fisticuffs, I can create a new topic. where the rest can enjoy the show.
It was low to call names. (even just changing man to woman).
If you want to defeat arguments, do so. If you want to defeat people, Do not do so.
I do not like people getting personal.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 21:04 #85
admin.. with all due respect..
I'd like to make the point about 100 Man making edits to his posts way after I've replied to them. Its cunning.
I see you've deleted my words about me not expecting less from him.. etc etc... now for getting personal.. i gotta dispute u handling it in a fair and just manner.
With respect to them both I would like to suggest the exchange just now between Raf786 and khan was pseudo and rubbish.
i mean, don't u have something in ur guidelines about trolling admin? i'm sure if you guys acted earlier it wouldn't have reached this stage.
You're either being stupid or clever in defense of stupidity, because I didn't make or imply that assumption.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
To act earlier, I would have had to pull a sicky from work.
I do not have the time to go all the way back to remove all insults. So I just editted the last two posts.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by khan on 16 February, 2006 - 21:07 #87
cool.. fair do's..
tell u waht y dont u delete all posts back to the original troll.. as the ones after that are pretty pointless to the topic.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Submitted by Dave on 16 February, 2006 - 21:08 #88
I used to bash my head against the wall endlessly with evolutionists - pretty much threw up every argument I could think of.
But in the end what really defeated me was myself - just have to admit when you don't believe something (or when you do). I don't feel there is any conflict between my religious beliefs and evolution.
In fact now that I think about it there is a lot of stuff i've been changing religiously. I'm not homophobic, i've accepted evolution and i've pretty fully rejected the protestant work ethic.
I think i'm turning into a hated liberal Christian :shock:
Submitted by 100man on 16 February, 2006 - 21:56 #89
"Admin" wrote:
To act earlier, I would have had to pull a sicky from work.
Admin that rather implies to khan that you would have removed my post drawing attention to what pap they were talking.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Submitted by equanimity on 16 February, 2006 - 22:36 #90
yeah jews do believe in evolution, the freemason ones
on the whole this topic has been argued intelligently by some and Belligerently by 100women, i have nothing further to add but those of you who are still adament about the theory of evolution
I jsut want to add that we are expected to believe in Evolution throughout school,college and university. Even though i have questioned all my lecturers and teachers and non were able to give sufficcient answers to prove 100% that evolution exists. Although some elements of evolution may be correct the general thesis that species evolve from diffrent species is generally incorrect.
If we have evolved from monkeys , then where is the missing link now e.g. a half monkey / half man creature ?
why havent human beings evolved e.g. americans and australians are british , they are living in a climate that is not natural for many hundreds of years yet they are still as white and as blond as they were the day they arrived there, why?
why are there still monkeys on earth, surely they should have all evolved to humans , why did some evolve and some didnt?
Even if we did evolve from a diffrent species , something must have created that first origional species , surely it could not have just appeared out of thin air?.
there was a teacher at school that when i presented these questions he researched and came up with some answers , i then read a book by harun yahya about the theory of evolution in which my teacher was dumbfounded by. He then resorted to question me on religion
he said 'you have no proof of god yet you still believe in him'
i responded by saying that is why it is a test of faith
the point being evolution is an alternative to god , you can not totally disprove or prove one , its just a test for you to see which one you choose to follow, choose wisely !
raf786, nobody suggests you worship evolution. It is a model for scientific research.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
I never suggested that people worshiped evolution.
It just that one who believes god was created by man as most religions believe cannot also believe man came from monkeys
Evolution is an alternative to religion
all those who dont follow a religion which i have met many of them being scientist , tend to follow evolution, big bang ect, especailly socialogists which find it hard that people can worship a god they cannot see
but if we could see god then obviously we would all worship god non-stop , but then there would be no test of faith
Science is the investigation of the material world we live in through observation and experiment. Accordingly, in conducting such investigation, science will lead to various conclusions based on the information collected through observation and experimentation.
In addition, however, every discipline of science also has certain norms that are simply taken for granted, or accepted without further verification. In scientific literature, this set of norms is called a "paradigm".
This initial outlook charts the "course" of all related scientific investigation. As is known, the first step in scientific investigation is the formulation of a "hypothesis".
To begin with, for their research topic, scientists must form a hypothesis. Then, this hypothesis is tested through scientific experimentation. If observations and experiments verify the hypothesis, the "hypothesis" is called an [b]"established principle or law"[/b]. If the hypothesis is disproved, then new hypotheses are tested, and the process continues.
