Hijabed Up AND Fashionable

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"yuit" wrote:
The idea of hijab, tight clothes, full makeup too me kind of contradict the idea of the main principle of hijab and modesty.

I agree with that^^

but thats not what we are discussing

argument is basically-whats wrong with a pretty scarf and nice MODEST clothes

hijaab does not neccesarily mean be cloaked in black from head to foot

Assalamu Alaikum,

The headscarf and jilbab are in theory supposed to conceal and cover our "adornments" our "beauty". Supposing we follow this criteria does it mean we're dowdy and out of touch with seasonal fashion concepts? I don't think so. We can keep up with the recent fashions in clothing jewellery, make-up etc, but as these are things that "beautify" us they should remain concealed beneath our jilbabs and headscarfs. They aren't supposed to be revealed to anyone except our mahram. I wear pretty clothes, both asian and western. I wear make up once in a blue moon. I am very aware of what the latest fashions are. But i don't need to display this to the world to validate it.

Who says a plain black or earthtone headscarf and jilbab is unfashionable? Aren't girls in particular slaves to the western fashion industry? They dictate what fashion is, and we use their guidlines to decide what's "in" and what's "out." That's the problem with us. Why can't we embrace the concept of beauty as dictated by Islam. A dark blue headscarf with a matching dark blue jilbab is by no means ugly or unfashionable. It's modest, and can be smart and professional looking. It may not beautiful by the standards of vogue magazine but it is by the standards of the Quran. I mean why do sisters think women in black, blue, brown, camel, grey, silver plain hijabs are ugly. And respectively girls who wear every colour under the rainbow are some how automatically deemed"fashionably superior"? I think these sisters need to change their attitudes on "beauty" that's where the problem is. This will take decades, especially for those of us born in the west, cultured into western ideas of beauty.

So personally i think headscarfs and jilbabs that are heavily embroidered, jewelled, sequined, cut out in stencil like appearance on the arms to reveal wrists, and long splits that can reveal the ankles etc are fashion accessories. They've obviously been designed to accenuate the woman's beauty. They are fashion concepts. As a result i think these sorts of jilbabs become housedresses, or garments to be worn beneath the more sober looking jilbab. And the headscarfs are more suitable amongst mahram.

That's my view. When i first began experimenting with the hijab I went through this phase where i wore these sorts of headscarfs. But then i found myself becoming obssessed with matching my headscarf with my accessories, and skirts and tops. I felt like i was losing sight of what the hijab was. Also i received attention from men that i despised, because i presumed men would lose interest as soon as i donned the hijab. At first i blamed them. But later i realised wearing jazzy hijabs was doing me no favours. They may have been modest according to my standards but as far as men were concerned it wasn't.. I changed over to plain black, or dark blue headscarfs and jilbabs, and almost immediately i felt like i no longer existed. Men didn't even acknowledge me. Some may say this is not a nice place to be. But I felt like i had achieved the desired effect. I don't want to be an object for men to look at. One purpose of the hijab is to desexualise women. We're not objects for strange men to salivate over. Our beauty and sexuality is preserved for our husbands not for public consumption. The so called ugly hijab serves it's purpose to this effect, so how can any muslim say it's ugly?

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
The idea of hijab, tight clothes, full makeup too me kind of contradict the idea of the main principle of hijab and modesty.

I agree with that^^

but thats not what we are discussing

I thought we were talking about fashionable in the western concept. The last time i saw, nice modest clothes didn't fill that requirement.

Anyway the good post by Yash, is what i was getting at.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


good post yashmaki ^^^^

Personally at the momemnt i only wear black, beige (my fav) or navy blue. Sis-in-laws persuaded me to match my hijab with my clothes but i felt that it didnt look right.

In comparison to the current trends in asian clothes i tend to wear very plain clothes (anything with sequins in my book is a bit "flashy"). i kinda stick out cos sis-in-laws/cousins wear the bright colours and im wearing the more sober ones. But was like this even before i started to wear the hijab.

I guess everyone is different but sometimes it can be hard to draw the line at what is modest and what isnt eg does wearing a "pretty" hijab/jilbab draw attention? if so does it defeat the purpose of hijab?

you can match your headscarf with your jilbab sister it's allowed lol. Every colour of headscarf goes with a black jilbab anyway Smile

"yuit" wrote:

I thought we were talking about fashionable in the western concept. The last time i saw, nice modest clothes didn't fill that requirement.


no i wasnt talking about it in the western concept

western concept= skin tight or showing skin

why cant nice modest clothes look fashionable?

I'm not chatting about sequines or loud colours either

my Q is-why cant a long skirt, with a long top and matching scarf and purse look modest and fashiobale at the same time?

IMO it can

That fair point, but when people get too caught up with the idea of being fashionable, in some case the idea of staying up to date with fashion make the concept of hijab secondary. This is something men suffer from as well, when they trying adapting something to today environment that the islamic perpective come second to their whim and desires.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


No one is saying you must look ugly. But forget fashion for a minute. Put fashion beneath your jilbab. Think of your jilbab as something that screens your beauty, fashion sense, individuality.

A long skirt with a long top and headscarf can look modest, many malay sisters wear this sort of thing.

But once you begin thinking this is in fashion at the moment, if i team it with my skirt surely it won't matter. i.e i saw a sister wearing a knee length tight skirt, with trousers on. But the way them short skirts are when you walk you're forced to sway your hips. So the sister was probably unaware that she was swaying her hips, albeit witha headscarf on. She screamed fashion to me more than modesty. Whether she is modest Allah knows best i'm not questioning that. I'm saying take a man looking at her walking like that, he's gona think anything but modesty, even though she had trousers on. She obviously wants to be modest and fashionable. I'm saying in all honesty the two can't be seen together in the public arena. If you want high fashion you have it at the cost of your modesty. Fashion should remain under the jilbab, or whatever loose garments you wear, because fashion almost always reveals your beauty and attracts unwanted attention from the opposite gender.

Obviously these are my own views i'm not passing any fatwa. just some issues you may wana think over as i once did.

"yashmaki" wrote:
you can match your headscarf with your jilbab sister it's allowed lol. Every colour of headscarf goes with a black jilbab anyway Smile

lol yeah i know that i just like to stick with black mainly.

i think with this 1, im kinda agreeing with Yuits 1st post,.........its kinda half n half

whilst theres nothing wrong with wearing nice lookin hijabs or trendy ones....the purpose is so as not to attract attention from the opposite sex, am i not right?

lookin nice n pretty and lookin OTT - theres a fine line

as long as you dont cross it, i suppose its ok

but i know one guy, he thinks hjiabi girls look more 'fit' these days Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


I think girls who wear skirts and scarfs look so pretty. I hope that one day when I become a better Muslim and start wearing a scarf I can be just like them.

I just love my long hair a bit too much. I always get complimented on it. I can't even bear to think about covering it. Cray 2

I used to be so dull untill a few months back, now i have matching scarves with my tops/trousers/skirts/salwar kameez etc. I love wearing different coloured scarves i love being able to wear nice colours. I aint a fan of bright colours that are sore to the eyes but i love baby pink and blue.

There aint nothin wrong with being hijabi, having matching outfits/accessories with your hijabs etc cuz it looks nice and presentable.

"Angel" wrote:
I used to be so dull untill a few months back, now i have matching scarves with my tops/trousers/skirts/salwar kameez etc. I love wearing different coloured scarves i love being able to wear nice colours. I aint a fan of bright colours that are sore to the eyes but i love baby pink and blue.

There aint nothin wrong with being hijabi, having matching outfits/accessories with your hijabs etc cuz it looks nice and presentable.

thats way cool angel

I only wear black hijaab-but I try to put colour in my jeans/top/coat etc

I dislike the morticia look-it makes me feel depressed

I do love pink though

never ever worn coloured hijaab outside

i ONLY wear black hijaab and jilbaab

i LOVE the colour black

blacks trendy enough

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

thats way cool angel

I only wear black hijaab-but I try to put colour in my jeans/top/coat etc

I dislike the morticia look-it makes me feel depressed

I do love pink though

the past few days i have been drawn back to black hijab lol....i duno i feel my mood represents the colour clothes/hijabs i wear, if i feel really down and cant be bothered wearin much make-up, i'll proly just wear a black hijab but if i wear blues/pinks then i am likely to add some make-up...duno maybe thats just me.

p..s Who "ulu" :evil:

its naj....

and 'ka patta' is med


The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Ramz" wrote:
I think girls who wear skirts and scarfs look so pretty. I hope that one day when I become a better Muslim and start wearing a scarf I can be just like them.

lol are you being sarcastic or something?

I didn't think skirts were proper for a muslimah.

Of course back home and at college the only muslim girls I know wear miniskirts all the time...

Just seems to be a non sequiter in light of covering your hair don't ya think?

lol....dave, i think....well, i hope!....they talkin about them long kinda skirts

not revealing in any sense

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.



silly snobby Dave :roll:

"Black Prince" wrote:
its naj....

and 'ka patta' is med


the link is so lame

salt n pepper would have sounded better and less offensive to them

"Black Prince" wrote:
lol....dave, i think....well, i hope!....they talkin about them long kinda skirts

not revealing in any sense

lol I forgot about long skirts.

They no longer exist here - especially back home.

Haven't for at least 10 years or so

[size=7]*Note: this is not a complaint[/size]

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I find it impossible to belive that in US girls dont wear stuff like [url=http://www.debenhams.com/jv/product_details_jv.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=8...

and [url=http://www.debenhams.com/jv/product_details_jv.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=8...

do u live on Mars?

lol you've never left your cute little island have you?

At that latitude it's a bit too hot. Besides those are dresses not skirts - of course girls wear dresses, but usually for more formal stuff.

The general look for the last five years is denim/khaki miniskirt and a tubetop. It's like the generic uniform.

"Don Karnage" wrote:

At that latitude it's a bit too hot. Besides those are dresses not skirts -

those are skirts Dave maybe not in America but they are here :roll:

"Angel" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

At that latitude it's a bit too hot. Besides those are dresses not skirts -

those are skirts Dave maybe not in America but they are here :roll:

Well who cares what you think!

"Don Karnage" wrote:

Well who cares what you think!

I dont care who cares and who deoesnt snoby Dave, i just like to point out when one is wrong

"Angel" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:

Well who cares what you think!

I dont care who cares and who deoesnt snoby Dave, i just like to point out when one is wrong


The opinion stands at 2-1 in my favor.

Ergo I won and you LOST.

So you're the snob

I am getting tired of callign everyone a snob.

Should I add ti to the banne dwords list?

and for fun, what should the word change to?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
I am getting tired of callign everyone a snob.

Should I add ti to the banne dwords list?

and for fun, what should the word change to?


And just for fun replace it with [b]"The Man"[/b]

Think of all the fun new words that would yield - like "[b]"The Man"[/b]ishness" or "[b]"The Man"[/b]by" or "[b]"The Man"[/b]bery"
