ive heard loads of things regarding this subject and i just wanted to hear your opinions too,
my aunty who is an alima says your aloud to sing songs without the music,and i dont mean islamic nasheeds..i mean bollywood songs etc
is it allowed or not?
and why?
I aint no scholar or alima but i personally think its still not allowed coz of the songs meaning.
If u luk at nasheeds the words concentrate on loving Allah (swt) n the holy prophet
plus on the other side its dhikr (rememberance) at the same time.
Normally songs r bout luv, life n all sorts..if u r married most songs can b pointed towards ur husband but wat if ur nt married.... :roll:
its sumthin to think bout..insh'Allah i will refer this question 2 sum1 wid betta knowledge then me.
I just sayin wat i fink :roll:
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
I agree with Mujahida, bollywood lyrics have useless meanings however i personally think few songs do have lyrics (only few) which can make you think about Allah (swt) and the Holy Prophet (saw). However most songs like mujahida said are to do with this worldy love and lust which reminds you of this world so one should avoid it.
Now listening to naats/nasheeds etc is most defnitely the best way to lose your self in the thoughts of Allah (swt) and the Holy Prophet
and to gain their love.
thanx u2 i thought the same thing but my aunt who is an alima said its allowed, but her teachers said it isnt, i learnt it isnt when i went to boarding school so i was getting baffled
Actions speak louder than words!
adila apa said its allowed...i dont believe it kuri, u joking right? she was pretty strict, as far as i know singing without music is HARAM..
according to some people everything is HARAM :roll:
and according to some everything is HALAL.
I think generally singing songs like those bollywood ones are rong, but I think I heard from som1 that if it is saying nice things between husband and wife then it is permitted to increase the love between them.
Its like poetry, some of it can be heavy stuff but its permitted to say what we call ''love-talk'' with the wife, infact it is encouraged. We have been told by Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam to the effect that be gentle with the women before you fulfill your needs and not to be like the camel. I feel shy to say, but basically before relations and infact even after Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged tenderness between husband and wife.
In this light saying nice things to YOUR WIFE is rewardworthy. Lol. urdu is full of such couplets
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i cant say whether its right or wrong, nor will i
much depends what that music does to you
if it makes you wanna get wet n sing n dance in a field....clearly not allowed.
if you can listen to it and not effected, which believe me isnt easy, then it MAY be ok........
it depends what they talk about .........today its idolising whats haraam in this world
like angel and mujahidah, i prefer to avoid it as nasheeds and naats are much better and everytime i sing along its praising the beloved Rasul
and dhikr of Allah (swt)
that urdu poetry/couplets/ghazals/etc is some good stuff.......but pretty deep and u gotta have an understandin 4 it IMO
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
a little song can bring joy and lift the spirits, it can be harmless fun and innocently naughty, i think the Appa is on the right track
i little bit of material fun which is totally innocent can help some people concentrate and take up religious activities and bring enjoyment in them too
there are many people in this world that need cheering up and this is one way to do it, and once cheered up they can do all sorts of good
am i talking rubbish or what?
LOL, u know what lilsis sometimes ur sarcy remarks make me laugh..thanx i need cheering up, orite maybe im wrong,i've known it to be haram yea, maybe u should add what u know..
thats cool
urs and meds comments make me laugh too
and ur right its good to laugh
the only diff between me and u guys is that-99% of the time here I'm always being sarcy/annoying and jokey
but u guys actually serioulsy mean what u say :shock:
singing without music is haraam-thats a new one
i best tell my lil sister to stop singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round"
she needs to stop doing haraam stuff-i guess this is what we get from living in a haraam/kufr society :roll: :roll:
NAAA naj i was singing once and i then said astagfaar and she said hey dont worri saf, theres no music so singing is allowed!
she WAS strict naj,she's changed alot,even you know that!
Actions speak louder than words!
lil sis the wheels on the bus isnt really a song! its a nursery rhyme and all kids get taught it..and were discussing bollywood songs here not nursery rhymes..i cant remember the last time i sang wheels on the bus or baa baa black sheep!
Actions speak louder than words!
In Islam there is nothing wrong with listening to music and singing as long as lascivious motvies are absent.
If a musical number does not lead a believer to lechery then God has no problem with it.
well said Omrow but i just wasnt brave enough to say its alright with Allah
i see SO singing bollywood songs is orite its allowed, i've known it to be wrong,can anyone PROVE to me..show some evidence its allowed, coz if it is i'd be more than happy to sing along
It depends on the lyrics, if they remind u of wrong things then its not awrite, (which is what majority of the songs promote)
yeah, what angel said
depends on what the music does to you and what they talk about
but you need to prove something ISNT haraam before you can call it haraam, not the other way around
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
well bollywood songs aint haraam either :roll:
only fools are quick with the fatwa's
u get freshies singing lurve songs to their wives-
thats just gay-not haraam
good point
God only tell us what we CANT do
he dont tell us what we CAN do
so i await for the fatwa proving songs TOTALLY haraam at all times
Well, we can excuse the stupidity of naj.
He likes to place burden of proof on the accused.
its a SHE u dumbo
so omro-u a fan of bollywood songs? :twisted:
subhanallah. any1 else see the contradiction in the above?
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
hey! i dont think naj is being stupid!
she's just telling you guys what we were taught in jamia!
and this is the reason i started this thread,coz in jamia the rules + regulations + fatwa's were very strict, and a few of them i dont agree with!
Actions speak louder than words!
well u can see what has been discussed
SOME people classify it as being haraam-yet no evidence has been provided
rest say it depends on lyrics/situation
my opinion is that it is gay-not haraam
Well, Masti girl, its the people who say that a particular thing is UNLAWFUL, it is those people that need to get off their butt and show that the thing is indeed unlawful.
It is NEVER up to the people who do something to prove that their action are lawful.
This is not Russia. This is Britain. GREAT BRITAIN.
God !!
Women !!
whats it with you and women!!!!
Actions speak louder than words!
DONT generalise-
DONT place us all in one category
and for ur info-
it was a girl AND a boy who said that it was haraam
so end ur post differently
nope i dont see the contradiction
unlike some extremists i dont use the words "haraam" or "halaal" in my post
btw the concenscus is that EVERYTHING is halaal in islam until it is clearly proven as being haraam
but the backwards people-as usual do this backwards
they see everything as being haraam and want people to prove that its halaal :roll:
I think the above post sufficiently describes what I think.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar