Hijab ban in Tajikstan


The Hijab ban started in France..but now is travelling across the globe...now its banned in Tajikstan. Pls share your views...

[b]Tajikistan Bans Hijab in Schools, Universities[/b]
The Central Asian former Soviet republic of Tajikistan has decided to ban hijab in schools and universities.

"This headwear represents a religious ideology and is in contravention of education law," Education Minister Abduzhabor Rakhmonov was quoted as saying by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

He claimed that hijab serves to "propagate an ideology"

Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations – unlike the symbolic Christian crucifixes.

Sunni Muslims make up around 98 percent of Tajikistan's 6.6 million-strong population.


Rakhmonov noted that more Muslim girls and women were wearing hijab.

"Islamic headscarves of which there were only isolated cases a short while ago have now greatly spread," he said.

"For those who wish to wear headscarves there are madrasas (Islamic religious schools) and Qur'anic schools," said the official.

He warned that students disobeying the new rules risked expulsion from their institutions.

The issue of hijab has taken central stage in many world countries, particularly in the West, since France adopted a bill banning it in state-run schools and public institutions in March 2004.

Shortly afterwards, other European countries, chiefly Germany, followed the French lead.

The French ban, described by international rights watchdogs as amounting to religious discrimination, prompted demonstrations across Europe.

Assalamu Alaikum

The lack of justice makes me want to weep. Have you read my thread about the proposed burqa ban in Holland? It's in the "obession with hijab" thread. Why does it seem as if muslims are being victimised in every part of the world, am I just imagining it, or is there widespread hatred here?

I've heard journos say the Irish had their share of bloodshed, the Jews had genocide and now it's time for the Muslims to suffer. Like it's a natural lifecyle we should follow in a resigned manner?!


I personaly believe that all this is a kind of test for us all. As we can c life is gettin harder as the day passes.

We shuld strengthen our Iman n also b patient as Allah (swt) will help us all.

"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"

That is sick, but it also should make us strenghten our faith and fight for our rights to do our hijab and other islamic practices, these ppl are goin to far but if we fight bak and defend our deen to the full then Allah (swt) will help us.

I wonder how long it'll be before they start banning beards.

The prob with beards it that people from all cultures, reaces have them so by banning beards they wont just be discriminating muslims but all religions and they don't want that..

According to them its just the muslims who are the extreme terrorists :roll:

What if someone is not a Muslim but she wears a head-covering, would she be stopped or prosecuted? Or would they just let her carry on once she's told them that she's not Muslim.

Du[size=12]m[/size]b racist law.


I agree with you bro, especially in my area, there are a lot of sikh women who cover their head, some wear turbans and some really religious women wear scarfs imported from saudia.

Have wearing crosses and other religious items also been banned in France or is it just the head scarf. I'm still quite suprised that the muslims in france are actually abiding by that law, i know for definate that if such a law was imposed in britain then the majority of muslims will rebel and refuse to go along with it.

In France all ostentatious religious symbols have been banned from schools and I think gov buildings. Except crosses.

But Muslim sisters can still wear a head covering. It's just that they are not allowed to cover their ears.


Completely unpractical pointless law. It's just France trying to deal with it's minorities by sending a bull into a china shop.

ears, neck and chest irfghan. They are reduced to wearing bandanas. They are too small to cover the chest area, neck or ears. So the term headscarf should be flushed out. Headscarfs aren;t allowed in schools at all. Just pathetic handkerchief substitutes.

It's a humiliating experience. I saw a doc on the french headscarf ban. They followed some sisters up to the time the ban was imposed in their schools. Teachers would stand at the school entrance and inspect sisters making sure they had exposed their necks and ears.

The headmaster behaved like a nazis figure, he had a permanent smirk on his face. His ideas were extremely fascist, he even had the audacity to say the hijab can be banned because the laws doesn't protect muslims, but turbans can't be banned because sikhs are protected.

This guy chuckled as sisters were in tears at having to remove their hijabs. A few sisters kept them on fully and were of course suspended or expelled.

Last time i checked ears and neck are a part of the awra, so no compromise can be made, but sadly my French sisters are having to live like this. Those who have the luxury of home ed or private institutions are surviving, but most sisters don't have this luxury.

"irfghan" wrote:
As for neck and chest surely something like [url=http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B0007RTUD4.01-A3HQKAUKWG8L1A._AA28... would suffice.

That tops kinda tight... :?

I was working in a secondary school yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised with the uniform..

Muslim girls could either wear a long black skirt or black shalwar Kameez OR a black jilbaab.

I think UK is the most sympathetic country towards the Hijaab.

Then something like that but looser.

Our school had a similar uniform policy. Black headscarf, black salwar kameez.

"irfghan" wrote:
Then something like that but looser.


Yep, then there's nothing wrong with it.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
As for neck and chest surely something like [url=http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B0007RTUD4.01-A3HQKAUKWG8L1A._AA28... would suffice.

That tops kinda tight... :?

I was working in a secondary school yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised with the uniform..

Muslim girls could either wear a long black skirt or black shalwar Kameez OR a black jilbaab.

I think UK is the most sympathetic country towards the Hijaab.

Yeah i got to agree wiv u that uk is the most sympathetic country towards the hajaab. At my high school you were allowed to wear shalwar kameez if you wanted 2 and a hajaab, but some girls started taking advantage and wearing fashionable scarves around their necks. But considering alot of white people went to my high school they had alot of respect for religion.
One thing that really bugs me is that we don't tell non believers how to dress so what is there problem with how we dress. :evil:

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

the image of Islam is unpleasant to non Muslims

taking away basic human rights is nothing new to so called democracies

i wonder what would happen if the hijaab was banned here and what would be banned next hallal meat? mosques? what better way to tell a minority they are not wanted

My secondary school was a community of mixed ethnic groups. The school ethos harked on about respect respect respect. So much so we had a really tolerant bunch of students and staff there, I loved that school..oh memories lol. Anyway I remember there were 2 niqabis there something that shocked me at the time, as for sisters in the basic hijab there were many.

There was no school uniform when I was there, you could pretty much wear anything, as long as it was smart/casual and decent. Skirts above the knees weren't allowed though woohoo!

But I see standards have dropped nowadays girls go to school with what i call fat belts. In their deranged minds they're termed "skirts". Soo small they're not minis, but itzy bitzy teeny weeny loin cloths.

that's right Yashmaki but you know what i'm going to say - people should be free to wear what they want minis or whatever thats why i dont like uniforms and certainly take offence to anyone telling me what to wear especially the government

If I may chip in with my two-pence worth.

I think what we might be seeing here is that many societies are becoming predominantly more secular, as Islamic religion is displayed more openly than Christianity (ie christians don't wear headgear) so they are facing more restrictions to "conform to the norm" as it were.

However I'm sure you'll find that in the countries were Muslims are facing bans on headware, people wearing Siehk (spelling?) turbans and Jewish skull caps are coming up against the same restrictions.

I could go on further, but don't want to go too far off topic, so this will suffice for now.