Published by equanimity on 1 November, 2005 - 00:08
15% (3 votes)
15% (3 votes)
35% (7 votes)
35% (7 votes)
Total votes: 20
Submitted by equanimity on 1 November, 2005 - 00:08 #1
im not trying to stir up trouble or accuse but just aquiring knowledge that every muslim should
last night i saw something in a mosque
a piece of food was presented in a try
then everyone in the mosque was in awe of it , people were held back
everyone made a que then when they got up to it they
said salaam to it
took pictures
and some even done zikar to it
i also heard the same was done in my local mosque to do with a piece of hair and then in another mosque to do with a chair some say thes items are affiliated with the prophet(pbuh) .
This to any logical mind is seen as shirk and said to be unforgiveable, is the object gonna say salaam back, is it gonna forgive you or answer your prayers, obviously no so why were all these muslims doing this?
im am sorry to say it all reminded me of a hindu documentary i saw on t.v. were in a temple people qued up to this idol in which they wept, asked forgiveness, spoke to and in general awe of it.
people please correct me if im wrong , i dont want to hear bashing of each other, just your views on this back up by hadiths and quranic quotes if possible these people of the masaajid also shake hands after salaah.
wots wrong with that? isnt it a duty of every muslim - to greet his/her brother/sister? :?
yes ur right it is BUT what i meant was u get some people who straight after discharging from salaah to this musafaha practise which is makrooh in all conditions.
i hope this doesnt cause another fling.
Submitted by *DUST* on 1 November, 2005 - 02:21 #5
"naj" wrote:
"Aasiyah" wrote:
"naj" wrote: these people of the masaajid also shake hands after salaah.
wots wrong with that? isnt it a duty of every muslim - to greet his/her brother/sister? :?
yes ur right it is BUT what i meant was u get some people who straight after discharging from salaah to this musafaha practise which is makrooh in all conditions.
i hope this doesnt cause another fling.
once agen: musafaha simply means shaking hands, i dont see anything wrong with that... :? i ges as long as ppl dont make this obligatory upon themselves, it cant b a prob. if ones intention is to simply greet other muslims and increase unity/brotherhood, surely this is a good thing?
while the act may be disliked, there is not an aspect of worship in what you described.
this hand shaking after prayer; aint ya supposed to shake hand when you MEET? leaving it til after salaah is wierd.
But just wierd. Cannot actually see anything wrong with it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by *DUST* on 1 November, 2005 - 03:31 #7
"Admin" wrote:
this hand shaking after prayer; aint ya supposed to shake hand when you MEET? leaving it til after salaah is wierd.
It may be that. I never come across it. So when I do I'll have my notepad ready... find out exactly when they shake hands, and try to do an impromptu interview...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Alisha on 1 November, 2005 - 05:55 #9
Dhikr to the fruit :shock: check this link someone passed onto me a couple of weeks ago:
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 09:29 #10
"Raf786" wrote:
im not trying to stir up trouble or accuse but just aquiring knowledge that every muslim should
last night i saw something in a mosque
a piece of food was presented in a try
then everyone in the mosque was in awe of it , people were held back
everyone made a que then when they got up to it they
said salaam to it
took pictures
and some even done zikar to it
Didn't I ask you whether your were sure it was halwa and you said no?
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 09:35 #11
"Raf786" wrote:
i also heard the same was done in my local mosque to do with a piece of hair and then in another mosque to do with a chair some say thes items are affiliated with the prophet(pbuh) .
At our local mosque it was a hair from the beard of the Prophet (SAW). I told you this already.
'Some say'...? How many people did you ask apart from me?
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 09:36 #12
"Raf786" wrote:
This to any logical mind is seen as shirk and said to be unforgiveable, is the object gonna say salaam back, is it gonna forgive you or answer your prayers, obviously no so why were all these muslims doing this?
Define shirk?
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 09:37 #13
"naj" wrote: these people of the masaajid also shake hands after salaah.
1 - Who is 'these people'?
2 - What is so fuuny about shaking hands?
Submitted by Sirus on 1 November, 2005 - 09:45 #14
lol, irfgy jus wat i was thinkin
what is wrong with shaking hands with people, giving them salaam? i do it all the time, its good to meet people and have a chit chat
isnt it our duty to salaam every muslim brother we see?
a non-issue.....infact how it may seem an issue is pretty daft
regarding the 'shirk' raf goes on about, dont knw what your goin on about but......
i do know the local mosque here had a beloved hair from the beloved rasool (saw), and in respect of it, Durood Sharif was recited as people were observing it
i'd imagine it was the same with any remains of the beloved rasool (saw), people are told to observe it in respect (note: not, that'dbe pretty funny if it were tru)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be. these people of the masaajid also shake hands after salaah.
A scholar and his wife visited my mate’s house for dinner once. They all read Salaah together and after they finished Salaah the wife of the scholar shook my friends hands….and my mate asked “You’re leaving so soon?”.
The wife of the scholar explained that, according to their school of thought one should shake hands with the person next to you after Salaah…
I can’t remember if she said that this was part of the “Shafi fiqh” or “Maliki Fiqh”.
Shaking hands increases love amongst one another, the Holy Prophet has said “When two Muslims shake hands, sins falls off them the way leaves fall of trees”.
I wish shaking hands after Salaah was more of a common practice.
God forbid-whatever next haraam things will they think of next :roll:
Submitted by Omrow on 1 November, 2005 - 13:35 #17
Any person whosoever, muslim or non-muslim, who actually believes that there is
only ONE God can never commit an act of polytheism.
Submitted by equanimity on 1 November, 2005 - 13:56 #18
why have you been avoiding the main issue 'shirk' and going on about shaking hands that is not shirk and not even worth debating .
5 people have voted no but no one has given any evidence for why it is not shirk
here is the definition
Shirk literally means partnership, sharing or associating, but Islamically it refers to the act of assigning partners to Allaah in whatever form it may take. "Surely Allaah will not forgive the association of partners (Shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less than that of whomever He wishes." Soorah an-Nisaa, 448.
Irfan i hope you were not implying i dont know what shirk means but for anyone who does not i put a simple definition but finding the meaning and categories of shirk in full depth is not too difficult i advise all muslims to do it since it is an unforgiveable sin
Irfan you seem to be defending these unforgiveable acts by stating the importance of the object, that is insignificant , it is just an object even if some believe its the hair of the prophet(pbuh) , ok show respect but dont do salaam to it, dont weep and definately dont do zikar to it its just an hair, also with the food what ever it was halva or not it was still an object not god why elevate these objects to such a high status that people do zikr and say salaam to it.
no one has said anything remotely intelligent to justify these acts of shirk, so i still say it was SHIRK and anyone who takes part in it may allah have mercy on your soul
Submitted by Angel on 1 November, 2005 - 14:05 #19
"Raf786" wrote:
why have you been avoiding the main issue 'shirk' and going on about shaking hands that is not shirk.
5 people have voted no but no one has given any evidence for why it is not shirk
here is the definition :
Shirk literally means partnership, sharing or associating, but Islamically it refers to the act of assigning partners to Allaah in whatever form it may take. "Surely Allaah will not forgive the association of partners (Shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less than that of whomever He wishes." Soorah an-Nisaa, 4:48.
Irfan you seem to be defending these unforgiveable acts by stating the importance of the object, that is insignificant , it is just an object even if some believe its the hair of the prophet(pbuh) , ok show respect but dont do salaam to it, dont weep and definately dont do zikar to it its just an hair, also with the food what ever it was halva or not it was still an object not god why elevate these objects to such a high status that people do zikr and say salaam to it.
no one has said anything remotely intelligent to justify these acts of shirk, so i still say it was SHIRK and anyone who takes part in it may allah have mercy on your soul because the object cant help you.
Helloooo weirdo! do u say salam to Allah? noo, readin durood sharif is not forbiden and there is no time limit as to what time of the day you read it. The fact that ppl do salam when viewing the Holy Prophet hair mubarak IMO is because the hair mubarak is a part of the Holy Prophet (saw)! When you read salam upon the Holy Prophet when the blessed hair mubarak is not present, why do salam then?
The sahaba's used to collect the nail clipping of the Holy Prophet and also did not let one drop of the water fall down with which the Holy Prophet had performed wudu, that is a form od respect..
When you do zikr of Allah (swt) you do it for Allah (swt) :roll:
Submitted by equanimity on 1 November, 2005 - 14:32 #20
salaam wierdoess angel
When you read salam upon the Holy Prophet when the blessed hair mubarak is not present, why do salam then?
you say peace be upon him out of respect, same as you say it after isa (PBUH) name and you say swt after allah out of respect, and you say 'may allah be pleased with them' (ra) after names of other prophets out of respect
The sahaba's used to collect the nail clipping of the Holy Prophet and also did not let one drop of the water fall down with which the Holy Prophet had performed wudu, that is a form od respect..
i agree its a form of respect but im sure the sahabas did not intend for it to be worshiped or elevated so high that people will say salaam to it and even do zikr to it
When you do zikr of Allah (swt) you do it for Allah (swt)
agreed but what that got to do with doing zikr to objects that are not allah(swt)
now wierdo-angel you have not said anything that will convince me or anyone else that it is not shirk, try harder people to defend this practice of shirk use hadiths an quran
The wife of the scholar explained that, according to their school of thought one should shake hands with the person next to you after Salaah…
I can’t remember if she said that this was part of the “Shafi fiqh” or “Maliki Fiqh”.
I wish shaking hands after Salaah was more of a common practice.
orite i didnt want this to become abit of a raised subject but first of all theres nawt wrong with giving salaam generally to anyone,
but theres people who have also made doing a musafaha into a SO called 'after salaah practise' another made up custom, in fact a known custom in the rawaafidhs.
Furthermore, it is narrated from Allaamah ibn Hajr (RA) of the Shaaf'ee Madhab that this is a detestable Bid'at (innovation) without basis in the Shari'ah. Musafahah in the Shari'ah is only when a Muslim meets his (Muslim) brother.
so thats what i meant and thats what i believe and who i look up to believe, but for those who do this act RESPECT.
sorry raf, every1 stick to topic plz.
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 15:08 #22
"Raf786" wrote:
here is the definition :
Shirk literally means partnership, sharing or associating, but Islamically it refers to the act of assigning partners to Allaah in whatever form it may take. "Surely Allaah will not forgive the association of partners (Shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less than that of whomever He wishes." Soorah an-Nisaa, 4:48.
Lets look at your definition.
According to this definition, how was shirk committed at our local mosque and at the mosque which you saw on television?
How were partners associated with God?
Out of the following which constituted shirk?
- saying salaam
- weeping
- taking pictures
- doing zikr
Submitted by Beast on 1 November, 2005 - 15:12 #23
"naj" wrote:
so thats what i meant and thats what i believe and who i look up to believe, but for those who do this act RESPECT.
What was the 'loooooooool...' about then?
Did you discover respect for 'those who do this act' during the course of the morning?
And if you could answer the following questions as well that'll be great:
...Your very direct and to the point these days Irfan. And you do this without being insulting.
I like your new style.
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 1 November, 2005 - 15:15 #25
Raf786, what have you started.....especially when sectarioaniusm is rising on this forum , you start a topic on shirk....and no surprise already we have the slanging matches.
so again this topic will be locked..... because it will definitely start turning in to accusations and name -calling, well as soon as Med and his clan start stirring.
Have we got nothing else to talk about apart from shhirk, bidah, kufr, mawlid, khatam, deobandi, gasht, brelwi etc???????????????????????????????
If you want to know what is or isnt shirk, speak to a scholar, contact your local imam/scholar....discussing it here really is fruitless.
im not trying to stir up trouble or accuse but just aquiring knowledge that every muslim should
last night i saw something in a mosque
a piece of food was presented in a try
then everyone in the mosque was in awe of it , people were held back
everyone made a que then when they got up to it they
said salaam to it
took pictures
and some even done zikar to it
i also heard the same was done in my local mosque to do with a piece of hair and then in another mosque to do with a chair some say thes items are affiliated with the prophet(pbuh) .
This to any logical mind is seen as shirk and said to be unforgiveable, is the object gonna say salaam back, is it gonna forgive you or answer your prayers, obviously no so why were all these muslims doing this?
im am sorry to say it all reminded me of a hindu documentary i saw on t.v. were in a temple people qued up to this idol in which they wept, asked forgiveness, spoke to and in general awe of it.
people please correct me if im wrong , i dont want to hear bashing of each other, just your views on this back up by hadiths and quranic quotes if possible
salaam these people of the masaajid also shake hands after salaah.
wots wrong with that? isnt it a duty of every muslim - to greet his/her brother/sister? :?
yes ur right it is BUT what i meant was u get some people who straight after discharging from salaah to this musafaha practise which is makrooh in all conditions.
i hope this doesnt cause another fling.
once agen: musafaha simply means shaking hands, i dont see anything wrong with that... :? i ges as long as ppl dont make this obligatory upon themselves, it cant b a prob. if ones intention is to simply greet other muslims and increase unity/brotherhood, surely this is a good thing?
I voted no.
while the act may be disliked, there is not an aspect of worship in what you described.
this hand shaking after prayer; aint ya supposed to shake hand when you MEET? leaving it til after salaah is wierd.
But just wierd. Cannot actually see anything wrong with it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yeh but u also shake hands when ur LEAVING right?
oh yeah, that too.
It may be that. I never come across it. So when I do I'll have my notepad ready... find out exactly when they shake hands, and try to do an impromptu interview...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Dhikr to the fruit :shock: check this link someone passed onto me a couple of weeks ago: is external)
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
Didn't I ask you whether your were sure it was halwa and you said no?
At our local mosque it was a hair from the beard of the Prophet (SAW). I told you this already.
'Some say'...? How many people did you ask apart from me?
Define shirk?
1 - Who is 'these people'?
2 - What is so fuuny about shaking hands?
lol, irfgy jus wat i was thinkin
what is wrong with shaking hands with people, giving them salaam? i do it all the time, its good to meet people and have a chit chat
isnt it our duty to salaam every muslim brother we see?
a non-issue.....infact how it may seem an issue is pretty daft
regarding the 'shirk' raf goes on about, dont knw what your goin on about but......
i do know the local mosque here had a beloved hair from the beloved rasool (saw), and in respect of it, Durood Sharif was recited as people were observing it
i'd imagine it was the same with any remains of the beloved rasool (saw), people are told to observe it in respect (note: not, that'dbe pretty funny if it were tru)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
A scholar and his wife visited my mate’s house for dinner once. They all read Salaah together and after they finished Salaah the wife of the scholar shook my friends hands….and my mate asked “You’re leaving so soon?”.
The wife of the scholar explained that, according to their school of thought one should shake hands with the person next to you after Salaah…
I can’t remember if she said that this was part of the “Shafi fiqh” or “Maliki Fiqh”.
Shaking hands increases love amongst one another, the Holy Prophet
has said “When two Muslims shake hands, sins falls off them the way leaves fall of trees”.
I wish shaking hands after Salaah was more of a common practice.
Whats this-Muslims shaking hand? !!!!! :shock:
God forbid-whatever next haraam things will they think of next :roll:
Any person whosoever, muslim or non-muslim, who actually believes that there is
only ONE God can never commit an act of polytheism.
why have you been avoiding the main issue 'shirk' and going on about shaking hands that is not shirk and not even worth debating .
5 people have voted no but no one has given any evidence for why it is not shirk
here is the definition
Shirk literally means partnership, sharing or associating, but Islamically it refers to the act of assigning partners to Allaah in whatever form it may take.
"Surely Allaah will not forgive the association of partners (Shirk) with Him, but He forgives (sins) less than that of whomever He wishes." Soorah an-Nisaa, 448.
Irfan i hope you were not implying i dont know what shirk means but for anyone who does not i put a simple definition but finding the meaning and categories of shirk in full depth is not too difficult i advise all muslims to do it since it is an unforgiveable sin
Irfan you seem to be defending these unforgiveable acts by stating the importance of the object, that is insignificant , it is just an object even if some believe its the hair of the prophet(pbuh) , ok show respect but dont do salaam to it, dont weep and definately dont do zikar to it its just an hair, also with the food what ever it was halva or not it was still an object not god why elevate these objects to such a high status that people do zikr and say salaam to it.
no one has said anything remotely intelligent to justify these acts of shirk, so i still say it was SHIRK and anyone who takes part in it may allah have mercy on your soul
Helloooo weirdo! do u say salam to Allah? noo, readin durood sharif is not forbiden and there is no time limit as to what time of the day you read it. The fact that ppl do salam when viewing the Holy Prophet
hair mubarak IMO is because the hair mubarak is a part of the Holy Prophet (saw)! When you read salam upon the Holy Prophet
when the blessed hair mubarak is not present, why do salam then?
The sahaba's used to collect the nail clipping of the Holy Prophet
and also did not let one drop of the water fall down with which the Holy Prophet
had performed wudu, that is a form od respect..
When you do zikr of Allah (swt) you do it for Allah (swt) :roll:
salaam wierdoess angel
When you read salam upon the Holy Prophet
when the blessed hair mubarak is not present, why do salam then?
you say peace be upon him out of respect, same as you say it after isa (PBUH) name and you say swt after allah out of respect, and you say 'may allah be pleased with them' (ra) after names of other prophets out of respect
The sahaba's used to collect the nail clipping of the Holy Prophet
and also did not let one drop of the water fall down with which the Holy Prophet
had performed wudu, that is a form od respect..
i agree its a form of respect but im sure the sahabas did not intend for it to be worshiped or elevated so high that people will say salaam to it and even do zikr to it
When you do zikr of Allah (swt) you do it for Allah (swt)
agreed but what that got to do with doing zikr to objects that are not allah(swt)
now wierdo-angel you have not said anything that will convince me or anyone else that it is not shirk, try harder people to defend this practice of shirk use hadiths an quran
orite i didnt want this to become abit of a raised subject but first of all theres nawt wrong with giving salaam generally to anyone,
but theres people who have also made doing a musafaha into a SO called 'after salaah practise' another made up custom, in fact a known custom in the rawaafidhs.
Furthermore, it is narrated from Allaamah ibn Hajr (RA) of the Shaaf'ee Madhab that this is a detestable Bid'at (innovation) without basis in the Shari'ah. Musafahah in the Shari'ah is only when a Muslim meets his (Muslim) brother.
so thats what i meant and thats what i believe and who i look up to believe, but for those who do this act RESPECT.
sorry raf, every1 stick to topic plz.
Lets look at your definition.
According to this definition, how was shirk committed at our local mosque and at the mosque which you saw on television?
How were partners associated with God?
Out of the following which constituted shirk?
- saying salaam
- weeping
- taking pictures
- doing zikr
What was the 'loooooooool...' about then?
Did you discover respect for 'those who do this act' during the course of the morning?
And if you could answer the following questions as well that'll be great:
1 - Who is 'these people'?
2 - What is so fuuny about shaking hands?
...Your very direct and to the point these days Irfan. And you do this without being insulting.
I like your new style.
Raf786, what have you started.....especially when sectarioaniusm is rising on this forum , you start a topic on shirk....and no surprise already we have the slanging matches.
so again this topic will be locked..... because it will definitely start turning in to accusations and name -calling, well as soon as Med and his clan start stirring.
Have we got nothing else to talk about apart from shhirk, bidah, kufr, mawlid, khatam, deobandi, gasht, brelwi etc???????????????????????????????
If you want to know what is or isnt shirk, speak to a scholar, contact your local imam/scholar....discussing it here really is fruitless.