The formulation of the hypothesis, which is the first step of the process, is often dependent on the scientists' basic viewpoint. For instance, scientists, if committed to an erroneous outlook, could base their work on a hypothesis that "matter has a tendency to self-organize without the involvement of a conscious agent". Then, they would conduct years of research to verify that hypothesis.
Yet, since matter has no such capability, all these efforts are bound to fail. Furthermore, if scientists are overly obstinate about their hypothesis, the research may well last for years, and even for generations. The end result, though, would be but a [b]huge waste of time and resources.[/b]
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
khan good post about how scientists conduct experiments using hypothesis ect .
You seem knowledgable in science , but what is your view point regarding the hypothesis of evolution, are you suggesting that evolution is a [b]PARADIGM[/b], as it is accepted without further verification.
why is this then, i have known of studies about evolution about birds on the gallapo island , cant remember exactly but it proved that one species of bird adapted to its surrounding over a number of years, one developed long beaks as the main food source was worms and scrubs , whereas the other which was situated on another islands developed short, stubby , sharp beaks as the main food source was fruits and plants. However i have never known such studies proving that species evovle from other species?
so Khan is Evolution an [b]ESTABLISHED principle or law [/b]?
In science's own terminology it would be a Paradigm or an non-verified assumption. In my own terminology, it is merely a myth.
Your examples about the birds. I wouldn't worry about it. It doesn't prove anything. As you have rightly said there is no evidence of transitional forms between the species. Back to my previous post, where we humans have found bare tyrannosauras rex fossils, but when it comes to transitional species in our recent history, there is none to be found.
I totally accept that species have been designed with their environment. Rather than giving credit to random mutations in the DNA, thanks should be given to our Almighty creator and sustainer.
I am not knowledgable at all,.. I wonder into Harun Yahya's work every now and then to keep up to date with developments on this subject. I personally don't believe you need to be a Genetic Engineer to have a view on the evolution joke. Common sense is more than enough inshAllah.
No, its an assumption, a paradigm, a myth.
However, had the point of assumption been the idea that [b]"it is impossible for matter to self-organize without conscious planning"[/b], that scientific research would have followed a more expeditious and productive course.
This issue, that is, the issue of establishing a proper hypothesis, requires an entirely different source than mere scientific data. Correct identification of this source is critical, because, as we explained in the above example, an error in the identification of a source may cost the science-world years, decades, or even centuries.
[b]The source sought is God's revelation to mankind[/b]. God is the Creator of the universe, the world and of living things, and therefore, the most accurate and indisputable knowledge about these subjects derives from Him. In accordance, God has revealed to us important information about these matters in the Qur'an. The most fundamental of these are as follows:
1) God created the universe from nothing. Everything is created for a particular purpose. It follows that there is not a chaos of chance-happenings in nature or the universe, but a perfect order created with an intelligent design.
2) The material universe, and predominantly, the Earth we live in, is specially designed to allow for human life. There is a certain purpose in the movements of stars and planets, in geographical landmarks, and in the properties of water or the atmosphere, that makes human life possible.
3) God created all living things. Moreover, these creatures act through the inspiration of God, as quoted in the Qur'an in the example of the honeybees, with the verse that begins with, "Your Lord inspired the bees…" (Surat an-Nahl: 68 )
These are absolute truths communicated to us by God in the Qur'an. An approach to science based on these facts will inevitably lead to remarkable progress and serve humanity in the most beneficial manner. We find numerous examples of this in history.
It was only possible with the placement of science on proper a foothold that Muslim scientists, who were then helping to forge the greatest civilizations in the world, contributed to major achievements in the 9th and 10th centuries. In the West, the pioneers in all fields of science, from physics to chemistry, astronomy to biology and paleontology, were great men of science who believed in God, and who conducted research for the sake of exploring what He created.
Einstein also maintained that scientists must rely on religious sources when developing their objectives:
[i]Though religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion… I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith[/i]
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
you have corrected me many times on that!
At times higher intelligence means being more patient.
Do not worry. we will learn. Eventually...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
'many times'?! :shock: i only told u that once, as far as i remember!!
but pretty sure i've told omrow more than once - [size=7]bet he just does it to bug me[/size]... :roll:
its just that we shouldn't spread fabricated ahadith... even if they are regarding 'good' things...
and its not about intelligence - u obviously have much more knowledge when it comes to techy stuff than the rest of us here...
we all have our own lil' nuggets of info to share, alhumdulillah. 
but sorry if it seemed like i lost my patience...
She doesn't know what she is talking about. Women in masks. Never trust them !!
With respect to them both I would like to suggest the exchange just now between Raf786 and khan was pseudo and rubbish.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
100women keep your suggestions to yourself
by saying the conversation is pseudo , you are suggesting it was fake and fabricated , without any justification and you just making yourself sound like a fool, which is nothing new.
100 women everything you seem to say is rubbish, i suggest you carry a tissue roll with you to wipe your mouth constantly to stop the rubbish coming out of it.
you seem to have too much time on your hands , maybe if you preoccupied yourself with something useful , or had more real freinds, you wont have time to insult others on a islamic forum.
Raf786, Oops, my mistake. You should have mentioned all that sooner. You were having an intelligent conversation and everything you wrote made sense.
When you call me 100woman I get so mad! It totally enrages me like I wanna smash the computer up and scream at the top of my voice. I wish you wouldn't.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
if u want to feel better then i suggest u console ur self by washing ur hair and spending the evening in front of the telly watching a chick flick and eating chocoloate and ice cream
oh and u can paint ur toe nails and give u flat mate a manicure too
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
[ Edit ] Should Jewish Scientist's use Evolution as a model for their scientific research?
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
I should think Jewish anthropologicalists, geneticists and evolutionary biologists do, but that no doubt there is in those fields plenty of ongoing and experimental research which challenges that paradigm. Today there are freedoms, and it's wierd you see a scientific paradigm as a threat to your faith.
As for your edit, 'should', that is a matter for their convictions but I would say to verify or falsify a claim with scrutinous experimentation is meritorious for an honest scientist. The fact for the non-scientist is that the fruits of their research are functioning models, and whether the theoretical explanation is correct becomes a footnote.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
they must be fake Jews then.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Why would that be? I'm quite well versed in Jewish approaches to science or was once so I'm sure I can resolve the concern.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
no concern dude. if Jews believe they're ancestors we're apes so be it. Muslims do not see evolution as a threat, should tell you why.
Since I can't dispute your well versed intellect, all I say is that the Jewish Scientists must have time and money to burn.
I Hope someday they put their time & money to better use.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
OK. Don't buy anything that required scientific research of any kind though, if you're that deep in denial/craving conflict.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Thats a very narrow minded view.
Your assumption that ALL scientific research uses evolution as a model is hilarious.
Don't really surprise me since you've already accepted an assumption by compromising core teachings of all Abrahamic faiths.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
You're either being stupid or clever in defense of stupidity, because I didn't make or imply that assumption. I do think you misunderstood what science is all about at school.
But I like it. Why single out evolution vs. religion? Why not 2+2=4 vs. 10+10=100?
That worldview gives you an amzing get-out, doesn't it? I'm not about to lay into Islam with arrogant epithets, I'll let you conclude.
[edit by admin]
I have deleted a word.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
[line deleted by admin]
I think ur the one whos being stupid.
Read the topic of this thread.. its Intelligent Design verses Evolution.
Racist worldview.. wow.. thats gotta top the racist claims list..
Racism against all those from the Abrahamic faiths who believe in wasting time and money on research that uses a model for scientific research.
A hand of applaud to you 100 man.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
guys if you want to have a eround of fisticuffs, I can create a new topic. where the rest can enjoy the show.
It was low to call names. (even just changing man to woman).
If you want to defeat arguments, do so. If you want to defeat people, Do not do so.
I do not like people getting personal.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
admin.. with all due respect..
I'd like to make the point about 100 Man making edits to his posts way after I've replied to them. Its cunning.
I see you've deleted my words about me not expecting less from him.. etc etc... now for getting personal.. i gotta dispute u handling it in a fair and just manner.
i mean, don't u have something in ur guidelines about trolling admin? i'm sure if you guys acted earlier it wouldn't have reached this stage.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
To act earlier, I would have had to pull a sicky from work.
I do not have the time to go all the way back to remove all insults. So I just editted the last two posts.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
cool.. fair do's..
tell u waht y dont u delete all posts back to the original troll.. as the ones after that are pretty pointless to the topic.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
I used to bash my head against the wall endlessly with evolutionists - pretty much threw up every argument I could think of.
But in the end what really defeated me was myself - just have to admit when you don't believe something (or when you do). I don't feel there is any conflict between my religious beliefs and evolution.
In fact now that I think about it there is a lot of stuff i've been changing religiously. I'm not homophobic, i've accepted evolution and i've pretty fully rejected the protestant work ethic.
I think i'm turning into a hated liberal Christian :shock:
Admin that rather implies to khan that you would have removed my post drawing attention to what pap they were talking.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
yeah jews do believe in evolution, the freemason ones
on the whole this topic has been argued intelligently by some and Belligerently by 100women, i have nothing further to add but those of you who are still adament about the theory of evolution
look this up