Mashallah-My Scholar Is SO Fantastic!!

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I think they made that word up actually

If it really is a word it should be theosopher if anything...

But the greek words don't make any sense "religious wisdom" why not just say theologian, which means the exact same thing.

Don, ur post on the previous page was, as admin said, very well put.

"Don Karnage" wrote:
Out of curiosity what is with this Qadri fellow?

I've read up on him... sounds decent enough although far too Pakicentric to really grasp my intelligence.

But the man has a following that rivals major religions.

This is from his [url=]wikipedia[/url] article:

[i]"A man of extraordinary capabilities, Dr. Qadri is a gift of God. He is a theologian and a theosophist, a scientist and a spiritualist, a preacher and a reformer, a philosopher and a political thinker, a thunder among the forces of evil and exploitation and a mild breeze in the minds of mankind. And above all he is the animating heartbeat of hundreds of thousands of people around the World."[/i]


[i]"As such Professor Qadri emerges as a person of destiny with his learned instruction and creative interpretation of Islam providing refreshing perspectives of the role of Islam in the contemporary World. Unfortunately, in the past several decades, the universality of Islam has been obscured by stereotyped conservatism. Dr. Qadri with his progressive ideas and better contemporary World vision is performing an important role in the renaissance of Islam. Without doubt, he is a refreshing tide in humanity."[/i]

And if you think that's great - you should see him walk on water!

I'm not sure if this is a joke but under the heading "Human Rights Activist" all it says is this: [i]"He is great human rights activist."[/i]

I mean... sounds like a nice enough fellow but God's gift to human kind - a predestined tide of humanity, thundering the "forces of evil" and personally animating the heartbeats of several thousand people might just be a wee bit overboard.

:? not so surprisingly, there's a wikipedia note at the top saying 'The neutrality of this article is disputed.' :roll: i wish they'd just give the name of the author.

i hadnt heard of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri before i came to this forum - neither has anyone in my family.


Yeah, very good post by Dave earlier.

I too had never heard about the Shaykh before I found Revival. But saying that, the people when i first came onto teh forum, who seem to propogate him all the time, infact gave me a bad opinion of him if anything as there character IMO was far from perfect. It was only due to other members who characters was much more admirable did i decide too look into him. There isn't a need to mention a scholar all the time, do it with ur character instead, because that where his word should really manifest itself.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


Well said.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


Yuits right…

Actions speak louder then words. Also, in many cases the behavior/beliefs of a teacher one thinks highly off is usually reflected in ones character.

A teacher is like a mirror.

Personally, I think going OTT in praise is a cultural thing to me. The British are pretty reserved people (unlike the Americans)….so they’re not really used to gushing and going OTT in praise of someone.

I think that’s why when some of them come across OTT praise of another it makes them feel uncomfortable.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
The British are pretty reserved people


"Don Karnage" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
The British are pretty reserved people


Lol-That's a small part of our British culture. But other then football hooligans serioulsy we are reserved people.

lol isn't there a major in Beckham studies at Oxford?

"Don Karnage" wrote:
lol isn't there a major in Beckham studies at Oxford?

Beckhams popularity is not because of his skill on the football field but cos of the way his wife dresses him up…

"Don Karnage" wrote:
Beckham is married?!

Posh n Becks...doesnt that ring a bell?

She's an ex-spice girl.

"Don Karnage" wrote:
ohhh right forgot about her.

ur wierd sometimes Dave... seems like Spookville has gotten into you... Lol

and wot the heck, Beckham Studies at OXFORD?! no way. i'm positively sure thats not true!


"*DUST*" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
ohhh right forgot about her.

ur wierd sometimes Dave... seems like Spookville has gotten into you... Lol

and wot the heck, Beckham Studies at OXFORD?! no way. i'm positively sure thats not true!

lol I wouldn't doubt it's garbage - somebody side mentioned it somewhere.

And some stuff.


I'm unique.

That's different.

beckham studies not at oxford, but I think at one of the less . . . er. . . prestigius unis. Remember careers adviser joking abt it in school so must be taught somewhere. Sad. very very sad.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

lol so I didn't dream this up then

"Don Karnage" wrote:
lol so I didn't dream this up then

unfortunately no.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

You must be swelling with national pride right now.

lol. I am praying for the day when a revolution occurs in birmingham and the pakistani community establish a satellite state in this tiny island.

I shall fervently be praying for the inevitable revolution. Dave wanna join me? I shall make you an honorary member to the pakistani community and will give u a nice title, something like deputy secratary general of Med's Revolutionary Guard.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

cooool always wanted to be a high ranking officer in a guard.

