The Book and Speech Review Thread

[b]The Book and Speech Review Thread[/b]

This is a place for everyone to write reviews of books they've read, and speeches they've heard.

Whether you enjoyed it, or not, write your review on it.

Let people know what you think of the speech you heard, or the book you read. Give a brief insight on the jist (the direction) of the book or speech, and what its aiming to teach you.

Tell us what you thought of the author. or speaker, and whether you recommend their works.

Please only review religious or non-fictional works. No harry potter or shakespearian reviews please.

Good thread.

One of my favourite lecture is a spiritual discourse on "Love" by Sheikh Tahir- ul- Qadri.

Its about loving others and how ALL actions should be derived based on love.

In that speech the Shaikh said "The Arabic word for ‘Man’ is ‘Insan’. If we break this word down we obtain two definition; Uns (which means love) and Nisiyat (which means to forget).

This word reflects two human characteristics; to love and to forget. Therefore it is in a human’s nature to automatically love someone. When this love grows and expands an individual automatically only loves what his beloved desires, and hates whatever his beloved hates and forgets about everything and everyone else. An individual will forget about everything and everyone that will take him away from the remembrance of his beloved....

It is embedded in an individual’s fitrat (natural disposition) to love and have a close relationship with someone. However the Nafs-e-amara (ego) poses a serious attack on an individual and consequently makes one love himself and become self-conceited. The disastrous effect of loving ones self too much is that ones manners and behavior start to deteriorate and thus one starts to lack love, patience and compassion for others.

You can read the full speech [url=]here[...(link is external)

I'm currenty reading the Mathanawi of Mawlani Rami at the moment...I will try to review that later.

One will now review a book.

Book: Dear Beloved Son
Author: Iman Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali

[img][/img](link is external)

This book is fabulous. It was originally a reply to a letter sent to imam Ghazali from his student. Imam Ghazali then sent the student a reply, the reply is this book. It consists of about 50 pieces of advice given to the student, which are very relevent in today's society.

I have been recommended to read a bit of this book everyday by the scholars at MICS at Minhaj-ul-Quraan.

5 Stars

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Good thread.

Why Thank You

"MuslimSister" wrote:
I'm currenty reading the Mathanawi of Mawlani [b]Rami[/b] at the moment...I will try to review that later.

Rumi or Rami?

Im sure Mathnavi was the series of books of poems by Rumi.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

One is very finicky. But one will let it pass.

Yes one meant Rumi and the Mathanawi is a collection of poems and discourses.

"razor" wrote:

I have been recommended to read a bit of this book everyday by the scholars at MICS at Minhaj-ul-Quraan.

where can i buy that book from? as i will also be needing it

i recently watched a dvd lecture by Shaykh-ul-Islam Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri about the coming of Imam Mahdi (Rahmatullah alayhi)

Subhan'Allah it is 1 of the most powerful and great lectures that i have come across.

Shaykh-ul-Islam very beautifully talks about Imam Mahdi (RA) and Hazrat Isa (AS) about their coming in2 the world...the situation of the world at the time and then the coming of Dajjal and all the events that lead up to Qiyamaat. It is very informative and doesnt leave any doubt in ones mind about the future events that are going to take place.

Before that Shaykh-ul-Islam talks about the signs of Qiyamaat - the ones which have passed and the ones that we see taking place around us today. He mentioned all the fitnah of todays world (women caring more about fashion/style going out fully exposed etc....homosexuailty...negative media influence on youth etc etc..) and made clear that all these are signs of Qiyamaat and we should save ourselves from them.

My words just cannot do justice 2 the beautiful words of Shaykh-ul-Islam - this was just my humble attempt 2 put across the lecture 2 u and i definitely recommend it 2 everybody

"muslim_kuri" wrote:
"razor" wrote:

I have been recommended to read a bit of this book everyday by the scholars at MICS at Minhaj-ul-Quraan.

where can i buy that book from? as i will also be needing it

Any half decent islamic book shop should carry a few. If not look at any of the 3 islamic book shops on wimslow road ive seen them there.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

Ni Kuri that lecture by shaykh-ul-islam, is it in english or urdu? and where would one aquire the dvd?

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"razor" wrote:

Any half decent islamic book shop should carry a few. If not look at any of the 3 islamic book shops on wimslow road ive seen them there.

not familiar with wimslow road - il try the book shops in Bradford

"razor" wrote:
Ni Kuri that lecture by shaykh-ul-islam, is it in english or urdu? and where would one aquire the dvd?

its in Urdu - im sure u can get hold of it from any of the Minhaj-ul-Quran centres


Around three years ago a friend recommended the “Broken Chain by Aftab Ahmad Malik” to me. I read it during a time where it got to me that everyone I sat with was convinced that they are on the “right path” and were quick to condemn others as being “deviant and astray”….it got to me that people had to get personal with the people whom the didn’t agree with.

I’ve read it so much that it’s totally worn out. I would definitely say that its one of the best books I read.

It taught me the importance of being tolerant differences of opinion that exist in Islam. It taught me to respect ALL qualified scholarship-even if I don’t agree with a scholar.

It taught me that the differences of opinion that are shared by the Ummah are minor…however; we blow them out of proportion.

It taught me to get rid of the “them and us” mentality that we have with the non Muslims. And the consequence of perceiving them as the “dirty kufaar”. It taught me that even if people indulge in sectarian insults and convey intolerance towards other people’s beliefs…then one shouldn’t stoop to their level.

One quote from the book.

“Differences will occur amongst the scholars, but we must remember that these are people who had immersed their entire life and time in the study of Islam to a great depth so we should respect their scholarship. Inevitably people will align themselves to certain scholars and accept their opinions, which will then result in differences amongst common folk.

We are not scholars and thus should not act if we are.

Realising that differences will arise as each qualified scholar looks at an issue from a different perspective should mean that we be mature enough to put our differences aside rather then dismissing others as through our own ignorance as people who are astray and continue to construct barriers when we should be tearing then down”.

It’s a must read especially in light of the current attitude in today’s society.


Yeah i still need to read that book by Aftab Ahmad Malik. But i got a massive reading list currently, reading through books about the sahabi currently. But i found this website helpful where books are concern, I normally spend hours reading sections of book from here. Well worth having a look. is external)

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

Heard two brillant talks yesterday, the two latest one added to the Zaytuna Institute website, you might have to right click and save as.

[url=](link is external) Ethnic Jihad[/url]

[url=](link is external) Patience take courage[/url]

Both very good talks and very well constructed. Especially the second one. We definitely do live in a Me Myself and I society and the cure is definitely patience as the Shaykh said patience require consideration for teh feeling of others, which is rare today, in fact when people do practice it, people start suspecting them and their intentions, which does show you the time we living in. Anyway i don't want to go on about it too much, i muh prefer if people listen to it themelves and come too a conclusion on their own thinking.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)