Alcohol In Cigarettes!


[b]Did you know there is alcohol in cigarettes, [/b]read on....
There are more than 4,000 ingredients in a cigarette other than tobacco. In fact, the same toxins and chemicals found in tobacco products can also be found in the air around toxic waste dumps. Common additives include yeast,wine, caffeine, beeswax and chocolate. While some of these ingredients and chemicals are safe in foods, they were toxic and some formed into carcinogens, a cancer-causing substance, when heated or burned.
Check out the following websites: is external) is external) is external) is external) is external)

[b]today ulema say smoking is makruh , some say haraam...
but if cigarrettes contain alcohol then its definitely haram-yeah?[/b]



cigarettes is a no-no...cant believe some people [size=7][b]hint hint[/b][/size] i know smoke.

Cigarettes do contain some natural ingredients.

When natural ingredients ferment, they produce alcohol.

All fruits do.

Its a chemical reaction. We need some muslims scholars who are also chemists who can give a fatwa on this.

It is not as straight forward as it sounds.

Regarding smoking, it is probably haraam even if it does not contain alcohol.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


I've never understood why smoking was Makruh as everyone knows it damages your health.

Just look at the massive "Smoking kills" label on the packet.

Lots of people die from lung cancer and even passive smoking....and it ruins your teeth and stinks up your house.

I too would like some scholars who are experts in chemistry to check this out.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
I've never understood why smoking was Makruh as everyone knows it damages your health.

It's because alot of molvis smoke.

"Beast" wrote:
It's because alot of molvis smoke.

I have heard someone use that as evidence for not declaring them haraam!

I know about 50 years ago, the health risks were relatively unknown. Then the issue was probably decided as makruh or less.

But now we know they are very dangerous. But the current scholars do not have the spine to make an open fatwa.

However a clear fatwa outright banning cigarettes will probably not be effective.

Just like alcohol in the time of the Prophet (saw), we will need the scholars as a group to give progressive fatwa's.

They have already said it is makruh. Next step would be give a fatwa of haraam for non-smokers... then finally total haraam for everyone.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

theres a difference of opinion..

some ulama say its haram ...some say its makhruh e tehrimi

i'd go for it being haram,

the smoker is endulging in a slow suicidal act by smoking..

An Aayaat of the Noble Qur'aan states, 'And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands.' (Baqarah 195)

In another Aayat, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And do not kill yourselves'. (Nisaa 29).


There are good points here, but I think MS hit on the best reason it should be Haraam...[u]Passive smoking kills[/u].

I.e. some innocent person (muslim or not) walking along, trying to get some fresh air is surrounded by you puffing and taking in the same chemicals you do, seriously its not a trivial toxin either, the exhaled air of a person smoking is still deadly.

Dirol I pray The world and jerusalam can ahndle the rarity of a perfect knight. Smile Biggrin

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes


I was a smoker until very recently... a bad habit i know..alhamdulillah i have quit now...make duaa pls...

Below are some fatwas and answers to the question of whether smoking is haram or makruh.

Mufti of Egypt gives his fatwa:
[url=]IslamAwareness[/url](link is external)

A list of scholars give their fatwa here:
[url= is external) Islam[/url]

Smoking declared haram here:
[url=]IslamforToday[/url](link is external)

Smoking: Haram or Makruh? By Dr. Rifyal Ka'bah
[url=]Islamic(link is external) Paths[/url]

Smoking: A Social Poison By Muhammad al-Jibaly
[url=]QSS[/url](link is external)

Fatwa from
[url= is external) <<< link does not work fix it 'Ed.

Shaykh Farazz Rabbani argues both sides:
[url=]SunniPath[/url](link is external)



People please LEARN HOW TO LINK. Long links stretch pages. And Ed one of the links do not work.


Well done ED (and all drugies who have quit their addiction or trying).

just imagine, all that money you're going to save.

Lol [color=red]Super Ed[/color]

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes


Dad is a heavy smoker. He started at a young age and recently tried to quit...and after a 6month break he started again recently. Old habits are hard to break.

