Behold, I tried all things, turned ev'rywhere,
But never found a friend dear as you.
I testes ev'ry fountain, ev'ry grape,
But never tasted wine as sweet as you!
By Maulana Rumi (ra)
Behold, I tried all things, turned ev'rywhere,
But never found a friend dear as you.
I testes ev'ry fountain, ev'ry grape,
But never tasted wine as sweet as you!
By Maulana Rumi (ra)
Divine Love is a flame:
Love is a flame and when it begins to blaze,
It burns everything but the Beloved worthy of praise
THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!
are u making this up Amber if u r its very good
No, its the quotes of a very great and famous mytic poet Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi (RA)
THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!
The heart’s house that remains unlit
by the Divine Sun’s majestic rays
Is narrow and dark like an orphan’s cell,
far from the feast of the Living King.
Such a heart lacks the Sun’s radiance:
Its space does not expand;
Its doors do not open;
There is no room to breathe.
A constricted grave is more comforting than this:
Arise from the tomb of your heart.
— Rumi, Mathnawi II 3129 ff.
THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!
"Since Allah is watching you, decorate yourself like a bride because there is no better customer than Him. Anoit your eyes with the collyrium of penitence and faith, decorate your ears with the rings of consciousness; put your hands to work on pious deeds;paint your face with powder of supplication and sincerity; put on an ankle-ring of serivce and improve your sense of discrimination between the bad and the good; put on the head dress of chastity and humilty (Maarif. P96, taken from "The essence of Rumi's Masnevi")
I loved that, its soo beautiful.
mashallah thats beautiful....amazingly before i came on to this forum i didnt know some poet called rumi exsist'd
Maulana Rumi (ra) has such an amazin way with words, however the above i dont know if it was by him or his father, need to double check.
Seriously, get a Rumi book.
Preferably [url= one[/url].
I never knew poetry before I knew Rumi. (How's that for a bit of poetry?... no?
there is a cheaper book of Mawlana Rumi's.
Called . . .
Ma'aarif e Mathnawi
It is by Hadrat Mawlana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Sahib daamat barkaatuhum and has english poetry plus a commentary on what it means in simple and easy to understand english.
MashaALLAH very guud indeed.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
That is actually good, i dont like poem's but Maulana Rumi (ra) is the poet of poets!
I heard a Rumi quote about how we are like moth's and God is a fire, and it is our desire to come closer to the fire, until we are so close to the fire we are consumed by it and all that is left is the fire.
Yep all that is left is God and no one else hmmm....i like his poems (when i can understand them if i cant just get sis to translate them)
I'm not into poetry either...In English I could never quite "get it"..I wish people would just say what they feel instead of playing about with words.
Thankfully poetry was only worth 5% of my final grade so it didnt affect my grade at all.
But I am a massive fan of Mawlana Rumi...I make an exception for his work. Its SO deep, meaningful and touches my heart....its obvious he wrote straight from his heart.
Having said that, I was reading the translated version of his mathanwi the other day...a lot of it is very hard to grasp. I blame the translators choice of English..
Good point...
What was Rumis relationship to Shams?
Shams Tabraiz (ra) ( i think thats how u spell his 2nd name) was his student...i am pretty sure.
Wasn't Shams Tabrez his teacher?
Ummm actually it could be that, now i aint so sure anymore. i think i am getin Shams Tabraiz (ra) mixed up with one of his students, i would ask sis but she's asleep.
Seems like you need the sleep too.
What I have read so far is they both learned from each other, each completed the other, thus you are both right, Maulana Rum (RA) was the teacher and student and so was Hz Shams Tabrez (RA).
THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!
[u][b]The Mother of all Idols is the Ego - Maulana Rumi (RA)[/b][/u]
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Love purifies sweetness
Love turns copper to gold,
Love purifies
Love cures all ills.
Love turns the Shah himself into a slave.
Maulana Rumi (ra)
beautiful there a link where you can read some of mawlana rumis poetry?
Wow. Great Rumi poems you guys are quoting today.
And sis check out [url=]this[/url](link is external) link
Ok its Maulana Rumi (ra) day again, his work is amazin soon i'll have everyone hooked on to his poetry if you aren't already!
"Do not be without love, for that means death,
Die in love so that you may remain alive".
"In this sea there is no death waiting for us,
In this sea there is neither grief nor sorrow nor despair.
This sea of love, of goodness and generosity".
"All is based on love, and this love which is within man must be purified,
seperated from alll else.
Our body resembles a beehive, Whose honey and wax are divine love".
‘A lover never seeks without being sought by his beloved. When the lightning bolt of love has pierced this heart, be assured that there is love in that heart.
When the love of God grows in your heart beyond any doubt God loves you’.
My heart is so small
it's almost invisible.
How can you place
such big sorrows in it?
"Look," He answered,
"your eyes are even smaller,
yet they behold the world."
The Great Rumi (peace in abundance be upon him)
Wow deep...
Another one of my favourite poems is...
Only You
Only you
I choose among the entire world.
Is it fair of you
letting me be unhappy?
My heart is a pen in your hand.
It is all up to you
to write me happy or sad.
I see only what you reveal
and live as you say.
All my feelings have the color
you desire to paint.
From the beginning to the end,
no one but you.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”
Back in BLACK
I have heard of Rumi the Sufi.
But who is Rumi Ra ?
I am a slave, I am a slave, I am a slave.
I bent my head in shame at having failed in the duties of servitude.
Every slave rejoices when he is freed,
Yet God, I rejoice to be your slave.