George Galloway in Celebrity Big Brother


i was shocked to read that MP George Galloway had decided to participate in Big Brother....
Faria Alam, a bengali Muslim who slept with Sven and co...allegedly...

so what do you make of it all?

who cares?- true:-)
Galloway is making a big mistake, his reputation can go downhill?
he relies on Muslim votes, any dodgy behaviour on BB could create alot of opposition for him?
or may be BB is the ideal audience to talk about anti-war campaign etc...?

anyone watch BB?

does anyone care Galloway is on it? i watch bits and bobs to see what he has to say...



I don't normally watch Big Brother on Channel 4.

But since Gorgeous George has now joined the house, I am not going to take my eyes off that screen.

Its cracking television.

Channel 4 are apparently going to censor him when he starts to slam the Prime Minister as President Bush's poodle.,14173,1681218,00.html


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

Nothing Alleged.

After she quit, she claimed she was forced out due to her sexual antics... and tried to sue the FA...

I think he is good to have gone in.

Politicians need to connect with the people.

If that means going on big brother and discussing politics, I am all for it.

Politics is very important. When people voted Bliar, some were not aware they were placing a vote in favour of murder.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i was bothered shocked and abit peed at first....not really anymore he should know better.

maybe he'll get more publicity later on, but the shows just off the hook...even though i watch it.

Galloway's use of big words is really funny.

Michael Barrymore was befuddled when Galloway said 'traversed'.

And Jodie Marsh didn't understand when he said 'animosity'.


"Beast" wrote:
Galloway's use of big words is really funny.

Michael Barrymore was befuddled when Galloway said 'traversed'.

And Jodie Marsh didn't understand when he said 'animosity'.


LOL sounds like therz some blonds in there.

I watched abit of last seasons, cuz its all my sistered would watch, then i told my dad its rude n they got told off :twisted:

Hmmm...Mite giv it a try, wat tym it on?

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

i stopped watching it n all but might just catch bits n bats of it seen as though Galloway is in it - i still cant picture him in the BB house lol

I never watched that trashy programme-

now that he's on-I do find myself flicking

I used to have a lot of respect for him-now I dont

only lame people get involved in reality TV

it makes what he passionatly argues for seem less important-

can u take ANYONE serioulsy if they show their face in a trashy programme? :roll:

he gave a speech at the unity conference- the muslims went crazy

he received SO many takbirs-there're were some people sitting next to us who couldnt stop raving about him

I know some elderly aunties who are CRAZY about him and often try to get people to vote for him

for a man who really benefits frm the Muslim vote-this wasnt a smart move

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
he gave a speech at the unity conference- the muslims went crazy

he received SO many takbirs-there're were some people sitting next to us who couldnt stop raving about him

I know some elderly aunties who are CRAZY about him and often try to get people to vote for him

for a man who really benefits frm the Muslim vote-this wasnt a smart move

lol. yeh i heard about tht. Lol


I dont watch Big Brother.

I hate that programme, its nasty.

At first I was a bit surprised at galloway but i got thinking.

Perhaps he is doing it to get across to a wider audience?

or perhaps he is doing it so he can get free publicity on tv abt his views?

I think he is a very intelligent man, and am pretty sure he didnt go on without thinking abt it. I think he's got some agenda.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

He is trying to connect to the Big Brother generation.

If people will not come to him, he will go to the people.

A wise move.

He is a politician, and he aint no white knight that alot of us muslims portray him as.

Just he has a backbone, and speaks his mind.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

This “celebrity” BB is actually very funny, for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, apart from Gorgeous George and Faria Alam, none of them are famous, at least I’ve never heard of them. It’s amusing to watch them pretend to know each other.

Then there was the conversation between the Right Honourable George Galloway MP, and Miss Faria Alam - famous for sleeping with high ranking football administrators - last night.

Georgy is quite the charmer, I think a relationship is on the cards. He informed her how much he respected Muslims, in particular Britain’s Bengali community, and swore that any money he makes from the show he will donate to a Palestinian charity.

I’ve held a grudge against the old smoother for a while, but I’m letting it go from now on, he is undoubtedly a great entertainer.

Faria Alam and George Galloway

This sounds like an eclectic group of people...

Is reality TV big over there? It's huge here - pretty disgusting and disturbing for the most part.

I hate people.

Hi dave (I refuse to call you "don") Biggrin

Reality TV is very popular here, mainly cos there is nothing else worth watching.

Normally I can resist watching this type of thing, but me and my mum have watched celebrity BB obsessively for the past few days, Its actually quite fun.

There is one inmate in this BB house who is actually not a celebrity at all. The poor girl has to pretend to be a pop star and boast about her exploits otherwise evil BB will evict her, she already swore on her mothers life that she had a top 40 hit.

There is also some american basketball "star" in the house, Dennis somebody, dunno how famous he is.

Hi Latifah!

lol you can get into some strange things when there is nothing else on TV to watch.

Otherwise Southpark wouldn't do so well.

But a show with a bunch of nobodies, has beens, and never was' does sound somewhat interesting!

It's not Dennis Rodman by any chance is it?

yep Don it is him he's actually the most famous one there! i didnt really know any others apart from Michael Barrymore

Oh God... Dennis Rodman?!

This isn't reality TV - this is a freak show.

Dennis Rodman is known for his exceptional basketball skills - and his extraordinarily odd lifestyle.

Oh and for going out with Carmen Electra - they had a lot in common, they both wear skirts and they both have an exceptional collection of venereal diseases.

Dennis once got married - to a woman - wearing this:

[img][/img](link is external)

He's a professional fruit cake.

Faria Alam is just fine. I didnt say good.

Galloway gives his reasons for taking on Big Brother

Sir Humphrey, in Yes Minister, would term it a 'brave' decision. The decision by this politician to enter the Celebrity Big Brother House, bereft of watch, phone, family and all contact with the outside world was, however, an easy one.

Firstly it was for Palestine. Millions of people vote by premium phone and text lines to choose who should face eviction. A percentage of the proceeds goes to the charity of the participants choice.

Secondly, I'm doing it for the audience. The biggest audience I will ever have. Every night on prime-time television millions of viewers will tune in. Almost everyone in the country will see at least a part of at least one episode. In the slow January news month the newspapers will be chock-full of Big Brother.

I have done almost 2000 public meetings since 9/11, traveled tens of thousands of miles and spoken to thousands of people. These face-to-face meetings are invaluable. But often I’m talking to people who already agree with what I say. I want to attempt to connect with the politically untouched, the millions of people – most of them young people – who are completely turned-off by conventional approaches. It’s the Generation X-Factor. One of the crucial elements in the equation, the success of which will be the removal of this corrupt and discredited government and the replacement with a genuinely socially democratic one. We need to use new and innovative methods to put across our arguments. I’m determined that there are no no-go areas for us and I believe Celebrity Big Brother will be hugely successful for our ideals. If I'm wrong at least many will eat in the Gaza Strip because I tried.

Sure, there may be an indignity to be suffered along the way. But it will be worth it. If I'm voted out early I'll be back on the road again. If I go a long way I'll have reached a lot of people. If I win it will be my greatest election victory since, well, my last one.

[url=]LINK[/url](link is external)

Intresting reasons.

He sounds like another Michael Moore

"Andoverpolo" wrote:
He sounds like another Michael Moore

I would not say so.

This fella actually can make tough decisions, and stands by his word instead of lambasting others.

Saying that, I am always suspicious of his reasons. At times he comes across as too much of a white knight...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Eh never trust a politician - but if they get the job done (and it sounds like u r saying he does) then u might as well throw them their bone and keep electing them.

Moore just likes to cause trouble.

"Andoverpolo" wrote:
Eh never trust a politician - but if they get the job done (and it sounds like u r saying he does) then u might as well throw them their bone and keep electing them.

Moore just likes to cause trouble.

true, true.

He stood against saddam when the UK was in favour of him.

He praised him (very idiotic of him) to his face just before Gulf War 1. Then he campaigned for the Iraqi's when the UK at large had forgotten them.

He could have been like to others, bid his time... and he is pretty clever... he could be pretty high up the establishment if he played ball...

That is in favour of him.

Against him? well he MUST have some sort of ulterior motive...

Maybe its just his conscience... wait: do politicians have consciences?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Of course politicians have consciences!!!

They are always for sale too.

"Andoverpolo" wrote:
Of course politicians have consciences!!!

They are always for sale too.


Its like the extras in cars then? just used to raise the price at above inflatory rates...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
"Andoverpolo" wrote:
Of course politicians have consciences!!!

They are always for sale too.


Its like the extras in cars then? just used to raise the price at above inflatory rates...

lol basically


i was watching a bit of BB today and George Galloway, Faria Alam, and these two other ladies were discussing religion...they were talking about Bhuddism..

Galloway kept emphasising, so who is your God, who created the world.... then all of a sudden he said :
LA ILLA HA ILLA LLAH with a big smile...
and Faria Alam said Muhammad ur rasullallah...

so is George a Muslim?



"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

i was watching a bit of BB today and George Galloway, Faria Alam, and these two other ladies were discussing religion...they were talking about Bhuddism..

Galloway kept emphasising, so who is your God, who created the world.... then all of a sudden he said :
LA ILLA HA ILLA LLAH with a big smile...
and Faria Alam said Muhammad ur rasullallah...

so is George a Muslim?


:shock: Biggrin
well he always says 'Bismillah' at the beginning of his speeches, and i've been to a couple.

i wish i cud see that - no1 ansered my Qs - are there any BB clips available on the net?

