India 'loses 10m female births'

[size=18]India 'loses 10m female births'[/size]

More than 10m female births in India may have been lost to abortion and sex selection in the past 20 years, according to medical research.

Researchers in India and Canada for the Lancet journal said prenatal selection and selective abortion was causing the loss of 500,000 girls a year.

Their research was based on a national survey of 1.1m households in 1998.

The researchers said the "girl deficit" was more common among educated women but did not vary according to religion.

The unusual gender balance in India has been known about for some time.

In most countries, women slightly outnumber men, but separate research for the year 2001 showed that for every 1,000 male babies born in India, there were just 933 girls.


The latest research is by Prabhat Jha of St Michael's Hospital at the University of Toronto, Canada, and Rajesh Kumar of the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Research in Chandigarh, India.

They found that there was an increasing tendency to select boys when previous children had been girls.

In cases where the preceding child was a girl, the ratio of girls to boys in the next birth was 759 to 1,000.

This fell even further when the two preceding children were both girls. Then the ratio for the third child born was just 719 girls to 1,000 boys.

However, for a child following the birth of a male child, the gender ratio was roughly equal.

Prabhat Jha said conservative estimates in the research suggested half a million girls were being lost each year.

"If this practice has been common for most of the past two decades since access to ultrasound became widespread, then a figure of 10m missing female births would not be unreasonable."


Sex selective abortions have been banned in India for more than a decade.

Experts in India say female foeticide is mostly linked to socio-economic factors.

It is an idea that many say carries over from the time India was a predominantly agrarian society where boys were considered an extra pair of hands on the farm.

The girl child has traditionally been considered inferior and a liability - a bride's dowry can cripple a poor family financially.

The BBC's Jill McGivering says the problem is complicated by advances in technology. Ultrasound machines must be officially registered but many are now so light and portable, they are hard to monitor.

Although doctors in India must not tell couples the sex of a foetus, in practice, some just use coded signals instead, our correspondent says.

Last year the well-known religious leader and social activist, Swami Agnivesh, began a campaign across five northern and western states against female foeticide.

"There's no other form of violence that's more painful, more abhorrent, more shameful," he said.

[url=]BBC News[/url]

Thise parents who kill their own children should face a firing squad.

Admins way of justice.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


The Quran severely condemns those who even show displeasure at the birth of a baby girl.

"When news is brought to one of them of the birth of a female child, his face darkens and he is filled with inward grief. With shame does he hide himself from his people because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain her on contempt or bury her in the dust? Ah! what an evil they decide on?"(16:59).

I heard a scholar narrate the following Hadiths

The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) has said that when a boy is born, then he brings one Noor (light) and when a girl is born, then she brings two Noors”.

He Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) also said “Girls are models of affection and sympathy and a blessing to the family”.

If anyone does have a baby sister or cousin…they prob would have noticed how adorable and sweet little girls naturally are, they really are a pleasure to bring up.



Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

what does bushra mean? ask cuz its my sisters name

article in woman section of The Sun today by Anila Baig (suns veiled woman) talking about this

my friend last year was from china, always wanted brother, but cuz of policy cdnt have a sibling.

horriffic situation there from wht she said

"fizzy1" wrote:
what does bushra mean? ask cuz its my sisters name

My sister is called Bushra too.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

but cultuarally, can you see teh effects of this? do you think men, or boys get preferential treatment? not just in work etc, but at home or in society too


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:

So I would allow my sons to go to college and if I am confident in them being strong on deen PERHAPS allowing them to go uni. But daughters I wouldnt allow colleg or uni, out of the question.

Med that is so backwards! :evil:

Not only do you sound like my granddad but you sound like my dad as well :x

I know people who refuse to send their daughters to collage because of this obsessive phobia that the girl will ‘turn bad’.

I wanted to go to collage, I wanted to be a nurse, but I am now an office junior (and boy does it suck).

"Med" wrote:
Cos with girls you worry abt if they get attacked outside, you dont want people ogling at them.

PUR-LEASE :roll:

Why do people like you perceive ALL men as sex obsessed beasts that cannot control them selves?


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Hey Med answer my Question

"E20" wrote:

Why do people like you perceive ALL men as sex obsessed beasts that cannot control them selves?

I really can’t understand people like that.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Okay let me rephrase that.
Why do you ACT as though all men are like that?


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"fizzy1" wrote:
but cultuarally, can you see teh effects of this? do you think men, or boys get preferential treatment? not just in work etc, but at home or in society too

in some cultures and families women are not given equal treatment and love

its a shame

just like in the pre-islam time they were considered inferior

but thankfully not every family is like that


I thought pre-Islamic Arabia was bad.

This is a shocking news. Admin you didnt have to give us this news at this time. Its going to spoil my Eid now.

There are 10 million fathers in India who are murderers.


Wow that really illustrates the Popes speech about a culture of death pretty damn well.

I hate abortions - I hate abortioners - I hate abortion activists - and I hate abortion mills.