But he never smokes in front of his kids..he knows how much we hate it. And lil sis has asthma so he always smokes in the garden.

It very rude to smoke in front of others. I rate the new smoking bans that are out.

I know it takes a LOT to quit.

I think if it was considered haraam it would make a massive justifies his smoking by saying that its only "makruh".

And smoking leads to weed and weed leads to stronger stuff...


"MuslimSister" wrote:

And smoking leads to weed and weed leads to stronger stuff...


not necessarily
it may do to some..but not most

i know many many who smoke and have not touched weed,
also i know some who started smoking and now smoke weed...

best is not to smoke at all...


Of course most smokers don't move on to weed but some do ...

Obvioulsy those who smoke weed would have tried fags first.

I remember reading in your weed article one guy said that it started of with smoking fags and then he moved on to weed.

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:


People please LEARN HOW TO LINK. Long links stretch pages. And Ed one of the links do not work.

Mr Ed is an incompetent Mod

honestly-cant get the staff these days


p.s smoking is a disgusting habit

but u gotta admit its looks macho

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:


People please LEARN HOW TO LINK. Long links stretch pages. And Ed one of the links do not work.

Mr Ed is an incompetent Mod

the stick i get!!!!!!!!!!


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

Mr Ed is an incompetent Mod

the stick i get!!!!!!!!!!

They telling you how it is!


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

the stick i get!!!!!!!!!!

They telling you how it is!


ok... better go where im appreciated then... Biggrin


Eating too much fatty food leads to heart attacks.

So it is clearly bad for your health to indulge in gratuitous munching.

So, as fatty food is unhealthy, is it haram?

Smoking is not an intoxicant, but can be unhealthy…so is it haram?

There is no consensus of the community on this issue.

"latifah" wrote:

There is no consensus of the community on this issue.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

good point.

(the counter IMO would be that even fatty food has a benefit. But for some people cigarettes have the benefit of calming them down...)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

any thing in access is bad for u

too much fatty food or salty food or sweet food harms the body

we are not allowed to intentionally harm the body

smoking kills-thats a fact

Smoking is disgustin, my older bro smokes and it does my head in, if people want to smoke and take themselves to an early grave then please do so but dont smoke in my presence!

"*DUST*" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
but u gotta admit its looks macho

err, no. actually it looks anything but. :?

IMO it looks "manly"

thats why girls who smoke look so off

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:

err, no. actually it looks anything but. :?

IMO it looks "manly"

thats why girls who smoke look so off

IMO uv been watching too many cigarette adverts on the telly. Wink Lol


"*DUST*" wrote:

IMO uv been watching too many cigarette adverts on the telly. Wink Lol

actually the new adds out put people OFF smoking nowadays

there was one advert I saw the other day-

guy see's pretty girl-she smiles at him-but when he appraches her- he gets put off her cos she stinks

the govenment is trying to put across the "smoking is NOT sexy" message in the media these days

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"*DUST*" wrote:

IMO uv been watching too many cigarette adverts on the telly. Wink Lol

actually the new adds out put people OFF smoking nowadays

there was one advert I saw the other day-

guy see's pretty girl-she smiles at him-but when he appraches her- he gets put off her cos she stinks

the govenment is trying to put across the "smoking is NOT sexy" message in the media these days

lol i know, i was referring to adverts put out by the cigarette companies themselves...


It is now illegal to advertise smoking in the uk... sonce about 6 month ago I think.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Being a victim of passive smokin is unfair, i normally get a really sore throat and have problems breathing. Before my bro used to smoke in the living room and i used to sit there and study it was hell but now dad has banned him from smokin in the house.

He's tried givin up but it dont seem to work, i feel sorry for him but its his own fault for getin himself into this mess.

"Angel" wrote:

He's tried givin up but it dont seem to work, i feel sorry for him but its his own fault for getin himself into this mess.

Boy does it take a LOT of self control to quit and annoyingly the short tempers cos of cravings affects everyone.

Does your brother smoke in front of your parents?
