I am not a good muslim, I am a better muslim then you?

What with the new way of thinking. Yes I am talking about having the 'holier than thou' attitude. Why are lot of muslims occupied with what other practicing muslims are up too. Surely what going on the street should occupy our thoughts much more.

More muslims are on drugs, fornication is on the rise and divorce rate are higher then ever within the muslims community, so why are some people still occupied with how much halwa people eat. Too me this doesn’t make sense. People are making a issues over what seem like non issues too me.

Is it a question of superiority or something. Why are people so rigid for. This comment apply both ways. It seem that because maybe a wahhabi he isn’t capable of any good deeds, that the opinion I get from many people. I always hear the phrase the “right path” when people comment about other muslims. Too me this sound so disrespectful. Also a lot of us are guilty of doing the things we make issue over. It funny how similar the characteristic of the accuser and the accuse are.

I think this is something that all mosque should focus on, but at the moment it seem in some cases this is where it stemming from. For us to have unity within our community it is something that need to be address. It would be interesting to know why some people think some muslims have this attitude? And what is needed to defeat this problem, or is even a problem for some, should some muslims be told what and why they are going astray in your opinion.

"yuit" wrote:

More muslims are on drugs, fornication is on the rise and divorce rate are higher then ever within the muslims community, so why are some people still occupied with how much halwa people eat. Too me this doesn’t make sense. People are making a issues over what seem like non issues too me.

Because halwa is the source of all evil.

The problems of drugs, fornication and divorce are microscopic compared to the damage that eating halwa can do to the soul.

"irfghan" wrote:

Because halwa is the source of all evil.

The problems of drugs, fornication and divorce are microscopic compared to the damage that eating halwa can do to the soul.

I agree with Irfghan, Halwa is some damaging stuff, its a conspiracy food created by the conspirers, and all those who eat it are being conspired on.

Shame people wont open their eyes to the halwa conspiracy,

I leave you in the words of "Scoopulus Maximus the Greatus"

"Eat halwa at your own peril, for one day, if not today, you will see the perilnessessisationalism of the Halwa"

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight


The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Eat halwa at your own peril, for one day, if not today, you will see the perilnessessisationalism of the Halwa"

That's great line.

for any one who is halva dealing

dont do it , its not worth destroying your life over

you may think ill just have a spoon it wont do no harm

then your have a plate

then a bowl

then the whole haandi
! ! ! ! !

"irfghan" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:

why are some people still occupied with how much halwa people eat. Too me this doesn’t make sense. People are making a issues over what seem like non issues too me.

Because halwa is the source of all evil.

The problems of drugs, fornication and divorce are microscopic compared to the damage that eating halwa can do to the soul.

can someone explain this to me????

back to the topic please.......
Yuit has a valid point

the rest of you just killed Irfy's joke....

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


u dont wanna

ignore it

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"yuit" wrote:

Also a lot of us are guilty of doing the things we make issue over. It funny how similar the characteristic of the accuser and the accuse are.

we see in others the bad qualities we recognise in ourselves. doesnt mean we have the right to chastise others. must correct ourselves before we can try correcting others

"fizzy1" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:

Also a lot of us are guilty of doing the things we make issue over. It funny how similar the characteristic of the accuser and the accuse are.

we see in others the bad qualities we recognise in ourselves. doesnt mean we have the right to chastise others. must correct ourselves before we can try correcting others

Excellant point!

LOL, gud to see some people are understanding the evils of halwa khawriat and the people of that jama'ah. lol

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I am not a good muslim, I am a better muslim then you?

I think thats very tru... well atleast of me anyway... but not intentionally... i certainly dont mean for it to happen but it def crosses my mind sometimes... especially when i meet someone whose a "muslim" but doesnt fast, doesnt attend tarawee, doesnt pray... but ends up on Wimy celebrating Eid.

Muppet! :evil: lol sorry.

Or maybe some1 who does fast, but has never stepped foot into a mosque except on Eid day... which annoys me even more....

Over all im annoyed by such people.

hypocritical *******!

Back in BLACK

its true, we are all judgemental, although we know it is wrong we still compare others to ourselves.

someone i know does not fast during ramadan. it made me so angry when i heard this. he has no reason to not do this, and i felt like saying how can you celebrate eid when you havent upheld one of the most important pillars of yr faith?

am i here to judge- no. but if i conveyed this to him and told him it was wrong, and he felt guilt and knew it was wrong and knew he should do it- then who is in the wrong?

rather than tell him hes wrong and take him for a guilt trip, u shudda told he why he SHOULD fast, the benefits, hte importance, etc - basically a lil education and patience, and i reckon inshallah he will fast next time, even if its 1 fast

but if u go round in a preaching manner........why arent u fastin, u cant celebrate eid if u havnt, ur a bad person, be ashmed........not gonna work, jus has the opposite of the desired effect - gonna drive em away

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
rather than tell him hes wrong and take him for a guilt trip, u shudda told he why he SHOULD fast, the benefits, hte importance, etc - basically a lil education and patience, and i reckon inshallah he will fast next time, even if its 1 fast

but if u go round in a preaching manner........why arent u fastin, u cant celebrate eid if u havnt, ur a bad person, be ashmed........not gonna work, jus has the opposite of the desired effect - gonna drive em away

yeah that did occur to me.

im not much on preaching.... its just not me. I can def be general discussion guy tho on the subject... but not the type to ram it down their throats... its a litte OTT.