There ought to be more assassinations of these butchers than there already are.

Baby killing nazi liberals.


"Don Karnage" wrote:
Wow that really illustrates the Popes speech about a culture of death pretty damn well.

I hate abortions - I hate abortioners - I hate abortion activists - and I hate abortion mills.

There ought to be more assassinations of these butchers than there already are.

Baby killing nazi liberals.

Whoa. Strong views.

Don't jump in with the extremists. Surely you dont want more carnage, Mr Karnage.

[url= is external) Times[/url]

And speaking of Pope, yes he is worried about the modern world: is external)


"Don Karnage" wrote:
Wow that really illustrates the Popes speech about a culture of death pretty damn well.

I hate abortions - I hate abortioners - I hate abortion activists - and I hate abortion mills.

There ought to be more assassinations of these butchers than there already are.

Baby killing nazi liberals.

These sentiments are similar to those expressed by Med.


Occasionally I take extreme positions on things - this is definitely one of them.

"Doctors" running around killing children so they can buy another rolex have forfeited their right to live.

If it is [i]anyone's[/i] duty to stick up for the rights of the unborn - it should be the doctors.

There was a documentary about the various types of abortion procedures - you would be surprised at how naziesque some of these "procedures" are. We seriously treat cattle better. - At least they aren't poisoned, mutilated, and vacuumed out of existance.

Children aren't supposed to be born unwanted - but if they are they shouldn't be killed for it.

It's depravity justifying depravity.

All so Senator Feinstein can stay in office.


ok med but do u not think of it as ur duty to educate ur daughters!!
Sorry if am going sligtly off topic!!
the Muslim women is responsible just as a man is, so she is also required to seek knowledge, wether it is "religious" or "secular" that will be of BENEFIT to her!!
when she recites the ayah

" But say Oh my Lord! advance me in knowledge" (Quran 20114)

and hears the Hadith

"seeking Knowledge is a duty on evey Muslim " ( narrated by Ibn Maajah)
(above taken from ideal muslimah)
The teachings of quran and sunnah are directed at men and women equally!!

do you think you will be preventing her from fulfilling part of her deen!!


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Saadia ur chatting to someone who considers considers boys betters then daughters cos

"Med" wrote:

am glad I dont have sisters cos they too much headache and our izzat lies with our women. Hence I hope to have sons


so I doubt u'd get anywhere with ur educated response

And how are Med and my views similar?

I love girls and women - I want a daughter. I not only intend to send her to college, i'll send her to the top college, she's going to see the world before she is 8, hell - maybe she'll be an astronaught. Being educated and ambitious isn't "masculan" - by all means I want her to be a girl, but a girl that doesn't feel she has limits to her ambitions.

I don't buy into this 'gender roles' garbage when people use it to deny a woman a career or a position of power and influence. They have so much potential and when I see barbarians killing them just because they don't have the same social currency - I get pissed.

So maybe advocating killing abortion "doctors" is a bit extreme. I still don't see how it's wrong. I'm furious not just because this is abortion - but because it's gender genocide.

The position might be the same on abortion with me and Med, but I dunno if it comes from all the same places.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Don Karnage" wrote:
And how are Med and my views similar?


just that u both like to kill people who's views/beliefs dont match yours

if he aint calling for the murder of shia's

your calling for the murder of abortionists

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
And how are Med and my views similar?


just that u both like to kill people who's views/beliefs dont match yours

if he aint calling for the murder of shia's

your calling for the murder of abortionists

Maybe the only difference is that Dave wants other people to do the killing whereas Med is willing to go out and do it himself.

"Beast" wrote:

Maybe the only difference is that Dave wants other people to do the killing whereas Med is willing to go out and do it himself.

LOL-the American likes other people to do his dirty work :twisted:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
And how are Med and my views similar?


just that u both like to kill people who's views/beliefs dont match yours

if he aint calling for the murder of shia's

your calling for the murder of abortionists

It's not just a difference of beliefs though.

Shias believe different things about Islam than Sunnis do.

Abortionists kill babies.

Slight difference in my opinion. If you see somebody killing a child - and you can't do anything about it because they've been cavalier with the law - and all you can do about it is watch them smile and go buy a new Lexus.

Wouldn't you be slightly irritated?

I mean this imo calls for serious action - 10 [i]million[/i] children were murdered in India - 1.3 [i]million[/i] children are murdered in the United States [u]every year[/u].

And what's the legal precedent for this?

The Supreme Court conjured up a Fundamental Right to an Abortion - which exists nowhere in the Constitution - based on the "penumbra" of the equally fictitious Right to Privacy - because they knew full well the legislature and Congress would never pass a law allowing abortion.

In short - the abortionists cheated, to hold the peoples hands behind their back.

Were playing a rigged game, against cold blooded murderers.

I don't care what happens to them - hope they all rot in hell and if people want to take more positive stands against it than i'm totally behind that.
