Mashallah-My Scholar Is SO Fantastic!!


What did you guys think when you read the title of this thread?

“Here she goes again”? “Puh-lease, he aint all that”? “I totally agree”

Or were you indifferent to the statement?

I’ve noticed that high praise of others put people off big time. Why is that? Is it jealousy? Is it due to general irritation or annoyance? Is it because people just generally can not stomach the praise of others?

Many times in life I’ve kept my mouth shut when I’ve wanted to praise someone in a gathering…but I haven’t because I knew that it would put people off.

Self praise is a totally different issue (Blameworthy issue in my opinion)…here I wish to discuss praise of others.

…Sufi’s say that the flatterer is ones worst enemy. Why? cos such a person is friends of his/her Nafs (ego)….However, there is a massive difference between empty flattery and genuine praise.

When the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) saw someone do something good, he would say “You did well”. He also said, “When a believer hears somebody praising him, his faith increases” not his pride.

In this way he is encouraged to do more for the sake of God.

Scholars distinguish this notion of praise from dishing out of empty flattery. One is encouraged to convey to someone that he has done a good job so that they do more.

…Another thing. Why are some against the praise of our Holy Prophet (saw)-whose name literally means the “Praised One”?

They quote sayings in which He Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) has said things such as “I am only a man like you”…failing to realise that such statements were said out of extreme humbleness and modesty of the exalted character of the Holy Prophet (saw).

And regarding praise…is it really annoying? Why DO people dislike the praise of others? Is it an ego thing? Is there a difference between “backslapping” and “praise”?

Is there something wrong with giving due praise when/where it is deserved? When our hearts feel tight and agitated when we hear of someone rightfully being praised…what does this say about us?

And how do we know that people genuinely like us when they praise us and are not just….well “kissing up”.

Share your thoughts…


“Puh-lease, he aint all that”

As always everyone can be good and bad. No scholar is an angel. They may be really really good, and may be perfect for some people, but they do make mistakes, and will not be perfect for others.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
“Puh-lease, he aint all that”

As always everyone can be good and bad. No scholar is an angel. They may be really really good, and may be perfect for some people, but they do make mistakes, and will not be perfect for others.

Your entitled to your opinion. However, so is the person who dishes out praise when he/she feels it is due.

My main question of this thread was, why do some find the praise of others hard to stomach. Is it only because they feel that it is undeserved?

its probably because of difference of opinion about the one being praised

"muslim_kuri" wrote:
its probably because of difference of opinion about the one being praised

Possibly. But why is it difficult for some to accept, tolerate and ignore the difference of opinion.

If I didnt agree with the praise of someone...I'd ignore. I wouldnt get angry or attack the one being praised.

Its wrong because...I don't even praise certain people in my life anymore. Simply and only because if I mention their names they'll get attacked. Its sometimes safer if I keep my admiration to myself.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
“Puh-lease, he aint all that”

As always everyone can be good and bad. No scholar is an angel. They may be really really good, and may be perfect for some people, but they do make mistakes, and will not be perfect for others.

Your entitled to your opinion. However, so is the person who dishes out praise when he/she feels it is due.

My main question of this thread was, why do some find the praise of others hard to stomach. Is it only because they feel that it is undeserved?

Hey I meant in general if anyone says that. Not talking about 'your' fave scholar! That is why when anyone praises their scholars, I stay neutral, and try not to mention anything positive or negative. Just agree for the sae of it.

At the end of the day, I myself am not fit to judge others so why should I?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I agree with never attacking anothers scholar. Silence is a virtue, and it stops alot of disunity.

(can I change my vote to indifferent? its a mixture really...)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Its wrong because...I don't even praise certain people in my life anymore. Simply and only because if I mention their names they'll get attacked. Its sometimes safer if I keep my admiration to myself.

i agree - it is really sad

i dont understand people who get angry about it because i would just ignore it 2 if i didnt agree with the praise being given - ppl judge others 2 much nowadays and jealousy is a bad bad thing

"Admin" wrote:

Hey I meant in general if anyone says that. Not talking about 'your' fave scholar! That is why when anyone praises their scholars, I stay neutral, and try not to mention anything positive or negative. Just agree for the sae of it.

At the end of the day, I myself am not fit to judge others so why should I?

Saying "Puh-lease, he aint all that" is not remaining neutral.

Lol-Of course you can change your vote. Indifference is the best option is one disagrees.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
If I didnt agree with the praise of someone...I'd ignore. I wouldnt get angry or attack the one being praised.

I think that some people just can't restraint themselves from making their views known.

It's a shame when that happens, as Admin said "silence is a virtue".


"muslim_kuri" wrote:
its probably because of difference of opinion about the one being praised


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

“I totally agree”

When i hear someone Praise anyone, especially a scholor, its obvious the person feels passionatly about a learned person. N my view duznt matter, becuz I dunt wanna offend the person praising.

So in that case i always stay neutral, or infact i agree. Becuz watever a scholor may beleve,n whether u beleve the samething or not, the scholor has devoted his whole life to Islam, and i have to respect that atleast.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

Good topic.

