Has "The Man" been holding you down?!

YEA! @$@$*! "The Man!"
17% (3 votes)
YEA! @$@$*! "The Man!"
17% (3 votes)
No... I have no idea what you are talking about
22% (4 votes)
No... I have no idea what you are talking about
22% (4 votes)
I AM "THE MAN" bwahahhahahhahha
11% (2 votes)
I AM "THE MAN" bwahahhahahhahha
11% (2 votes)
Total votes: 18

Has [b]"The Man"[/b] been holding you down lately?

Why do you think he does that?! - Have you ever done anything to him? Or is he just being [b]"The Man"[/b]

Who is [b]"The Man"[/b]

[i]Why[/i] is [b]"The Man"[/b]

Today I was ordering a sandwich at a local sandwich shop - this isn't the sort of place one expected to run into [b]"The Man,"[/b] and that's precisely why I went there.

Anyway, I go to pay and it turns out that I had left my wallet all the way back in my room.

So I had to go back and get it while my Sandwich waited.

And do you know why?

[b]THE MAN[/b]

Last night agents of [b]"The Man"[/b] snuck into my room and took my wallet out of my jacket and put it on my dresser.

He's tricky people - yall better watch yourselves.

How can we defeat [b]"The Man"[/b]


This topic is now being monitored by [b]The Man[/b]

"Constantine" wrote:

Who is [b]"The Man"[/b]

[i]Why[/i] is [b]"The Man"[/b]

[i]How[/i] is [b]"The Man"[/b]

"Enver" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:

Who is [b]"The Man"[/b]

[i]Why[/i] is [b]"The Man"[/b]

[i]How[/i] is [b]"The Man"[/b]


Life must be pretty good as... [b]"The Man"[/b]


Why do we hav a thread dedicated to MrEd??

He's The Man isnt he??

And why would you think he'd want to move your wallet???

Back in BLACK

yo peeps only one man in the house.............

fiddy cnet



@*$#@&&!!!! [b]"THE MAN!"[/b]

As it turned out I had a report due over Thanksgiving break and now I don't have enough time to complete it for my class!!!

I totally forgot about it because [b]"The Man"[/b] made me forget

Probably used some henchmen and a "Forget-O-Ray" or something

I hate [b]"The Man"[/b]

Whenever I hear "TheMan" I assume you guys are talking about sexist, misogynist annoying men.

You know, "I can't wash the dishes/do the hoover etc cos I'm 'TheMan'..

Or is my feminist side reading too much into this thread? :?

I get the feeling [b]The Man[/b] is an evil doctor of somekind who has hundreds of anonymous henchmen doing his bidding... and theres a giant "laser" involved which we like to call the "Death Star".

Any thoughts?

Back in BLACK

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Whenever I hear "TheMan" I assume you guys are talking about sexist, misogynist annoying men.

You know, "I can't wash the dishes/do the hoover etc cos I'm 'TheMan'..

Or is my feminist side reading too much into this thread? :?


I bet he's like that at home....

But I dunno if that really qualifies as [b]"The Man"[/b]

Basically [b]"The Man"[/b] uses "The System" (which he created) to HOLD YOU DOWN.

There really isn't a way to escape [b]"The Man"[/b] - he just messes things up and watches you squirm.

Pretty much the only way to resist [b]"The Man"[/b] is to acknowledge he's there and blame him anytime something bad happens.

Or just yell @$#@#!!! [b]"The Man"[/b]

"Seraph" wrote:
I get the feeling [b]The Man[/b] is an evil doctor of somekind who has hundreds of anonymous henchmen doing his bidding... and theres a giant "laser" involved which we like to call the "Death Star".

Any thoughts?

YES!!! That's definitely [b]"The Man"[/b]

There is no other way he could hold everybody down if he didn't get henchmen.

And lasers are really important.

I always thought of him as an international business executive

of some sort....

But maybe he is an Evil Doctor who POSES as an international business executive.

"Constantine" wrote:
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Whenever I hear "TheMan" I assume you guys are talking about sexist, misogynist annoying men.

You know, "I can't wash the dishes/do the hoover etc cos I'm 'TheMan'..

Or is my feminist side reading too much into this thread? :?


I bet he's like that at home....

But I dunno if that really qualifies as [b]"The Man"[/b]

Basically [b]"The Man"[/b] uses "The System" (which he created) to HOLD YOU DOWN.

There really isn't a way to escape [b]"The Man"[/b] - he just messes things up and watches you squirm.

Pretty much the only way to resist [b]"The Man"[/b] is to acknowledge he's there and blame him anytime something bad happens.

Or just yell @$#@#!!! [b]"The Man"[/b]

Sounds like TheMans a gremlin.

Back in BLACK

YEA! @$#@#$@! [b]"The Man"[/b]

Note: "@$#@#!!!" does not actually mean anything - it's not covering for a curse word or something. It's just an expression of anger at being held down by the man. Sort of the feeling of stubbing your toe on something

In that case fight The Man dave...

Power to the people and all that...

lay seige to his fortress...

The whole American Army trip.

Back in BLACK

"Constantine" wrote:
There really isn't a way to escape [b]"The Man"[/b] - he just messes things up and watches you squirm.

Pretty much the only way to resist [b]"The Man"[/b] is to acknowledge he's there and blame him anytime something bad happens.

lol, sounds more like Satan! (cept we should ideally accept some responsibility for our actions) Blum 3


At first I was going to sayno, but then I remembered my Physic teacher from college saying I was being held back by the government and that once I found what I was trying to get too I would fly. Does that qualify as [b]The Man[/b]? :?:

I initially thought [b]The Man[/b] was 'the government', but now I realise he is also a gremlin, a lazy house guy, a darkside dude and lets not forget he's probably the reason I could never get my Person to wake up on Golden Axe when those little goblin dudes were running around, but once I did get up I gave them such a whuppin, I didn't even bother getting the magic pots I just went at them [the goblins] like an insane warrior trying to kid little people in the back, ha that'll teach them for trying to steal my magic pots (that I robbed off them in previous levels :oops: )

I could go on and blame [b]The Man[/b] for making me fall asleep in a lecture at the time when we were recieving a coursework assignment, and then waking up after he had finished explaining what to do; but in all honesty, that was probably just me being tired. I sit in the first row as well, so he coluld see me napping. Lol

Don't worry about [b]The Man[/b] just recite Al-Falaq and An-Naas and The Man won't bother you again.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

I found a quote that describes [b]"The Man"[/b] pretty well - best definition I can think of:

[i]"The Man. Oh, you don't know The Man? The Man's everywhere: in the White House, down the hall, your grammar teacher; she's The Man! And The Man ruined the ozone, and he's burning down the Amazon and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! Okay! And there used to be a way to stick it to The Man, it was called rock 'n roll. But guess what? Oh no! The Man had to ruin that too with a little thing called MTV! So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome 'cause The Man's just gonna call you a fat washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourself a favor and just give up!"[/i]


Man, I hate [b]"TheMan"[/b]

He's using the mods to undermine and discredit me.

How dare he.

Doesn't he know who I am?


"Enver" wrote:
Man, I hate [b]"TheMan"[/b]

He's using the mods to undermine and discredit me.

How dare he.

Doesn't he know who I am?

Who are u? Is there somethin we should know?

There is nothing that you[i] need[/i] to know.

[size=7]Except, that I am not to be messed with.[/size]

Enver... I did some research on your case and this is what I found:

Do you know what that is?



And who do we know that likes to use systems of control TO HOLD YOU DOWN?!?!??!

[size=18][b]"The Man"[/b][/size]

[i]There's a man going around taking names and he decides
Who to free and who to blame every body won't be treated
Quite the same there will be a golden ladder reaching down
When [b]"The Man"[/b] comes around[/i]

Stick it to [b]"The Man"[/b]!!!!


I have just discovered - [b]The Man[/b] in the Bible!!!

2 Samuel 12:

5 David burned with anger against [b]The Man[/b] and said to Nathan, "As surely as the LORD lives [b]The Man[/b], who did this deserves to die!

6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity."

7 Then Nathan said to David, "You are [b]The Man[/b]! This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul.

8 I gave your master's house to you, and your master's wives into your arms. I gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more.

9 Why did you despise the word of the LORD by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.

10 Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.'