Zawahiri dead

[b]EXCLUSIVE: Pakistani Military Sources Say Zawahiri May Be Dead
Forensic Tests to Reveal Fate of al Qaeda Number Two [/b]

Jan. 13, 2006 — Today, according to Pakistani military sources, U.S. aircraft attacked a compound known to be frequented by high level al Qaeda operatives. Pakistani officials tell ABC News that al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant, may have been among them.

U.S. intelligence for the last few days indicated that Zawahiri might be in the location or about to arrive, although there is still no confirmation from U.S. officials that he was among the victims.

The attack took place early this morning Pakistan time in a small village a few miles from the border with Afghanistan.

Villagers described seeing an unmanned plane circling the area for the last few days and then bombs falling in the early morning darkness.

Eighteen people were killed, according to the villagers who said women and children were among the fatalities.

But Pakistani officials tell ABC News that five of those killed were high-level al Qaeda figures, and their bodies are now undergoing forensic tests for positive identification.

Officials say Zawahiri was known to have used safe houses in this area last winter and was believed to be in the area again this winter.

Zawahiri, who appeared just last week in a new videotaped message, had increasingly been taking the operational reins of al Qaeda, and is thought by U.S. officials to be the current true mastermind of the terrorist group.

Pakistani officials tell ABC News that the bodies of the five suspected al Qaeda figures will be recovered at first light i

[i][/i](link is external)

Has he not been 'dead' before?

I will wait for the confirmation first...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


i hate pakistanis who suck up to the states.

"naj" wrote:

i hate pakistanis who suck up to the states.

and do you love and support zawahiri?
do you support the right hand man of osama- who has clearly gone against the teachings of Islam.

Yes we all hate those who suck up to the states, but we also hate those who make life for every single Muslim soooooooooooo difficult because of what they say and what they do.

zawahiri , osama etc are not the mujahids of islam they claim to be... they are destroying the name and the image of islam. how can any muslim support killing of innocent civilians like zawahiri and his boss osama do?

if he has passed away...i wont shed any is between him and his Creator now... good luck to him... he probably needs alot of it!


So certain are you MrEditor?

Difficult to tell difference between good and evil when blinding the light is.

In such case one would choose the lesser of the two evils.

Inaction is not an option, take a side you must.

Do or do not... there is not try.

Back in BLACK

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
zawahiri , osama etc are not the mujahids of islam they claim to be... they are destroying the name and the image of islam. how can any muslim support killing of innocent civilians like zawahiri and his boss osama do?

First of all it's more like "Osama and his boss Zawahiri" from what I can tell.

Secondly, I really don't understand people who say that they are "destroying the image of islam". Muslims are supposed to act based on what Allah (SWT) has commanded not on what others would like to see you do. Should women stop observing hijab because that would give islam a better image in the west?

I'd also add that Christianity probably has a worse image in the west than Islam despite their being no fundementalist christian terrorist groups threatening the west.

"salaf" wrote:

Secondly, I really don't understand people who say that they are "destroying the image of islam". Muslims are supposed to act based on what Allah (SWT) has commanded not on what others would like to see you do. Should women stop observing hijab because that would give islam a better image in the west?



Good point

good point salaf your good...

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
if he has passed away...i wont shed any is between him and his Creator now...[b] good luck to him... he probably needs alot of it![/b]

how do you know?

b.t.w if he is shaheed he is jannati / i think hes got namaz ki nishani on his forehead...

if he really did all that he has been accused of

then he shud get his just desert

some people are just blinded by the western free minded-ness.

"naj" wrote:
i think hes got namaz ki nishani on his forehead...

the relevance of that? I have heard somethin bout havin a mark on the forehead but since i cant recall, can u explain?

"naj" wrote:
some people are just blinded by the western free minded-ness.

and some people support crazy extremists

but what u gonna do? :roll:

i wasnt referring too you...

BUT support whoever you cares the least

"Angel" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
i think hes got namaz ki nishani on his forehead...

the relevance of that? I have heard somethin bout havin a mark on the forehead but since i cant recall, can u explain?

i dont know much myself...maybe someone does/ needs looking up again
something to do with devotion to ALLAH, it can also be in other places of the body.


Looks like we missed.

Another day perhaps.

lol I don't really care anymore of people on the forum like, hate, mildly dislike, or admire from afar bin laden or his boss Zawahiri. Everybody has their own opinion - anybody that disagrees with me on anything at all is obviously wrong.

