These days i hear every Tom, Dick and Harry call some one a kafir. Ed quoted on a hadith a while back saying the prophet sed dat if anyone calls a muslim a kafir it is as if he is a kafir him self (well it sed something like that any way :roll: ).
I was at the bus stop da other day and dis guy was arguing to another guy about what you MUST beleive to be a Muslim and what you CANNOT do to be a muslim.
1 of da guy said dat all bidah is shirk and u cannot be a muslim if u get involved in bidah stuff, dis uda guy sed committing the highest form of shirk means u is not a muslim. i heard sum1 said u cannot be a muslim if u dont celebrate The Prophet (saw)'s b'day. Sum1 sed if u is a homosexual u is instantly a kafir.
i is also sick of the debate about whether shias are muslims or not...
I is confused wid all da debates about what to do/believe to be a muslim
So whats the score guys?
Please be respectful when refering to the prophet (saw). At an absolute minimum place at the end.
This is a symptom of the illness within the Muslim community. I wonder who is arrogant enough to call another Muslim a Kafir? The only person who can do this is one who is so confident in his own faith and his own salvation that he stands and is able to judge some one else, the way that Allah (swa) will judge us all on the day of judgement.
When we look down on other people it is usually our own ignorance that is the cause. We have become so dogmatic we have lost the ability to accept some one else can differ from us and still be right or that we could be wrong! Hey and even if they are doing some thing which the majority of people would consider Haram.....dont stand and doesnt make them a Kafir, unless they have stood before you and said that they reject Islam.
A man who has an affair, a person who is homosexual, a murderer, a person who drinks alcohol all may have done wrong as have we by missing a prayer, by swearing, by lusting etc..yes at different end of a spectrum may be...but we dont know what lies in a mans heart...It is for Allah to know and for him to judge.
May Allah forgive us all for the wrong we have done, both knowing and unknowing, may he bless us with his mercy in this world and the hereafter, for with out that we have no future.