Which Madhab do you follow and why?
What are the differences between the 4 madhabs? (I have not studied them in great detail)
I heard the 4 Madhabs had disagreements during the time of the prophet Muhammad, but why? Those guys were blessed with an honourable messenger and why didn’t Muhammad reconcile them?
What happens if you choose the wrong Madhab?
Please people keep your posts short and sweet and refrain from copy and pasting long stuff and please avoid going too sectarian.
Rehabilitation should be complete before you can take the crazy people seriously.
Therefore, its a bad idea to follow any mad habs.
I heard if you follow any one of them you will be fine
Omrow who and what do you follow for divine guidence?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Yashmaki, Assiyah I would particularly like to hear ur opinion on dis subject...
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
this site has some valued info :
wow its more complicated then i thought :shock: :shock: :shock:
this topic is uncomprehendable :shock: :shock:
naj which one do you follow?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
complicated ? nawt complicated about it.....
i follow the hanafi school .
any particular reason?
and why is islam SO COMPLICATED when god sed islam is an easy religion and that he made the koran easy?
[b]who do the revival team follow?[/b]
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
follow it coz family do thats y...
islam is simple....everyone makes it complicated for themselves...no religion is simpler than islam.
i believe majority of the revival team follow the hanafi madhab....
but when it comes to sects... :?
Ther Revival on its own doesnt follow a Madhab - its a youth magazine/website
however, you'll find most muslims (also depends what country as well) are Hanafi
and i guess nearly every Sunni on here is Hanafi.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
You can't choose a wrong madhab, when all four are correct. To avoid confusion picking and mixing laws according to ones desires it's advised to follow one, but strictly speaking a muslim doesn't have to follow a madhab as such.
It's too big of a subject to explain here read the following book, it's short:
"Ashraf's Advice Upon The Four Great Imams and the Sharee' Concept of Taqleed"
i dont knw if you dont have to, but it makes things easier if you have guidance from great people, as are all 4 Imams of the Madhabs
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
how is it simple when we have laws for EVERYTHING!?
how do they?
PUR-LEASE :roll: [b]
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
"Your deen is easy. Do not go to extremes." (bukhari)
overall its a sign of weak imaan...
isnt that the best bit..... can u imagine what it would be like with no laws.. :roll:
what makes u think Madhabs existed in the time of the Prophet Judda?
so there were no divisions at the time of the Prophet (s.a.w) - y would there be when they had a walking, talking Islamic Encyclopedia?!
and yes as Yashmaki said there's no such thing as a 'wrong' madhab out of the four. in terms of 'which to choose' - Muslims born into the religion are lucky in this regard, as usually it is passed down to us by our parents. the madhab ur family follows is usually a result of geography more than anything else - in the Asian subcontinent most people follow the Hanafi madhab, whereas most Arabs follow the Shafi'i Fiqh.
Shaykhs usually advise new muslims to follow the madhab of their local community for obvious reasons. i guess this is kinda y madhabs differ depending on which part of the world your from - life is easier if people living in one area all follow one madhab so the same fiqh can be taught to their children.
Scholars are clear on one thing though - we cannot pick and choose from madaahib. once new muslims have chosen one, they should stick to it. similarly, we should stick to the madhab we were born into, as none is 'better' than the other, and picking and choosing a little from here and a little from there is the worst thing one could do.
hope some of that^ helps. but u should get a book on the subject, as yash suggested.
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Actually I advise the reading of:
"The legal status of following a madhab"
Mufti Taqi Uthmani Sahib,
Darul Uloom Karachi.
I believe according to a significant body of ulama it is wajib to follow a madhab- whatever the case may be - if any1 wants deviation follow your own madhab and if any1 wants guidance follow the Giants of Islaam.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I follow the hanafi Madhab.
Why? because it is the only one I know.
All four are correct. But you must not mix and match.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
All four Madhab's are correct and teachings. Things such as how to read namaz vary but all are derived from the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw), there are difference of opinions amongst the four Imams but as said b4 they are all correct.
The Hanafi madhab is said to be the most convienent one to follow or rather it is more lenient as opposed to Imam Shafi's who is considered to have more "strict" (cudnt think of better word) views :?
There are aspects of all four that are in some senses more strict than the others.
We are perdominantly Hanafi for the reason that that is the only one we know.
I am certain if we were taught the Shafi' Madhab, we would be shafi's. Or Malikies, or Hanbalies.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
But there are so many people who are from diff. madhab's esp when you go to Makkah/Madina. Its funny the shafi' followers read differently than hanafi and we were getin told off by them for readin it "wrong".