So i'm content with that.

Not to mention well kill them eventually.

Just a matter of time really.

Until then I fully intend to go to barbeques, hang out with my friends, enjoy life to the fullest and let the military work this one out.

There is no power or deity save ALLAH.

Truth shall overcome Falsehood.

The death of each man is predestined, those who are to die in the bed shall surely die there, those who are to die in a bomb blast shall surely die there.

ALLAH is Most Just and Most Wise.

We shall not be questioned about the deeds of muslims.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


some of the post sreally make me laugh....

namaaz ki nashaani on his head Biggrin

the image of Islaam issue... yes do what Allah has ordered.... Allah does not order to blow up buildings, kill innocent civilians, to blow up and kill innocent Iraqi Muslims, to come out with a fatwa to kill all americans, to praise 9/11 and 7/7, to claim that martydom operations including killing civilians is Islamic an du will go to heaven............
( hijaab is fardh, so u do it , end of. u cant compare the two)

all this has and is destroying name of Islam, islam is being labelled a religion of terror because of the likes of zawahiri and ladin....
Muslims in the West try to clear misconceptions and these muppets do exactly what we say has nothing to do with Islam....

naj said if he dies he will be a shaheed....
who says? shaheed is if u die fighting in jihad for the cause of Islam.... what he is doing is no jihad... he's making life hell for all muslims...
zawahiris boys kidnap westerners in iraq... very islamic..may allah reward him...

my views are not western brainwashed views... alot of muslims unfortunately will always be in denial...just because someone talks about islam, speaks arabic, has a turban, mentions jihad...we all get emotional....

wake up ppl...

i remember shaykh abdul hakim murad, shaykh hamza yusuf, shaykh zaid shakir, shaykh nuh ha mim keller, shaykh muhammad yaqoubi- all brilliant , top scholars of high calibre- all have spoken openly against zawahiri and ladin.... and I definitely agree with the views of these shuyukh...



"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

i remember shaykh abdul hakim murad, shaykh hamza yusuf, shaykh zaid shakir, shaykh nuh ha mim keller, shaykh muhammad yaqoubi- all brilliant , top scholars of high calibre- all have spoken openly against zawahiri and ladin.... and I definitely agree with the views of these shuyukh...

the ahlul biddah scholars?

yep I agree with them too Dirol

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

i remember shaykh abdul hakim murad, shaykh hamza yusuf, shaykh zaid shakir, shaykh nuh ha mim keller, shaykh muhammad yaqoubi- all brilliant , top scholars of high calibre- all have spoken openly against zawahiri and ladin.... and I definitely agree with the views of these shuyukh...

the ahlul biddah scholars?

yep I agree with them too Dirol

no, the very brilliant scholars of our time. Due to shuyukh like these Islam continues to grow and spread, youth become more attached to the deen, misconceptions about Islam are destroyed, non Muslims embrace Islam, Islam is seen in good light by ordinary non Muslims. These shuyuk represent the middle path, alhamdulillah. May Allah reward them.

I have benefitted immensley from these blessed scholars.


Do the people think that paradise is cheap?

Do the people think sitting and eating plates of halwa will give them tabarruk and they will enter the paradise when the people before them were tested and shaken a great shakening?

Forget Ayman az-Zawahiri Sahib, and Jenab Usaama in Ladin and the others.

take an UNCONTROVERSIAL jihad, the jihad of kashmir. Why is there not even ONE Ahlul Bid'ah tanzeem that organises fighters for the Valley?

Ahlus Sunnal wal Jama'ah, Salafiyyah, Mawdudis Brigade, and even the shi'tes have group/s fighting in the valley. But the Ahlul Bid'ah, which tanzeem do they have? All they can do is sit and label others as vabi and kafir and eat plates of halwa.

To ALLAH do we belong and to Him is our return and to Him do we complain.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
Do the people think that paradise is cheap?

Do the people think sitting and eating plates of halwa will give them tabarruk and they will enter the paradise when the people before them were tested and shaken a great shakening?

Forget Ayman az-Zawahiri Sahib, and Jenab Usaama in Ladin and the others.

take an UNCONTROVERSIAL jihad, the jihad of kashmir. Why is there not even ONE Ahlul Bid'ah tanzeem that organises fighters for the Valley?

Ahlus Sunnal wal Jama'ah, Salafiyyah, Mawdudis Brigade, and even the shi'tes have group/s fighting in the valley. But the Ahlul Bid'ah, which tanzeem do they have? All they can do is sit and label others as vabi and kafir and eat plates of halwa.

To ALLAH do we belong and to Him is our return and to Him do we complain.

Mad Meds on the loose again :roll:

I suggest u delete ur extreme crap before u regret it again later-like u did last time

"naj" wrote:

b.t.w if he is shaheed he is jannati / i think hes got namaz ki nishani on his forehead...

No comment.

(is a murderer who is given the death sentence shaheed?)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Andoverpolo" wrote:
What does "Jenab" mean


sounds like "Gulab Janam" to me

an Asian sweet



Its a courteous way to adress someone.

Or an insult if the person has a bigger title...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Med" wrote:
Do the people think that paradise is cheap?

Do the people think sitting and eating plates of halwa will give them tabarruk and they will enter the paradise when the people before them were tested and shaken a great shakening?

Forget Ayman az-Zawahiri Sahib, and Jenab Usaama in Ladin and the others.

take an UNCONTROVERSIAL jihad, the jihad of kashmir. Why is there not even ONE Ahlul Bid'ah tanzeem that organises fighters for the Valley?

Ahlus Sunnal wal Jama'ah, Salafiyyah, Mawdudis Brigade, and even the shi'tes have group/s fighting in the valley. But the Ahlul Bid'ah, which tanzeem do they have? All they can do is sit and label others as vabi and kafir and eat plates of halwa.

To ALLAH do we belong and to Him is our return and to Him do we complain.

you have to make everything sectarian...grow up for once...
why dont u go and ask the people you are referring to...
we have no idea who the ppl of bidah is, like i said it might be tablighi jamaat...who knows...

and going raiwind every year and holding a massive ijtimaah will achieve jack...will it defend islam, is that jihad....

and if they are like sippa-e-sahabbah.... thank God they havent got any...
they are responsible for suicide attacks, blowing up building and kiling innocent ppl.... its not jihaad mate...

islam is not cheap...but your beloved 'blow up everything brigades', are wrecking the name of Islam...


OBL, Aiman Al Zwahiri et al are what I would consider to be Ahlul Bidd'ah.

They have introduced an innovation to religion.

They find it acceptable to kill innocent people. And they are not scholars.

OBL was a playboy back in his day. Where are his isnaad?

They have bastardised islamic tets to meet their own ends.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Different people are suited to different things.

Among Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah different groups are dealing with different issues.

Ahlul Bid'ah- the people of innovation infact pay very little attention to the ahadeeth which refer to the innovators because they know that if they looked objectively the only ones who can be labelled innovators are infact they themselves. They are the ones who have polluted the religion.

mashaALLAH Raiwind is a beautiful place.

How come the Ahlul Bid'ah are not involved in defending the muslims of kashmir when virtually EVERY other group has sent people there?

The only exceptions are the qadianis and the Ahlul Bid'ah.

Alhamdulillah ALLAH knows who the innovators are and if they looked objectively they too will see what great calamity they are upon the deen.

Normal sins can be repented becuase they are still accepted as sin.

Innovation is very rarely repented from because people have taken the sin to be an act of piety.

Ed. Thank you. Your posts are impressive.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Admin" wrote:
OBL, Aiman Al Zwahiri et al are what I would consider to be Ahlul Bidd'ah.

They have introduced an innovation to religion.

They find it acceptable to kill innocent people. And they are not scholars.

OBL was a playboy back in his day. Where are his isnaad?

They have bastardised islamic tets to meet their own ends.

i totally agree.... and mainstream Islam has the same view...

only the likes of omar bakri, abu hamza, followers and supporters of taliban agree with zwahiri and co... THE MINORITY AND EXTREMISTS.



So Med what u doing here sitting on ur backside?

Go join ur extreme, crazy fanatic role models

or do u only talk the talk?

I agree.

I would love to hear OBL repent for his sins. He will not, as his biddah is dalaalah.

Find me one hadith which finds it acceptable to kill innocents.

There are none. However there are aayah's against suuch acts. Now who is committing bod'ah?

Actually it is worse thaN bid'ah. It is almost rejecting the qur'an.

And I condemn every muslim millitant group that is involved in sectarianism.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