I have notice that some members do refer fewer things back to their shaykh then they first used to when they were on the forum. However i don 't think this is necessary a bad thing. The thing is when people refer everything back to their shaykh, i sometime wonder about them and what they really think. I personally much prefer hearing the opinion of the individual, no matter how heavily influence they are by their Shaykh. But I would never make a big deal of it, if they did decide to always mention their scholar.

Praising people, i only try to praise someone when I think they need it, personally i hold back on praising people to the extent that i think they deserve, because it unnecessary and may cause more problems. But when people see other being praise it does have a adverse effect on some people, it could be jealousy i don't know. only that individual will know.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:
. But when people see other being praise it does have a adverse effect on some people, it could be jealousy i don't know. only that individual will know.

I've seen people blow up when they hear the praise of others-if it aint jealousy then what else is it?

The throne of ALLAH shakes when an evil doer is praised.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
The throne of ALLAH shakes when an evil doer is praised.

Where do you quote this from? Or did you make it up?

Not tryna b funny bro, juswanna kno if its true.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

I do not have reference to hand, plus I didnt quote it as such, I mentioned it.

If I can find the reference inshaALLAH it will be forthcoming.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
The throne of ALLAH shakes when an evil doer is praised.

who decides who is an evil doer?

According to SOME shia (not ALL of them :roll: ) they are anti some of the Sahaba-sunni's disagree

Point being is that any Tom, Dick and Med can not decide who is a evil doer

LilSis stick to topic. No1 said who is an evil doer and who is good doer. Plz engage ur brain, it will help to create understanding.


actually the ithna ashariyya are not anti SOME of Sahabah, they are anti ALL Sahabah save three: Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidina Salmaan, Sayyidina Abu Dar radhiyallahu anhum ajmaeen. The remaining Sahabah according to Shi'tes became renegade and apostate, astaghfirullah.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

i feel it is a beautiful thing to praise the one who praises Allah and His Rasool (pbuh)

praise in other matters if it is sincere then no one can argue

of course false praise is deplorable

receiving praise is always embarrassing and if i get any i cant help but think it is undeserved, although i do praise others alot myself when i see them doing good things and i cant help but see many people doing good things so i praise abundantly - i cant help it

on this forum i've seen a lot of good things and i keep wanting to chip in and praise the people but then i force myself to stop mainly because it could be embarrassing for them as it is for me

Yesterday I asked med not to bring others into topics. He has followed my request.

I asked him not to involve shias in everything, and to only discuss them in a topic discussing them. So can everyone else do the same.

This means I am asking everyone to try a bit more to stick to the topic.

Back on topic; I see it as harmful in criticising anyone who someone else praises. If asked, then speak.

I find people to big up their man a bit too much. That is a personal flaw in me. The person has seen the lght, and I should be more supportive.

And criticising is very easy. Its offering solutions that is hard, and what separates the armchair critics from the leaders.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

Back on topic; I see it as harmful in criticising anyone who someone else praises. If asked, then speak.

I find people to big up their man a bit too much. That is a personal flaw in me. The person has seen the lght, and I should be more supportive.


I agree with you..criticizing someone that another thinks highly off is just asking for trouble..

And anyway, one would never lose out if they held a positive opinion about someone and they were proved wrong…

Btw, what do you mean by “big up their man”? Are you referring to ones “Man” or “Imam” or "Iman"... :?

If its the latter then it is wrong to ascribe purity to oneself.

both man and Imam. Not iman.

Its just some people are more influenced than others.

anyway I feel uncomfortable in this topic... its too general AND specific for a comfortable topic!

I understand why people praise some scholars, even if I do not agree.

I do not mind people always talking about 'their' scholar, and also using references from the scholar. What occasionally gets on my nerves is when people use this as an excuse not to think. On this forum, this hardly ever happens if it has happened.

But in real life, you meet people who think the word is like gospel. I bite my lip, as its not something that is my business.

However I am (naturally) unenthuiastic, and by such a degree that I think I can kill the enthusiasm in others aswell, so I have to be very careful in what I say and how I say it, adn how I react.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I know we are not supposed to mention names BUT . . .

I just have to say.

Immense Respect to Hadrat Ghazi Ilmud Deen Shaheed rahmatullahi alayh.

They got a movie based on his story on dm digital, and that reminded me of this great person.

Ghazi Shaheed was the one who killed the autor of Rangeela Rasool., Raj Pal Mal'oon.

May ALLAH grant us sons who are Ghazis. ameen.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

IS a ghazi not someone who fought in juhad, and lived? Is a shaheed not one who died? :?

(two wars?)

Since you saw the film, you better give us a story...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
IS a ghazi not someone who fought in juhad, and lived? Is a shaheed not one who died? :?

(two wars?)

Since you saw the film, you better give us a story...

I havent seen the entire movie, just saw that it was on.

Ghazi is a fighter, Shaheed is a martyr.

Basically in Lahore an accursed Hindu by the name of Raj Pal Mal'oon wrote a book entitled Rangeela Rasul which was abusive to Nabi MUHAMMAD SALALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM.

This man was imprisoned for 18 months and given a fine of 1000 rupees. The court gave this ruling on : 18 January 1927 .

Anyway after gaining his freedom he was eventually killed by Ilm Deen who became known famously as Ghazi Ilm ud Deen. This happened on : 6 April 1929. Hadrat Ghazi was not particularly religious or pious but His love for Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam constrained him to kill this dirty hindu.

Hadrat Ghazi Sahib was arrested and imprisoned. The Lahore High Court found him guilty and sentenced him to death on 17 July 1929. During his imprisonment people of high power and authority came to him telling him that if he wanted they could arrange for him to be freed. Hadrat Ghazi replied to the effect that since being in this prison cell not one night has passed in which Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam has not appeared to me in dream. I will never deny what I have done, and rather Hadrat Ghazi Sahib expressed fakhr over his actions.

Three months later the sentence was carried out in Mianwali jail. Contrary to practice, his body was released to the public after execution by British authorities. He was given a heroes burial and was honoured and became Ghazi Ilmud Deen Shaheed rahmatullahi alayh. I believe Hadrat was buried in Lahore.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Subhanallah 'Ilm Uddin Ghazi 'alyhi rahma was a true ashiq-e-rasul. I am sure I have heard fatwa quoted by one of the classical Hanafi texts which deems even showing disrespect to the Prophet salalahu'alyhi wasalams sandals is kufr.

I think the problem with praise for other people is that often people take it too far - acknowledging you respect a particular individuals outlook, principles, beliefs or what have you is much different than claiming they are "your" personal scholar - almost like you are some sort of disciple.

This might just be an exercise in self flagellation but it seems like people on the forum are very enthusiastic about Dr. Qadri, who i'm sure is a very intelligent, capable and well meaning [i]man[/i] but to differ to his words before careful consideration of a topic merely because of the respect you have for his work might be construed as surrenduring too much.

In my experience if there is one thing people are always looking to surrendur - it's their free will. They want to be told what is right, what direction North is - and hey if you are driving there they might as well hop on board too. When we come across these very articulate, well reasoned, intelligent and charitable people I think it can be very easy to be sucked into a constant state of deference to them.

So when somebody insults them or disagrees with them in less than respectful terms we often get a little miffed that they are disrespecting a way we might have chosen for ourselves - in this way we are more or less creating idols for ourselves. The idolatry comes not in the form of replacing God - but rather putting a "middle man" in between the personal relationship between you and God - a man, no less.

So praise is good - give credit where credit is due, "so and so seems to be savvy" but taking scholars for ones own or allowing one persons interpretation of God, religion, or religious texts to be the "middle man" for you and God is where praise goes too far - and interestingly enough when people do take this extra step they often are the quickest to anger over a vitriolic remark aimed at "their scholar."

The good in people is to be emulated - but there are no purely good people and the only one you should be following is God himself - since he's the only shephard that doesn't run the risk of getting lost.

very well said.

(and follow the Prophet (saw). He is the beacon of light illuminating the proverbial path!)

As always everyone should think for themselves.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Out of curiosity what is with this Qadri fellow?

I've read up on him... sounds decent enough although far too Pakicentric to really grasp my intelligence.

But the man has a following that rivals major religions.

This is from his [url=]wikipedia[/url] article:

[i]"A man of extraordinary capabilities, Dr. Qadri is a gift of God. He is a theologian and a theosophist, a scientist and a spiritualist, a preacher and a reformer, a philosopher and a political thinker, a thunder among the forces of evil and exploitation and a mild breeze in the minds of mankind. And above all he is the animating heartbeat of hundreds of thousands of people around the World."[/i]


[i]"As such Professor Qadri emerges as a person of destiny with his learned instruction and creative interpretation of Islam providing refreshing perspectives of the role of Islam in the contemporary World. Unfortunately, in the past several decades, the universality of Islam has been obscured by stereotyped conservatism. Dr. Qadri with his progressive ideas and better contemporary World vision is performing an important role in the renaissance of Islam. Without doubt, he is a refreshing tide in humanity."[/i]

And if you think that's great - you should see him walk on water!

I'm not sure if this is a joke but under the heading "Human Rights Activist" all it says is this: [i]"He is great human rights activist."[/i]

I mean... sounds like a nice enough fellow but God's gift to human kind - a predestined tide of humanity, thundering the "forces of evil" and personally animating the heartbeats of several thousand people might just be a wee bit overboard.

what is a theoposist?

look at his following, and it is positively huge.

During the last ten days of ramadan, people stay to worship at the mosque. Think of it as a ten day religious sleep over.

The biggest 'sleepovers' are in makkah and madinah, the two holy cities of Islam.

The next biggest is at his place.

He has achieved alot.

Very few people are neutral about him. Either they love him, or hate him.

I'll let someone else big him up though... not my job.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