I think ever since I got kicked out of the AF it's been a personal goal.

I'm in!

Vive le resistance!


we discuss the rest in private.

The enemy is clever, its net of spies vast and its cunning legendary.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I'll help anyone kick B'ham out of the UK!

It will give us less to be ashamed about!

After that break all diplomatic relations, and do not let the refugees into the UK from b'ham!

a perfect solution?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I have a top secret Order of Knights at my disposal.

I think old age is gettin to ya admin bruv.

What you meant to say is that you wont be able to control the tide of refugees and asylum seekers flooding into the city walls of Birminghamistan to reach the paradise that will be under my administration.

I am already setting up institutions to cope with the poor widows, orphans and teenage mothers that will be making hijra to my utopian city state.

InshaALLAH within a few weeks our disciples will instigate rebellions in Manchester and Bradford. By the end of that momentous year there will no longer be a united kingdom but rather an island divided into city states with me, Med the Mad the Head-Ameer. I think Ill call myself Ameer ul Umaraa. Yes.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

My section is going to be a glorious minifascist tax evader state - sorta like Guernsey, except way cooler.

Everybody will drive clubcars and the only restaurants allowed will be sushi bars and cake shops.

And there will be large golf courses - along with the duty of each citizen to serve in the Army (like Switzerland) there will also be a similar "caddy" duty in which any citizen nearby has to put down whatever they are doing to caddy for me.

You will go to church on sunday or your golf privileges will be revoked - forever - and we will immediately build a gigantic wall 60 feet high around my golfdom.

I will take the title "Chairman Dave" and the whole state will be run by a board of directors made up of the majority shareholders.

The only way you can buy shares is by caddying for me (well).

Yes sir - this is gonna be AWESOME!

"Don Karnage" wrote:
My section is going to be a glorious minifascist tax evader state - sorta like Guernsey, except way cooler.

Everybody will drive clubcars and the only restaurants allowed will be sushi bars and cake shops.

And there will be large golf courses - along with the duty of each citizen to serve in the Army (like Switzerland) there will also be a similar "caddy" duty in which any citizen nearby has to put down whatever they are doing to caddy for me.

You will go to church on sunday or your golf privileges will be revoked - forever - and we will immediately build a gigantic wall 60 feet high around my golfdom.

I will take the title "Chairman Dave" and the whole state will be run by a board of directors made up of the majority shareholders.

The only way you can buy shares is by caddying for me (well).

Yes sir - this is gonna be AWESOME!

[size=9]dum.b american.

I make him an honorary pakistani and he still thinks like a white xian middle class american.


Yes Dave, ofcourse Im gonna let you have this level of power. And if any1 tells you that once I have established myself I am going to wipe out my leading generals in one fell swoop to ensure my unchallenged power and authority then they are lying.

Any1 who says there will be a Holy Inquisition type of hunt for all deviants, innovaters and midgets is lying.

[size=7]hope he believed me, hehehe[/size]

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

How [i]dare[/i] you imply I still think i'm a white middle class christian!

For your information i've never been middle class!

It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi.

wait ... This isn't my life! Someone else's life is flashing in front of my eyes!

And what's wrong with my utopia?!?!!!

"Don Karnage" wrote:
How [i]dare[/i] you imply I still think i'm a white middle class christian!

For your information i've never been middle class!

It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi.

wait ... This isn't my life! Someone else's life is flashing in front of my eyes!

And what's wrong with my utopia?!?!!!

Dave. You really do crack me up bruv.

May ALLAH make your face shine, grant you a place in the highest paradise and make you amongst His most chosen servants. ameen

PS your golf comments gave u away.

Your utopia? Your version of hell more like.

I think you are forgetting I am a narrowminded religious hardliner who hates everything and everyone that isnt me! Hence, I wont be tolerating golf courses or churches or the like. No the churches will be kept as churches until the xians have accepted the faith and will promptly be converted into mosques, the golf courses are evil. How dar you think of leaving vacant chunks of land with lil devils holes in, where the devil can hide?

My first act will be to fill the holes on the golf courses and second to turn them into graveyards for the vast amounts of martyrs I am hoping to sacrifice for my expansionist aims.

Aaaah, such beautiful ideas.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

No Churches and Golf Courses!!?

The UN commission on... on.... GOLF COURSES AND CHURCHES will hear of this!

That's a real commission too.

Don't check.

...because it's real.
