Zawahiri dead

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"ManfromZarqa" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
Assumptions? You called my Mr.

It is DON!


[b]Salam Alikum,[/b]

That is a very intelligent response, reading your replies; is getting a little tedious for my already strained eyes , I try to abstain in replying to you, for the sake of not busting a blood vessel.

I’ve seen a Italian don in Sicily, kissing a gravestone.


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]


lol do you ever have normal conversations?

You're talking like Dr. Evil or a member of SPECTRE or something.

And don't say something peculiar back like "I grow weary of your tedious replies - feed him to the piranhas"

"Don Karnage" wrote:

It [i]riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight[/i]

lol do you ever have normal conversations?

You're talking like Dr. Evil or a member of SPECTRE or something.

And don't say something peculiar back like "I grow weary of your tedious replies - feed him to the piranhas"

[b]Salam Alikum,[/b]

What school of thought’s installed such adab in you? “evil” Astaghfirullah, you have a acid tongue and I’m not fimilar with western tv and the parables that follow.


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

"ManfromZarqa" wrote:
and I’m not fimilar with western tv and the parables that follow.

so how come u knew Don Karnage is "a fictitious- Sunday morning character "? Fool


"*DUST*" wrote:
"ManfromZarqa" wrote:
and I’m not fimilar with western tv and the parables that follow.

so how come u knew Don Karnage is "a fictitious- Sunday morning character "? Fool

lol yea I really wanna know!!!

Talespin was the greatest show EVER, but it didn't run outside the US

"*DUST*" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
Talespin was the greatest show EVER, but it didn't run outside the US


Hmmm.... well it was a network show for a while and then it went to the disney channel - but ABC is owned by Disney.

Does Disney have any contracts with satellite providers?

"*DUST*" wrote:
"ManfromZarqa" wrote:
and I’m not fimilar with western tv and the parables that follow.

so how come u knew Don Karnage is "a fictitious- Sunday morning character "? Fool

[b]Salam Alikum, [/b]

I took an educated guess, this don character some kind of abnormal circus clown or maybe he’s an American!

[b]ManfromZarqa [/b]

[b]Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

"ManfromZarqa" wrote:

or maybe he’s an American!

NEVER?! :shock:

boy u really ARE a man of wisdom

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"ManfromZarqa" wrote:

or maybe he’s an American!

NEVER?! :shock:

boy u really ARE a man of wisdom

Actually Zarqawi i'm a gay jewish athiest american with dual citizenship in Israel - I work at a casino in the bar and I love bacon.

Lets be friends!

ameen Ya Rabb ash Shuhadaa'i wal Mujahideen

Man from Zarqa, I hope you stick around bruv, you're gonna liven up this forum Im sure.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

It'll provide Med with some companionship.

thats very kind of you bruv, but I dont need companionship. Alhamdulillah I am confident in my beliefs.

Unlike some sheep here who just follow the majority, alhamdulillah I have utilised to seom extent my intelligence and i hope to have perceived truth from falsehood rather than just take the easiest option of innovation.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Dave you're normally a bigger person.

Dont let yourself down by making a personal attack on our brother ManfromZarqa.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
thats very kind of you bruv, but I dont need companionship. Alhamdulillah I am confident in my beliefs.

Unlike some sheep here who just follow the majority, alhamdulillah I have utilised to seom extent my intelligence and i hope to have perceived truth from falsehood rather than just take the easiest option of innovation.

Is taking the violent, aggessive, and destructive option not the easiest option?

"TheManFromZarqa" wrote:
[b]Salam Alikum [/b]

Compare to your [banned word] but painful face – you must feel like being in Israeli 'Hotel Paradise' (Kenya) - enjoying Talmudi hookers


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

That doesn't make sense. :?

"Med" wrote:
Dave you're normally a bigger person.

Dont let yourself down by making a personal attack on our brother ManfromZarqa.

lol Med - don't appeal to my courteous nature - I don't extend it toward such people.

I have no respect for your "brother" or his hero.

Zarqawi and his gang are thugs.

Or did you forget Nick Berg?

# Paul Johnson, June 18, 2004
# Kim Sun-il, June 22, 2004
# Mohammed Mutawalli, August 8, 2004
# Khaled Abdul Messih, August 25, 2004
# Durmus Kumdereli, August 17/September 13, 2004
# Eugene Armstrong September 20, 2004
# Jack Hensley September 21, 2004
# Barea Nafea Dawoud Ibrahim October 2, 2004
# Kenneth Bigley, October 8, 2004
# Luqman Mohammed Kurdi Hussein, reported October 11, 2004
# Maher Kemal, reported October 11, 2004
# Ala al-Maliki, October 12, 2004
# Fadhel Ibrahim, October 13, 2004
# Firas Imeil, October 13, 2004
# Ramazan Elbu, October 14, 2004
# Seif Adnan Kanaan, October 22, 2004
# 1 Iraqi, October 28, 2004 (one of eleven was beheaded, the rest shot)
# Shosei Koda, October 31, 2004
# Major Hussein Shunun, November 3, 2004

Or the present [i]woman[/i] set for execution from the Christian Science Monitor.

