Good Things Come To Those Who Wait


Human nature desires instant gratification, only few people are prepared to wait, work hard or suffer temporary hardships to get results.

“Patience” (Sabr) is mentioned in the Qur’an almost 90 times.

Patience is needed in worshipping Allah (swt), abstaining from wrong and in the time of hardship.

Some people lack patience in certain things and are strong in others things e.g one may have plenty of patience to stand in prayer all night but no patience when it comes to lowering the gaze.

We’re all different…we all find some things easier to implement or avoid then others…..our level of patience is also different and we will be rewarded and punished accordingly. For example, the punishment of an old man who commits adultery, a rich man who steals and a poor man who is arrogant is more severe cos it’s easier for them to have Sabr and keep away from such actions.

If ones patience is stronger than his whims and desires then he is like an angel. But if his desire for food, drink etc is stronger then his patience and he gives in to carnal desires then he is no better than an animal.

Anyways, how patient are YOU?

Are you the type that when bad stuff happens you rant, rave and pull your hair out and FINALLY when you see no way out of your problem you resort to patience?

OR do you never get over stuff?

If you’re stuck in a queue of traffic, what do you do? Do you calmly accept the situation and wait for the traffic to clear, after all getting angry will not make the cars move any faster…. Do you get impatient and swear at those people who you think should never have been given a license?

Do you moan to everyone who would listen about your problems? (According to a scholar “patience means to refrain from complaining”).

How quickly do you accept situations that are not to your liking?

When do you find it easy to exercise patience and when do you find it difficult?

What’s YOUR definition of patience?

According to scholars patience is obligatory on us, so how would you strengthen your patience? What does Islam say about the virtues of Sabr?

Do you believe that good things come to those who wait?|

Share your thoughts…



Good things do not automatically come to those who wait. You have to do your bit.

You have to get off your butt and work for them.

Caliph Ali (d. 661 AD) once said:

" Patience is of two kinds: Patience over what hurts you, and patience against what you desire greatly."


"Omrow" wrote:

Good things do not automatically come to those who wait. You have to do your bit.

You have to get off your butt and work for them.

That depends on what context your talking about..

I was referring to patience in worshipping Allah (swt), abstaining from wrong and in the time of hardship.


Even Paradise does not come cheap.

You have to practically kill your evil self for it.


Good thread.

Too be honest i couldn't stress the importance of Sabr enough. I think everyone definitely need to have it, esepcially in their ibadah. But in life in general, it one quality I can't really stand in people which is inpatience. People who want everything to happen and at a certain time. I know many people who made rash decision based on a rush of blood, only to regret it later. Having the ability to analyse a situation is really important, because there are many lesson and opportunities to be had and learn. IMO to taste the sweetness of Imaan you have to be patience, because with it come appreciation.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:

. But in life in general, it one quality I can't really stand in people which is inpatience. People who want everything to happen and at a certain time. I know many people who made rash decision based on a rush of blood, only to regret it later. .


Also throwing a fit and showing impatience doesnt alter the situstion. Its a waste of energy as well...

And if sabr (patience) is practised in times of problems and adversities Allah (swt) will elevate our statuses and give us immeasurable rewards.

But this is something that is easy to talk about and hard to implement.

The Awliya's and Sufi's were famous for their high level of Sabr.


Why is it that women are often less patient than men.


You right, i think you can gain more and learn so much more by showing patience. It important part of development. You only have too look at people who try to grow up too quick and see the downfall in what they doing. I have a great deal of respect for people who show patience especially in difficult time, my heart warm too these people. It a rare quality in muslims today. Which is a pity.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"Omrow" wrote:

Why is it that women are often less patient than men.

I don't know. Maybe they're born with such dispositions ?

However, thankfully its easier for a woman to change herself... should she wish then it is for a man..

Women are a lot more adaptable then men.

"yuit" wrote:
I have a great deal of respect for people who show patience especially in difficult time, my heart warm too these people. It a rare quality in muslims today. Which is a pity.

It is very rare-your right.

However, like you said one automatically likes such individuals. I only know a handful of such people in my life..

My mum's one of them. Sometimes ones situation forces people to practise Sabr...which was the case with mum.

Guiness - Good things come to those who wait

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


good topic...

i can be very impatient...and when im impatient i tend to be mean to everyone even my mum, i argue alot end up with a headache and then my hair starts falling out...

i need people telling me why being patient is the best thing for 1, and once i get that in my now thick skull...i can start appreciating things in life..


Im quite patient in the sense that i dont kick up a fuss if things arent going smoothly, or if im denied something i'll just let it lie, i dont even bother to argue regardless of whether im right/wrong. But i have a problem that i wont forget things ie i find it difficult to get over stuff :oops:


"Fatima" wrote:
But i have a problem that i wont forget things ie i find it difficult to get over stuff :oops:

same ere...i take things to heart VERY easily

"Good Things Come To Those Who Wait"

is kinda another way of saying:

"You're gonna get what you deserve..." which always sounds like a threat for some reason.

"He who dares wins" is much more realistic.

But patience also has its virtues.

Back in BLACK

"m&m" wrote:
good topic...

i can be very impatient...and when im impatient i tend to be mean to everyone even my mum, i argue alot end up with a headache and then my hair starts falling out...

i need people telling me why being patient is the best thing for 1, and once i get that in my now thick skull...i can start appreciating things in life..

I'm very pateint with certain things

but VERY impatient with others things

I have no pateince for the one who finishes of the chocolate cake

my patience depends on the sitaution

why does ur hair fall out?

im patient in the sense that when my lil sis n bro are running around rioting around the house i can keep my cool but my other sisters really cant....the shouting/screaming starts and sometimes turns ugly!

me and my dad are the most patient ones in our fam...defo my dad (love him 4 it) :!:

"muslim_kuri" wrote:

me and my dad are the most patient ones in our fam...defo my dad (love him 4 it) :!:

yeh its tru

u cant help but love pateint people

(even when they infuriate u when they dont react)

but they are rare

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

why does ur hair fall out?

i believe its coz i stress to much

"muslim_kuri" wrote:

me and my dad are the most patient ones in our fam...defo my dad (love him 4 it) :!:

yea i LOVE my dad for being patient aswell, he never shows hes worried about himself...tells us everythings ok and manages to smile, never seen such a patient man.

"m&m" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

why does ur hair fall out?

i believe its coz i stress to much

i stress wayyyyyyy 2 much as well and my hair which used ta be really thick jus aint anymore! so yeh stress defo causes hair loss ppl :!:


When Allah (swt) wants to give someone a special blessing, and wants to elevate their status; He tests them with adversities and if they practice sabr in times of these difficulties their statuses are increased to such an extent that even a thousand years of worship could not achieve.

It was AFTER the sabr that Prophet Yusuf (as) showed (when he was released from prison after nine years for crime that he did not commit) that he was appointed king (or governor?) of Egypt.

The patience and perseverance demonstrated by Prophet Ayub (as) in the face of all suffering is proverbial and the best example for people of all times. He was made critically ill for 18 years but never complained..

There was this Sheikh who was famous for his Sabr…he had a rowdy wife and his mureeds (followers) was stunned at the way she behaved with him and couldn’t believe that he let her get away with it.

The Sheikh told his mureeds that if his wife wasn’t so difficult and frustrating to live with he wouldn’t have to practice sabr. Hence, it was through the difficult character of wife that he had received his high status.


Yes, some peoples fathers are extremely patient. They perhaps are in much difficulty and pain yet when a visitor enquires after their health they respond with such ease and comfort that one would expect they were completely well.

For such people their illness and maladies are a source of forgiveness, purification and a means of high reward inshaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"muslim_kuri" wrote:
"m&m" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

why does ur hair fall out?

i believe its coz i stress to much

i stress wayyyyyyy 2 much as well and my hair which used ta be really thick jus aint anymore! so yeh stress defo causes hair loss ppl :!:

u guys need to see the doctors

hair loss in common in women-its not always due to stress

sumtimes its due to diet or water or shampoo

i wish my hair was thicker-I blame the shampooo I use


Do not lose hope in adversity and complain that God singled you out for punishment, remitting others guilty of worse sins. Your present state could very well be His intent to elevate your spiritual station; or He could just be testing your faith. Every day that you persevere, you grow closer to perfection. Thus your present despair may well be the beginning of an infinite blessing...
Said the Great Saint, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Futhul Ghaib)

Wsalaam wr wb

i lost my patience and caused a lil arguement in the house yesterday

all coz i was starvin and hadnt ate, it was home from footy and every1 was eatin, and they didnt order for me

i was offered home cooked food......but i cant keep my cool when it comes to food :oops:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Black Prince" wrote:
i lost my patience and caused a lil arguement in the house yesterday

all coz i was starvin and hadnt ate, it was home from footy and every1 was eatin, and they didnt order for me

i was offered home cooked food......but i cant keep my cool when it comes to food :oops:

*shakes head*

I would gladly have skipped a meal to play football, haven't played properly since year 12 because of A Levels.

Cray 2

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

i hadnt ate anythin till 7pm all day........and played 2 hours of football in huddersfield inbetween.........

... ab bit sypmathetic towards maself, but i think i deserve to lose patience :oops:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Black Prince" wrote:
i hadnt ate anythin till 7pm all day........and played 2 hours of football in huddersfield inbetween.........

... ab bit sypmathetic towards maself, but i think i deserve to lose patience :oops:

food is a touchy subject

in Ramadan if my sister comes home late from work-tired and hungry and we've munched all the Iftari and there's noting left for her-then she goes into a strop too

until Mum or dad gets something for the Madam :roll:

I think people learn to exercise patience over the years, its like a skill you have to master. I have become more patient than i used to be, for examply i pray and if it doesn't happen i will continue prayin but when the time goes by for that thing to come true i realise it wasnt meant to be.

Patience comes from keeping faith in Allah (swt), patience is a beautiful characteristic if one has it.

I remember in My Jahiliyya days Shaykh 50 Cent once told me "good things happen to those who wait, thas y im still in the hood pushin weight" (weight = drugs, the shaykh says things metaphorically very often)

Me n the shaykh dunt agree on much else anymore

Also Shaykh Shakur (Tupac Shakur) once told me about how he would never die, "Im untouchable, none of y'all N****'s can touch me" then he died.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"razor" wrote:
I remember in My Jahiliyya days Shaykh 50 Cent once told me "good things happen to those who wait, thas y im still in the hood pushin weight" (weight = drugs, the shaykh says things metaphorically very often)

Me n the shaykh dunt agree on much else anymore

Also Shaykh Shakur (Tupac Shakur) once told me about how he would never die, "Im untouchable, none of y'all N****'s can touch me" then he died.

classic example of fake shaykhs :roll: oh well Alhamdulillah u got out of their clutches :!:
