muslims beware in aston, perrybarr,lozells,handswood,hockley and newtown
black youths are targeting pakis due to the incident in perrybarr wig shop
I remember i was down in perrybar with my uncle and his wife, my uncle left us alone in the car just b4 tellin us that sum1 was shot dead :shock: i was soo scared, sat there praying to Allah!
Its suposed to be a rough area?
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:07 #4
it is quite rough, however there are many muslims and we tend to look out for each other, you should not show fear but have faith in god
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:08 #5
shock angel why did your uncle leave you in the car after someone got shot
:shock: angel why did your uncle leave you in the car after someone got shot
lol he wasnt shot there and then might have been a day or two or maybe a few days :oops: its still scary! Its cuz we insisted on stayin in the car but then once he had left was having second thots (he was literally 2 secs away from us but getin shot dont take long!)
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:22 #9
you think thats bad ive seen a man shot in the stomach dying, again in perry barr , outside saqib chippys to anyone whos from round there
Submitted by Sirus on 23 October, 2005 - 01:25 #10
is the Birmingham in The US??!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:27 #11
worse, you come to birmingham wear a bullet proof vest, lol
Submitted by Sirus on 23 October, 2005 - 01:27 #12
so wen i came down birmingham.....i specifically told u to show me these places, y didnt u?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:32 #13
the talk was about 4 hours long we had no time
dont worry come again well go alum rock,aston,perrybarr, star city your have a few storys to tell back yard, lol
you heard bout birmingham riots today
Submitted by Sirus on 23 October, 2005 - 01:38 #14
no, im hearin it now from you lot
any net links?
did it make the regional news as t least? or not major?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by equanimity on 23 October, 2005 - 01:47 #15
none that i know bet irf does , anyway im off , you can carryone with this graveyard shift, lol
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Medarris on 24 October, 2005 - 11:11 #17
yeh and now some next man has been shot aswell.
You know these blacks really are annoying. They do nothing but go around causing criminal damage, mugging people and abusing the public. Sorry if any1 thinks Im making a generalisation but its true. Go to any of tehse areas and all you see is the blacks acting like monkeys.
Now I just read they were about to attack or did attack a masjid in lozells. That is not on. Apparently 300 of our brothers from aston wr getting ready to go down. Tonight when Im at home gonna have to keep the ear to the ground cos if I hear a masjid is being attacked noway can I sit at home for that one.
Some 'community leaders' came on tv on sunday. The black one basically said how the black community has police, criminal justice system, banks, schools, hospitals and even the kitchen sink against them and somehow the asians are being treated better than the blacks. Thats a load of cobblers. I dont believe its as bad as all that.
If anything WE are the ones who have certain disadvantages. Our names are different, we dont spk english at home, we eat different food, we dont go to pub etc. We are the ones who have to overcome mor to achieve, they been here longer aswell.
Truth is, in my opinion, that the blacks aint got any1 but themselves to blame. Walk like u got something stuck somewher, talk like a monkey, act like an animal and how do u expect ppl to treat u with anything but contempt?
The rumours of the alleged rape.
Police apparently done a forensic examination of the shop and aint found anything, this mysterious girl hasnt come forward. I heard its all a ploy to damage pakistani businesses. And if any1 thinks we get on with the blacks, ur rong. We dont. They need to act like humans b4 we treat them like it.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Beast on 24 October, 2005 - 11:45 #18
Blacks aren't the only ones that act like 'monkeys'. Keep things in perspective Med. Pakistani boys in these areas try to 'ape' blacks (excuse the pun). Just listen to their lingo and look at the clothes they wear.
'Boys from Aston coming down'??? Yeah, that'll settle everything. 'Boyz coming down' only makes things worse.
' We're more victims than they are ' I doubt this mentality helps anyone be they Black or Pakistani.
As for the rumour... there seem to be well-produced banners up around the town. They say something like, 'Campaign for Silent Victims: Teenager Bruttaly Attacked'. I suspect that it's the people behind this 'campaign' who are stoking the fires.
Submitted by Medarris on 24 October, 2005 - 11:55 #19
bro i aint defending the way our pakistanis act. But truth be told the real problem is with the blacks. And yes the aston boys coming down wont solve a problem, but subhanALLAH atleats their names will be written along the names of those who protect th Houses of ALLAH.
Yeh, we more victims than u aint a gud way, i agree.