"Beast" wrote:
"TheManFromZarqa" wrote:
[b]Salam Alikum [/b]

Compare to your [banned word] but painful face – you must feel like being in Israeli 'Hotel Paradise' (Kenya) - enjoying Talmudi hookers


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

That doesn't make sense. :?

I think it was an insult?

I happen to like Kenya btw - what has Kenya ever done to you?!

There is no benefit in going into lists of people.

Because the US for one wont let any1 collect a proper record of how many innocents they themselves have killed in Iraq.

So on both sides innocents have been killed.

Your dead are not any more or any less important than our dead.

Your army are thugs for raping women and killing innocents.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Don Karnage" wrote:

I think it was an insult?

I happen to like Kenya btw - what has Kenya ever done to you?!

[b]Salam Alikum [/b]

Beheaded? In this the part where I get entrap? I remember in Beirut in 1982, always brings a glee to my face.


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

"Med" wrote:
There is no benefit in going into lists of people.

Because the US for one wont let any1 collect a proper record of how many innocents they themselves have killed in Iraq.

So on both sides innocents have been killed.

Your dead are not any more or any less important than our dead.

Your army are thugs for raping women and killing innocents.

What do you mean 'your dead' and 'our dead'?

What's the divide that you see?

"Beast" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
There is no benefit in going into lists of people.

Because the US for one wont let any1 collect a proper record of how many innocents they themselves have killed in Iraq.

So on both sides innocents have been killed.

Your dead are not any more or any less important than our dead.

Your army are thugs for raping women and killing innocents.

What do you mean 'your dead' and 'our dead'?

What's the divide that you see?

I'd like to know who "our" is

"Don Karnage" wrote:

I'd like to know who "our" is

[b]Salam Alikum [/b]

He means Muslim.


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

yes disbelieving innocents who die are not anymore valuable or important than muslim innocents who are killed and vice versa.

If the Zarqawi Brigades are thuggish cos they kill innocent westerners, then thats no big deal. The US are equally thuggish cos they kill innocent iraqis.

Whatever you say about Zarqawi Brigades can be said about US army.

They are fighting a war, when either side breaks the laws of war they are both guilty - not one rule for the arabs and another for the US.

There is no distinction.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
yes disbelieving innocents who die are not anymore valuable or important than muslim innocents who are killed and vice versa.

If the Zarqawi Brigades are thuggish cos they kill innocent westerners, then thats no big deal. The US are equally thuggish cos they kill innocent iraqis.

Whatever you say about Zarqawi Brigades can be said about US army.

They are fighting a war, when either side breaks the laws of war they are both guilty - not one rule for the arabs and another for the US.

There is no distinction.

Doesn't quite answer my question. But I'm willing to leave it there nonetheless.

The divide is between imaan and kufr.

Their dead are kuffar, our dead are muslim.

But like I said, innocent death is equal regardless of their imaan or kufr.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Med cant you see it?

You've fallen into the trap already... and you dont even see it. :roll:

bro you used to be cool man ... watever happened?

Yes theres be casualties on both sides.

Yes innocent blood has been spilt by the British/American troops invasion of Afgan and Iraq.

Yes innocent blood has been spilt in incidents like 9/11 or 7/7.

Whose the bigger sinner? Whose more right and whose wrong? And who is to blame?

IMO Med, i see no difference between the two. Theres no difference between what the Americans did and what OBL and his crew are doing. Just becoz the unbelieving Americans and British hav killed innocents, why should the believers fall to such a level where they will also kill innocents? whatever happened to a soldier deserves to fight another soldier on the battle field? What happened to the virtue's and laws of the prophet(pbuh) upon the muslim umah inregards to war? No Innocents, POW to be taken care of?

If you must fight... fight their soldiers... not the innocents. If the unbelievers commit such attrocities that DOES NOT mean we should start ACTING like them abandoning our virtues and laws to kill innocents in what becomes nothing more than vengence.

I pray that you see what i mean.

Back in BLACK

"Med" wrote:
The divide is between imaan and kufr.

Their dead are kuffar, our dead are muslim.

But like I said, innocent death is equal regardless of their imaan or kufr.

[b]Salam Alikum [/b]

Subhanallahy walhamdulillahy walaa-ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar


Jihad for the Sake of Allah[/b]

er seraph bro I dont think you have understood what I wrote.

My posts pretty much are saying that whoever kills innocents is rong regardless of who the killers and regardless of who the victims are?

I dont think I have defended any1. Just said that whatever Zarqawi Brigades are guilty of, the US army is also guilty of.

I hope thats clear. I aint said killing their innocents is ok cos they do it to us, or that cos they non muslims then they worth less. I said ALL equal, ALL should be judged on same standards.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
