British Gay And Muslim

Gay Muslims

This Channel 4 documentary shows how the experiences of five lesbian and gay Muslims in Britain challenge the heterosexual bias in Muslim communities and illustrate the diversity within Islam. Tamsila Tauqir reports

Over the sinister introductory music to the programme, presenter Sonia Deol says: ‘Islam is fierce in its condemnation of homosexuality.’ Let’s be fair, antagonism towards homosexuality is no more exclusive to any one community than favouring men, the able-bodied and those with wealth and power.

The activist

Some 200 lesbian and gay Muslims were contacted by the programme makers but only a handful were willing to be interviewed, and most of those insisted on keeping their identities hidden. Only one was prepared to show his face and give his true name. He was Adnan Ali, an activist on issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) Muslims.
Adnan described how, when he first came out about his sexuality in Pakistan, he was physically and verbally abused. He then came to the UK, where he chatted online with members of the Al-fatiha Foundation in the States. Al-fatiha is an international organisation dedicated to questioning Muslims who are LGBT and their friends. Adnan then set-up a sister group called Al-fatiha UK, now called Imaan.

The voices
The interviewees speak of their commitment to and belief in Islam, though instead of having their beliefs supported by their community and family, they face being ostracised. ‘Razeem’ speaks of his pain at being denied access to the children of his previous marriage, despite having a legal right to access and the fact that his wife ran away with another man. He also wishes there were more role models, like Adnan Ali, for gay Muslims.

‘Shakir’ and his parents find it easier to accept lesbianism than gay men’s homosexuality. ‘Farah’ contemplates going back into the closet, to lie about her sexuality to ease the tension in her relationship with her parents. Presenter Sonia Deol says that the gay Muslim group, Imaan, supports the idea of ‘keeping sexuality a private matter’.


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"*DUST*" wrote:
MUSLIMSIS!!! welcome back! Biggrin

gosh this place has been well depressing for the past few days... we need all the oldies to come back... Sad

Yeah, I vowed never to return. But I'm weak... :?

I took a sneak peak here today..I couldnt help but return. You oldies are absolute darlings.


Would you mind not promoting this kind of illegal activity.

Thank you.



I'm not "promoting" it. The Muslims in the programme bigging up being "gay" are the ones who are "promoting" it.

Some Muslims in UK ARE gay. Thats a fact. Its better if we accept this fact then pretend that this kind of stuff doesnt go on.

Marriage of "convenience" are on the increase. I rather people admitted to their parents that they are gay rather then get married to someone and make his/her life hell.

However, at the same time its wrong to be a shamless, proud sinner and publicise dirty sins in public.


Yea that's how I feel about it. It's a sin - but we shouldn't beat them up or kick them out of religions we don't have a right to kick them out of.


This whole "gay pride" thing is a complete affront to God. That's where you basically take it from being a sinner to being a rebel. Homosexuals should make honest [i]attempts[/i] to refrain or reform (if that can be done) - failure is something God understands - but this business about declaring there to be nothing wrong with it, or seeking marriages is completely uncalled for.

If you say there is nothing wrong with it, you are opposing the Qur'an. If you oppose the qur'an, you do not believe in it as the word of god....

I personally am not too bothered with what others do. However the thing about these gay-pride groups etc is, they try to give Islam and muslims an ultimatum. To change. To accept them. That is where I can get angry. Islam is not a social club where you change the rules to gain membership.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

This is perversion. I hate perverts. Society needs to be purged and purified.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

A sort of "Social-Brita"

sick......disgusting idiots !

Did anyone hear about the gay Magician who vanished with a poof?

Back in BLACK

I dunno if anybody here has noticed this but I am an intelligent person who is oblivious most of the time.

I just found out my hairdresser back home is gay.

This is the same guy that recommended I get highlights and is always commenting on my tan - and he's usually really excited to see me.

Come to think of it I think i've seen him dancing with guys at clubs before... do I miss this stuff?!

Does that ever happen to you? Known somebody for a really long time and find out they are gay?

"Seraphim" wrote:
Did anyone hear about the gay Magician who vanished with a poof?

Now poof is obviously the punchline here but I don't understand the joke... is it slang for coming out of the closet or something?

Not as far as I know.

I dunno, but they normally walk diferently, talk diferently, and generally just act diferently.

And most are pacifists.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

dont really know any gay people personally....

btw does anyone know whether that karan johar bollywood film director is gay...

i think he does a programme kofeee with karan on star channel...

he looks awfully gay and acts it. ewwwwwww!

There was this guy at work. 16 years old. He acted gay, but I thought that was a bit young. The one day he mentioned he was a pacifist.

Later on I found out his partner worked there aswell. A guy in his 40's.

If that was not child grooming, I do not know what is!

(and call centres have plenty of homosexuals in them.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Don Karnage" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
dont really know any gay people personally....

How do you know?!

I didn't think I knew any gay people - and also i didn't know Nathan Lane was gay.

Then they just randomly surprise you or somebody says it like you shuold have known

...[b]they're everywhere [/b][img][/img](link is external)

i know for a fact that the people i associate with are straight lol....

thats personal....but yea true they're everywhere , now thats pretty scary

"Admin" wrote:
There was this guy at work. 16 years old. He acted gay, but I thought that was a bit young. The one day he mentioned he was a pacifist.

Later on I found out his partner worked there aswell. A guy in his 40's.

If that was not child grooming, I do not know what is!

(and call centres have plenty of homosexuals in them.)

That should be illegal

It was.

Then New labour changed the age of consent to 16 for homosexuality... and removed any injunctions fror it to be taught in schools. Before then homosexuality could not be publicised in schools, but now its a free for all.

The Revival actually covered this in 2000:

[url=]Nightmare On Homo Street![/url]

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

great to see you back Muslim Sis. I hope lilsis gets better soon!

me i've said all i can say on gay people in the past. But what i will say is to gay haters - i'm so glad that i'm not an authority on them as i feel only a gay person would and should be

Gay Muslim men should simply marry a girl who looks like a man.

Problem solved.

"latifah" wrote:
Gay Muslim men should simply marry a girl who looks like a man.

Problem solved.

they should go Pakistan and get one of them kusre.

Or mail-order a Thai lady-boy.

Better yet - really butch lesbian women should marry really camp gay men.

I’ve found the forum which they used to recruit members for this documentary- they say they are a support group for gay’s and lesbians but this is a grotesque understatement more like a online Shaddi for these misguided brothers and sisters.

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
I’ve found the forum which they used to recruit members for this documentary- they say they are a support group for gay’s and lesbians but this is a grotesque understatement more like a online Shaddi for these misguided brothers and sisters.

So basically the people that did this documentary were intentionally chosing a select group of muslims..

Around here we call that deception


Without making to much assumptions this forum attracted the producers to post on their forum for volunteers- I’d imagine they where enticed with money to appear on this documentary- keep an close eye on the Mpac thread where I will be posting more information

erm... not all of us use mpac... so a link would be useful...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


"naj" wrote:
dont really know any gay people personally....

btw does anyone know whether that karan johar bollywood film director is gay...

dnt know, dont really care but for definite he does act sissyfyed.

Wouldnt be surprised, he aint married either.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I went to a catholic all girls school for two years.

I knew a couple there.
