Hijabed Up AND Fashionable

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The sort of celestial garments that would force men to wish their wives also dress in such a way.

The reverential dress that would make her stand out high in esteem.

She would dress in a way that would compel good men to get up in respect.

The type of seraphic fashion that would make even the bad boys lower their heads in awe.


ur a very good writer OmroW

I've evn stopped attacking you these days-ur not worthy of my wrath any longer :shock:

"Omrow" wrote:

The type of seraphic fashion that would make even the bad boys lower their heads in awe.

yep thats the beauty of the true hijab Biggrin


In summer, I tend to go to the parks with my friends. We sit on the grass and chat for hours and watch the sun do down.

Whenever I see a woman passing us wearing such divine clothes, I can't help but rise on my feet.

She might be with her husband, or with her children. I simply get up to honour her.

My friends often wonder why I suddenly stand up in the middle of a chat.


"Omrow" wrote:

In summer, I tend to go to the parks with my friends. We sit on the grass and chat for hours and watch the sun do down.

Whenever I see a woman passing us wearing such divine clothes, I can't help but rise on my feet.

She might be with her husband, or with her children. I simply get up to honour her.

My friends often wonder why I suddenly stand up in the middle of a chat.


aww dat is soo sweet!!! [b][/b]

'LiFe iS a TeSt...Be SuRe 2 PaSs iT'

"Omrow" wrote:

My friends often wonder why I suddenly stand up in the middle of a chat.

can u blame them Lol



The author of this article "Observations on Hijab" is unknown.
It is however, thought to be written by a brother.
Funny as it is, there are a number of lessons to be learnt...

It has been my personal observation that some Muslim girls and women do not realise the significance of hijab. Hijab is Arabic for protection and cover. Some people put a lot of effort into their hijab, yet it serves no purpose. I am referring to the pointless hijab that some girls wear.

The first pointless hijab is referred to as the headband hijab. It is a band of fabric approximately 4 inches wide. It covers the back of the head and allows all the hair to be exposed. It doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but at least it comes in handy in case of an unexpected tennis match!

The second pointless hijab is the dupatta, also known as the Saran wrap hijab. It covers all the hair, but it is totally transparent. Again it doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but it keeps the hair nice and fresh!

The third type of hijab is known as the Micky Mouse Hijab. It is when a girl wears a black scarf and tucks it behind her ear, so that her ears stick out!

We now move on to my favourites - the yo-yo hijabs
The first yo-yo hijab is the scarf that keeps falling down and needs to be constantly pulled back up.... up, down, up, down, just like a yo-yo!

The second yo-yo hijab is also referred to as the convertibe hijab. This type of hijab is predominant at any type of social event, i.e. an Aqeeqah, Bismillah party, Ameen party, wedding, etc. This is when an Imam or Qari comes up to the microphone and starts to recite Qur'an. At this point, all the convertible hijabs come up... until he says "SadaqAllahu Atheem." I'm not sure, but apparently in some cultures that translates to "OK sisters, you may take off your scarves."

I'm sure this may seem odd, but what's even funnier is when people do not anticipate the recitation of Qur'an at a social event, and are forced to be creative and use accessories such as a purse to cover one's hair. I was surprized to see a woman hold her purse over her head as "hijab"... as if the multitudes of men surrounding her are not a good enough reason to wear hijab, but some guy reciting du'a compels her to hold a purse over her head. Her friends were more creative... one friend used her dinner napkin. I was also laughing when i saw the communal hijab- two or more girls dropped under one dinner napkin during the recitation of Qur'an. Her other friend was still more creative. She used her coffee saucer on the back of her head. I wasn't sure of it was hijab or Yamaka. I didn't know if she was a Muslim or a Jew. I felt like going up to her and saying "Shalom alaikum, sister."

And, people should remember that hijab is not just a protection from guys, but from a girls' nafs (ego) as well. It should prevent girls from having to spend hours in front of the mirror doing her hair. But, unfortunately, you see girls in front of the mirror for hours doing their hijab as they would do their hair, with all sorts of elaborate braids and the like. I wanted to go up to a sister and say "Is your hijab naturally curly?" I also felt compelled to go up to another girl and say "Pardon me, but is your hijab naturally that colour, or did you dye it"?

Well the point is that some people make an effort to wear hijab, but it is futile, because it is not fulfilling its purpose. It's like using an umbrella with holes in it. Hijab is used for protection from guys as well as from the girl herself, and should not be used as an accessory or for beautifying one's self.

Any way, that's it. If any one disagrees with me or is offended, then you are disagreeing with the teachings of Allah Subhaanuhu wa Ta'ala.

LOL Saadia that was funny....

I read something like that in some what magazine.....

i at one point would class my-self guilty ...

could U link that if poss

Always thght Omrow had a way with words, just didn't wana give him an ego so i never mentioned it. But wow he's quite the gentleman aswell may Allah bless the brother Smile

i dont believe him

how many hijaabi's must walk post him n manchester

and how many times must he have to stand up

Messed-up advertising there: this shampoo will get you a man even though your hair is covered. :?

Looks South-East Asian. Prob Malaysian.

what i dont get is what does that advert have to do with the shampoo?

usually after "shampoo-ing" the girl gets lushious locks and men falling at her feet

but this girl had her head covered

it was more a love story then anything else

"Beast" wrote:
Messed-up advertising there: this shampoo will get you a man even though your hair is covered. :?

Looks South-East Asian. Prob Malaysian.

yeh and its a total mockery of hijab. :roll:

i recognised the lang, pretty sure its malay.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


that clip was funny.......advertising shampoo, such a kinky way

looked like a paki kinda advertisement

omg is that a short luurve movie or a 60 second ad hahahhaha.

Maybe foreign but it's sooo American one word "corny"! Lol

You can't advertise shampoo with a hijab on, so don't try. The proofs in the pudding and sister we can't see your hair lol

Girl meets boy, girl and boy flirt over books in the library. But girl is so modest may God bless her, she always ensures her head is covered. Nevermind the alluring glances, or the shower scene, yes sister we saw you lathering your hair in a really unbecoming fashion lool

This is not hijab it's the evil sunsilk shampoo keep your daughters away from it, it can corrupt Wink

i wouldn't normally promote this but it's a must see. Shows how excessive fashion can ruin the entire concept of the hijab. That shallow gal who said she had to wear the hijab coz everyone else was, she can't be left out gota love her ahahahahah: She's the hollywood bimbo, muslim darrrling looool

and the one wid the... i like her she's so deadly gota luv her, i won't spoil it, check it out:


Ironically they still manage to put across some good points, they're not a bad bunch of sisters at heart.

i watched that video ages ago

i remember thinking how cool that sis looked with a fag :shock:

but serioulsy-that video just shows how DIVERSE hijaabi's are

the sis with the fag is the one i like best. but not coz of the ciggy. She looks kinder stern, sophisticated, very confident in a very cool way don't mess with her she could kill you with one viscious stare. Dirol

hey guys u do know those girls are role-playing/acting right? they're trying to portray the diversity of hijaabis as lilsis pointed out... and yea yash i agree, the one in the black hijaab was cool, if only she didnt have that cig in her hand... :roll: :?

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

The one with the abaya and the heavy black eye shadow is kinda freakin me out :shock:

[color=blue][b]Asalamu alaikum!

As this is the hijab thread i thought id post this article about hijabs, i found quiet good but also funny :lol:[/b][/color]

[color=green][b]HILARIOUS HIJABS

The author of this article "Observations on Hijab" is unknown.
It is however, thought to be written by a brother.
Funny as it is, there are a number of lessons to be learnt...

It has been my personal observation that some Muslim girls and women do not realise the significance of hijab. Hijab is Arabic for protection and cover. Some people put a lot of effort into their hijab, yet it serves no purpose. I am referring to the pointless hijab that some girls wear.

The first pointless hijab is referred to as the headband hijab. It is a band of fabric approximately 4 inches wide. It covers the back of the head and allows all the hair to be exposed. It doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but at least it comes in handy in case of an unexpected tennis match!

The second pointless hijab is the dupatta, also known as the Saran wrap hijab. It covers all the hair, but it is totally transparent. Again it doesn't serve much in terms of modesty, but it keeps the hair nice and fresh!

The third type of hijab is known as the Micky Mouse Hijab. It is when a girl wears a black scarf and tucks it behind her ear, so that her ears stick out!

We now move on to my favourites - the yo-yo hijabs:
The first yo-yo hijab is the scarf that keeps falling down and needs to be constantly pulled back up.... up, down, up, down, just like a yo-yo!

The second yo-yo hijab is also referred to as the convertibe hijab. This type of hijab is predominant at any type of social event, i.e. an Aqeeqah, Bismillah party, Ameen party, wedding, etc. This is when an Imam or Qari comes up to the microphone and starts to recite Qur'an. At this point, all the convertible hijabs come up... until he says "SadaqAllahu Atheem." I'm not sure, but apparently in some cultures that translates to "OK sisters, you may take off your scarves."

I'm sure this may seem odd, but what's even funnier is when people do not anticipate the recitation of Qur'an at a social event, and are forced to be creative and use accessories such as a purse to cover one's hair. I was surprized to see a woman hold her purse over her head as "hijab"... as if the multitudes of men surrounding her are not a good enough reason to wear hijab, but some guy reciting du'a compels her to hold a purse over her head. Her friends were more creative... one friend used her dinner napkin. I was also laughing when i saw the communal hijab- two or more girls dropped under one dinner napkin during the recitation of Qur'an. Her other friend was still more creative. She used her coffee saucer on the back of her head. I wasn't sure of it was hijab or Yamaka. I didn't know if she was a Muslim or a Jew. I felt like going up to her and saying "Shalom alaikum, sister."

And, people should remember that hijab is not just a protection from guys, but from a girls' nafs (ego) as well. It should prevent girls from having to spend hours in front of the mirror doing her hair. But, unfortunately, you see girls in front of the mirror for hours doing their hijab as they would do their hair, with all sorts of elaborate braids and the like. I wanted to go up to a sister and say "Is your hijab naturally curly?" I also felt compelled to go up to another girl and say "Pardon me, but is your hijab naturally that colour, or did you dye it"?

Well the point is that some people make an effort to wear hijab, but it is futile, because it is not fulfilling its purpose. It's like using an umbrella with holes in it. Hijab is used for protection from guys as well as from the girl herself, and should not be used as an accessory or for beautifying one's self.

Any way, that's it. If any one disagrees with me or is offended, then you are disagreeing with the teachings of Allah Subhaanuhu wa Ta'ala. [/b][/color]

"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"

"Augustus" wrote:
The one with the abaya and the heavy black eye shadow is kinda freakin me out :shock:

lol..........she talked the most sense respect to her. The fashion concious one was so der, 'u know look at me', whateva :roll: the one smoking the fag was cool .

"naj" wrote:
the one smoking the fag was cool .

lol that's a hate crime over here

and why are you lot all obsessing over cigarettes? Not seen those 'ads' I must admit... but everyone saying smoking is cool is disconcerting.

The things stink.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Yea stinks but what...

i dunno seeing lads smoke is what normal.....na that girl in th hijaab looked cool some what different...not just that the kinda attitude look.

I'm done wiv my hide an smoke days.

"Augustus" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
the one smoking the fag was cool .

lol that's a hate crime over here

your end Y?

That's a pretty disgusting habit... dunno why or even how some people get into it.

If I wanted tar in my mouth I would lick route 66.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Augustus" wrote:
That's a pretty disgusting habit... dunno why or even how some people get into it.

If I wanted tar in my mouth I would lick route 66.

lol yea rite....

yea i know its disgusting, but i dont generally have a problem wiv people smoking as i like inhaling it....Yea im weird...

but talking of health problems that where im done bout it.
