How many of us have actually read and understood element of the Quran/

36% (8 votes)
36% (8 votes)
14% (3 votes)
14% (3 votes)
Total votes: 22

Just out of interest I was wondering how many of the people on the forum have actually read the Quran or a tafseer.

Because is it only me, or are we doing a great injustice to the Quran by not reading it or trying to implement it into our lifes. I was listening to a Yusuf Islam interview a little while ago and he was telling about his experience and why he came into islam. He mention that he was reading Surah Yusuf and it brought him too tears and he knew then that no man could have possibly have written The Quran.

I have known of quite a few people who have converted too islam on their own back after reading the Quran, but how many of us born-muslims have actually read understood and try to implement the Quran. Because from my own experience I just started to read a tafseer this ramadhan. Which beleive reflects poorly on me.

Just wanted to gage the opinion of the majority here.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


:oops: I havent...its a shame, we should read the Quran more to get an understanding of deen, its the book of books. I have tried in the past but its been confusin but we have an easier version so there should be no excuse. Actually thats good you posted becuz my goal is to read the Quran daily however a lot or less but i'll add to that, i'll read the tafseer on the Quran.

I used to read the qur'an with english translation. (its been borrowed so, not atm...)

I have also studied some tafseer. Not much. Just Surah Baqarah, and a few small surah's.

Not that I can remember much now.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

my bro just bought be the tafseer of the quran, 'tafseer ibn kathir' which

alhamdulillah is an excellent tafseer, eazy to understand an all.

alwayz had the urdu version of ma'ariful quran but coz its urdu its more

complicated BUT im only still studying the first volume it takes quite long

to get it ALL in for me.

i think its VERY important to study the tafseer u need to understand

what u read, i mean the quran asks its reader to understand it, i DONT see

no reason whatsoeva why 1 should not make the effort to do that.

i think studying tafseer is also VERY good for those who are memorising

the quran, i believe it makes it eazier for 1 to memorise.

"naj" wrote:

i think studying tafseer is also VERY good for those who are memorising

the quran, i believe it makes it eazier for 1 to memorise.


I got volumes 1-5 of Ma'ariful Quran English version.Ma'ariful Quran is fairly detailed, I think if some1 aint willing to spend so much the can buy the tafseer of Mawlana Daryabadi, I cant remember his full name nor the title of the tafseer, but believe it to be widely available, mashaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I am currently on Surah 38 in the English translation of the Qur'an. Some critics of Islam say that it is repetitive. True, some bits are repeated, but this is only for emphasis eg "Allah is oft-giving, most merciful".

Tears have also flown from my eyes while reading this remarkable book. I encourage all to do so and gain a better understanding of our religion.

The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.

my dad downloaded a version of the qur'an with the arabic and english translation.

i have it on my mp3 player and listen to it before i got to sleep instead of putting music on.

but only on surat al baqurah at the moment, though listened to bits of others.

it really helps to listen to english version.

Recently the first volume (parts 1-7) was released by Maulana Imdad Hussain of Nottingham, who used the late pir Justice Karam Shah's (RA) commentry and beleive me it's most excellent, the commentry is brilliant and very detailed I couldn't stop reading it...nearly finished the first 7 parts and am waiting for the next volume to be released!

Reading with commentry gives a better understanding of what the verses are about and what was happening when they were revelead....truly remarkable book...

The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God

"Umar" wrote:
Recently the first volume (parts 1-7) was released by Maulana Imdad Hussain of Nottingham, who used the late pir Justice Karam Shah's (RA) commentry and beleive me it's most excellent, the commentry is brilliant and very detailed I couldn't stop reading it...nearly finished the first 7 parts and am waiting for the next volume to be released!

Reading with commentry gives a better understanding of what the verses are about and what was happening when they were revelead....truly remarkable book...

This is the commentary that i am reading currently, though for some it maybe basic, but it really a easy read and you will gain a understanding of the subject matter being discuss as it written in easy english. I just finish the first surah and after i finish writing notes on it inshallah i will move to the next. I would definitely recommend it to people as it easy to understand and relate too, because of the style it written in.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."



Good topic.

I’ve read the Qur’an only once with meanings…the translation of my copy was poor.

I heard that Ibn Kathir has done the best tafsir of the Qur’an, however it’s very rare to find “unabridged” versions of his work.

My mate recommended a tafsir by the classical scholar Imam Qurtabi which I’m looking to get soon…

But it’s true that many of us don’t attach ourselves to the Qur’an as much as we should. I think Qur’an classes by qualified scholars are very useful…unfortunately most don’t speak good English.



"yuit" wrote:
Just out of interest I was wondering how many of the people on the forum have actually read the Quran or a tafseer.

I have known of quite a few people who have converted too islam on their own back after reading the Quran...

That is true.

Any person who carefully reads a good translation of God's Book, he or she will be very impressed at least.

Many people in the west are converting to Islam due to direct influence of the Holy Quran.

We muslims take it for granted. But they come to it fresh.

Majority of non muslims who became muslims admit that they felt something in the book. The book pulls you.

I only read two complete translations of the Holy Quran:

Pickthall and Yusuf Ali.


I was just listening to a lecture of Shaykh-ul-Islam and he was talking about the importance of just looking at the Quran. Basically what he was saying was some people may not understand the Quran alone yet they recite it, he added just by reciting the Quran you receive a lot. Obviously with understanding the Quran comes wisdom which will be more beneficial.

However reciting the Quran is forming a link with Allah (swt), you are reciting with your own tongue the exact same words that Allah (swt) has said with his Divine self, which he revealed on to his Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) who also recited these Divine words from his Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) blessed mouth.. Shaykh-ul-Islam went on to say that we may not be able to see Allah (swt), nor can we feel Him or touch Him but what we can do is touch His language and this is by reciting the Quran. By doing this we shall get the nur (light) of the Quran into our hearts hence purifying us spiritually.