But personally I tihnk that in this country if u work hard, u can achieve anything. Alhamdulillah I got full beard, wear sunnah libaas and am doing dentistry. Its all about the individual. If blacks aint achieveing, if they aint got shops then thats their own fault. They shud get off their lazy rears and do something rather than just act like monkeys.
Im sorry bro, but I hate blacks who act like that. For once I DO sympathise with NFs when they chat abt blacks.
black people aint the only ones who are underachieving in UK
so are Pakistani's
they too need to get off their backsides and stop scrounging of the government
Submitted by Dawud on 24 October, 2005 - 12:14 #21
"Med" wrote:
But personally I tihnk that in this country if u work hard, u can achieve anything.
Talking of the American dream, where's Dave gone?
"Med" wrote:
And yes the aston boys coming down wont solve a problem, but subhanALLAH atleats their names will be written along the names of those who protect th Houses of ALLAH.
If thats all it is "defending the house of AllahSWT" the great, but if in actual fact it could have turned into a riot then they need to check themselves.
No they didn't 'come down' but 300? soz but it seems to me they were thinking of a little fire with fire approach.
Also the wearing-bullet-proof-vest comment, don't believe the hype. My mate says he has to put one on to go to the chippy and he lives in Ardwick.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by Beast on 24 October, 2005 - 12:16 #22
"Med" wrote:
bro i aint defending the way our pakistanis act. But truth be told the real problem is with the blacks. And yes the aston boys coming down wont solve a problem, but subhanALLAH atleats their names will be written along the names of those who protect th Houses of ALLAH.
'Their names will be written along with the names of those who protect the Houses of Allah'??? :shock:
How many of them have even been to a mosque recently do you think?
Any 'boyz' who 'come down' will be 'coming down' for a fight. Regardless of whatever it is that Blacks do. Their priority is to pick a fight, not defend anyone.
Their precence will not solve anything. It will make things worse. If things get worse, there will be bigger riots. Mosques and Muslims willl be attacked more ferociously. Far from 'defending the Houses of Allah', they are putting them in more danger!
"Med" wrote:
But personally I tihnk that in this country if u work hard, u can achieve anything. Alhamdulillah I got full beard, wear sunnah libaas and am doing dentistry. Its all about the individual. If blacks aint achieveing, if they aint got shops then thats their own fault. They shud get off their lazy rears and do something rather than just act like monkeys.
Actually Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are worse off than any other ethnic group in this country.
It's more the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who should be getting off their lazy rears. :roll:
"Med" wrote:
Im sorry bro, but I hate blacks who act like that. For once I DO sympathise with NFs when they chat abt blacks.
You sympathise with NFs!! Man!!! :shock:
NFs hate Muslims just as much as they hate anyone else. Whatever they say about Blacks they say it about Muslims as well.
Submitted by Angel on 24 October, 2005 - 12:18 #23
I think its a lil stupid if more Pakistani's decide to go to B'ham (aint there enough already!?) and help they just gona make matters worse, more ppl gona get hurt and more riots and hatred!
Submitted by Dawud on 24 October, 2005 - 12:20 #24
er yeah...what are NF's???
(and yes the extra question marks do make the question more prestigeous.)
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Submitted by Beast on 24 October, 2005 - 12:23 #25
"Dawud" wrote:
er yeah...what are NF's???
(and yes the extra question marks do make the question more prestigeous.)
But personally I tihnk that in this country if u work hard, u can achieve anything. Alhamdulillah I got full beard, wear sunnah libaas and am doing dentistry. Its all about the individual. If blacks aint achieveing, if they aint got shops then thats their own fault. They shud get off their lazy rears and do something rather than just act like monkeys.
Actually Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are worse off than any other ethnic group in this country.
It's more the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who should be getting off their lazy rears. :roll:
These birmingham riots remind me of the riots we had here in oldham a few years back. Some areas of town became no go areas for whites
Submitted by laila on 24 October, 2005 - 20:36 #28
we Muslims do not kick those that are already down. we only take sides with the truth.
black, white, yellow they are all worthy of our concern, tears and help
we must never forget we are Muslims on the side of fairness
we do not incite trouble but try to douse it
we do not call anyone names such as 'monkey' because we know we are all from Adam
we as Muslims are sincerley shocked if anyone did so
Submitted by Medarris on 24 October, 2005 - 21:08 #29
Actually I believe that those youths from aston have love for the masjid and thats what prompted them to organise and prepare to come to the masjid. Call it optimism or naivete but I STILL believe that the muslims have some love in their hearts for the masajid.
Anyways, i said my bit.. The blacks are causing the real trouble, they attacking our ppl all the time.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by equanimity on 24 October, 2005 - 21:23 #30
too right med
pakistanis are on the defensive, we are the victims to the black violence
many innocent muslims got hurt including a taxi driver who was beaten, bricked then set on fire also a mousque got bricked, the black man who died was killed by blacks
Respect to the muslims both pakis and bangalis who came out on saturday and sunday who helped defend our familys and communites.
it was all a fabricated rumour there was no rape , it was just an excuse for the jelous black youths that aint got sh*t going for them to attack innocent muslims
irf did you see the grafiti on dudley rd shop, they could not even spell rapist right it was spelt rappist,lol the stupid,uneducated trickOrtreaters.
i advise muslims next time we are attacked, lets all get toghether as a community and defend our familys , show force and unity, be on guard brothers
however i do not encourage attacking innocent people, lets not act like those who do evil.
[b] EDIT As much violence that has occured, lets not adopt a 'bring the boys down' train of thought. You do not fight fire with fire but with water and lets try not to resort to racist insults.
-ThePhantomMod [/b]
Apparently it all revolves around something that happened in a shop that's part of a pan-Brum wig franchise.
The one up the road from me has just been smashed up.
The one in question is on the other side of the city. :shock:
muslims beware in aston, perrybarr,lozells,handswood,hockley and newtown
black youths are targeting pakis due to the incident in perrybarr wig shop
I remember i was down in perrybar with my uncle and his wife, my uncle left us alone in the car just b4 tellin us that sum1 was shot dead :shock: i was soo scared, sat there praying to Allah!
Its suposed to be a rough area?
it is quite rough, however there are many muslims and we tend to look out for each other, you should not show fear but have faith in god
shock angel why did your uncle leave you in the car after someone got shot
Why do u think i sat there praying to Allah....dont come often to b'ham or down to England generally, thankfully!
its not that bad , you just happened to go to the worst area in birmingham most of its o.k
lol he wasnt shot there and then might have been a day or two or maybe a few days :oops: its still scary! Its cuz we insisted on stayin in the car but then once he had left was having second thots (he was literally 2 secs away from us but getin shot dont take long!)
you think thats bad ive seen a man shot in the stomach dying, again in perry barr , outside saqib chippys to anyone whos from round there
is the Birmingham in The US??!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
worse, you come to birmingham wear a bullet proof vest, lol
so wen i came down birmingham.....i specifically told u to show me these places, y didnt u?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
the talk was about 4 hours long we had no time
dont worry come again well go alum rock,aston,perrybarr, star city your have a few storys to tell back yard, lol
you heard bout birmingham riots today
no, im hearin it now from you lot
any net links?
did it make the regional news as t least? or not major?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
none that i know bet irf does , anyway im off , you can carryone with this graveyard shift, lol
It was reported on bbc news. Main hedline on website:
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
yeh and now some next man has been shot aswell.
You know these blacks really are annoying. They do nothing but go around causing criminal damage, mugging people and abusing the public. Sorry if any1 thinks Im making a generalisation but its true. Go to any of tehse areas and all you see is the blacks acting like monkeys.
Now I just read they were about to attack or did attack a masjid in lozells. That is not on. Apparently 300 of our brothers from aston wr getting ready to go down. Tonight when Im at home gonna have to keep the ear to the ground cos if I hear a masjid is being attacked noway can I sit at home for that one.
Some 'community leaders' came on tv on sunday. The black one basically said how the black community has police, criminal justice system, banks, schools, hospitals and even the kitchen sink against them and somehow the asians are being treated better than the blacks. Thats a load of cobblers. I dont believe its as bad as all that.
If anything WE are the ones who have certain disadvantages. Our names are different, we dont spk english at home, we eat different food, we dont go to pub etc. We are the ones who have to overcome mor to achieve, they been here longer aswell.
Truth is, in my opinion, that the blacks aint got any1 but themselves to blame. Walk like u got something stuck somewher, talk like a monkey, act like an animal and how do u expect ppl to treat u with anything but contempt?
The rumours of the alleged rape.
Police apparently done a forensic examination of the shop and aint found anything, this mysterious girl hasnt come forward. I heard its all a ploy to damage pakistani businesses. And if any1 thinks we get on with the blacks, ur rong. We dont. They need to act like humans b4 we treat them like it.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Blacks aren't the only ones that act like 'monkeys'. Keep things in perspective Med. Pakistani boys in these areas try to 'ape' blacks (excuse the pun). Just listen to their lingo and look at the clothes they wear.
'Boys from Aston coming down'??? Yeah, that'll settle everything.
'Boyz coming down' only makes things worse.
We're more victims than they are
' I doubt this mentality helps anyone be they Black or Pakistani.
As for the rumour... there seem to be well-produced banners up around the town. They say something like, 'Campaign for Silent Victims: Teenager Bruttaly Attacked'. I suspect that it's the people behind this 'campaign' who are stoking the fires.
bro i aint defending the way our pakistanis act. But truth be told the real problem is with the blacks. And yes the aston boys coming down wont solve a problem, but subhanALLAH atleats their names will be written along the names of those who protect th Houses of ALLAH.
Yeh, we more victims than u aint a gud way, i agree.
But personally I tihnk that in this country if u work hard, u can achieve anything. Alhamdulillah I got full beard, wear sunnah libaas and am doing dentistry. Its all about the individual. If blacks aint achieveing, if they aint got shops then thats their own fault. They shud get off their lazy rears and do something rather than just act like monkeys.
Im sorry bro, but I hate blacks who act like that. For once I DO sympathise with NFs when they chat abt blacks.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
black people aint the only ones who are underachieving in UK
so are Pakistani's
they too need to get off their backsides and stop scrounging of the government
Talking of the American dream, where's Dave gone?
If thats all it is "defending the house of AllahSWT" the great, but if in actual fact it could have turned into a riot then they need to check themselves.
No they didn't 'come down' but 300? soz but it seems to me they were thinking of a little fire with fire approach.
Also the wearing-bullet-proof-vest comment, don't believe the hype. My mate says he has to put one on to go to the chippy and he lives in Ardwick.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
'Their names will be written along with the names of those who protect the Houses of Allah'??? :shock:
How many of them have even been to a mosque recently do you think?
Any 'boyz' who 'come down' will be 'coming down' for a fight. Regardless of whatever it is that Blacks do. Their priority is to pick a fight, not defend anyone.
Their precence will not solve anything. It will make things worse. If things get worse, there will be bigger riots. Mosques and Muslims willl be attacked more ferociously. Far from 'defending the Houses of Allah', they are putting them in more danger!
Actually Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are worse off than any other ethnic group in this country.
It's more the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who should be getting off their lazy rears. :roll:
You sympathise with NFs!! Man!!! :shock:
NFs hate Muslims just as much as they hate anyone else. Whatever they say about Blacks they say it about Muslims as well.
I think its a lil stupid if more Pakistani's decide to go to B'ham (aint there enough already!?) and help they just gona make matters worse, more ppl gona get hurt and more riots and hatred!
er yeah...what are NF's???
(and yes the extra question marks do make the question more prestigeous.)
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
National Front, BNP, racists, skinheads, etc
These birmingham riots remind me of the riots we had here in oldham a few years back. Some areas of town became no go areas for whites
we Muslims do not kick those that are already down. we only take sides with the truth.
black, white, yellow they are all worthy of our concern, tears and help
we must never forget we are Muslims on the side of fairness
we do not incite trouble but try to douse it
we do not call anyone names such as 'monkey' because we know we are all from Adam
we as Muslims are sincerley shocked if anyone did so
Actually I believe that those youths from aston have love for the masjid and thats what prompted them to organise and prepare to come to the masjid. Call it optimism or naivete but I STILL believe that the muslims have some love in their hearts for the masajid.
Anyways, i said my bit.. The blacks are causing the real trouble, they attacking our ppl all the time.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
too right med
pakistanis are on the defensive, we are the victims to the black violence
many innocent muslims got hurt including a taxi driver who was beaten, bricked then set on fire also a mousque got bricked, the black man who died was killed by blacks
Respect to the muslims both pakis and bangalis who came out on saturday and sunday who helped defend our familys and communites.
it was all a fabricated rumour there was no rape , it was just an excuse for the jelous black youths that aint got sh*t going for them to attack innocent muslims
irf did you see the grafiti on dudley rd shop, they could not even spell rapist right it was spelt rappist,lol the stupid,uneducated trickOrtreaters.
i advise muslims next time we are attacked, lets all get toghether as a community and defend our familys , show force and unity, be on guard brothers
however i do not encourage attacking innocent people, lets not act like those who do evil.
[b] EDIT As much violence that has occured, lets not adopt a 'bring the boys down' train of thought. You do not fight fire with fire but with water and lets try not to resort to racist insults.
-ThePhantomMod [/b]