Back in BLACK

Is there a problem in thinking sometimes that you do something better then someone esle, if you don't make a issue and try to belittle someone with it. Didn't the Sahabi do something similar, i can remember the ocassion where Hazrat Umar (ra) brought half of his belonging to give in the way of jihad and only to out done by Hazrat Abu Bakr who gave all his belongings (ra) and then decalring that he wll never ever be able to out do Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra). Natural competition is ok or isn't it, because today muslims do turn everything into something petty don't they and try to get into everyone esle business and become percieve as self righteous people.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


competition is natural.

But thinking you are superior is not a good thing.

you may do somethings better, the other others. But you have the arrogance of thinking you are better. who's actions will be accepted?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Seraph" wrote:
I am not a good muslim, I am a better muslim then you?

I used to think like that but thank god i have a much broader way of thinkin now, just becuz sum1 does not do hijab or does not have a beard does not mean they are not a good muslim. After hearin people's views i can see they are struggling to become better muslims, they may not be wearin hijabs or have beards but their hearts are pure and thats what counts. Allah looks at how hard one is trying and at their intentions.

"angel" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
I am not a good muslim, I am a better muslim then you?

I used to think like that but thank god i have a much broader way of thinkin now, just becuz sum1 does not do hijab or does not have a beard does not mean they are not a good muslim. After hearin people's views i can see they are struggling to become better muslims, they may not be wearin hijabs or have beards but their hearts are pure and thats what counts. Allah looks at how hard one is trying and at their intentions.

This is a common way of thinking.

Muslims who hold such a notion focus on the extreme sins of other Muslims, look at their own sins and feel reassured that they are better then them.

Like you get some who get involved in pre-marital relationships but do not feel guilty about their actions because they reassure themselves by holding the notion that ‘at least we’re better then those who allow themselves to go all the way’…

But we should all focus on our own sins and should not judge or compare with others…. the excuse “At least I was better then so and so who lives down my road” will not be valid in the Court of Allah (swt).

(sorry slighty off the topic, but some very valid points have been raised)

Nah it not off topic.

So people should be busy looking at their own fault rather then comparing them to other. That far enough. But my agrument was that is there anything wrong with comparing yourself with other muslims and pushing yourself too be a better muslim then them for the pleasure of Allah swt.

Also preaching, is it simply best to preach with your action only. Surely you have to spread islam with spoken words as well, but how can we do that without the other person percieving we have a holier than thou attitude.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:
Nah it not off topic.

So people should be busy looking at their own fault rather then comparing them to other. That far enough. But my agrument was that is there anything wrong with comparing yourself with other muslims and pushing yourself too be a better muslim then them for the pleasure of Allah swt.

Also preaching, is it simply best to preach with your action only. Surely you have to spread islam with spoken words as well, but how can we do that without the other person percieving we have a holier than thou attitude.

I dont know if i understood you correctly there but if sum1 preaches somethin they dont practice it holds no value, in order for you to preach you got to practice. There is no point sayin to sum1, "you should do this/that" when you dont yourself...

One of my motto's is do not judge. Its not yuor job to.

that has mashallah helped me avoid such thoughts (mostly).

I know I am a bad muslim. I know others may sin more than me. However they also probably have an excuse. I do not.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Omani halwa (sweet) is famous at home and abroad as a symbol of traditional Omani hospitality. It is usually served in Omani homes before drinking Arabic coffee.

The main ingredients which go into the making of halwa are: starch, eggs, sugar, water, ghee, saffron, cardamom, nuts and rose water from the Jebel al Akdhar. The ingredients are mixed, in proportions and quantities known only to the skilled halwamaker, and cooked in a mirjnl (large cooking pot used especially for halwa) for a time of not less than 2 hours.

The cooking can be done over a gas or electric stove, but the preferred method is over a wood fire made up of snmr wood, known for its durability, smoke and odourfree properties.

After cooking, the halwa can be preserved for more than four months without losing its quality, and without the need for refrigeration or preserving agents.

Halwa is usually served in a dist, a large earthenware bowl, which can vary in size and composition according to demand or type of occasion. The list can also be made of metal or plastic. Halwa is invariably served at times of joy or sorrow and, on religious occasions and festivals. It graces the tables of every Omani home.


relevance? where did this Halwa stuff start?

did we not a have a food/recipe's thread? if nt, you can restart it, and that would be a decent first post...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
relevance? where did this Halwa stuff start?

did we not a have a food/recipe's thread? if nt, you can restart it, and that would be a decent first post...


May ALLAH make you happy admin brother.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

what is so funny?

I have no idea why he posted his recipe for halwa there...


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

ye beech mai halva kaha se agaya? :? any1 care to explain?

I received nothing I wanted
I received everything I needed.
My Prayer has been answered.

"yuit" wrote:

So people should be busy looking at their own fault rather then comparing them to other. That far enough. But my agrument was that is there anything wrong with comparing yourself with other muslims and pushing yourself too be a better muslim then them for the pleasure of Allah swt.


Thats exactly what we SHOULD do, but many of us don't.

We should focus on those who may be a lot more pious then us so that we may be motivated and inspired enough to follow in their footsteps.

One learns a lot via role models and associating with people who may be more pious then us.

This is the sort of competition that is allowed in Islam.
