I recently watched [i]The exorcism of emily rose[/i] in the cinemas... as you all proably know that the film is based on a true story..
After watching the film i got thinking about jinns and possessions etc.. We've all heard stories about Jinns entering humans particularly back home.
Just wanted to ask what does Islam say about jinns and possession? Can they enter humans and if they can what can we do to prevent such things from happening??
I've heard that Jinns possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is because the Jinn or its family has been hurt accidentally.
It could be because the Jinn has fallen in love with the person.
However, most of the time possession occurs because the Jinn is simply malicious and wicked.
For this reason we have been told by the Prophet (saws) not to loiter in those places where the Jinns reside, e.g. graveyards, ruins, deserts, market places etc.
Share your thoughts.
the worst jinns can do is just whisper satanic thoughts in your heads
its a myth that they can posses u
and a way for peers to make money
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Jinns do exist
however, not as common as people make them out to be
many people fake it, or are suffering from more mental health issues
and others are quick to shout Jin at any given chance
regarding the film.........i doubt its a true story :roll:
i remember The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was based on a true story - it had me thinking about it, the fact he was never caught and what he did etc.
so i looked up on the net, found his story was hardly that exciting!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Ahh yes... The Texas Chainsaw Massacre [img]http://img438.imageshack.us/img438/4686/chainsaw00368uv.gif[/img](link is external)
[size=5]Never seen it. [/size]
Agreed, Jins do exist thats fact (mentioned in the Quran) im not sure how common they are... as then you have to decide how do we know that? Theres no Jinn Poppulation Count done so we dont know. We only ever hear about the bad Jinns and never the good ones... so i wouldnt be too quick to say they're not very common.
Islam teaches that under certain circumstances Jinn possesion is possible however this is extremely rare as it is forbidden for them to do so. In any case of possible possession i believe theres some sort of set criteria that has to be met before it can be declared as a real possession. Dont ask me what they are im not an expert.
However in the majority of cases 99.99% its due to some sort of mental issues or disorders. We should not be quick to shout Jinn Possession as this is merely ignorant people who know little.
I dont however believe that bad Jinns would wander around in market places... especially Oldham Market... not likely.
In regards to the film... when they say "based on a true story..." notice how they never say exactly how much of it was based on the the true story... think about it.
Back in BLACK
Out of curiosity how do muslims explain Christian exorcisms that work?
Where a spirit is driven out of the person under the authority of "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
I'm pretty sure we (esp. the Catholics) have the most literature out there about exorcisms
Hey Samara what did you think of that movie by the way? - I saw it a little while ago, personally I thought it was pretty clever... couldn't really tell if it was psychological or supernatural in the end
I dont personally know what the official one is but i would conclude power of thought and belief/faith in being able to "drive it out" would do the trick... and theres not been many real exorcism that im aware of ... But then again we also believe in the old testamant... so maybe it does... who knows?
Back in BLACK
i watched that film the other day
bloody scary-the images have been keeping me awake all night
I badly regret watching it
NO ONE take the mick OK-I'm not in the mood
lol yea same happened to me afterward.
That thing they did with the faces freaked me out
its not her face that bugs me (the girl in the exorcist and the ring had scarier faces)
its the refernces to 3,00 am (now if I awake at night I NEVER check the time)
and that scene of the "thing" pressing down on her chest that scares me in bed :?
lol you don't believe in the trinity though.
Ergo you shouldn't be worried.
However that is an orthodox belief amongst all Christians - 3:00am is the opposite of 3:00pm which is when traditionally Christians believe Jesus was crucified - it also is a reminder of the trinity. Demons chose 3:00am because it mocks the trinity and the crucifixion.
The other reason you really shouldn't worry is that there is nothing you can do about it.
i do believe in jinn/demon possession thou
and u know that incident when that thing pressed on her chest
I've heard of stuff like that happeing to people in villages back home :shock:
thats what scare's me about this story-
she was a normal girl who minded her own buisness yet got possessed
lol 3am shouldn't be bugging ya
But honestly that last part is the one that should offer you some solace.
It could happen to anybody, for any reason, at any time.
You have absolutely no control over when something - human, animal, or otherwise wants to attack you.
It's something you have to learn to accept and not really consider.
Besides 99.9999 percent of the time it's psychological
and that shouldnt scare me because...?
ur really not good at this are u
....well... I uhh
[i][size=3]bloody women, always whining about something - they are.
nothings ever good enough whine whine whine[/size][/i]
did you hear about what happened?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
in the film?
she doesnt know, thankgod!
never mind
carry on
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Don't mess with my head.
silly duh brain :roll:
its safe i believe now, so i wont mess with ur head
u have no recollection of this encouter
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I love this topic, jinns exist and they do possess you but possession is very very rare, they too have a life to live and would rather have fun being "normal" than freaking people out (actualy that would be pretty fun!) but no its very rare to get possesed and like sum1 has pointed out b4 its mostly psychological....
so please get yourself cheked out for depression etc before getin a molvi to beat the jinn out of ya!
lol that happens in Bangladesh. I can’t understand people who believe that beating someone with jinn possession kills the jinn. It’s illogical, ya only gonna hurt the person and not the jinn. I heard this Christian kid who got beaten up by his parents coz they thought he was possessed by a demon, they beat him up that much they ended up killing him. Dave are your folks that weird?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
that happened to me no joke in fact i went through a phase of it waking up at 3am and being so frightened for no reason what so ever about 10 years a go now i know why and i havent even watched the movie yet sounds gargeous
i never had a thing pressing on my chest though a definite pressure yes but nothing visible
10 points for Christianity!!!
lol you guys... really shouldn't be concerned about 3AM - it's Christian, not Islamic.
You don't believe in it.
What do Christian's believe bout 3am? I woke up at 3am the other night, should i be worried?
It's a time that Christians (esp catholics) believe is most suseptable to attacks from demons and for possession.
It's an insult to the trinity - the opposite of the time when Jesus was Crucified (3pm)
interestin.......i always thought midnight was the time to be striked by demons (honestly i did but not now) i aint scared of jinns no more...
I think midnight is actually a pagan belief that has been popularized by halloween and movies... not precisely sure though - is it Islamic too?
I can't think of anywhere it shows up in Christian Doctrine.
Nope its not Islamic, there is not time of the day that is specifically for possession but then again we dont believe it is common.
lol.. nor do we.
The Catholic Church is especially secretive about exorcism for 2 reasons:
1. It's bad PR and makes them look medieval and superstitious
2. They don't want to encourage everybody with a problem or a need for publicity to apply for exorcism.
They have a very rigid test for who is possessed, and in almost all cases determine the problem is physiological or psychological.
I'm only aware of two that were performed throughout the whole Papacy of John Paul II.
I think one failed too...
The problem is evangelists - who see no need for secrecy and in fact encourage exorcisms. In South America they do "mass exorcisms" of entire rooms of people - sometimes even including an exorcism in their sermons.
It's totally out of control and rather embarassing.
this pressure on chest and being frozen is only a form of night terror not jinn possession - usually brought on by guilt in my case
i've never heard of or seen a successful jinn possession and God willing may i never as long as i live
Dave the 3am thing its true i dont know how it is but thats exactly how it was 3am on the dot or just a few minutes before building up to 3am then utter terror
wake up at 4 or even 3.30 all's well
cant explain it because having watched countless horror films i was always geared up to the 12am eventuality never thought of such a preposterous time as 3am!