Assalamu - Alaikum
I was just wonderin n before any1 gets the wrong idea this aint a personal
problem i just wana kno the answer to this thats all.
Anyways, the thing is what i wana kno is that when a guy o gal are married n den things aint working between the two for wateva reasons there are, is it permissable for either of them to talk to the opposite sex on the phone or meet up privately?
Im sure its not but iv heard wel sum1 told me that if a guy is interested in another gal whilst he is married n his marriage aint workin then he can 'Get to kno sum1 else'.
So i jus wana kno ur views on this dats all.
If the marriage is on the rocks and the guy or the girl is speaking and meeting up privately with members of the opposite sex…then that’s just asking for it.
Such a person would be feeling insecure, vulnerable, unloved and therefore would naturally WANT to feel appreciated…so if a member of the opposite sex is lending them a sympathetic ear…then there is a higher chance of something happening between them two.
If a marriage is on the rocks such behaviour will only make the matters worse.
Why can’t girls and boys find members of their own sex to chat about their problems to?
And if one is interested in someone else…he/she should get out of the marriage before pursuing someone else.
I'm guessing that its not permissable for a non related man to meet up with a non related woman. There has always got to be at least another person present,.
as for the phone,- quite difficult, but im guessing it'll be a similar type of thing,..?
I think he can, but again not in private,..
All I gotta say is that the guys gotta be very careful.
He gotta question his intentions.. (what exactly is getting to know?)
If he's not gonna tell his wife about the girl, then I personally believe its selfish of him to go behind her back and break her trust.
Also, the next girl he's meeting, she should know of his existing marriage, again it would be selfish of him to deceive her.
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I kno dat derz a greater risk of sumthin happenin if the opposite sex is showin sympathy but
wat if the guy o gal were actually interested in dat opposite sex n
marriage was discused
can dey stil marry whilst they're married to their first?
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What your describing is an affair? :?
And if a guy or girl married again behind their partners can the first marraige survive?
in islamic law yes, in british law no.
then again there's no rule against adultery in british law.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
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Some say that the husband doesn’t need the permission of the first wife to marry again. Some say that he does. There is a difference of opinion regarding this.
However, personally I couldn’t stay with man who got to know and married another woman behind my back.
Some women can take such deceit. Others can’t.
I believe it comes down to intentions and ones situation..
There isn't a clear consensus on the issue because there are infinate types of scenarios that can take place in marriage.
If the guy intends to marry again with a neighbour, then I'm sure it will be fard upon him to inform his existing wife about her... need i explain why?
now, if the guys existing wife is mentally ill, then I do not believe it would be fard in this situation..
if the guys existing wife cannot bear children.. then I very much doubt he needs the wife permission.
another example is of the sahaba ikram who went to foreign lands, it was permissable up them to marry again.
I reckon if anyone considers it, they should think carefully before they do it. It is advisable by all, that the existing wife should be informed and her permission should be seeked.
But before anyone does it, they should consult a scholar or an Imam, and talk they're problem through inshAllah..
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
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One step, Two step,
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Ok I get wat u mean but
wat if elderly memebers already tried to pacify the situation n get the two togeva again but it didn work does dat mean in Islamic law that the gal o guy make a decision on their own.
The thing regardin lettin the wife kno if da guy wants to marry again
wat if da wife dnt love him n dnt want him 2 get married can he stil get a divorce widout offendin his previous wifes feelins?
Learn To Love The People Who Are Willing To Love You At Present. Forget The People In The Past & Thank Them For Hurting You, Which Lead You To Love The People You Have Right Now..
husband and wife shouldnt do stuff behind each others back
many guys claim that they couldnt hack even the thought of their wife being friendly with someone else
many girls feel the same way
if the marraige aint working then a person should end it-
its wrong to get up to adultrous activities
what kind of an evil woman dont love her husband but also dont want him to marry again
he shud just end it
what the :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
what bits so shocking?
" the gal o guy make a decision on their own"..
the girl cant marry again whilst currently in a marriage. but the guy can. I think all agrees on that?
divorce, both the guy and girl have the right to.. but they gotta try and fix it before it comes to it.. , i.e. trying advise from elders, scholars, doctors..
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
this scenario
and the last one
and the one before
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
the idea that some people think its OK to mess around with other people behind their partners back?
aw go-osh this is so wrong... :?
Like many have mentioned before speakin to someone else from the opposite esp. someone whom you like and want to marry will have fatal consequences for your current marriage and frankly i think that is the most stupiest thing someone can do, how can you talk to someone else about marriage when you aren't willing to work out somethin to make your current marriage successful?
The best thing is to avoid anyone from the opposite sex, talk to you friends who are of the same sex and talkin to someone of the opposite sex whilst married is just askin for trouble, its only natural for a husband/wife to feel jealous.
Lastly from what i heard a guy askin his wife if he can marry another girl has difference of opnion in regards to the school of thought you follow. I personally think out of courteousy a guy should ask. Guys nowadays wont be able to keep one wife happy let alone two, three or four!
Is it me... or do you people come out with the most obvious of scenarios. Any normal minded person would realise that this situation is plain wrong... wrong wrong wrong. How could it ever, possibly, remotely be considered right. Theres nothing right about it.
FACT 1: One of them is married and therefore they have a responsibilty to keep themself for their partner and no one else (regardless of circumstances).
FACT 2: Just bcoz you've had one arguement doesnt make the marriage a failure. Marriage takes work.
FACT 3: Playing away from home and then saying "We were on a break" will not suffice.
Anyone doing this clearly has a lack of self control not to mention trust issues.
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If its so bad that the individuals needs to see someone else... get a divorce.
Adultery is not allowed. All paths that may lead to it are also banned.
So secret get togethers are a definite no no.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
xactly... either act like a married couple or divorce.
[color=green]do or do not... there is no try.[/color]
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