As a person I always try to stick to my word…I don’t like being long and letting people down…If someone has asked me to do something I pretty much do it straight away….If I’ve promised to be somewhere at a certain time I’m always there…..If I’m involved in something I like to be totally committed and give it 101%
But for some reason I terrible at keeping in touch with people. I’m long like that… :oops:
Sometime weeks go by and I realise that I haven’t contacted so and so…or that I haven’t visited a certain mate…or that I haven’t inquired about someone who last time I saw was stressed out over something….
I hardly return my missed calls (unless I know its work related)….I’m just so busy at times that I forget about people. :oops:
Islamically this is wrong. Our Muslim brothers/Sister have six rights over us.
1-When you meet, greet them
2-when they invites you, respond to them
3-when they seeks counsel (advice), give them advice
4-when they sneeze and praise Allah, say: `May Allah have mercy on you (Yarhamu-kAllah)
5-when they are sick, visit them
6-when he dies, follow his funeral
We all live hectic lives and I’m sure we all have 101 things on our plate….however, how much time do we put aside to think about our next door neighbour?…or the person down the road?…or so and so who is sick at the moment?…or the person who is stressed out over something?…..or so and so that you used to go to school/college with?
How welcoming are we when we’re at home tired and busy and an unexpected guest drops by?
How flexible are we when we’re on our way out somewhere and someone wants to talk about their problems?
How hospitable are we when we have guests staying at our home and we have to change our lifestyles around to make them feel welcome? Do we let on that we’re being inconvenienced?
When we go to work/school or go to pick up the kids from school do we make small talk with familiar faces or do we keep to ourselves?
The British culture is very reserved…its very “keep to yourself and mind your own business” …this had negatively affected us. I’m always totally won over by the hospitality and love of the French.
Anyways, the above is just some food for thought. Share your thoughts on all of the above…
London dialect i presume? I can probably guess its meaning from the context but (anyone) care to volunteer a precise(ish) definition. Certainly never heard it in Manchester.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
It can be a general expression of annoyance.
Man, that's long!
Don't be so long.
If someone is always late/unreliable or hasn’t fulfilled a promise..
So and so is just long..
I’m “long” (Unreliable etc) when it comes to keeping in touch. (If that makes sense :? )
im terrible at keeping in touch! it wasnt so bad when i first left school coz i was always ringin, textin and meetin my freinds coz i mised them so much! But then we all got busy with our own things and the evryday phone calls became a every other day thing and then slowly a weekly thing.....and now sumtimes it becomes months before ive made cantact with sum of my freinds!
Im good at rembering birthdays and i always make an effort on all my freinds birthdays! im not so good at going to freinds houses, i dont know why, if there not very close freinds of mine then im very hesitant about going round! i always prefer people cumin to mine than me going to theirs!
my freind got married in pakistan in august and i went to see her and told her that il cum back with her wedding present, ive got her gift all wrapped but still havent been to see her :oops: , another find also got married and came back a couple of months ago and although i speak to her often on the phone i still havent been to see her coz im always doing sumtin or another!
i do enjoy having guests stay over if i get on with them, but never ever do we make any guests feel unwelcome or show them the inconvenience, if any, that has been caused by them staying.
i never keep in touch
I don't have bare mates anyway-I'm happy being a loner
my sisters and cousins are more then enough
and when I go to pick up my sister frm school I don't keep my head down so I woudnt have to chat to any annoying nosy aunty :roll:
lol i am excly like that!!!
I dont mind keeping in touch with immediate family its just one of those kinda things, you just see them more often and u cant get away from them (not that i want to), my sister and my cousins are everythin for me and more than enough.
Also my uni mate, only known her for 2 an half yrs but we have become very close and she gives me like 10 missed calls so i have to call her back(i carry my fone with me but its normally on silent cuz of uni lects and work so i miss people's call and very unlikely to return them)
I met up my mates after 3 months and in those 3 months i didnt call them once, i have had a lot on and just get lazy and cant be bothered keepin in touch....they were like where have u been.
To be honest... it dont bother me.
If ive just got home and im tired etc.. and a guest drops by... i welcome them like normal... aslong as i dont hav to get up or actually do anything why should it bother me?
Flexible... depends which has more priority. Example... i once started new job and it was going well, i had to be at work by 8. However my mom needed the car coz she had an important job interview, the night before i drove her down to where the interview would take place and back... unfortunately shes hopeless at remembering directions and kept insisting i come along with her and simply pull a sickie at work. I decided last minute to ring them up tell them im going to be late and i'll face the concequences when i get there. Took my mom to the interview (it was at 9) was there till 11. Dropped her off back at home and then went to work. They were fine with it, and i agreed to make up the hours after work (3 hours).
I dont mind guest staying with us and will always make them feel welcome but they hav to understand i have a life and cant take a day off to stay at home just to entertain them.
I tend to make small talk no matter where i go... old habbits die hard.
British people prefer you to make the first move. Thats all... other than that... they're alrite... anyone seen that Cola advert where this guy goes around handing out free bottles of cola and hugs people or sits next to them.. lol. Cool advert, makes you realise how reserved most people are.
Back in BLACK
but family is long too
I txt my sister at least 50 times a day!! that Madam never returns a single txt of mine :evil:
I've lost touch with my mates frm college already
its a good thing cos now I dont feel obliged to buy them b'day prezzies :twisted:
keepin in touch hmmmm.........i personally am glad i dont keep in touch with some people, i only really keep in touch with a few on a regular basis, only coz i want to
return calls.....most of the tym
buy presents - never. go see em - never. we can meet, but i aint goin outta my way :evil:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
thats true less frends, less prezzies to give.
As for family, we have loads of cuz's but my first cousins are the only ones i associate it with so its not really a problem plus we stay pretty close to each other literally 2 mins away and i have gorgeous niece who i am addicted to seeing so i do make an effort to go there when at all possible.
My sis never returns my texts either and she complains when she finds out that i used to txt my cuz alot when they were in ICIS cuz i hardly txt her (after a few txts i got bored, no replies felt like i was talkin to myself)
you know what this thread has actually made me think of my gross negligence and i aim to contact a friend i've been avoiding for some time now
you see i have friends who contact me and i just about manage to see them but the ones like this friend who really need a friend i just let go - that is very bad
and just for good measure i'm going to contact 2 more that i've been neglecting
and i suggest we all do the same Lilsis and Angel if you dont mind me saying
Its one thing to keep in touch.
Its quite another to touch the soul.
One is temporary, the other Eternal.
True friends give the real thing.
now that's takin! -
Keep in touch with your ordinary friends.
Touch your extraordinary friends.
Two gems in the same day, Bravo Master Omrow, Bravo.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Nah i dont mind its true but having said that i have many "friends" but very few true friends.
I find it very hard to trust people not becuz i have a reason to be suspicious its just i am not an open person, i like to get to know a person first then i becum less shy.
Deep stuff Omrow.
And there are some people who touch the soul and leave their mark forever...even if they may never always be physically be present...they are always remembered and never forgotten.
But such people are rare.
friends are long
and like angel I don't have any decent best mates
so it no biggie that I dnt keep in touch
- i know i'm so boring when i go on about this but i have to say it again - everyone has worth and the most unlikely people can become best friends
at school i always made it my business to befriend the underdog and they are the funniest and nicest people around i also made it my business to get to know the bullies and do you know what they turned out to be just insecure nice people
loud and opinionated people are nice and so are quiet ones and all inbetween are very nice - everyone is lovely when you get to know them
however i have come across some people who really do seem to have a black heart (in my eyes) and i feel that i have failed them cos i do keep away from them even though they want to be friends, but it takes too much time and energy to stay with them -
Back in the real world lilsis i suppose if you have a large family then making and keeping friends outside does not seem that important - i have a very small family therefore I need friends for my sanity