But I think Hanafi Madhab is less strict...
It's all about interpretation.
Arguably the Shaf'ee madhab is more literal than the hanafi madhab. Someties this means stricness, at other times it means leniency.
I have no idea about the other two really.
Anyone who tells another off for following a diferent madhab need education.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Good post Aassiaya [size=8]you is dead smart u put Ed and admin to shame![/size]
On the Islam channel (Q&A programme) da sheik dat was answering the question sed that they the madhabs diffrences at the time. he sed the sahaba never cussed each other about thier beliefs.
So when did the madhabs crop up?
My family mix and match, personally i pay very little attention to the subject.... until now.
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Assalamu Alaikum,
Me and my husband have been thinking about moving over to the hanbali madhab for various reasons. The only thing holding us back is, we'd have to learn more in depth about fiqh issues and of course readily have access to scholars knowledgable in that school, before we do so. Coz once we swap over we have no intentions of swapping back coz it's too difficult for us.
Usually when deciding which madhab to follow the ulema advise us to follow the one which is most prevalent in the locality. In the west the Hanafi madhab seems to have the largest following, don't know why but that's the case. So perhaps that's why so many muslims follow it?
Yashmaki who do you currently follow?
why do you feel the need to swap?
don't u think that is diffrenciating the madhabs?
[size=9]you is more smarter then Aasiya[/size]
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
I follow the hanafi one but i was born into it, didn't exactly choose it myself. I find no faults with it. But I duno having read about the Hanbali madhab I'm more drawn towards that. The only problem is this school has the fewest resources for English speakers, and teachers in this field are lacking in the west. So i don't know if it's going to be possible to change over, not in this country anyway.
On the other side I know more about the hanafi madhab, i'm not an expert but i know enough to fulfill my basic duties as a muslim. And i have access to lots of hanafi material and teachers fluent in English and Arabic. So it may not be wise to change madhabs right now.
Well you can follow any madhab you like. There are muslims out there who have never followed a madhab as such and are deciding upon which to follow. And ppl like me who never got a choice to decide which was best for me. I don't think it's a sin to change over as long as you stick to your decision. You can't keep on swapping back and forth coz u find school a difficult and school b too easy. in every school there are difficult elements, and elements which are easier for some to follow.
someone told me that the 4 madhabs contradict each other so badly, is this true? :?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
not really that's a myth. How can all four imams agree with each other on the major principles of the faith if they're soo different. Read the book i suggested, or the one brother Med suggested you can see the comparisons for yourself.
If you're not big on reading the book i mentioned is short just over 200 pages.
so if they disagree on minor stuff then whats the point in choosing one and following them?
its the major stuff that counts afterall....
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
In actual fact the Hambali madhab is perhaps the most literal of the four.
And within it, it is has the largest difference of opinions. Imam Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaykh ibn AbdulWahhab were Hambali Ulama.
Lady Yashmaki I strongly advise you consult with ulama before deciding on a madhab shift. We were told it is wrong to jump from one to another. Further if the madhab a person is shifting to does not have many resources or much widespread available teaching then the only thing that is being led to is confusion.
Imam Tahawi shifted from one madhab to another - he became a Hanafi from a shafi'ee?. But when we studied al aqeedah and were told about this shift our Teachers informed us that this was due to his high caliber and his pursuit for knowledge. Apparently when the Teachers of Imam Tahawi alayhi rahmah could not find a ruling adequate in the shafi'ee madhab they would refer themselves and him also to the rulings of Ahnaaf. And it was after much thought that Imam Tahawi shifted madhab.
Hence, it is advisable strongly to discuss with an alim before changing a madhab- infact I dont think there is any need for this shift but you know your situation better than me.
As an example: Somalis are normally shafi'ee but in our birmingham the somali madrassah students are hanafi. Their parents understand that here the hanafi madhab is stronger and dont have a problem with their kids being taught in the hanafi madhab. But then again some of the somali kids ARE taught shafi'ee madhab majorly because some parents wish on it.
Let it not be that shifting to a different madhab leads to a state where half your masaa'il are hanafi and half hambali. You would have to start from scratch.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i wanted to know that....can you switch?
coz all are correct, and you can follow which suits you best
and most of us are born Hanafi
not that im contemplating it
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Simple answer: No.
I was taught that we laypersons should stick with the madhab that we are born in.
An alim should be consulted for further clarification.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar