Are You A Spoilt Brat?

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"Salma" wrote:

dont want to sound sexist, but its usually the guyz that are the worse in the families, i know what im talking about

defo got to agree wiv you there the boys in the family 99.9% of the tym are spoilt bratz, its normally the "mummys" who give them everything and let them get away wiv murder. Biggrin

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Med" wrote:
"Naz" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
I definitely aint gonna spoil my kids. Im gonna be a gud father inshaALLAH and bring em up right. Actually I'll deal more with the sons, teach em to be manly and that, their mom can deal with the girls. She can teach em to sew and knit and bake cake and wash clothes by hand and to do mehndi etc, so wifey better know how to do these things herself aswell.

theres more to life then the house work, wot bout givin your daughters an education that will benefit them in the long term. What if your wife dont know how to do that stuff what you gonna do then, teach them yoursef Biggrin

Yes true.

But if you note I didnt mention anything abt deen for my sons. This is because both my daughters and sons will inshaALLAH be drowned in religious knowledge. I wud want all my children to be huffaz and ulama and hafizaat and alimaat inshaALLAH.

and if wifey doesnt knw then she better start learning quicktime, cos she knows that I want loads of kids and am gonna get started on a family straight away, I aint waiting to complete my degree. LOL.

InshaALLAH be a father of atleast 2 kids before I finish uni.

how old r u?

perhaps u shud wait till ur older and wiser, before u decide to have kids

sorry to break ur heart, but if u marry someone from britain, she aint going to sit at home and cook n clean 4 u

quite the opposite in fact Biggrin

"Salma" wrote:

how old r u?

perhaps u shud wait till ur older and wiser, before u decide to have kids

sorry to break ur heart, but if u marry someone from britain, she aint going to sit at home and cook n clean 4 u

quite the opposite in fact Biggrin

Lol. 19. I am gonna be paying for da rent on my house in sheffield, paying the bills all myself, personally I think im ready.

And Respected Lady that comment abt my heart made me laff. She is more than happy to sit at home, she and me have understanding.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
[. This is because both my daughters and sons will inshaALLAH be drowned in religious knowledge. I wud want all my children to be huffaz and ulama and hafizaat and alimaat inshaALLAH.

INSHALLAH they will...subhanallah excellent soch, matches my very own.

"Salma" wrote:

how old r u?

perhaps u shud wait till ur older and wiser, before u decide to have kids

sorry to break ur heart, but if u marry someone from britain, she aint going to sit at home and cook n clean 4 u

quite the opposite in fact Biggrin



I’m going to make sure that my boys are self-sufficient and do not expect women to wait on them.

My brothers good like that…when he’s hungry he’ll just get up and make himself a fry up…he never asks his sisters or mum to cook for him.

His job in the house is to do the hoover every night…take out the bins…shopping…keeping his own room clean etc He generally cleans up after himself and is always helping dad with the DIY stuff.

I’ll make sure that my boys aren’t stereotypical lazy spoilt Asian boys…

Dads not bad either…he irons his own clothes and made a fantastic chicken jelfarzi the other night…he usually cooks when mum isn’t home.

I intend to follow my parents example in every way…they are very fair and not sexist at all….generally the girls are favoured in my household, but that’s only cos they are sweeter to their elders.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
I’m going to make sure that my boys are self-sufficient and do not expect women to wait on them.

My brothers good like that…when he’s hungry he’ll just get up and make himself a fry up…he never asks his sisters or mum to cook for him.

His job in the house is to do the hoover every night…take out the bins…shopping…keeping his own room clean etc He generally cleans up after himself and is always helping dad with the DIY stuff.

I’ll make sure that my boys aren’t stereotypical lazy spoilt Asian boys…

u surely must have a good bro bros expect me to do everything for them especially my elder one, he'll blackmail me into ironing his clothes making him tea getting his food...if the foods not warmed up he'll complain , i'll do it coz i know hes the man of the house at de moment and hes got enough on his plate,

what gets me angry is they dont tend to line they shoes up each time they enter the living room..they'll just leave them in front of the door SO 1 can trip over them,

then they wont bother makin they beds or tidying their rooms...I have to do all that...i think i'm abit to nice.

i'd want an ALL independant family, but if i've got to be the lady i'd be the lady.

"naj" wrote:

u surely must have a good bro bros expect me to do everything for them especially my elder one, he'll blackmail me into ironing his clothes making him tea getting his food...if the foods not warmed up he'll complain , i'll do it coz i know hes the man of the house at de moment and hes got enough on his plate,

what gets me angry is they dont tend to line they shoes up each time they enter the living room..they'll just leave them in front of the door SO 1 can trip over them,

then they wont bother makin they beds or tidying their rooms...I have to do all that...i think i'm abit to nice.

i'd want an ALL independant family, but if i've got to be the lady i'd be the lady.

My brother used to be lazy...but when he realised that no one is going to do anything for him he sorted himsef out.

If he’s tired or busy with exams or something then we do try to make life a bit easier for him…buts that’s with everyone, if I have a lot on my plate I won’t make chapatti’s or clean up that day…

If someone is ill/busy then someone else takes over their chore.

Being considerate is important…it’s unfair to make one person do ALL the donkey work…. if everyone pitches in now and again then that takes of the pressure of one person.

Like every night at dinner time…mum usually cooks…I make the chappatti’s…my sister sets the table…and clears it…I wash up…my sister dries up and puts the dishes away and my brother usually hoovers after dinner and puts the bins out.

But everyone in our house is good at doing their own thing- we’re all independent to a degree…dad keeps his computer stuff/wardrobe tidy and irons his own clothes…brother irons his own clothes and keeps his room tidy etc etc

No one likes a lazy person…but if other commitments prevents one from pitching in with the housework then that’s understandable.

My brother is fairly independent like that too, for e.g he will iron his own clothes, put his own washing on and hang his own washing out and if he is really hungry he will make food for himself, he also cleans his own room.

My aunty doesnt like it coz shes like he is the only son with five sisters and he shouldnt have to do this and that, but i think its a good idea for a man to be independent and not rely on women to do everything! We have moved on from the times when men were the breadwinners and women sat at home and did all the housework!

lay off the brothers!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
lay off the brothers!

Why? they are lazy! most of the girls have been sayin their aint, anyone willing to take 3 of my bro's into their fmaily please Biggrin i'll even add all the money from my bank account!

i have 3 myself Lol

however you can still make that money transfer......

no seriously tho, a lot of boys and girls are plain lazy nowadays....not jus boys!

even tho i am Biggrin

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
i have 3 myself Lol

however you can still make that money transfer......

no seriously tho, a lot of boys and girls are plain lazy nowadays....not jus boys!

even tho i am Biggrin

I have become a lil bit more lazy just cuz i have more on ie. uni/wrk etc but my bro's you ask them to go to the shop and they are like no! only works when dad is in the house and we say they aint goin and then dad gives them a tellin off.

I've had an assignment due in and I have a cold Cray 2

but its tru that when ur busy u cant do jack in the house

only parents can sort out lazy kids-only my dad can force my bro to go shops for me

I dunno about how much work my sons would do around the house.

I iron my own clothes and keep my room tidy. The rest is my mom and we aint got any sisters so my mom is great, she if FANTASTIC.

Whoever I marry is gonna have to be a proper paki wife, not one of these gori types, she gonna have to pop out kids every year and if not every yr atleaast 2 kids every 3 years, cant get fairer than that, lol.

And she gonna have to keep the house nice and tidy, and make the food, and bring up the kids, lol.

But Im gonna help her with that stuff aswell, I aint gonna be a lazy husband, not cos I like housework but because it is SUNNAH of Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam to help the Housepeople when you can and it also teaches humility.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I feel sorry for her already.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Med" wrote:
not one of these gori types, she gonna have to pop out kids every year and if not every yr atleaast 2 kids every 3 years, cant get fairer than that, lol.

yeh u can a lot of money in this country if u do that

maybe u can give that to her as a "reward" for popping out a kid every year :roll:

"Admin" wrote:
I feel sorry for her already.

Me too.

He's posts are depressing.

I pray that God look after his wife-cos it obvious that he wont :roll:

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

I pray that God look after his wife-cos it obvious that he wont :roll:


I will inshaALLAH look after my mrs better than she has ever been looked after, dont worry about that. Mrs already knows how much Im gonna loook after her.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
Mrs already knows how much Im gonna loook after her.


you been a naughty boy?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Med" wrote:

I will inshaALLAH look after my mrs better than she has ever been looked after, dont worry about that. Mrs already knows how much Im gonna loook after her.

yeh popping out babies every year is great for ur health-it gives u shiny hair and nails too :roll:

just for ur info

NEW YORK, May 03 (Reuters Health) -- Intervals of less than one year between pregnancies raise risks for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and infant death through accident or homicide, researchers conclude.


The risk of pregnancy complications is linked to the length of time women wait between babies, researchers suggest.

[url=]BBC NEWS[/url]

Mothers should wait about two years between having one baby and conceiving another if they want a healthy child, according to a US report.


After looking at 173,205 births in Utah between 1989 and 1996, he found that women who wait between 18 and 23 months after the birth of one child before conceiving another were most likely to have healthy, full-term babies. If they conceived sooner, they had a 30-40% chance of premature or underweight babies - probably because of vitamin depletion, blood loss, reproductive system damage and fatigue. However, if they conceived between 18 and 23 months after the first birth, the women had a chance to recover from all of the above, while still enjoying some benefits of the first pregnancy - for example, an enlarged uterus and increased blood flow to the womb.


"Admin" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
Mrs already knows how much Im gonna loook after her.


you been a naughty boy?

I dont know what it is that your insinuating, but ALLAH take me from the world before I do what I think it is u are insinuating brother.

I do not wish to blacken my face by such an act, may ALLAH protect me from the evil of myself and from the accursed devil and his minions. ameen.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

bro u cud atleast say ameen!

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Admin" wrote:

Ok what? :roll:

God knows what Mr Admin is on these days

"Med" wrote:

Whoever I marry is gonna have to be a proper paki wife, not one of these gori types, she gonna have to pop out kids every year

There is a better phrase to use for the above :roll:


Med bro....u got half the forum thinkin ur engaged or married

keep ya dreams 2 yaself Blum 3

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Med" wrote:

Whoever I marry is gonna have to be a proper paki wife, not one of these gori types, she gonna have to pop out kids every year

Wow thats gonna be one busy stork, keep and eye out for the RSPCA mate. :shock:

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:

Med bro....u got half the forum thinkin ur engaged or married

keep ya dreams 2 yaself Blum 3

maybe i am (shifty looking smiley)

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
