Does anyone believe that there is a high percentage of people in Asian community who try to cheat the system?
Maybe I’m generalizing but in my road alone I often hear about so and so who was illegally working and was deported back to his country…or people who have been summoned to court cos of benefit fraud…or people who work and earn good money yet claim unemployment benefits…or people who are fit and healthy who claim disability living allowance…etc etc
I remember when I was in college people used to often get so much money out of “patta” (credit card scams)
And benefit Fraud is where people claim any benefit including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit they are not entitled to by giving false information …and people who deliberately claim benefit when they are not entitled to it….
By defrauding the various social welfare systems that are designed to help and assist those who truly are needy is wrong. Theft is forbidden in Islam….and this also creates a negative image of Muslims and what Islam represents. All Muslims are ambassadors for Islam
To a lesser extent most people commit fraud….when I was in college I was given a code which I typed in my pay as you go phone which gave me free texts and enabled me to send free voicemails to other phones….this was called the “voicemail scam” :oops: ...and fraud is fraud whether its claiming benefits for what you’re not entitled to or eating a grape in the supermarket without paying for it….
According to a recent [url=]report[/url] an estimated £2.6 billion was lost over the past year as a result of fraud and human error.
Anyways, would it be correct to say that the Asian community are experts in trying to cheat the system?
What can be said about those to claim what they are not entitled for and bring up their wife and children on such money?
OR are we entitled to cheat the system? Is it a pay back for where we cheated elsewhere?
Share your thoughts…
I aint saying anything, until my lawyer is present!
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Whats so funny Med?
Something I wrote or cheating the system and getting away with it?
no comment, i dunno whose reading these posts.
I think Im gonna take a LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG vacation, to pakistan.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
how are we "cheated" elsewhere?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Yall all right there?
Yeah he got a funny kind of sense of humour :roll:
Anyway, I think you are generalising abit Muslim Sister, as too be honest from where i am concern it more to do with what situation a person is in, on whether they cheat, take Taxi Drivers, nearly all of them will try to cheat, no matter what race they from. Same with people from a poorer background and less income as with people who are self employed, Georgy Boy :roll: . You don't really see much Asians middle class or proffesional trying to cheat the system, i know there some but not alot really. But you right, islamically it not right and it shouldn't be done but it still is.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)
i think it works both ways and depends on yr community. obviously if you live in asian community you will notice asians as being the main offenders,
in my case there are many white ppl, who do exactly the same things. claim benefits while they are able to work, saying they are single and getting benefits while their husband lives with them.
i dont think it is one society offending in particular, but correct me if im wrong
used to do that me...pick up a grape or sweet from pic'n mix pop it in me mouth tiz wrong i realised,
as for claiming benefits what ones not entitled to, see that happening everywhere, its a commen thing in whites and asians.
she pointed out her generalisation-we live in a highly populated asian coumminty full of people who commit fraud
of course there are people in evry community who commit fraud
but this aint no luaghing matter-i rather be brought up on an honest low income then be fed what I am not entitled to
I have low opinion of those who sponge of the govenement-and claim what they dont deserve
btw what do people think of those who grass others up
two guys I know who were working illegally in some chicken shops were deported and the shopkeeper was fined-someone grassed them up
(and no I didnt grass them up :roll:)
personally I think grassing up is wrong-but then again claiming what ur not entitled to is wrong too
what is grassing up?
grassing up: to snitch. tell on somebody.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
lol that meant something slightly different in boarding school.
well...grassing up is me telling Annette that she should dump u as u have a unusual fascination with Tiggers and are very immature and childish and snobby when she's not present :twisted:
basically its exposing someone secret
lol you very nearly got your chance last night.
Thanks again admin.
I dunno... as long as it isn't going to bring harm to people (including the person who asks you) and you promised to keep the secret, you shouldn't break your promise and you should stay quiet.
of course grassing up brings harm to the person being grassed up :roll:
but no one likes a grass
no no I mean keep the secret unless it's something that would bring harm to somebody.
EG that PM you sent me the other day about trying to kill Hayder.
I [i]should[/i] have told him.
But now that I didn't and he hasn't been online in a while I am feeling a little guilty you actually went through with it.
you promised to keep that a secret ! :evil:
Going back to topic...
I do not agree with sponging off the system.
why should someone else have my money just by doing nothing?
The governments money is our money.
Saying that, the amount of tax that we pay now is extortionate.
Especially council tax.
However there is a mentality in the asians over about 60 (not all) that sponging off the UK is acceptable. These people are those who were around in imperial India. according to them the UK sponged off India, so they are getting what they are owed... and can actively encourage others.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
[i]From Hayder[/i] - there was a clause
people who commit this crime do not see it as a crime. most take defrauding the government as a full time skillful job.
they feel totally justified in beating what they believe to be an uncaring and unfair system
they feel that it is expected of them and it is their duty to defraud and they actually get a kick out of how much they can make
others see it as a necessary evil - esp single mums who say they would not be able to survive unless they cheated on their benefits
benefit fraud is a crime as we all know whether it is seen as a necessity or whether it supplements an already good income and is totally against Islamic principles
getting people to understand then accept this is a very hard job if not impossible
grassing is abhorrent but the government actively encourages this after all these fraudsters are taking our taxes which are for disabled and unemployed people
they say it is our duty as good caring citizens to put a stop to this theft
if we do not report theft then do we become guilty of concealing criminals and worse still of depriving deserving individuals of benefits
...I totally agree. Some people work so hard in their jobs and its unfair that their tax has to go to some of the more lazier members of the community.
Its all too easy to commit fraud...I really wish that there were more strategies to catch such people out....Most people don't have the heart to grass.
Yuit…come off it…im a hardworking chap…honest as the days long…allrite, I do a little cash work here and there but its morally ok…look if some old dear wants me to fit her cabinet or remove her old furniture then i have to do it…instead of payin £50 to some superstore, I do it for £20 and a cup of tea…Its my way of giving something back to da community…
I don’t think any particular racial group are more likely to be thiefs… this country full of scroungers of all description, lazy bums who sit around doing nothing worthwhile, contributing zero to society, and then stick their hand out for free money each week.
if it wernt for all the thieving benefit cheats then there would be far more money for schools, hospitals, etc... absoooulty scandalous…dole money shuld be restricted to 2 months maximum…if the layabouts aint found a job in 8 weeks then they obviously work shy bums who don’t deserve a penny…
as mentioned, happens amongst the lower class white socities - Chavs and scalys are probably worse at it
if theres a legitimate opportunity, why not claim. DLA does not require you to be in a can get a good claim for all kinds of things. your compensation have to exxaggerate a lil........otherwise this country screws ya lol
i think like a lawyer, forgive me
i still know many people doing it.....but its considered a 'lesser crime' or not morally wrong by people for some reason :?
IF I WERE TO GRASS........i could have half the community locked up. i.e - today some freak i happen to know, was selling me drugs!! lol
true.....but the system is faaaar to loose and easy, hence why people love coming here. well known fact. but as said many times, its everyone doing it. Im not justifying it by the way.
Yes- years of practice and were the best at it lol.
you never mentioned hidng figures? paying less income tax, making yourself legible to pay no money or less money for uni...........Its one i cant condemn, bad maybe, but i dont know.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I think there is a difference between ''sponging'' and defrauding?
If a person is defrauding then thats wrong, but a person is just too lazy to work or cant be bothered and so claims benefits, he aint really doing any fraud, he's just sponging.
Sponging in my opinion is ok, no sin involved. But obviously not the best option.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
why you wanna kill me LilSis.....didnt expect that from you :?
try as you might, you cant turn dave away from me
eh dave.....dave......DAVE?!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
You're alive!!
no thanx 2 you and your cunning friend :evil:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I was going to send you a PM about it today!!
But then you didn't sign on and I figured she'd killed you.
Which was most unfortunate.