As a kid you cant wait to grow up an when you finally do you proper
think your well it because you can do certain things (me being one of
them :D) When i did reach 16 i thought this is it i'm finally gonna get treated
like a grown up, parents gonna give me a bit more freedom (yeah rite),
not a chance. Now at 19 nobody takes me seriously when i tell them i'm
19 and they think i'm sum stupid kid. Today i took my lil bro to the dentist
and the receptionist asked me whether i was over 16 (how old did she
think i was?) i was fuming :D. You get drivers giving you werid looks while
your out driving thinking you probably driving without a license or summit
coz you dont look old enough. Even my own realtives say that me lil sis
who is 2 yrs younger than me looks older than me (just coz she taller
than me doesnt automatically mean ur older but most peeps assume that
coz you taller you must be older ) Does anybody else have this
probably or is it just me. Feel free to share your thoughts. Oh yeah if
anybody got any tips on how to look older please feel free to share
well well well this a first a lady askin to look older. am messin i dont have that problem ma sis is 10 yrs older n looks it lol lol. cant help u on tips how to look older though sorry unless u start acting like miss bossy boots the ama!! so to speak of ur home!! |
I know what u mean!!!!!!
im 21 but always get asked for ID if im buying mr bro fags or sumtin and my younger sister always gets mistaken for the older one. I always thought it was coz she was taller but apparently her facial features makes her look olde (she has high cheekbones) and she is a bossy boots, so that makes a difference too!
i think the way u dress makes a difference, my sister likes to wear stilleto heels and big earings etc whereas i stick to plain pony and no jewellery!
Sum ppl actually think im 12/13 or 15/16, and once i was out with a group of freinds and people thought i was the kid sister and that they were taking me out for the day :oops:
i no i'm werid
most peeps want to look younger but not me.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I used to hate it when i was younger bit now i quite like it
has anybody tried to wear hijaab?? i mean the niqaab makes u look older/ mature...besides aint u suposed to cover anyway?
try wearing an abaya... c how u get on..
For SuccESS ATtiUtUde IZ jUsT Az IMporTAnt as ABiliTY
depends what burqa/ abaya u wear.
if she wears a big baggy one then ppl cant work out the age. But if she wears a more tight one, then it becomes apparent her age. Like in our area, some ladies wear cloak and niqab and a denim jacket , obviously evry1 works out that they are young.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I get mistaken to be 16 all the time. Which was flattering the first few times but now its just plain annoying ... damn it people im WAY OLDER!!! OPEN YOUR EYES :evil:
Prob coz i usually have a clean shave. I think with guys a clean shave makes you appear younger. Altho thats not my intention. I know with guys how deep your voice also effects how old you come across. Not to mention your lingo.
With girls ive always presumed its modesty and professionalism that makes them appear older (you may also want to lay off the makeup a bit aswell).
Other than that i cant help you out... im not a girl... and not obsessed with how old i look.
Back in BLACK
loads of make-up usually does the trick
only joking, its all about your manner, if u act older, people will assume your older
make up makes you look older and so do certain clothes.
It works both ways.
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Does it really matter if they think you're younger? You should be flattered. When you are older you will wish ppl said you looked more youthful. You won't ever be totally content. Be happy with what you have sisters and carry some i.d!
Yeah it does coz of the way they treat you, thats what bothers me the most an i do carry I.D.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
who says i wear a burqa/abaya? but it wouldnt be such a bad idea coz that way people cant work out how old you are.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Wat u talk about??
Im not a sister?? Why would you say that?
What do you mean carry some i.d ... wat is this a conspiracy?? U workin wit the government??? Tryn to get us all to carry i.ds??? hhmm hhmm IM ON TO YOU OW YES....!!!
Back in BLACK
Yeah thats wot everybody says bout me lil sis that its her facial features and her build that makes her look older, i just dont see it.
and earings what can i say the bigger the better thats my moto 
yeah i suppose the way you dress makes a difference but i dress like any 19 yr old does. I wear stilleto sometimes coz i is short and adds a bit of height on me
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
and the paranoia creeps in......
seraph the hunger has got to your senses, luckily for you ramadan is drawing to a close lol
dont wear high ponytails- makes you look younger. have low ponytail or hair loose if head not covered.
i dont wear ponytails, i have my hair down most of the time, keeps my ears warm lol
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I'm 19 and me and ma twin got told we look 14 by a relative!!
BTW, heels shld help make u look older
not too high though!
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
hhhmmm... the ruptured cappilaries in your nose belile the clarity of your wisdom.
Back in BLACK
im 23, and someone thought i looked 17 today. so stop complaining cuz im not!!!
dont wear too much make up- cuz ppl can tell if you are young if you do that. sometimes its clothes- if v trendy, then looks young.
Yeah if you have crappy fashion sense then everyone know your alot older.
Thats the difference between myself and my elder brother.
Back in BLACK
not crappy, classic and sophisticated.
there is a difference
i aint moaning as such its just when people say it day in and out it kinda gets to you. I dont wear that much make up even though people say make up does make you look older. Clothes wise dont really like wearin jeans coz they emphaise me skiny legs :D, i stick to combats.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
well there you go. suppose it depends how you wear them.
but then i am in suits and smart clothes for work al the time. so i cant talk
yeah rite... [size=9]major bells should be going off here[/size]
Back in BLACK
what you trying to say?
Only what your afriad to say
Back in BLACK
which is????